Climate change - the POLITICAL debate. Vol 2

Climate change - the POLITICAL debate. Vol 2



1,304 posts

126 months

Friday 1st August 2014
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mybrainhurts said:
Sounds about right.

PS...didn't they tell you how to spell Confucius?
Oh they did however PH told me that name was taken so I swapped the u and i!
turbobloke said:
confucuis said:
So ye are saying Global warming and climate change aren't actually occurring at all?
Who said that?!

In terms of climate change, global warming and cooling, we have a history measured in billions of years, it's nothing new and it's natural. Attributing it to humans has no credible basis and that's what is disputed.
Yes thats what I meant by climate change


13,864 posts

235 months

Friday 1st August 2014
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confucuis said:
So ye are saying Global warming and climate change aren't actually occurring at all? But why make it up? What do companies, individuals and governments gain for supporting this theory if incorrect? Not trolling just wondering as I've only been done secondary school 3 years and all we were told is that Global warming is gospel and no alternative viewpoints were put forward!
Education for the sake of passing exams always suffers from the need to score marks against a set of possible marks for a subject. In that way it measures, to some extent, the ability to learn what one is told. It may not help people to learn to think for themselves. Perhaps that is exactly what is intended.

If so the Universities are left to pick up the pieces and try to encourage the creativity of individual thought. Sadly the time allowed may be too short and the options for re-training minds to difficult to fit into an academic approach that, historically, expects a higher level of individual autonomy at the point of entry.

We are told much that is wrong. Sometimes this is deliberate. Sometimes is it simply because what has been interpreted from information may not be complete and sometimes it because new information is uncovered that changes "stuff". The world of medicine seem especially prone to such revelations at the moment.

Never ever take any information as incontrovertible fact no matter how much substance it seems to have. There should always be room in ones mind and outlook for consideration of changes and whether they may just have some significance to a subject. This is especially the case for distilled education that packs a tiny proportion of a subject into a package for purposes that rarely have anything to do with effective expansion of individual minds. (Unless you are lucky enough to have some exceptional teachers. Even then you need to practice thinking for yourself.)


11,451 posts

262 months

Friday 1st August 2014
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LongQ said:
We are told much that is wrong. Sometimes this is deliberate. Sometimes is it simply because what has been interpreted from information may not be complete and sometimes it because new information is uncovered that changes "stuff". The world of medicine seem especially prone to such revelations at the moment.

Never ever take any information as incontrovertible fact no matter how much substance it seems to have. There should always be room in ones mind and outlook for consideration of changes and whether they may just have some significance to a subject. This is especially the case for distilled education that packs a tiny proportion of a subject into a package for purposes that rarely have anything to do with effective expansion of individual minds. (Unless you are lucky enough to have some exceptional teachers. Even then you need to practice thinking for yourself.)
I remember my first A-Level Chemistry lesson - Mr Davis opened with "Everything you learnt about science at GCSE level is wrong. You may as well forget everything now and start again."
And he was right.

Andy Zarse

10,868 posts

249 months

Friday 1st August 2014
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confucuis said:
So ye are saying Global warming and climate change aren't actually occurring at all? But why make it up? What do companies, individuals and governments gain for supporting this theory if incorrect? Not trolling just wondering as I've only been done secondary school 3 years and all we were told is that Global warming is gospel and no alternative viewpoints were put forward!
If you're up for a nice game of cat'n'mouse with your teachers I'm sure we can help you compose some awkward questions for you to pose in class to make him/her look a fool. Everyone likes to get one over on Sir! smile

Conficuis: Sir, how do we know man causes the global warming? I mean, climate changes naturally so where is the human signal in the data?

Teacher: Get out boy! Go on, out! Go and see the Head for a caning!*

  • or has that been banned as well?


70,036 posts

231 months

Friday 1st August 2014
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Andy Zarse said:
If you're up for a nice game of cat'n'mouse with your teachers I'm sure we can help you compose some awkward questions for you to pose in class to make him/her look a fool. Everyone likes to get one over on Sir! smile

If the planet is warming then what temperature should it be at and when was it last at that temperature and for how long?>!!?

