Climate protesters block roads



56 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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funkyrobot said:
Coolbanana said:
This is where education comes in...stop assuming or subscribing to extremes, we have to make changes, yes, but in planned, realistic stages.

I support the CC protests, I do not support unrealistic change. I have made that clear. Adopt green energy where the infrastructure and choice is realistic. XR campaigns to speed up and maintain pressure upon Governments to make the necessary investment, to encourage and educate, to provide realistic means to enable the economies of the World to function without much disruption, to force adaptation to more sustainable solutions.

Individually, we can make smarter, less selfish choices.
It isn't difficult to clean up habits that have been identified as being contributing factors. Fundamentally, however, real change and real differences will only take effect when phased-in legislation forces cleaner systems. But they have to be phased. Education is being stepped up, Governments are making changes. We just need to speed it up a bit and then keep the pace up.

The great dirty machine of human intervention upon Natural processes is slowing, following a period of rapid advancement and uncontrolled pace when the consequences were unknown. We know now, we also know how to slow it, clean up our systems. Sustainably. We just need to do so, and it is the pace of that and the changeover period from one system to another that needs to be managed just right - we are cutting it fine, having procrastinated too long, but it can be done and, as individuals, we can adopt better practices as they become on-line and available. Without whinging. We may have preferred our V8's to our new hybrid or electric cars, for example, but we can accept that the Future requires change.

Electric may itself only be an interim solution before a better system, but it is what we can roll out now to make a difference, so we have to. Same with many other measures. Aviation, Shipping, these need solutions and business needs to address these.

Happily, changes are being made. Legislation will force compliance for those who will stubbornly need to be dragged forward. smile
When are you giving your cars up then? What about everything you use that is in some way related to a process of material that isn't green in nature?

You are still posting on here. I'm guessing you are using a phone or computer that utilises some sort of material that is processed or mined?

What about your lifestyle. Do you eat meat? Do you eat dairy products?

Do you use biofuels? You know, the fuels that result in deforestation to clear the land to grow the source materials. Such a bizarre and stupid process.

I think people like you should lead by example. Also, anyone protesting should do the same. Especially that God awful actress mouth piece. Could you get a bigger hypocrite?

You harp an about education as if everyone who questions how much humans affect the climate is uneducated. I think you need to understand that believing something someone tells you doesn't mean you are educated. True education comes with questioning things and working out/observing results yourself.
I fear you're talking to a brick wall. Like most people who preach to others they will tell you what you should be doing, while doing precisely none of it themselves. See most religions as evidence. Or should that perhaps now be most other religions...


10,573 posts

142 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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T-195 said:

I think you guys need some new material maybe.
In August, 1922, the Norwegian Department of Commerce sent an expedition to Spitzbergen and Bear Island under the leadership of Dr. Adolf Hoel, lecturer on geology at the University of Christiania. Its purpose was to survey and chart the lands adjacent to the Norwegian mines on those islands, take soundings of the adjacent waters, and make other oceanographic investigations.

Ice conditions were exceptional. In fact, so little ice has never before been noted. The expedition all but established a record, sailing as far north as 81° 29′ in ice-free water. This is the farthest north ever reached with modern oceanographic apparatus.

The character of the waters of the great polar basin has heretofore been practically unknown. Dr. Hoel reports that he made a section of the Gulf Stream at 81° north latitude and took soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters. These show the Gulf Stream very warm, and it could be traced as a surface current till beyond the 81st parallel. The warmth of the waters makes it probable that the favorable ice conditions will continue for some time.

In connection with Dr. Hoel’s report, it is of interest to note the unusually warm summer in Arctic Norway and the observations of Capt. Martin Ingebrigsten, who has sailed the eastern Arctic for 54 years past. He says that he first noted warmer conditions in 1918, that since that time it has steadily gotten warmer, and that to-day the Arctic of that region is not recognizable as the same region of 1868 to 1917.

Many old landmarks are so changed as to be unrecognizable. Where formerly great masses of ice were found, there are now often moraines, accumulations of earth and stones. At many points where glaciers formerly extended far into the sea they have entirely disappeared.



14,789 posts

193 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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Couldn't get to work by bus as Marble Arch and Park Lane were turned in to a bit of a hippy's paradise, so had to walk through Hyde Park in the sunshine instead. All very pleasant really.


10,573 posts

142 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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Pericoloso said:
What happened to the storming of Heathrow ?

