Why is Cannabis still illegal?



Original Poster:

56 months

Wednesday 20th June 2018
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IMHO cannabis should be Class A. It’s a gateway drug, many who use it are totally fked up and useless individuals as earlier posters have said.
Alternatively legalise it a wreck society for our grandchildren.


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 21st June 2018
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Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah said:
So Daily Mash is forefront cutting edge journalism rofl


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 21st June 2018
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This type of thread always has the potheads coming out trying to justify their addiction so it’s pretty pointless. Burgers are legal and so is alcohol and both aren’t exactly health benefitting but the damage that will be done to future generations of school kids from freely smoking weed will be a big issue.
As I have said before you only have to go to a mental health hospital to see the end result of drug use.


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 21st June 2018
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e30m3Mark said:
I've worked in criminal justice (drug and alcohol team) for a good few years and that hasn't been my experience. Very few people who deal in weed (in one form or other) have anything to do with the sale of Heroin and Cocaine.

Many (and probably most) of my clients started their drug taking with weed as it was deemed the softest / most socially acceptable drug, ignoring alcohol. Drug use is progressive though and once the taboo of using any mood altering drug regularly is broken, many are certainly more open to the prospect of using stronger drugs. I'm not saying that anyone who smokes weed will automatically move on to Heroin, but I have certainly seen a good number where their path into addiction started with weed.
Bang on, but the Space Cadets will have it that legalising weed stops all escalation to harder drugs. Oooh yes.

If it’s not an issue with addiction to mood and mind altering cannabis I presume the users here could easily stop now? It would certainly help reduce the pressure on the nhs and mental health sectors.


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 21st June 2018
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Evolved said:
You also only have to go a hospital, or walk down the street to see the end result of alcohol use! Yet these future generations you mention, will be free to chug down as much as they wish.

And no, I’m not a pot head trying to justify my ‘addiction’.
Deflection to alcohol doesn’t cut it as an excuse for cannabis use. Burgers won’t work either!


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 21st June 2018
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200Plus Club said:
Brother in law has been a regular /fairly heavy weed smoker for 30yrs. He'll tell you its done him no harm..
I'd tell you different, looking at him and listening to him and seeing how he's slowed down/slurs/eyes and general demeanour.

He has to be fair never used it as a gateway to anything stronger, has always worked albeit on and off as a jobbing builder, and has raised a decent family .
I know several regular users - all in their 50’s - and jets just say I wouldn’t employ them. It’s the lack of focus and drive that seems to be the thing that shows most.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 22nd June 2018
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vetrof said:
That's a joke right? It will grow almost anywhere, I even grew a plant in my back garden in Ealing in the early 90s.
I used to live in Belize, it grew wild everywhere, in our garden and at the sides of the road... yeah man


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 23rd June 2018
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DELETED: Comment made by a member who's account has been deleted.

When you are growing illegally you want the biggest yield per plant, hence lights, hydroponics etc

There are strains that will grow and flower in the UK climate but even then minimal yield without assistance.

It's really not hard to grow though, it's called Weed for a reason


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 25th June 2018
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Jiebo said:
Blue Oval84 said:
Those problems sound prohibition related... Whilst I'm sure Coke causes damage even in a best case scenario, I'm relatively sure that harm would be reduced if it were legalised.

That's before we even get to the fact that if it were grown in a warehouse near Milton Keynes you'd not have the serious harm done in the parts of the world where it's currently grown.
How would 'clean' and legal coke reduce the impact on society? I couldn't care less about the user, they are irrelevant

What about their families, jobs, etc. The negative issues highlighted in studies of this wouldn't change with legalisation.
There are tens of thousands (if not more) of regular cocaine users at all rungs of society, from minimum wage shop works right upto to the company directors and beyond, who are completely functioning with jobs, families, mortgages, bills and so on. A pure coke habit is freaking expensive and if you think you'd be able to get your fix relying on random petty crime and dole money, you are going to become unstuck very quickly (and many do, opting for cheaper and even more destructive drugs).

People still seem to think that recreational drug use is confined to burn out junkies with nothing going on. In reality, the vast majority are normal, functioning members of society.


Original Poster:

56 months

Wednesday 27th June 2018
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Rude-boy said:
Gary C said:
Davos123 said:
Ok so cannabis should be legal for the vast, vast majority of us who just like a cheeky spliff at the end of a hard day of work?
But what about the mental harm long term low level use has been shown to produce ? Or is it only certain types that can cause physiological harm (think I read that somewhere) and actually, legalisation and selection of 'safer' varieties would actually reduce the overall total harm ?
I suspect that if it were legalised than the strains would be weaker. Unless you have a Shandy/Beer/8Ace/Wine/Shorts distinction and prices rise per gram with potency.