That is the only question they need to answer. Should be simple enough for them should it not?!

XJ Flyer

5,526 posts

132 months

Friday 1st August 2014
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Jasandjules said:
Andy Zarse said:
If you're up for a nice game of cat'n'mouse with your teachers I'm sure we can help you compose some awkward questions for you to pose in class to make him/her look a fool. Everyone likes to get one over on Sir! smile

If the planet is warming then what temperature should it be at and when was it last at that temperature and for how long?>!!?

That is the only question they need to answer. Should be simple enough for them should it not?!
That won't work because the answer will obviously be trust me it's a lot hotter than it should be and even if it isn't the extra heat is all just hiding at the bottom of the oceans and we know that it's atmospheric CO2 that's causing it.While anyone who dares to disagree will be given pariah status by being branded as a global warmist denier.Meanwhile I've got my CO2 filled triple glazing and CO2 filled loft and glass roof on order to take full advantage of the financial energy savings of the 'greenhouse effect'.

Beati Dogu

8,960 posts

141 months

Friday 1st August 2014
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Ask them why they think NASA/GISS now ignores the data from 90% of the US weather stations that used to be used. They're still there. They've not been removed. You'd think if you wanted more accurate figures, you'd take as many readings as were possible. Perhaps even introduce many more of them.

For instance, they now take data from FOUR weather stations to represent the whole of California. One of those is at San Francisco Airport (hectares of concrete for that nice heat island effect) and the other 3 are in the south near LA. They've 'deleted' all the others, including those up in the mountains where it's cooler.

it's not just in the US they've done this. Around the world, they've reduced the number of temperature readings from over 6,000 weather station to less than 1,500. Those dropped from the sample have been overwhelmingly from cooler areas. Canada has over a hundred weather stations above the arctic circle alone. NOAA/GISS take data from just ONE.

The bottom line is that the whole thing's a joke.

Mr GrimNasty

8,172 posts

172 months

Friday 1st August 2014
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In a similar way, I would love to see in detail how the Met works out the average CET (or whatever) to declare this July equal 8th hottest since 1910 (with 1933!!!!) - are the readings taken on the same instruments, at the same intervals/times of day, with the same margins of error, from the same number of stations, in the same geographical distribution and density, in unaltered environs, if adjustments are made - what is the justification/method/quality control. I suspect it is actually impossible to reliably compare 2014 with 1933, for many if not all of those reasons, and any such declarations of warmest etc. etc. are actually impossible to make.

chris watton

22,477 posts

262 months

Friday 1st August 2014
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This was a very interesting read, regarding Julia Gillard, Fabian Society, plundering tax payers' money for self-aggrandisement etc.:

"Who is this Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?"

If any of that is true, how much hope is there for the West when we are allowing people like this to get away with so much!


104,621 posts

262 months

Saturday 2nd August 2014
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As Ministers agree to the world's biggest wind farm off Brighton, has Britain ever succumbed to a more catastrophic folly?

What should be our reaction to daft stories like the one recently reported in the Daily Mail about the 60ft wind turbine put up by the Welsh government outside its offices in Aberystwyth to proclaim to the world just how ‘green’ it is? Erected at a cost of £50,000 to the taxpayer, it turned out that this turbine was so absurdly inefficient it was providing only £5 worth of electricity a month. It would take more than 750 years to make the money back.

In recent years, we have seen plenty of little tales like this, showing how often those who build these mini-turbines just to promote the wonders of wind power seem to get horribly caught out. There was, for instance, the windmill put up next to a school in Portland, Dorset, which had to be switched off because it was killing so many seagulls that the headmaster had to come in early every morning to remove their corpses, so the children wouldn’t be upset.

There were the turbines built next to the playgrounds of 16 schools in the north of Scotland, which had be shut down for ‘health and safety’ reasons after the blades of one flew off in a mere 40 mph wind - when, fortunately, no children were in range.

