Will you continue to wear a mask in public after July 19th?

Will you continue to wear a mask in public after July 19th?

Poll: Will you continue to wear a mask in public after July 19th?

Total Members Polled: 1333

Yes I'll mostly or completely continue to: 37%
No I mostly or completely won't: 63%

Gary C

12,622 posts

181 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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Blakewater said:
Gary C said:
Blakewater said:
The issue is wearing masks in busy places such as shops, which is still perfectly reasonable
Why is it 'perfectly reasonable' ?

on what grounds.

Comforting for the wearer or clinical effect on the population ?
A 15 year old with no underlying conditions died of Covid last week. Obviously that's not the norm, but you can't assume you or your loved ones wouldn't be seriously ill if they did become infected.


There are still 30k - 40k cases a day.

I know a couple in their 30s who denied the need for restrictions, said life is full of risks and we need to get on as normal both caught Covid recently and both were seriously ill. She needed a caesarean to ease the pressure on her lungs and nearly lost her baby. She's now stuck living with her parents and is on oxygen support.

A small act to help avoid this kind of thing happening to people and reduce the spread of the virus seems perfectly reasonable.
but that 'small act' will not avoid this kind of thing happening will it ?

It is a simplistic fallacy to cite individual cases a reason to wear masks. We will all become 'infected' at some point, masks or not. Its endemic, its not going away in anything less than a glacial timeframe.

The argument for wearing of masks to reduce rates of infect (rates of infection, not stopping infection) is if the number of cases mean that clinical services are negatively affected, unless of course you are advocating permanent wearing of masks.

Gary C

12,622 posts

181 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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CarCrazyDad said:
Fear porn lover!
That's not really helpful though, is it.


4,311 posts

159 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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CarCrazyDad said:
Blakewater said:
Gary C said:
Blakewater said:
The issue is wearing masks in busy places such as shops, which is still perfectly reasonable
Why is it 'perfectly reasonable' ?

on what grounds.

Comforting for the wearer or clinical effect on the population ?
A 15 year old with no underlying conditions died of Covid last week. Obviously that's not the norm, but you can't assume you or your loved ones wouldn't be seriously ill if they did become infected.


There are still 30k - 40k cases a day.

I know a couple in their 30s who denied the need for restrictions, said life is full of risks and we need to get on as normal both caught Covid recently and both were seriously ill. She needed a caesarean to ease the pressure on her lungs and nearly lost her baby. She's now stuck living with her parents and is on oxygen support.

A small act to help avoid this kind of thing happening to people and reduce the spread of the virus seems perfectly reasonable.
Fear porn lover!

The data is incredibly clear on risk profiles v age.
Yet it's the "Mask lovers" who are the ones being aggressive.

The only people falling for something are those who keep insisting Covid and mask wearing are a conspiracy against them. I don't know what the point of such a conspiracy would be and no one can explain it, but to believe that is to align yourself with David Icke and Piers Corbyn because that's what they keep telling us it is. So, do you believe medically qualified experts or loons?

Whilst the case of the 15 year old is unusual, it's not unusual for even fully vaccinated people to catch Covid and be seriously ill. It's estimated that a pandemic lasts four to five years and over that time it either fizzles out or becomes something that doesn't affect people as severely.

Other countries have brought Covid under control with no, or very few, cases each day. Whilst there are various different reasons, one factor is that people have been willing to make small personal concessions for the good of society and with an eye to future benefit rather than convenience in the moment. Here the Government has been pressured by deniers and conspiracy theorists into dropping restrictions and other countries have been alarmed by that, calling us Plague Island.

One thing we have to think about if we're to accept relatively high case rates is tourism, whether people want to come here from abroad and allow us to go to their countries.


18,812 posts

170 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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Gary C said:
That's not really helpful though, is it.
No it isn't but given how the earlier poster had tried to use a very clear outlier as a 'reason' to justify more (pretty much entirely useless) masking, not entirely unjustified either.


61,326 posts

219 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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Desiderata said:
bad company said:
As long as we have the choice fair enough. If we’re told to wear masks that’s an issue for me.
Me too. I live just North of the Scotland/England border and I'm really pissed off when I'm forced to wear a mask at work or in a Scottish supermarket. I've been doing most of my shopping in England rather than Scotland lately, not because I hate wearing a mask, but because I hate being told to wear one. It's a subtle difference, but a big one for me.
Just back from 10 days in Scotland, wearing a mask when indoors is such a non issue, you really don't wear it for long when supermarket shopping or going into anywhere else. Restaurants etc wore it until sat at the table. 100% compliance everywhere, including with the tourists in Edinburgh. Saw a couple of people reminded who then masked...