Seen nothing about it,presumably they decided not to bother,couldn't afford the bus fare from Oxford Circus to Hounslow.
seems they burst out crying then went home.


44,044 posts

165 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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wc98 said:
Pericoloso said:
What happened to the storming of Heathrow ?

Seen nothing about it,presumably they decided not to bother,couldn't afford the bus fare from Oxford Circus to Hounslow.
seems they burst out crying then went home.
"15 youths"

Lol ,I'd have chased them all off myself by going ....BOO !

Thanks for the link.


4,913 posts

234 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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wc98 said:
Pericoloso said:
What happened to the storming of Heathrow ?

Seen nothing about it,presumably they decided not to bother,couldn't afford the bus fare from Oxford Circus to Hounslow.
seems they burst out crying then went home.
wtf? That's bringing snowflakery to new levels. Astounding really, and does rather beg the question whether groups such as XR should be considered "cults". (I fully expect some wag to correct my last smile )


8,280 posts

235 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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wc98 said:
Pericoloso said:
What happened to the storming of Heathrow ?

Seen nothing about it,presumably they decided not to bother,couldn't afford the bus fare from Oxford Circus to Hounslow.
seems they burst out crying then went home.
The people that have put those ridiculous fears into that mailable, childish mind should be ashamed of themselves. He is clearly emotionally very attached to his implanted faith.

“Last generation” indeed. This is no different to the indoctrination and brainwashing we see in the spread of other extremism. He has been fed utter tosh, swallowed it hook line and sinker and seems genuinely afraid, poor lad.


42,655 posts

258 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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RegMolehusband said:
turbobloke said:
Unfortunately it's not at all well said with little validity. Calling other people idiots for being aware of more accurate information about the current position on climate is ironic to say the least.

To take but one error among many, what natural process is accelerating at the mo? Not temperature, there have been many more rapid temperature chantes to greater extents, not sea llevel which hasn't accelerated since anthropogenic emissions rose significantly, not ocean pH changes and not coral bleaching which took place at similar or greater levels in previous centuries, not wildfires, not hurricanes, not tornadoes, not arctic ice which had similar beviour centred on ~1922 and 1817, And so on.

This is a thread about misguided protests but the basis for the above is clearly going to be needed with so many credulous contributions flying around, so here's a list of peer-reviewed literature and all but two are contemporary with data (not mere opinion) by which the above statements and others are substantiated.

Don't bother asking why the information below isn't more widely known and discussed, as the above posts offer all the explanation needed.

For more either do some online searches based on the theme and authors ^^ or head over to the climate thread(s) and scroll back or do a search - beyond this point I don't see any point in adding to the catalogue of actual data (rather than faith statements) and the thread ought to get back to discussing foolish and disruptive actions / comments from the gullible and the culpable.