Then, of course, there was that babyish little windmill David Cameron wanted to put on the roof of his £2.7million Notting Hill home in West London. It would have provided enough current to power four low-energy light bulbs - but, fortunately, it provoked such protests from his neighbours that it was never heard of again.

On one level, we may find stories like this darkly comical. But it is time we stood back to take a more grown-up look at the very much larger and more serious picture of just where we are being taken by this infatuation with wind turbines, which lie at the very centre of our national energy policy.

Today, we already have more than 5,000 giant turbines, with 25,000 smaller versions. They are proliferating so fast that from Cornwall to Caithness, East Anglia to Cumbria, hundreds of local protest groups have sprung up to say ‘enough is enough’. But the crucial objection to this obsession with wind farms is not just that they disfigure our beautiful countryside or kill shocking numbers of bird and bats.

In purely practical terms, the real issue must surely be that they are so astonishingly useless at achieving what they are supposed to do. Put all those 5,000 giant turbines together and their combined output still averages less than that of our single largest coal-fired power station. The obvious reason for this - though our politicians will never admit it - is that the wind is the most inefficient means of producing electricity ever devised, because it blows so variably and unpredictably.

In fact, the whole case for wind farms is based on a central, endlessly repeated lie. This is the way in which its propagandists invariably talk about them only in terms of their ‘capacity’, by which they mean the amount of electricity they could produce if the wind was blowing at optimal speed 24 hours a day.

We are told about ‘capacity’ all the time - by the wind industry, politicians such as Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Davey, the BBC and even the pages of Wikipedia. But the truth is that, thanks to the wind’s unreliability, they will produce on average only between a quarter and a third of their ‘capacity’.

Often, indeed, when we need electricity the most, on freezing, windless days in mid-winter, they produce virtually no electricity at all. Furthermore, far from providing us, as we’re told, with unlimited clean, green, free, planet-saving energy, wind farms are not just inefficient. They are also so ludicrously impractical that if we weren’t all forced to subsidise them to the tune of billions of pounds through our electricity bills, no one would ever dream of building them.

A cursory glance at the economics of the ‘smaller’ 100 ft-plus windmills and the giant turbines in massive wind farms illustrates my point. When I looked at one of these smaller ones the other day, near where I live in Somerset, I was astonished to discover that, though it is 120 ft and would have cost at least £250,000 to install, it only has the ‘capacity’ to generate a maximum of 50 kilowatts at any given moment.

But allowing for the vagaries of the wind, its actual output will average a mere 13 kilowatts - barely enough to boil four kettles - at any one time. Yet, for this, the owners can expect to receive £24,000 a year, of which a staggering £17,500 will be subsidy, paid for by all of us through our electricity bills.

The sums for giant turbines are just as shocking. Earlier this month, Mr Davey gave the go-ahead to his latest monster project, to build the largest wind farm in the world just off the Sussex coast, right opposite Brighton.

Davey gave the German energy firm E.on the green light to spend £2 billion on building 100 or more colossal turbines up to 700 ft tall, nearly 200 ft higher than the Blackpool Tower.

The ‘Rampion’ wind farm (so named, in yet another propaganda exercise, by the children of a Sussex primary school) will cover more than 60 square miles of the English Channel. As even its developers say on their website, it will be visible all the way from Beachy Head to the Isle of Wight. This mighty forest of turbines, we are told, will supply to the national grid ‘700 megawatts’ of power, enough to heat and light ‘450,000 homes’.

Yet, in truth, thanks to the vagaries of the wind, their actual output - as E.on’s own website admits in very small print - will be lucky to reach 240 megawatts, a third of that figure. Even for this, E.on can hope to earn £325 million a year. Yet, shockingly, more than two-thirds of that sum, £220 million a year, will be paid by all of us in subsidies.

To see just how crazy this is in money terms, we can compare E.on’s wind farm with our latest large gas-fired power station, opened two years ago by another German firm, RWE, at Pembroke in south Wales.

