The Common Sense Party Manifesto.

The Common Sense Party Manifesto.



Original Poster:

8,096 posts

252 months

Thursday 2nd August 2012
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I fully expected to have a few internet rotten tomatoes thrown at me, that's fine.

I'm delighted that at least one other person took the time to list how they would see the notion of a common sense manifesto.

So much moaning about everything that's wrong and so little effort in defining what we'd like to do to improve it....

bobbylondonuk said:
As someone who always supported the commonsense party, the manifesto should be simple.

1. never live beyond your means
result: financial security

2. All success should be applauded and pursuit of success supported
result: upward movement of standard of living

3. Welfare system should be for safety not comfort
result: temporary safety and drive to survive and move out of welfare

4. flat tax rates of 30% with 10% of total tax take for long term appreciating/dividend paying investment both domestic and international.
result: equality in tax law and long term financial security of the nation

5. Central Govt. services should be restricted to basics of health care, defense, law and order, judiciary, prison/rehabilitation, education to A-levels, national infrastructure.
result: politicians cannot buy votes, fundamentals of a country is secure and well run

6. Charitable donations to be free of tax.
result: education, sports, health, rehabilitation, foreign aid etc are furthered by the general attitude and philanthropy of the people

7. Assets held for more than 20 years to be free of inheritance tax
result: hard work of the previous generation passed on to the next and a culture of financial responsibility develops among the people

8. Freedom of religion, sex and culture, no preference or discrimination in public.
result: absolute equality, no PC ness

9. School curriculum to include national history, finance, politics.
result: no more brainwashing kids and they are encouraged to develop with sound basics of life

10. A levels to include national service.
result: national pride, civic duty develops among the future generation

11. Prescribed mandatory penal sentences for general crimes, hard labour to be part of sentence.
result: everyone knows the more ambiguity

Im sure more can be added, but the idea is to get the basics right and the rest will sort itself out.


13,812 posts

193 months

Thursday 2nd August 2012
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Huntsman said:
I fully expected to have a few internet rotten tomatoes thrown at me, that's fine.

I'm delighted that at least one other person took the time to list how they would see the notion of a common sense manifesto.

So much moaning about everything that's wrong and so little effort in defining what we'd like to do to improve it....
Common sense doesn't need a manifesto. nono


5,247 posts

261 months

Thursday 2nd August 2012
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Huntsman said:
I fully expected to have a few internet rotten tomatoes thrown at me, that's fine.

I'm delighted that at least one other person took the time to list how they would see the notion of a common sense manifesto.

So much moaning about everything that's wrong and so little effort in defining what we'd like to do to improve it....

bobbylondonuk said:
As someone who always supported the commonsense party, the manifesto should be simple.

1. never live beyond your means
result: financial security

2. All success should be applauded and pursuit of success supported
result: upward movement of standard of living

3. Welfare system should be for safety not comfort
result: temporary safety and drive to survive and move out of welfare

4. flat tax rates of 30% with 10% of total tax take for long term appreciating/dividend paying investment both domestic and international.
result: equality in tax law and long term financial security of the nation

5. Central Govt. services should be restricted to basics of health care, defense, law and order, judiciary, prison/rehabilitation, education to A-levels, national infrastructure.
result: politicians cannot buy votes, fundamentals of a country is secure and well run

6. Charitable donations to be free of tax.
result: education, sports, health, rehabilitation, foreign aid etc are furthered by the general attitude and philanthropy of the people

7. Assets held for more than 20 years to be free of inheritance tax
result: hard work of the previous generation passed on to the next and a culture of financial responsibility develops among the people

8. Freedom of religion, sex and culture, no preference or discrimination in public.
result: absolute equality, no PC ness

9. School curriculum to include national history, finance, politics.
result: no more brainwashing kids and they are encouraged to develop with sound basics of life