Felt a little weird stopping in Carlise where no one was, but different rules in England.


639 posts

210 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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Blakewater said:
CarCrazyDad said:
Blakewater said:
Gary C said:
Blakewater said:
The issue is wearing masks in busy places such as shops, which is still perfectly reasonable
Why is it 'perfectly reasonable' ?

on what grounds.

Comforting for the wearer or clinical effect on the population ?
A 15 year old with no underlying conditions died of Covid last week. Obviously that's not the norm, but you can't assume you or your loved ones wouldn't be seriously ill if they did become infected.


There are still 30k - 40k cases a day.

I know a couple in their 30s who denied the need for restrictions, said life is full of risks and we need to get on as normal both caught Covid recently and both were seriously ill. She needed a caesarean to ease the pressure on her lungs and nearly lost her baby. She's now stuck living with her parents and is on oxygen support.

A small act to help avoid this kind of thing happening to people and reduce the spread of the virus seems perfectly reasonable.
Fear porn lover!

The data is incredibly clear on risk profiles v age.
Yet it's the "Mask lovers" who are the ones being aggressive.

The only people falling for something are those who keep insisting Covid and mask wearing are a conspiracy against them. I don't know what the point of such a conspiracy would be and no one can explain it, but to believe that is to align yourself with David Icke and Piers Corbyn because that's what they keep telling us it is. So, do you believe medically qualified experts or loons?

Whilst the case of the 15 year old is unusual, it's not unusual for even fully vaccinated people to catch Covid and be seriously ill. It's estimated that a pandemic lasts four to five years and over that time it either fizzles out or becomes something that doesn't affect people as severely.

Other countries have brought Covid under control with no, or very few, cases each day. Whilst there are various different reasons, one factor is that people have been willing to make small personal concessions for the good of society and with an eye to future benefit rather than convenience in the moment. Here the Government has been pressured by deniers and conspiracy theorists into dropping restrictions and other countries have been alarmed by that, calling us Plague Island.

One thing we have to think about if we're to accept relatively high case rates is tourism, whether people want to come here from abroad and allow us to go to their countries.
I think I'll pay attention to cold hard statistics rather than your laughable pleas to emotion.


4,657 posts

52 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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witko999 said:
I think I'll pay attention to cold hard statistics rather than your laughable pleas to emotion.
That sounds sensible. Where are you getting them from?


639 posts

210 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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monthou said:
witko999 said:
I think I'll pay attention to cold hard statistics rather than your laughable pleas to emotion.
That sounds sensible. Where are you getting them from?
Facebook and Mumsnet of course. Where else?


18,812 posts

170 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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Byker28i said:
Just back from 10 days in Scotland, wearing a mask when indoors is such a non issue, you really don't wear it for long when supermarket shopping or going into anywhere else. Restaurants etc wore it until sat at the table..
Yup. Totally ok to be eating and talking while spraying potentially deadly covid aerosols all over the room but while moving quickly past others usually without talking it's so dangerous one must mask up...... It's exactly this kind of idiocy that people try to justify that has made public health messaging a total farce.


4,657 posts

52 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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witko999 said:
monthou said:
witko999 said:
I think I'll pay attention to cold hard statistics rather than your laughable pleas to emotion.
That sounds sensible. Where are you getting them from?
Facebook and Mumsnet of course. Where else?
It's almost as though you think that's an unreasonable question.


4,280 posts

37 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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monthou said:
Ari said:
It is absolutely fascinating the highly emotive insults that the mask lovers hurl about in order to try and discredit anyone who doesn't support their viewpoint. It's almost like a cult - attack the non believers!

What's your view on this?

CarCrazyDad said:
Fear porn lover!
You really love me don't you - want to take me out for dinner too?

I stand by my comments.

"You can't assume your loved ones wouldn't be seriously ill" after mentioning a 15 year old passing "because of Covid" (was a Post Mortem done which pointed to Covid as the primary cause of death?)