Its capital cost was £1billion, half that of the wind farm. But, in return for that, the gas-fired plant can be relied on to generate nearly ten times as much electricity, 2000 megawatts, 24 hours of every day.

For that constantly available supply of power, even taking into account the price of gas compared with wind power which is free, the cost is £50 per megawatt hour. While for the wildly unreliable supply we shall get from Mr Davey’s monster wind farm, it is £155 per megawatt hour, more than three times as much.

This is the kind of mad mathematics I come across all the time when taking a hard look at the price we are increasingly having to pay for what I have called the great wind scam. It’s this weird delusion that we can base more and more of our national electricity supply on subsidising ever more grotesquely expensive wind farms.

It is a course we first seriously embarked on in 2003 under Tony Blair. In 2008, Gordon Brown boasted that he wanted us to spend £100billion on wind farms. It was a claim echoed by Chris Huhne, Davey’s Coalition predecessor as Energy secretary, who talked of how we would need to build as many as 30,000 turbines to achieve a government target, six times as many as we have now.

The reason why all our politicians feel they must aim for such recklessly ambitious targets is that, in 2007, Tony Blair agreed with his EU colleagues that Britain would, by 2020, be producing 15 per cent of our energy from ‘renewables’, such as wind power. But Blair was so technically illiterate in making this pledge that he did not realise what he was letting us in for.

Because much of our energy, such as the gas we use to cook and heat our buildings, cannot be sourced from renewables, he was committing us to produce nearly a third of our electricity - 32 per cent - from renewables. And most of it had to come from wind power.

This was a far greater jump than that required from other EU members, which were already producing much more of their power from renewables such as hydro-electric schemes.

In practice, there is no conceivable way we could hope to achieve Huhne’s plan for 30,000 turbines. It would mean building 11 giant ones every day for the next six years, which is completely out of the question.

But that has not prevented Mr Davey and his colleagues from trying. And, in doing so, they are offering the mainly foreign-owned firms that build those wind farms subsidies which are higher than those available anywhere else in the world.

For onshore turbines, Davey is prepared to give wind farm owners a subsidy of nearly 100 per cent on top of the market rate for electricity. However, subsidies for electricity provided by offshore wind farms is now more than twice as much - which is why firms from Germany, France, Sweden and other countries have been rushing to cash in on Britain’s unique subsidy bonanza.

But all this creates yet another huge practical problem that Mr Davey does his best to keep from public view. This is the fact that the more wind farms those subsidies call into being, the more we must look to conventional power stations to provide back-up for whenever the wind speed varies.

At the moment, by far the cheapest source of electricity is coal, still providing more than a third of our power and costing six times less than what we get from Mr Davey’s subsidised offshore wind farms. But Mr Davey and his predecessors have been steadily closing down what they see as those dreadful, polluting, CO2-emitting coal-fired power stations - and the ones that remain are not flexible enough to provide the instant back-up needed to keep our lights on whenever the wind drops.

The more wind farms we build, the more we will need gas-fired power stations to provide that instantly available back-up, not just to keep our lights on but to keep our computer-dependent economy running at all. And guess who is going to have to pay to keep those gas-fired plants permanently and expensively running on stand-by for when they are needed, chucking out more of Mr Davey’s hated CO2 than is saved by all his wind farms? We are, of course, through our electricity bills.

We are looking here at the makings of a national catastrophe: one that will not just push our electricity bills through the roof, but could well lead to major power cuts and blackouts. This will be the price we pay for a bout of collective insanity over renewable energy, for which it is hard to think of any historical parallel. It truly is time we woke up to the reality of where this crazed obsession with wind turbines is leading us.

Rather like the mammoth new Rampion offshore wind farm, when it comes to our policy on wind farms, Britain really is all at sea.

Christopher Booker, Daily Mail, 01 August 2014

Take a bow:


5,631 posts

233 months

Saturday 2nd August 2014
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Such good returns though...

Oops, sorry. I meant...


