Jo Swinson



Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 15th September 2019
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Lindun said:
Or you could argue 2017 was when they started to make a comeback after getting battered in 2015.

You can twist this anyway you want to suit your viewpoint, as can I.
They got hammered.


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 15th September 2019
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Scrubs said:
She has a couple of policies I could 100% get behind.

That's her facial expression when the GE results are announced in the coming months.


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 15th September 2019
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Jo Swinson “I got into parliament as a 25 year old woman, people only underestimate me once” POW! Take that gammons.


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 15th September 2019
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El stovey said:
Jo Swinson “I got into parliament as a 25 year old woman, people only underestimate me once” POW! Take that gammons.
She knew exatly how to fiddle the system very quickly when she did arrive in Parliament aged 25.

Miss Swinson, a Liberal Democrat who was 25 when she was elected MP for Dunbartonshire East in 2005, denied claiming for cosmetics but defended the use of taxpayer-funded expenses to pay for dozens of other everyday items.

At one point, she submitted a Tesco receipt for £22.67 that appeared to show that the MP or an aide went to the trouble of putting an asterisk next to three items, totalling £5.75, for which she intended to claim — a £1.75 chopping board, a “food saver” for £1.50 and a £2.50 sieve.

An Asda receipt included a bottle of Mr Sheen cleaner costing 78p and a £1.19 window cleaner. She also claimed for a hair dryer and £16 lavatory roll holder, along with a £14.10 invoice to have a spare key cut for her cleaner.

Miss Swinson’s records show that she submitted receipts for items ranging in price from a packet of dusters for 29p to a television costing £544.90.

Known in Westminster for the attention she pays to her appearance, Miss Swinson’s receipts contain a number of items relating to her personal care. They included a “tooth flosser” costing £19.10, which the Commons fees office rejected, along with a set of “toothbrush refills”.

A few months previously, however, and in an apparent breach of the rules that prevented claims for personal items, she was reimbursed for an electric toothbrush and hairdryer.

Also among her receipts was a £27.94 bill from Boots, which included a £5 eyeliner, a lip liner for the same price, and a £12.00 “R&M Eye Kit”.


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 15th September 2019
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irocfan said:
Well I already speak German. wink
Might come in useful if the LibDums get their way.


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 15th September 2019
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Vanden Saab said:
ash73 said:
People must be worried, a couple of years ago the Lib Dems were irrelevant now they're getting a lot of attention.

Jo should have adopted a revoke policy a long time ago; but better late than never.

Come on Rory join the party! You know you want to.
Rory 'got a lot of attention' during the tory leadership election. Remind me how that went?
The old age Conservative party faithful (declining in numbers) reverted to type and missed the opportunity to modernise the party and make it relevant. Instead they became the brexit party for short term gains but long term self destruction.

The damage of selecting Boris and the lurch to the right under his and Cummings control might not be seen for a while but the conservatives will get the blame for brexit and the new hope for the party, the generation of conservatives like Rory and Sam Gyimah that appeal to floating voters and win elections are leaving the party.


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 15th September 2019
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It won’t be a st storm.

It solves the brexit problem immediately. The vast majority of people will largely be relieved it’s over and business and the city will collectively say “thank god” and move on and continue to prosper. The conservatives and Labour will be happy as they have a get out of jail card and can blame the libdems for not leaving.

Nobody but the brexit party and their supporters will ever campaign to leave the E.U. again and they’ve got no MPs anyway.


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 15th September 2019
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Lindun said:
dandarez said:
laugh Have you not seen the 'latest' polling?

And it's not from the Wail, it's the Opinium/Observer Poll from that liberal luvvie labour luvvie lot at the Guardian or the Sunday edition called the Observer.
The poll was taken 'after' Boris shut down Parliament AND after the Scot judges ruling his actions 'unlawful'.
It shows not a slip in the Tories lead, not even consolidating it, but increasing it! UP 2 pts on last week. Labour unchanged. The Lib-Dums (with all the rubbish from Swinson and her cohorts) DOWN 1 on the weekend of their conference, when normally a rise can be expected. It also showed that a fifth of Lab 'leave' voters are now making it their intention to vote Tory!
Polls we know are notorious, but I suspect these are spot on.

Oh dear, oh dear. Lib-Dum is so appropriate!
And they’ve been wrong ever rolleyes

As for your LibDum comment, that continues to make my point of bravado and putting on a tough guy face.
Plus he’s wrong about when the poll was taken, it was just after the parliament shut down on Tuesday, a lot has happened since then and the yougov poll which is more recent shows support for the conservatives dropping and libdem and brexit party support rising.


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 15th September 2019
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El stovey said:
It won’t be a st storm.

It solves the brexit problem immediately. The vast majority of people will largely be relieved it’s over and business and the city will collectively say “thank god” and move on and continue to prosper. The conservatives and Labour will be happy as they have a get out of jail card and can blame the libdems for not leaving.

Nobody but the brexit party and their supporters will ever campaign to leave the E.U. again and they’ve got no MPs anyway.
Parliament would be unrecognisable after the following election, as would most councils.


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 15th September 2019
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valiant said:
Question now is what with their recent announcement in revoking A50 is how rigidly they’ll stick to their guns when forming an alliance with Labour for example.
Libdems can only really form an alliance with labour, I expect.

Labour say it’s another referendum with May/Boris’s deal or remain. I can’t see them agreeing to revoke article 50 altogether.

I think the libdems would probably compromise on their revoke article 50 pledge and agree to another referendum. Especially if the alternative is a pro brexit government.