Interestingly i spent a few days with an old friend who has been smoking weed almost daily since their late teens. They don't seem to have any significant issues that have crept up on them over the years and have mentioned that it is so easy to get hold of that it might actually make things harder for him if it were legalised!
It's not just the overall strength

The main things are THC and CBD levels (current UK supplies are normally very high THC and low CBD) which gets you very stoned but isnt massively relaxing (CBD effect)

Also Indica vs Sativa, Indica gets you very heavy lazy stoned, Sativa is more the giggly 'high'

In places like Dam you can see the levels of THC and CBD and what type of strain you are getting


Original Poster:

56 months

Wednesday 27th June 2018
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Sa Calobra said:
Daily I see the effects of cannabis. Mental health issues, medication to counter act the cannabis etc. Like a big circle chading itself.

Alot of the population wouldn't have a problem occasionally using it. Alot would.

Where do you draw the line with smoking it and driving? TCH stores itself long-term in the bodies fat cells.

TCH being the psycho active element. Diet, fast, etc how does that effect the fat store and TCH within?

Do the same with cannabis and bang. We have a mental health crisis.
Firstly its THC

Secondly how do you know that Cannabis has caused the issues you see and not that the person was predisposed to MH issues and actually would have had issues with Alchohol or other drugs if Cannabis didnt exist

We already have a MH crisis


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 28th June 2018
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AJL308 said:
Bullst. Tens of thousands of people die annually because of the cocaine trade. The trade funds terrorism and corruption the world over.

Weekend users of cocaine are directly responsible for the deaths of innocent people through crime and terrorism.
Directly responsible? Hardly. Do those people perpetrating the violence bear no responsibility? How about those who support and enforce prohibition; they do so in the full knowledge that prohibition doesn't work and leads directly to the violence of criminals in competition.


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 28th June 2018
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TwistingMyMelon said:
Lung cancer, lung cancer....Did I mention lung cancer?

Yes smoking is allowed, but that's a legacy situation that is slowly being banned
Cannabis causes Lung Cancer?

Smoking is being banned?


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 28th June 2018
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Einion Yrth said:
anonymous said:
Not if you stick it in a chocolate brownie.
Or vape it


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 28th June 2018
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Scootersp said:
So if you (or your 'friend') take it why do you think you do it?
If you've managed so far I certainly wouldn't encourage you to take it up, if you were going to then edibles would be the way to go

For me, I suffer from Anxiousness and also Insomnia (the 2 are linked) a smoke of an evening relaxes me so i can stop worrying about tiny little things and sleep soundly, its also quite funny

I'll have 1 maybe 2 a night, its akin to people having a glass of wine or whisky of an evening, it also allows me to "detach" from work (otherwise I'll spend all night working and checking emails)


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 28th June 2018
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anonymous said:
Ever thought that your anxiousness and cannabis use are linked?

Thought not


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 28th June 2018
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V6 Pushfit said:
Ever thought that your anxiousness and cannabis use are linked?

Thought not

Mind blown!! That had NEVER occurred to me in 40 years!!

My anxiousness is actually linked to an extremely unstable and violent childhood, but hey thanks for your analysis

Of course if I had been born later in life I could have been diagnosed and prescribed one of the wonderful variety of "OK" drugs that they prescribe kids these days for ADHD etc

Have you ever considered that my success both in Career and Personal life despite the sttest of sttest starts and cannabis are linked?

Thought not


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 28th June 2018
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anonymous said:
Good to know you’re doing well in spite of using the anxiety inducing cannabis as it’s cocked up several friends who now wish they could have their time again without it.


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 28th June 2018
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V6 Pushfit said:
Good to know you’re doing well in spite of using the anxiety inducing cannabis as it’s cocked up several friends who now wish they could have their time again without it.
You missed the bit where I said the cannabis helps me deal with my anxiety yes?

I am sorry for your friends and without (hopefully) insulting them, have you considered that these friends would be a mess anyway and the cannabis/booze/cocaine is just an easy excuse for not actually dealing with their st?


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 28th June 2018
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Davos123 said:

Glad you've found a way to manage. I spent ages on different anti-Ds and anti-anxiety meds before I found I could manage my mental health far more effectively with a combination of cannabis and psilocybin.

I was actually quite a late started to weed, went through the gamut of all the other drugs (including booze in my youth) a combo of counselling (helping me understand why I was angry at the entire world) and smoking have allowed me a normal life (as normal as my life will ever be)

Found out my stepdad has been arrested and charged with some serious sexual offences last month (nothing against me I hasten to add), awaiting sentencing, would have previously caused a spiral. Instead went to my best mates for the afternoon, had a smoke and talked it through calmly and rationally