13,864 posts

235 months

Saturday 2nd August 2014
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At one point yesterday the entire output from the Disturbines was down to 94MW average for a 30 minute period according to bmreports.

But no doubt some acolyte will pop up and say "but the wind is always blowing somewhere - so we need the extra locations to find the missing wind ..."

Do Bliar, Huhne and Davey (et al) hate their children so much that they want to leave them a legacy of expensive fuel poverty? Or are they advising them to jump ship and head off somewhere else at the first opportunity. Brazil, for example, to take up one of those incredibly useful and productive of careers as a "Football Agent".

Maybe we should persuade David Beckham to stand for Parliament with a view to becoming PM. I don't suppose it would make much difference to what come to pass.


44,462 posts

199 months

Saturday 2nd August 2014
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The sooner that this country experiences widespread, major and ongoing blackouts the better.

Mr GrimNasty

8,172 posts

172 months

Saturday 2nd August 2014
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LongQ said:
At one point yesterday the entire output from the Disturbines was down to 94MW average for a 30 minute period according to bmreports.

But no doubt some acolyte will pop up and say "but the wind is always blowing somewhere - so we need the extra locations to find the missing wind ..."

Do Bliar, Huhne and Davey (et al) hate their children so much that they want to leave them a legacy of expensive fuel poverty? Or are they advising them to jump ship and head off somewhere else at the first opportunity. Brazil, for example, to take up one of those incredibly useful and productive of careers as a "Football Agent".

Maybe we should persuade David Beckham to stand for Parliament with a view to becoming PM. I don't suppose it would make much difference to what come to pass.
If you look at the yearly graph, it is rare for the turbines to output 5GW, which is 40-50% of metered capacity I guess.
If you look at May, June, July, you have 3 months of next to nothing from wind.

The proposed Rampion wind Farm is 700MW, the small print says it is expected to produce 240MW actual. Eon should 'earn' £325 million a year for that electricity, £220 million of which will be paid by all of us in subsidies. (Source the DM article posted above!)

And then you still have to build proper power stations anyway.

It is insane.

Edited by Mr GrimNasty on Saturday 2nd August 16:16


90,809 posts

257 months

Saturday 2nd August 2014
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turbobloke said:

Take a bow:


104,621 posts

262 months

Saturday 2nd August 2014
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755 posts

173 months

Saturday 2nd August 2014
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turbobloke said:

As Ministers agree to the world's biggest wind farm off Brighton, has Britain ever succumbed to a more catastrophic folly?

What should be our reaction to daft stories like the one recently reported in the Daily Mail about the 60ft wind turbine put up by the Welsh government outside its offices in Aberystwyth to proclaim to the world just how ‘green’ it is? Erected at a cost of £50,000 to the taxpayer, it turned out that this turbine was so absurdly inefficient it was providing only £5 worth of electricity a month. It would take more than 750 years to make the money back.

In recent years, we have seen plenty of little tales like this, showing how often those who build these mini-turbines just to promote the wonders of wind power seem to get horribly caught out. There was, for instance, the windmill put up next to a school in Portland, Dorset, which had to be switched off because it was killing so many seagulls that the headmaster had to come in early every morning to remove their corpses, so the children wouldn’t be upset.

There were the turbines built next to the playgrounds of 16 schools in the north of Scotland, which had be shut down for ‘health and safety’ reasons after the blades of one flew off in a mere 40 mph wind - when, fortunately, no children were in range.

Then, of course, there was that babyish little windmill David Cameron wanted to put on the roof of his £2.7million Notting Hill home in West London. It would have provided enough current to power four low-energy light bulbs - but, fortunately, it provoked such protests from his neighbours that it was never heard of again.

On one level, we may find stories like this darkly comical. But it is time we stood back to take a more grown-up look at the very much larger and more serious picture of just where we are being taken by this infatuation with wind turbines, which lie at the very centre of our national energy policy.

