Lad killed by US wrong side driver, who's done a bunk...

Lad killed by US wrong side driver, who's done a bunk...


poo at Paul's

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177 months

Friday 27th November 2020
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The Mad Monk said:
superlightr said:
and for the family Justice has failed them so vengeance is the only thing left.
Do you think they are being sensible pursuing the course they are?
I don't know if sense is relevant. Can you honestly say you'd have let it go by now.
Remember, this is only 2 or 3 miles from where they live, where they have lived their whole lives. His dad may have to drive past this everyday on his was to work and its only 15 months ago.

I am not saying i would have done things the same way, but would i be willing to walk away having had my son killed and it swept under the carpet, nope! I'd probably fight it til my dying day, i think.

I suspect if it were not for Covid, they'd be over there in USA pursuing her. TBH, once Trump got involved, I am surprised some of the left wing press is not hounding this woman everywhere she goes! I reckon without Covid, they would be, but that's been one of the big distractions in the USA, of course.

poo at Paul's

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177 months

Friday 29th January 2021
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wc98 said:
to be fair i think that might be a bit harsh on sacoolas. i think a large part of what drove her to flee might well be to do with the emotions that are driving that poor lads mother. she has young kids and the thought of doing jail time and being separated from those kids would be a powerful motivator. it doesn't excuse her for not facing the music (though i highly doubt jail would have been the outcome of any trial) but i can understand why she did leave.
Her actions after the incident suggest to me she is a proper cold hearted selfish bh. She never attended the lad, who lay in the ditch for 20 minutes alone and dying until his own father turned up. This is 300 yards from a military base with medical facilities. It was not even her that called the police and ambulance it was someone else. And yet she was making calls to someone for the whole duration.
That’s why she did the bunk.

One day, she will get hers.

poo at Paul's

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177 months

Tuesday 9th March 2021
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She’s a piece of work, isn’t she!?

And by “work” I mean st.

poo at Paul's

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177 months

Monday 15th March 2021
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Per BBC he "turned away for a split second" .....and yet in Court, did he not admit it could have been 1, 2 or 3 seconds?

Seems ridiculously light sentence for someone who carries on driving whilst looking backwards worrying about a fking kids teddy bear, instead of simply pulling over and retrieving it safely? Seriously, what does constitute "Dangerous Driving" unless is it driving whilst not looking where you are going?


poo at Paul's

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177 months

Tuesday 21st September 2021
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Resolution reached in the Civil Case, ie they’ve paid up.

Utter scum this woman doing what she did, no doubt pay up and think that’s the end of it.

poo at Paul's

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177 months

Wednesday 28th September 2022
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All this talk of them being ‘spies’ is amusing. At the time of the incident, before the st hit the fan in the media, you could search their names and find tons of stuff on google, including his radio operators licence details, address, even the card details he paid for his licence with.
She came up with details of her Uk address, her college details in the US, details of where their kids went to school in Uk and where they had gone to school in the US, details of a similar driving offence in the US etc etc.

007 they ain’t!

poo at Paul's

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14,225 posts

177 months

Friday 30th September 2022
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jsf said:
Dr Jekyll said:
She was a civilian though. She could hardly turn up at Mildenhall and say she fancied a trip home.
She is a government agent, not the local hairdresser. Many government agents travel on military flights between USA and UK as a routine, you dont even need to be an active member, retirees and spouses can travel free using the Space-A system. You literally can turn up at Mildenhall and jump on a military flight home, for free, using that system.
Her husband worked there, not her.

poo at Paul's

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177 months

Thursday 20th October 2022
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techguyone said:
They both did, she was the more senior though.
They claimed she did, but she actually didnt, just him. From my OP, the victim was the distant cousin of a schoolfriend of mine. The family lived off base in a rented house in the next village. One kid went to the on-camp school, the other to a local private school. They were driving back from the base, where they had used the facilities.

poo at Paul's

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177 months

Friday 9th December 2022
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I see Sky News doorstepping the piece of st, she's all masked up like its 2020! doesnt seem to like it, i hope she gets a lot more of it, tbh. Snivelling specimen

poo at Paul's

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177 months

Friday 9th December 2022
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Rushjob said:
What he said

Driven/ridden in the UK for 36 years, then moved to France.

After living here for 7 years, last year I pulled out of a junction and for whatever reason I defaulted the driving on the left for about 5 seconds or so before realising what I'd done.

By all means call for heavy sentencing, but at the same time be prepared for you, your significant other or your kids to be prosecuted to the same level you've called for if they are unfortunate enough to make a momentary mistake whilst in their hire car on holiday and end up getting arrested.

You can't have it both ways.
If she'd have not been on her phone, and not ignored the two very clear move left arrows on the road before the brow of the hill, ie pay the slightest bit of attention to her driving, it's be a "silly mistake". But she was too important to have a modicum of sense and did indeed ignore them very obvious warning arrows. Who she thought they related to, i have no idea.
You'd think having had previous for careless driving in USA before this, she'd have learned a lesson, but nope!

poo at Paul's

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177 months

Friday 9th December 2022
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poo at Paul's

Original Poster:

14,225 posts

177 months

Wednesday 21st December 2022
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here's another US military person up before the beak for killing a motorcyclist.
So, bail is granted, what's the betting she goes home to US for Xmas and doesn't come back....?

poo at Paul's

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14,225 posts

177 months

Wednesday 21st December 2022
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Teppic said:
She's had to surrender her passport, so shouldn't be going anywhere.
She works on an airforce base...! !!

Let's see if she ever makes it to Court, i am saying no, there will be compassionate reason they need to repatriate her never to return.

poo at Paul's

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14,225 posts

177 months

Skeptisk said:
What is the point of the inquest? Aren’t the facts crystal clear? She forgot she was in the U.K., drove on the wrong side and hit the motorcyclist. Is that in doubt?

Are they obligated to have an inquest?

The US is basically an international bully. Although when the UK was global top dog we were no better.
She also drove on the wrong side of the road and passed two ‘move left’ painted road markings which are there to inform overtaking traffic that can use the right lane, to move back to the left before the blind hill which is of course double white centre lines.
So not only too distracted to pull on to the wrong side of the main road from the correct side of the joining road initially, also too busy to see the massive arrows painted on the road to telll her which lane she should have been in.

Scum of the highest order.