10. A levels to include national service.
result: national pride, civic duty develops among the future generation

11. Prescribed mandatory penal sentences for general crimes, hard labour to be part of sentence.
result: everyone knows the more ambiguity

Im sure more can be added, but the idea is to get the basics right and the rest will sort itself out.
To be honest, I didn't comment on your suggestions (or Bobby London's), other than to suggest that you were confusing common sense with idiocy, because they were clearly drawn up without the necessary thought being given to the consequences, both the blatantly obvious and the unintended. But as I've got a spare half an hour, lets have a look at some smile

Others have already picked up on your, rather surprising, first ones regarding spitting, you leave an open contradiction in how to deal with the matter. You didn't think that one through at all, did you? In any case, not exactly top of most people's agenda, that smile

Lets move on. I'll pick out some of the biggest howlers, but I could take issue with each an every one.

Huntsman said:
School leavers aged 16 will be required to work, go to college or do national service with the armed forces for 2 years.
College leavers aged 18 will be required to work, go to university or do national 3 years.
Perhaps you are too young to know that one of the major reasons National Service was dispensed with was that the armed forces didn't want the buggers. They were a pain in the arse. Only there for a short period and most of them not the slightest bit interested in being there. They took up time and equipment for no clear advantage to a country that wasn't at war, and cost the country a bleedin' fortune whist they were wasting the armed forces' time.

Another point worth bearing in mind is that the few that might be interested end up with a far better training in how to use guns properly on other people than those who haven't been in the services. Not sure that you'd like to meet many of 'em down a dark alley late at night wink

Huntsman said:
Ban all foul language in all types of media.
Something of a moveable feast. The Victorian's idea of "foul language" was not one that we hold dear today. Words that we could freely use 20 or 30 years ago have now become beyond the pale. There is also a variation between cultures as to what is considered foul language.

I will type two words - "bh" and "wker" - they would both have been censored by Haymarket software - the former because the Yanks think it's a "sweary word" whilst the Brits think its what you call a female dog, and the latter because the Brits think it's a "sweary word" but the Yanks don't know what it means wink

In summary, such a rule would be a "PC meddlers paradise"

Huntsman said:
More tax on tobacco
More tax on booze.
No matter what your personal views on these matters are, the facts are that there is a very healthy cross-channel trade in these items because the prices here are distorted by high taxation. Further increases in taxation further increase this trade, one of the most important results being that tobacconists and off licences are a thing of the past in the UK. We've exported those jobs to France and Belgium already, and you apparently want to further export what few jobs we have left in this sector.

As things stand at present (and you would like to make worse) the UK economy is losing Excise duty to the French and Belgian Ministries of Finance, and the government (ie we as taxpayers) are also paying out a bleedin' fortune employing additional Customs & Excise people trying to stop the smuggling that is going on. Your idea would result in even less revenue and even more Customs Officers but, hey ho, its still a good idea, innit: rolleyes

Huntsman said:
Tax incentives for firms putting British made goods into high street stores.
Raise import duty on goods that are also manufactured in the UK.

Huge public investment in nuclear power generation and sale of power abroad.
Who do you propose we sell the stuff to? Those countries that we have put import duties on for their goods because they are also manufactured in the UK? Don't they have their own power generation industries? So why would they want to buy power from us, that they can generate themselves, and of course when we have just slapped import duties on their products? Bit of a no-brainer, wouldn't you say?

Hunstman said:
Stop building poor quality high density housing.
Start building quality family homes with big gardens for kids to play in.
Try Googling "Planning regulations" and "building regulations" before you post such drivel wink

Huntsman said:
Exit EU.

We'd probably be chucked out anyway if we adopted your Utopia smile

Huntsman said:
Any person caught rioting will be hand cuffed to railings, stripped, fire hosed, left for 24 hours.
Sex offenders will be castrated.
Murderers will be hung.
You are Robert Mugabe and I claim my five pounds biggrin

Or perhaps you've been watching too much of "Stewie" on Family Guy? Let me let you into a secret - he's not real .... wink


9,028 posts

154 months

Friday 3rd August 2012
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Good point OP, while we all lounge around drinking, eating, fornicating and watching Rome burn, you're out there doing something about it..........on a motoring forum, well done you.