Today, we already have more than 5,000 giant turbines, with 25,000 smaller versions. They are proliferating so fast that from Cornwall to Caithness, East Anglia to Cumbria, hundreds of local protest groups have sprung up to say ‘enough is enough’. But the crucial objection to this obsession with wind farms is not just that they disfigure our beautiful countryside or kill shocking numbers of bird and bats.

In purely practical terms, the real issue must surely be that they are so astonishingly useless at achieving what they are supposed to do. Put all those 5,000 giant turbines together and their combined output still averages less than that of our single largest coal-fired power station. The obvious reason for this - though our politicians will never admit it - is that the wind is the most inefficient means of producing electricity ever devised, because it blows so variably and unpredictably.

In fact, the whole case for wind farms is based on a central, endlessly repeated lie. This is the way in which its propagandists invariably talk about them only in terms of their ‘capacity’, by which they mean the amount of electricity they could produce if the wind was blowing at optimal speed 24 hours a day.

We are told about ‘capacity’ all the time - by the wind industry, politicians such as Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Davey, the BBC and even the pages of Wikipedia. But the truth is that, thanks to the wind’s unreliability, they will produce on average only between a quarter and a third of their ‘capacity’.

Often, indeed, when we need electricity the most, on freezing, windless days in mid-winter, they produce virtually no electricity at all. Furthermore, far from providing us, as we’re told, with unlimited clean, green, free, planet-saving energy, wind farms are not just inefficient. They are also so ludicrously impractical that if we weren’t all forced to subsidise them to the tune of billions of pounds through our electricity bills, no one would ever dream of building them.

A cursory glance at the economics of the ‘smaller’ 100 ft-plus windmills and the giant turbines in massive wind farms illustrates my point. When I looked at one of these smaller ones the other day, near where I live in Somerset, I was astonished to discover that, though it is 120 ft and would have cost at least £250,000 to install, it only has the ‘capacity’ to generate a maximum of 50 kilowatts at any given moment.

But allowing for the vagaries of the wind, its actual output will average a mere 13 kilowatts - barely enough to boil four kettles - at any one time. Yet, for this, the owners can expect to receive £24,000 a year, of which a staggering £17,500 will be subsidy, paid for by all of us through our electricity bills.

The sums for giant turbines are just as shocking. Earlier this month, Mr Davey gave the go-ahead to his latest monster project, to build the largest wind farm in the world just off the Sussex coast, right opposite Brighton.

Davey gave the German energy firm E.on the green light to spend £2 billion on building 100 or more colossal turbines up to 700 ft tall, nearly 200 ft higher than the Blackpool Tower.

The ‘Rampion’ wind farm (so named, in yet another propaganda exercise, by the children of a Sussex primary school) will cover more than 60 square miles of the English Channel. As even its developers say on their website, it will be visible all the way from Beachy Head to the Isle of Wight. This mighty forest of turbines, we are told, will supply to the national grid ‘700 megawatts’ of power, enough to heat and light ‘450,000 homes’.

Yet, in truth, thanks to the vagaries of the wind, their actual output - as E.on’s own website admits in very small print - will be lucky to reach 240 megawatts, a third of that figure. Even for this, E.on can hope to earn £325 million a year. Yet, shockingly, more than two-thirds of that sum, £220 million a year, will be paid by all of us in subsidies.

To see just how crazy this is in money terms, we can compare E.on’s wind farm with our latest large gas-fired power station, opened two years ago by another German firm, RWE, at Pembroke in south Wales.

Its capital cost was £1billion, half that of the wind farm. But, in return for that, the gas-fired plant can be relied on to generate nearly ten times as much electricity, 2000 megawatts, 24 hours of every day.

For that constantly available supply of power, even taking into account the price of gas compared with wind power which is free, the cost is £50 per megawatt hour. While for the wildly unreliable supply we shall get from Mr Davey’s monster wind farm, it is £155 per megawatt hour, more than three times as much.

This is the kind of mad mathematics I come across all the time when taking a hard look at the price we are increasingly having to pay for what I have called the great wind scam. It’s this weird delusion that we can base more and more of our national electricity supply on subsidising ever more grotesquely expensive wind farms.