-Recent global warming is primarily a result of natural causes - Mao et al
-Humans do not exert fundamental control over the Earth’s climate – also Mao et al
- Results of this review point to the extreme value of CO2 to all life forms, but no role of CO2 in any significant change of the Earth’s climate – Fleming
-The Sun is the primary forcing of Earth’s climate system – NASA, Newberry et al
-The temperature field of the global troposphere and lower stratosphere - not as predicted by agw theory, Varotsos and Efstathiou
-Temperature rate of change and extent - not unprecedented e.g. Alley et al, Fawcett et al
-So-called extreme high T events – nonlinear from mean T trend, see Mearns et al
-Carbon dioxide is good for ecosystems - global net ecosystem production increased by at least 117 Tg C per year between 1995 and 2014 with the vast majority of that increase (~90%) due to aerial fertilization effects i.e. increased CO2 levels, from Fernández-Martínez et al
-Ice mass changes - not unprecedented, not as modelled and not as hyped e.g. Minutes of the Royal Society, Opel et al, Joughin and Tulaczyk, Wingham et al
-Arctic expedition - 1930/31 was 4.6 °C warmer than 1981-2010, Feb ’31 average 10.7 deg C warmer
-Glaciers - not retreating due to global warming, see Bookhagen et al
-Ice shelves not collapsing – Ollier and Pain
-Coral changes - not unprecedented, events seen today occurred in the 1600s, 1700s and 1800s see Xu et al, Kamenose & Hennige and try Andersson et al
-Coral manages pH / temperature changes through biological control – Ross et al, McCulloch et al
-Ocean 'Acidification' and (lack of) impacts on marine phytoplankton – “CO2-driven acidification had no significant impact on growth rate, chlorophyll-a, cellular abundance, gross photosynthesis, dark respiration, particulate organic carbon and particulate organic nitrogen between CO2-treatments” also no impact on nutritional quality as a primary producer in the marine food web, Jacob et al
-Sea level changes don’t show the expected anthropogenic acceleration – see Douglas, Holgate and check out Gregory er al
Sea level rise AR5 model projections invalidated - Watson
-Global coasts growing not shrinking – Donchyts et al, and see Duvat (coral attol island stability)
- Hurricane frequency - no significant trend in the data: Landsea, Pielke et al, Weinkle et al
-Hurricane data: hurricane intensity attribution to anthropogenic forcing is not possible- Trenary et al
-Floods and Droughts - not intensifying e.g. Sheffield et al, Hanel et al, Macklin et al, Barredo
-Wildfires -not increasing or intensifying see Doerr and Santin
-Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall - CMIP5 models fail to simulate post?1950 trend, see Saha et al
-Cold weather mortality across the US- more than 16x higher than for warm weather, Zhang et al
-Polar bear numbers - increased not decreased, surveys post-2007-2016 e.g. Crockford, York et al
-Jellyfish numbers not linked to carbon dioxide - Pitt
-Major climate forcings omitted by IPCC modelling – Svensmark et al, Bucha and Bucha. Agee et al
-CMIP5 model regional projections deficient for Greenland, UK and parts of Europe – Hanna et al
-The agw hypothesis within climate models fails against empirical data and the agw null hypothesis must be rejected – McKitrick and Christy
-Hydrological cycle - no detectable global-scale human influence (models wrong) from Nguyen et al
-Tropical forest biomass doesn’t release more CO2 with warming, contrary to models – Roe
Thanks for this post. Well said.
And he didn’t call anybody an idiot either.

There has been years and years of propaganda, the BBC have pushed this agenda for whatever reason people in this thread believe 99% of scientists agree so it’s all working.
You’ve got kids programmed by Marxist teachers crying on TV because of planes ( bet he’s going on one for his hols though )
It’s all sjw bks.

I’m all for them protesting happy even go ahead, I’m not you’re supervisor. But block a road and their should be removed with extreme force and locked away for years. Think how much carbon that will save.


42,655 posts

258 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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SeeFive said:
The people that have put those ridiculous fears into that mailable, childish mind should be ashamed of themselves. He is clearly emotionally very attached to his implanted faith.

“Last generation” indeed. This is no different to the indoctrination and brainwashing we see in the spread of other extremism. He has been fed utter tosh, swallowed it hook line and sinker and seems genuinely afraid, poor lad.
Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever. Vladimir Lenin


6,416 posts

236 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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kurt535 said:
These threads are indeed infested with deniers; man-children; gammon principally because CC hasn't affected them just yet. But when it does, the collective NIMBY threads demanding the govt takes action to reverse CC ills will crash the PH servers.
The protestors are basically clueless self-indulgent muppets barking up the wrong tree.

China emits around 1/3 of the total global carbon emissions - just the annual growth from China is around the TOTAL emissions from the UK.

so if we whip ourselves into a masochistic frenzy and reduce our emissions by say 20% ....and incur massive economic disruption in the process .... China emissions growth will have plugged that saving in about 2 months - wow ... that would be a fking useful exercise wouldn’t it.

And air travel drives about 2% of the total annual global carbon emissions ... oops ... also focusing on the wrong thing there then.

the students camping out in London would do more good by focusing on lobbying China / India/ Indonesia and the USA.... and pushing for action on things like Ocean pollution and moving to reuseable packaging.

But that would need an intelligent approach towards things that matter .... rather than an anarchistic thick-headed approach to stuff which matters very little.

anyway - I guess air travel now has the blessing of her Holiness Emma ... as she flew in specially for the anarchist party ( sorry - I mean serious and relevant event hehe )

Edited by alfaman on Saturday 20th April 12:39


28,922 posts

250 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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Helicopter123 said:
If the aim of these 'protests' was to get people talking about CC again then it has clearly worked.
But only in this country, and we are a very small country.

On that note though, I do question whether this again, subconsciously, reveals our colonial habits, that once again it’s down to jolly old England to save the world from itself? White mans burden, and all that, maybe?

Anyway, to hopefully give some balance, I’ve just read this in the Telegraph:

Apologies as you need to register to read it, I’ve got the hard copy in my hands.