- Despite 90% + pre existing antibody immunity
- Despite approx. 30% of people being "naturally immune" meaning they have no symptoms
- Despite all of the data from ONS and other places showing the spread of death (virtually 0 under 40, 80% of deaths in the Over 60's, etc)

Not sure what the latest ONS figures are for deaths but in healthy under 50's last time I checked it was around 300

Plus there's still the belief in masks actually doing something which, I think at this point is naïve at best - we have so much data now, and this is coming from someone who did always used to wear a mask etc, the information that I've now come across regarding introduction of mask mandates v infection rates shows to me that masks in the real world do not impact infection rates in a meaningful way

They're also incredibly de humanising , but no worries there, into our new WEF designed world where we are all faceless clones - enjoy the future you are wishing for


4,657 posts

52 months

Monday 4th October 2021
quotequote all
CarCrazyDad said:
monthou said:
Ari said:
It is absolutely fascinating the highly emotive insults that the mask lovers hurl about in order to try and discredit anyone who doesn't support their viewpoint. It's almost like a cult - attack the non believers!

What's your view on this?

CarCrazyDad said:
Fear porn lover!
You really love me don't you - want to take me out for dinner too?

I stand by my comments.
It's not about you. Its a question for Ari.

No, no and not interested btw.


4,280 posts

37 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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Blakewater said:
Yet it's the "Mask lovers" who are the ones being aggressive.

The only people falling for something are those who keep insisting Covid and mask wearing are a conspiracy against them. I don't know what the point of such a conspiracy would be and no one can explain it, but to believe that is to align yourself with David Icke and Piers Corbyn because that's what they keep telling us it is. So, do you believe medically qualified experts or loons?

I believe the data and the data is pretty clear that a) Covid is not that deadly , IFR is virtually the same as Flu now and b) Masks don't work
By sharing a view point that the "Covid crisis" is perhaps being used by Politicians world wide in a joint effort to start to introduce Digital ID and potentially social credit systems is not "aligning myself with David Icke", you are deliberately mis labelling my position in an effort to discredit my view points - Have I even mentioned 5g dinosaur towers?

Whilst the case of the 15 year old is unusual, it's not unusual for even fully vaccinated people to catch Covid and be seriously ill. It's estimated that a pandemic lasts four to five years and over that time it either fizzles out or becomes something that doesn't affect people as severely.

It is very unusual, again this is all in the official data released from the Government / ONS / NHS

Other countries have brought Covid under control with no, or very few, cases each day. Whilst there are various different reasons, one factor is that people have been willing to make small personal concessions for the good of society and with an eye to future benefit rather than convenience in the moment. Here the Government has been pressured by deniers and conspiracy theorists into dropping restrictions and other countries have been alarmed by that, calling us Plague Island.

Oh you mean like Australia? With the harshest lock down in the world, "small personal sacrifices" being a young woman , alone and unarmed and unaggressive beaten by 8 police in body armour, for simply standing outside not wearing a mask? And yet .................

The fact you say "deniers and conspiracy theorists pressured the Governments into dropping restrictions"
Restrictions that have hugely impacted the economy, prompting a tax rise that we weren't supposed to have pushing thousands of low earners across the poverty line
What about the increase in unemployment that the lockdown bought?
What about the in some cases 5x recorded need for mental health services?
What about the reduction in peoples overall health during lockdown, with treatments to cancers stopped and other treatments delayed without time scale?
What about the fact that the NHS turned into the NCS for a year, you still can't even get a face to face GP appointment
What about the fact a jab which is proven to cause Myocarditis has been pushed forward for Children, look up the ONS data on how many under 19's have died with Covid.

I guess these are all for the good of society too?

These must just be some of the "small personal sacrifices" too ? You are incredibly ignorant to the reality of the situation sir, not to mention you are deliberately smearing me (and I guess others by proxy) as "conspiracy theorists" or "deniers"

To you there is no opposite view, is there? You are either fully engulfed in the MSM fear campaign or you are David Icke? There is no middle ground? There is no simple questioning of what goes on?

I don't deny Covid-19 exists, but we are one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, so opening up is the right thing to do - we cannot stay locked down socially distant forever

do not waste your life worrying or hiding behind the sofa - maybe check the data?

However, don't be so ignorant to think that Covid is being used to advance undemocratic policies round the world - it clearly is, look at France, if you want to have to scan an app to go into a Restaurant then be my guest........ I don't.
My bold, your state of mind on this issue really is quite depressing, but let's just continue to make small personal sacrifices

Since I'm a "denier" or "conspiracy theorist" I will not be engaging with you any more smile

(I'm 61, double vaccinated, I guess I'm a super conspiracy theorist , off to lick David Icke's armpit now!)

  • edit* Formatting!