It is a course we first seriously embarked on in 2003 under Tony Blair. In 2008, Gordon Brown boasted that he wanted us to spend £100billion on wind farms. It was a claim echoed by Chris Huhne, Davey’s Coalition predecessor as Energy secretary, who talked of how we would need to build as many as 30,000 turbines to achieve a government target, six times as many as we have now.

The reason why all our politicians feel they must aim for such recklessly ambitious targets is that, in 2007, Tony Blair agreed with his EU colleagues that Britain would, by 2020, be producing 15 per cent of our energy from ‘renewables’, such as wind power. But Blair was so technically illiterate in making this pledge that he did not realise what he was letting us in for.

Because much of our energy, such as the gas we use to cook and heat our buildings, cannot be sourced from renewables, he was committing us to produce nearly a third of our electricity - 32 per cent - from renewables. And most of it had to come from wind power.

This was a far greater jump than that required from other EU members, which were already producing much more of their power from renewables such as hydro-electric schemes.

In practice, there is no conceivable way we could hope to achieve Huhne’s plan for 30,000 turbines. It would mean building 11 giant ones every day for the next six years, which is completely out of the question.

But that has not prevented Mr Davey and his colleagues from trying. And, in doing so, they are offering the mainly foreign-owned firms that build those wind farms subsidies which are higher than those available anywhere else in the world.

For onshore turbines, Davey is prepared to give wind farm owners a subsidy of nearly 100 per cent on top of the market rate for electricity. However, subsidies for electricity provided by offshore wind farms is now more than twice as much - which is why firms from Germany, France, Sweden and other countries have been rushing to cash in on Britain’s unique subsidy bonanza.

But all this creates yet another huge practical problem that Mr Davey does his best to keep from public view. This is the fact that the more wind farms those subsidies call into being, the more we must look to conventional power stations to provide back-up for whenever the wind speed varies.

At the moment, by far the cheapest source of electricity is coal, still providing more than a third of our power and costing six times less than what we get from Mr Davey’s subsidised offshore wind farms. But Mr Davey and his predecessors have been steadily closing down what they see as those dreadful, polluting, CO2-emitting coal-fired power stations - and the ones that remain are not flexible enough to provide the instant back-up needed to keep our lights on whenever the wind drops.

The more wind farms we build, the more we will need gas-fired power stations to provide that instantly available back-up, not just to keep our lights on but to keep our computer-dependent economy running at all. And guess who is going to have to pay to keep those gas-fired plants permanently and expensively running on stand-by for when they are needed, chucking out more of Mr Davey’s hated CO2 than is saved by all his wind farms? We are, of course, through our electricity bills.

We are looking here at the makings of a national catastrophe: one that will not just push our electricity bills through the roof, but could well lead to major power cuts and blackouts. This will be the price we pay for a bout of collective insanity over renewable energy, for which it is hard to think of any historical parallel. It truly is time we woke up to the reality of where this crazed obsession with wind turbines is leading us.

Rather like the mammoth new Rampion offshore wind farm, when it comes to our policy on wind farms, Britain really is all at sea.

Christopher Booker, Daily Mail, 01 August 2014

Take a bow:

Posted this article on my timeline this morning
Total F=cktards the lot of them.

I sincerely hopoe the lights go out, then we will see them duck behind the pile of bullsh=t (biomas)


70,036 posts

231 months

Saturday 2nd August 2014
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Whereas I hope when the lights go out that people with pitchforks and fires go to their houses and ask them why the f**k the lights have gone out and they are suddenly a lot richer......

Mr GrimNasty

8,172 posts

172 months

Saturday 2nd August 2014
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The lights will probably stay on, but the sun will go black behind a cloud of diesel fumes from all the fields of standby generators!


13,864 posts

235 months

Saturday 2nd August 2014
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Mr GrimNasty said:
The lights will probably stay on, but the sun will go black behind a cloud of diesel fumes from all the fields of standby generators!
Likely. Plus a large tax grab heads to the USA.