It’s reminding us that the last Labour government legislated to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050, compared with 1990 levels. Apparently we’re largely on target to do so, we’ve reduced by 43% so far, we’ve cut emissions by a greater amount than any other G7 country, and our emissions over the past century are the equivalent of less than a single year’s emissions from modern day China.

Now, if that last statement is true, why wasn’t that pink plastic boat parked outside the Chinese embassy?

Incidentally, I don’t agree with a previous posters theories on why this is happening in London.

I think this virtue-signalling orgy of white, middle class privilege would only take place in the softest target, while the weather is nice.


56 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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T-195 said:
kurt535 said:
FiF said:
funkyrobot said:
Coolbanana said:
LDN said:
It’s official; PH is 90% thicko’s.

People on here arguing against scientific fact; upset at the ‘crusties’ demonstrating and many want to mute other posters who disagree with them. How about grow a pair and keep it moving. Some of you chaps could really do with sorting some sort of life out for yourselves. Genuinely. It’s wall to wall manchild.

I’ll just leave this here for a laugh (perhaps it’s already been posted):

We can have ten pages of angry ruddy faces, hurriedly slapping their keyboard in response rofl
It really doesn't matter what PH Gammon think, the 'flat earth' equivalents who deny CC will be dragged along in the wake of the legislature enacted to deal with the issues that need to be dealt with. We see it already with ICE vs Electric.

Sure, they wail, bh and moan and display their intense ignorance on forums such as this but they are irrelevant now, the groundswell towards making changes is well underway and groups like XR keep the pressure on and message on song so that Governments keep ramping up the measures required.

There is ignorance within XR too, much is unrealistic or misunderstood in terms of timescale and solutions but their overall message is the right one generally. They just need managing, to not be allowed to go too far by way of disruption in expressing themselves.
Both of you like Porsche's and have owned or attempted to own them. You both like sports cars.

I guess you have both travelled too?

You also actively post on a motoring forum.

And here you are berating others for not supporting climate change protests? Can you not see that you are just as bad your hypocrite buddies in London?
And while they're doing it being so adult and convincing with phrases like deniers, man child, flat earthers, gammon etc. Standard tactics sadly.
These threads are indeed infested with deniers; man-children; gammon principally because CC hasn't affected them just yet. But when it does, the collective NIMBY threads demanding the govt takes action to reverse CC ills will crash the PH servers.
OK. So what exactly do these bellends think us Londoners can do to stop Climate Change?

And don't call me a gammon, I very much voted Remain.
Well, that’s where the government is so it’s the right place to protest. What’s wrong here is the way it’s being done and the true motives.

But I wouldn’t take any notice of the banana, his arrogance and ignorance is well known in here. Who else would assume that anyone who wanted an xtreme left wing law breaking group dealt with properly doesn’t accept CC and voted to leave the EU? Ask yourself why he would do that.


2,174 posts

240 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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Coolbanana said:
hutchst said:
Wouldn't it be more productive, then, if you moved your support to areas where changes aren't being made, and legislation won't force compliance?
Why not target all areas? Improvement can be had in most countries.

It is a stupid argument to suggest that if China et al doesn't comply, then why should we. Sensible folk know that we should effect change where we can and seek our Governments, the EU and the USA etc to put trade pressure upon those countries less inclined to comply. China, of course, is championing low-carbon too. It isn't that change won't happen globally, that debate is won, accepted - which is why CC Deniers look so stupid, like Flat Earthers - it is the pace and investment for change that is the focus now.
You may well be more optimistic about how much influence the west has over China than me. They are leading research in solar and are currently building 4 new nuclear power stations but they do also have plans to build
2 coal power stations every month until 2030.
That does offset quite a lot of anything the UK can do. I am not suggesting we do nothing but there is no point in being unrealistic about what a small country can achieve without the support of China/US whilst ignoring the cost.
China is planning to be the leading superpower, expanding their influence through the continents and they have far more people obediently working toward this goal.


4,913 posts

234 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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REALIST123 said:
Well, that’s where the government is so it’s the right place to protest.
Apart from the fact that Parliament is on holiday so they don't give a rats ass. Go figure.

Pan Pan Pan

10,005 posts

113 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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otolith said:
I have some sympathy with the ends, but not the means. And their demands are unachievable without a Khmer Rouge style revolution. Here's how we get to zero net carbon in 6 years;

Shut down half of our electricity generating capacity.