Edited by CarCrazyDad on Monday 4th October 09:50

Edited by CarCrazyDad on Monday 4th October 09:51


12,659 posts

250 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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CarCrazyDad said:
Plus there's still the belief in masks actually doing something which, I think at this point is naïve at best - we have so much data now, and this is coming from someone who did always used to wear a mask etc, the information that I've now come across regarding introduction of mask mandates v infection rates shows to me that masks in the real world do not impact infection rates in a meaningful way
What does meaningful mean, in the context of the information you've now come across?
One could argue that ANY impact on infection rates shows it as a success. Some might argue it's a balance between reducing infection rates and other benefits of not wearing a mask such as freedom, facial expressions and economic benefits.

PH User

22,154 posts

110 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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anonymous said:


4,280 posts

37 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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oyster said:
CarCrazyDad said:
Plus there's still the belief in masks actually doing something which, I think at this point is naïve at best - we have so much data now, and this is coming from someone who did always used to wear a mask etc, the information that I've now come across regarding introduction of mask mandates v infection rates shows to me that masks in the real world do not impact infection rates in a meaningful way
What does meaningful mean, in the context of the information you've now come across?
One could argue that ANY impact on infection rates shows it as a success. Some might argue it's a balance between reducing infection rates and other benefits of not wearing a mask such as freedom, facial expressions and economic benefits.
You may have that viewpoint.

"Meaningful impact" means a notable (noticeable) change in general trends, right?

So if you introduce a mask mandate, and you see a drop in cases within a week or two, then it's POTENTIALLY down , in part, to masks, but if you don't, then obviously masks are not impacting infection rates

There are also, mainly in America , states which are neighbours where one requires masks and another doesn't, or where in a single state, certain towns / provinces require masks but other parts don't.... there's no notable difference in these..

However, I've not seen any chart that had a meaningful drop in cases when masks were introduced

Of course, measuring cases is stupid. We are obsessed with keeping this going, PCR tests, LFT tests, etc, how about ..... only .... test .... people .... who ... are ....in .... Hospital ....like we do for most other diseases and viruses, you aren't tested for cancer randomly, only if you have symptoms which require medical assistance....

If you really want to save lifes do full body scans for tumours....that would save more live... but it's not about saving lives smile

Examples -

Kansas City, MO mandated masks on August 2nd. Jackson County, MO mandated masks on August 9th. The rest of Missouri did not.

COVID cases have followed the exact same trajectory regardless, peaking on August 5th.

I've no doubt in a lab on a bench with a mannequin head with a clean mask changed regularly, blowing normal air, it reduces particle transmission slightly, but in the real world, it obviously doesn't work that way given how infections v mask mandates have gone around the world clearly they don't work in the real world

Plus, the de humanising element, covering half your face and your breathing apparatus is not natural
There are children (babies) who have likely never seen other adults faces (other than their parents) when out and about. Speaking in a mask is horrible and muffled. You can't tell facial expressions. I watched a comedy show which was televised, the crowd all had masks on - what a fking horrific experience, it sounded like they were laughing into the pillows and of course you couldn't even see peoples smiles.

They are absolutely hateful things


12,659 posts

250 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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anonymous said:
If I listen to my 8 and 6 year olds arguing with more coherence than you two.

PH User

22,154 posts

110 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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anonymous said:
Say what?!


Original Poster:

19,358 posts

217 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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Went to the cinema for the first time in about 2 years last night to see the new Bond film. In a packed auditorium, I think I saw two or three people wearing masks.

I'm still amazed that people can see this kind of thing everywhere, and the result of it (which is not the tidal wave of deaths or hospitalisations despite the shrill cries of 'reckless' and promises that we'd be swamped with both from the mask lovers) and still believe that the masks ever made a difference.

Maybe the mask lovers are only seeing the inside of supermarkets and don't realise that most of us are just getting on with life now.

Long may it continue.

PH User

22,154 posts

110 months

Monday 4th October 2021
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Ari said:
Went to the cinema for the first time in about 2 years last night to see the new Bond film. In a packed auditorium, I think I saw two or three people wearing masks.

I'm still amazed that people can see this kind of thing everywhere, and the result of it (which is not the tidal wave of deaths or hospitalisations despite the shrill cries of 'reckless' and promises that we'd be swamped with both from the mask lovers) and still believe that the masks ever made a difference.

Maybe the mask lovers are only seeing the inside of supermarkets and don't realise that most of us are just getting on with life now.

Long may it continue.
That's the key, get on with your own life and stop worrying about what others are or aren't doing.