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 15th September 2019
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55palfers said:
In the unlikely event of Lib-Dems getting a majority and they do revoke Article 50, does this mean Gina Miller will be back in the courts pursuing her "fight for democracy"?
No need. Democracy will be dead.

If it already isn’t, of course.


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 15th September 2019
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Watched her on Marr earlier this morning whilst at the gym on the treadmill. My thoughts? With the sound muted she is actually quite fit vomit tolerable. jester


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 15th September 2019
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MC Bodge said:
Not-The-Messiah said:
First off it's not going to happen.

Second you think that basically spitting in the face of everyone who voted leave is centrist politics, And voting for a party that will do this will fix the brexit problem? What have you been smoking?

Ive asked this a few times now and no one who keep saying if the lib Dems win it will be democracy at work. If the conservatives win for a second time with a leave the EU manifesto it will finally once and for all be a mandate from the people that we should leave the EU? Yes or No.
He certainly seems to be getting more reactionary. hehe


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 15th September 2019
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Stigproducts said:
You support domestic violence? Do you agree it's ok to slap your partner?
Will it be in the manifesto do you think ?


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 15th September 2019
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Stigproducts said:
Brooking10 said:
Stigproducts said:
You support domestic violence? Do you agree it's ok to slap your partner?
Will it be in the manifesto do you think ?
Lib dems seem to think its fine. They sent their partner hitter in chief onto question time and didn't seem to have a problem with her running to be leader. It's OK to give your partner a good slapping, as long as you are a remainer, and a woman.
rofl wtf


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 16th September 2019
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Randy Winkman said:
tangerine_sedge said:
Hmmm, Libdems getting some hate on here. They must be doing something right smile
Exactly. There's some real barrel scraping going on.
It’s got it all.

Run by a young woman. Centrist policies. Gaining popularity. Overturning brexit. MPs from other parties joining. (Except the brexit party who have no MPs)

It’s everything the more reactionary posters hate.


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 16th September 2019
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All I can say is that if anyone watched her get torn apart this morning by, of all people, Piers Morgan, and could then still countenance voting for her and her party, they really need to seek help.

It was risible. A deer caught in the headlights doesn’t come close.


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 16th September 2019
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El stovey said:
It’s got it all.

Run by a young woman. Centrist policies. Gaining popularity. Overturning brexit. MPs from other parties joining. (Except the brexit party who have no MPs)

It’s everything the more reactionary posters hate.

Will they get in ?

Highly unlikely.

Is it a smart move to take a definitive position as they have ?

Probably yes

Could this scupper a Boris majority ?

Potentially yes

Is it wryly amusing watching a certain type of PHer get worked up by the situation ?

Most definitely


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 16th September 2019
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Johnnytheboy said:
though in reality I just can't keep my anger level up: any tips?

It seems not watching the proms is a great way to get really angry about the proms.

Have you tried that ?

It’s probably still available on iPlayer for you not to watch.


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 16th September 2019
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gooner1 said:
Murph7355 said:
don'tbesilly said:
REALIST123 said:
All I can say is that if anyone watched her get torn apart this morning by, of all people, Piers Morgan, and could then still countenance voting for her and her party, they really need to seek help.

It was risible. A deer caught in the headlights doesn’t come close.
Swinson didn't fare much better just now when questioned by Dan Walker from the Beeb.
It's not just Joe Public who don't seem to be warming to Swinson, the media are not her biggest fans.

One of her MP's in the West Country is getting some flak today as well which isn't doing them any favours.
I saw the BBC interview too. Woeful.

So they're campaigning to rescind but have been saying all along that they want a "people's vote"...but will ignore the result if it says we still want to get out.

She'll get some of the remain vote. But anyone voting for her thinking there will be any less of a shambles happening in Parliament with her sort of logic is as nuts as she is.

amusingduck said:
El stovey said:
It won’t be a st storm.

It solves the brexit problem immediately. The vast majority of people will largely be relieved it’s over and business and the city will collectively say “thank god” and move on and continue to prosper. The conservatives and Labour will be happy as they have a get out of jail card and can blame the libdems for not leaving.

Nobody but the brexit party and their supporters will ever campaign to leave the E.U. again and they’ve got no MPs anyway.
I find that an odd opinion from someone who voted to Leave because of superstate concerns.. How does it solve that, even slightly?

How does it solves anyone's concerns about our EU membership? The split caused the referendum, the referendum didn't cause the split...
El Stovey evidently fits perfectly into the "Will vote for Jo" template. Nuts.
El Stovey is about as much a Brexit voter as Bercow.
I voted for brexit because I didn’t want any more political integration, I was happy with everything else, so I voted for what I thought was the least worse option.

Since then I’ve seen that I was wrong about certain aspects of the E.U. and their processes are actually more democratic than I thought. I’ve seen the shambles and total lack of plan from the conservatives, their leave promises of getting a good deal we’re just a pack of lies. Their handling of brexit has been a disaster and the party has taken a lurch to the right getting rid of the centrists. So I’ve realised that although the E.U. isn’t perfect, the least worse option is actually to remain.

So no, after seeing all this, I certainly wouldn’t vote leave in another referendum. In the original referendum I was naive enough to believe the conservatives could negotiate a good deal, any benefits I saw have been shown to be clearly outweighed by the negatives and the party I would normally vote for are unrecognisable to the one from the last two general elections.

That’s why I’d probably vote libdem tomorrow if the election was then and why I would vote to remain if we have another referendum and it’s an option.

When the time comes though, as usual I’ll look at all the options and make a decision.