14,694 posts

272 months

Friday 3rd August 2012
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Blue62 said:
Good point OP, while we all lounge around drinking, eating, fornicating and watching Rome burn, you're out there doing something about it..........on a motoring forum, well done you.
Whereas all you have done is invoke Godwin. Well done to you too!


9,028 posts

154 months

Friday 3rd August 2012
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andymadmak said:
Whereas all you have done is invoke Godwin. Well done to you too!
Not sure you have the first idea about what I do, if you're trying to suggest that I'm killing the debate I would have to ask the question 'what debate?' Somebody tries to push a rather bizarre and to me, offensive, agenda on a forum, their further justification is that they are at least doing something, as though the rest of us are just loafing around. Godwins Law, get real FFS.


14,694 posts

272 months

Friday 3rd August 2012
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Blue62 said:
andymadmak said:
Whereas all you have done is invoke Godwin. Well done to you too!
Not sure you have the first idea about what I do, if you're trying to suggest that I'm killing the debate I would have to ask the question 'what debate?' Somebody tries to push a rather bizarre and to me, offensive, agenda on a forum, their further justification is that they are at least doing something, as though the rest of us are just loafing around. Godwins Law, get real FFS.
Now just watch you don't get a nose bleed up there on that high horse! Your very first post essentially branded the OP a fascist. If that isn't a salute to Godwin I don't know what is!
The OP has brain dumped a few ideas for a new party manifesto. We may not like all (any?) of the ideas, but he has done
something , however small that might be. You seem upset by the OPs implied assumption that you are just loafing around. So OK Mr Radicalman, what are you doing and what's your manifesto! ? Clue me in and I might vote for ya! hehe


9,402 posts

172 months

Friday 3rd August 2012
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Huntsman said:
And finally, as this is PH, 50% reduction in tax on petrol.
Poor attempt at a save.


9,028 posts

154 months

Friday 3rd August 2012
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andymadmak said:
Now just watch you don't get a nose bleed up there on that high horse! Your very first post essentially branded the OP a fascist. If that isn't a salute to Godwin I don't know what is!
The OP has brain dumped a few ideas for a new party manifesto. We may not like all (any?) of the ideas, but he has done
something , however small that might be. You seem upset by the OPs implied assumption that you are just loafing around. So OK Mr Radicalman, what are you doing and what's your manifesto! ? Clue me in and I might vote for ya! hehe
My first post was tongue in cheek, if you read it again you'll note that I didn't suggest the OP was a fascist, merely that he had confused fascism with common sense, but as i say, it wasn't a serious remark given the overall context of what is a rather bizarre thread. Unfortunately you didn't get that bit and seem determined to prove a point that didn't exist in the first place, high horse indeed (you can borrow my hankie). I find it difficult to take this too seriously, especially on an internet forum, but I'm not offended by anything the OP has said other than the content of his 'manifesto'. The inference about loafing around amused me, if only on the basis of the OP's efforts so far at direct action. Whatever a 'Radicalman' is, it is certainly not me; I don't even have an agenda let alone a manifesto, sorry to disappoint.

Ozzie Osmond

21,189 posts

248 months

Friday 3rd August 2012
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Blue62 said:
I think you've confused common sense with fascism.
Perfect response.


24,113 posts

231 months

Friday 3rd August 2012
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"More tax on tabacco
More tax on booze."

No LESS on both. Why? I think this is why there IS more smuggling than years ago. Why risk losing all that tax year after year? It will never be stamped out so may as well make the most of it.

(and no I dont smoke or drink).

"Cap immigration at 10k people per year."

Immigration is out of control I grant you but I would rather have 50k GOOD working skilled people than 10k spongers.