Turn off mains gas.

Stop the supply of petrol and diesel.

Kill all the dairy and meat herds, all the pigs, all the chickens

Stop all imports of goods, including food

Shut down all public transport bar that which could be run on what's left of the electricity generation network

Shut down all industry bar that which could be run on what's left of the electricity generation network

Close the airports

Close the sea ports

Stop all production and import of artificial fertilisers

We would be looking at an organic agrarian society, which could not be sustained at our current levels of population. We'd have millions of deaths from famine and hypothermia.
You forgot about shutting down the root cause of what the man made climate change proponents refer to as `man' made global warming. If global warming is being caused by `man' why are we still churning out more and more `man' at unprecedented levels?
that is the equivalent of worrying about a serious fire, whilst at the same time pouring thousands of gallons of more petrol on it. Total insanity.
The current population only exists on the back of fossil fuel use, for mechanized agriculture, and fishing, food production, food storage, and food distribution, and of course `man' made fertilizers
Some claim that humans are part of the natural system which of course is correct, but what is most definitely NOT natural, is the way humans have multiplied in just a relatively short space of time (the REAL hockey stick graph) to the detriment of just about every environmenmt, and other species living in them on the planet.
Of course we will get the idiots who don't like the idea of cutting back the growth of the human population to what might hopefully be a `sustainable' level, and believe we can keep on growing the population ad infinitum. Blithely ignoring of course, the effects the colossal human population has already had on the Earth.
Some even greater idiots will start bandying words like culling, or euthanasia about, when the simpler and far less painful solution will be to place some kind of limit on the number of children born. (people who have never been born, don't suffer anything, because they have never been born) Taking away the lives of those who have already been born is therefore a far more painful way of limiting the growth of the human population.
Once a person has arrived on the planet, they have every right to a decent life that the Earth can provide, The trick is heading off excess numbers of humans BEFORE they have arrived.

Edited by Pan Pan Pan on Saturday 20th April 13:21

Edited by Pan Pan Pan on Saturday 20th April 13:39


16,021 posts

248 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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If the UK adopted RisingUp sorry, XR's agenda it would rapidly become a third world country without the capacity to undertake any academic research into whatever demon is exercising the chattering classes at any one time. Britain is one of the foremost countries in R&D but research is very expensive. If we bomb ourselves back into medieval times by wearing hair shirts in order to clear the consciences of a few foolish people, the whole world would suffer.


3,685 posts

105 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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SeeFive said:
The people that have put those ridiculous fears into that mailable, childish mind should be ashamed of themselves. He is clearly emotionally very attached to his implanted faith.

“Last generation” indeed. This is no different to the indoctrination and brainwashing we see in the spread of other extremism. He has been fed utter tosh, swallowed it hook line and sinker and seems genuinely afraid, poor lad.
At least he cares. I ask my kids about climate change and they just grunt shrug shoulders and continue using the electric.
Tell them not to waste it but they are not bothered.


56 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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TeamD said:
REALIST123 said:
Well, that’s where the government is so it’s the right place to protest.
Apart from the fact that Parliament is on holiday so they don't give a rats ass. Go figure.
This jumped out at me too. It's as if they just couldn't care less.
Not exactly endearing themselves to working Londoners are they ?


27,160 posts

185 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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Pan Pan Pan said:

Some even greater idiots will start bandying words like culling, or euthanasia about, when the simpler and far less painful solution will be to place some kind of limit on the number of children born. (people who have never been born, don't suffer anything, because they have never been born) Taking away the lives of those who have already been born is therefore a far more painful way of limiting the growth of the human population.
Once a person has arrived on the planet, they have every right to a decent life that the Earth can provide, The trick is heading off excess numbers of humans BEFORE they have arrived.

Edited by Pan Pan Pan on Saturday 20th April 13:21

Edited by Pan Pan Pan on Saturday 20th April 13:39
Worked well for china


4,913 posts

234 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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techiedave said:
TeamD said:
REALIST123 said:
Well, that’s where the government is so it’s the right place to protest.
Apart from the fact that Parliament is on holiday so they don't give a rats ass. Go figure.
This jumped out at me too. It's as if they just couldn't care less.
Not exactly endearing themselves to working Londoners are they ?
Exactly, xr are not seeking to sway parliament, they are seeking to ps off Londoners, otherwise they would pull this st at a different time...result being that plod would be acting completely differently to how they are at the moment.