fred stripped of his knighthood

fred stripped of his knighthood


Ozzie Osmond

21,189 posts

248 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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groak said:
Obviously he's just been made a scapegoat.
Hello? Hello? This is earth calling....


1,062 posts

153 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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Not knowing 4/5 of fk all about banking, It does seem he did make a bit of a baboons ringpiece of RBS. Dont suppose he is too bothered mind, with his 600k pension for life, id be laughing!


2,394 posts

192 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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coyft said:
Murph7355 said:
So why is this one example being picked upon? Is he the worst example? I very much doubt it.
No, but he is the most convenient.
When you're as arrogant and thin skinned as he is, don't be surprised if the payback boys come calling at the first available opportunity


15,137 posts

202 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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These things are given out far too freely these days, as suggested Archrr peerage should go but while were on the subject gordon brown is just as guilty.


2,417 posts

225 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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It'll probably piss him off for what? Like 5 mins, then he'll remember he still gets a £340k a year pension (albeit reduced from £600k).

Seriously, it ain't just the bankers that have caused this. People who stupidly borrowed beyond their means and couldn't afford to pay back contributing to bad debt are equally to blame too.


23,384 posts

177 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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groak said:
Willy Nilly said:
petemurphy said:
that steve redgrave was good at his job once and won a load of medals but whats he won recently??? get his knighthood off him
He won his medals fair and square and unless I am mistaken he hasn't cost the tax payer billions of quid either.
So if an RBS share price rise ends up making us a shedload of profit does Fred get the k'hood back + a peerage?
Believe me...he fked up so badly there really isn't much chance of that. Every time RBS makes some money at the moment something else gets "discovered" that needs writing down...that's because it's balance sheet was such a pile of ste that if the true losses had been taken it would have been nationalised. Something that HAD to be avoided.

Derek Smith

45,904 posts

250 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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According to Privte Eye, our Fred keeps one of his titles: The most hated man in Britain.


3,975 posts

157 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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Derek Smith said:
According to Private Eye, our Fred keeps one of his titles: The most hated man in Britain.
Indeed, old Andy Hornby must be thanking his lucky stars.

Slightly off topic but I just thought this morning, people want less bankers on boards...yet both goodwin and hornby didn't have a 'banking' qualification between them. Careful what you ask for imo.


280 posts

226 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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Slightly off topic as well, how long before Blair and Brown get their 'honours'. It was with disbelief that I heard that that toad madlebum got a peerage, as a cynical method of getting him back in government for the third time!!!

I just look at Goodwins smug self apreciating face and that other fat banker, and wonder what this country has come to with these people. When someone does a job they are already paid obscenely to do and also get gets a yearly bonus of more than potentialy my whole life savings because they the job right.

Don't even go near the pensions!!!!

And relax......


6,419 posts

156 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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Agree with what someone said about. I am quite happy he has been stripped of his knighthood, but would be happier if he was stripped of his pension and fined for what he was involved with.


10,261 posts

254 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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He lost his knighthood because of Diana syndrome. Lots of morons in the public, not ally understanding what they are on about, whipped into a frenzy by newspapers (who see a it of frenzy whipping as a great way to show how much power they have over their readers)

Whether its the flag at half mast for Diana (which wouldn't have happened for Charles!!!!) or taking knighthoods of people who committed no's the owner of lots of retards and a few media moguls who's only agenda is to stir.

Of course, Fred's main problem is his name is Fred and it fits easily on the front of papers and in the tiny brains of readers. If he was Frederick Goodwin he'd still be a sir.


34,085 posts

248 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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Some idiot from the IoD on BBC a short while ago, complaining that stripping this bloke of something he should never have had in the first place is "politicising the whole honours system"

Has there ever been a time when the granting of honours was not (largely) political?

Edited by singlecoil on Wednesday 1st February 08:46


3,624 posts

202 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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Tiggsy said:
He lost his knighthood because of Diana syndrome. Lots of morons in the public, not ally understanding what they are on about, whipped into a frenzy by newspapers (who see a it of frenzy whipping as a great way to show how much power they have over their readers)

Whether its the flag at half mast for Diana (which wouldn't have happened for Charles!!!!) or taking knighthoods of people who committed no's the owner of lots of retards and a few media moguls who's only agenda is to stir.

Of course, Fred's main problem is his name is Fred and it fits easily on the front of papers and in the tiny brains of readers. If he was Frederick Goodwin he'd still be a sir.
No, Fred's main problem is that he was very bad at his job and because our Government at the time was even less competent he was given an honour he didn't deserve. It is perfectly correct that it is withdrawn.

If it turned out that Steve Redgrave had not actually won all the Golds, or that Fred's mate Jackie had not been three times WC then I'm sure they would also lose their awards too.

BTW you really ought not to insult the Public when you appear incapable of logical thought yourself.


10,261 posts

254 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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he was knighted in 2004...if Redgrave came back to rowing, post knighthood, and crashed his boat and sank would we have his back??

Its not the politics of envy, it's the politics of idiots. It's inconsistent with past decisions, its inconsistent with current situations (criminals in the Lords) fact, it makes NO sense given a huge number of cases before it and currently going on.....yet it fits with the need of the "people". Maybe Fred should drive round the M25, people could gather on bridges and cheer as he goes by while they throw dead flowers at him.


6,419 posts

156 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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Tiggsy said:
he was knighted in 2004...if Redgrave came back to rowing, post knighthood, and crashed his boat and sank would we have his back??
Fantastic analogy. No idea how I did not think of that myself.



16,723 posts

207 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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Would be interesting to know who put this odious little man up for his knighthood.


19,328 posts

275 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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This is what the daily mash have to say on the subject


10,261 posts

254 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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jimslops said:
Tiggsy said:
he was knighted in 2004...if Redgrave came back to rowing, post knighthood, and crashed his boat and sank would we have his back??
Fantastic analogy. No idea how I did not think of that myself.

Its a stupid analogy, but one made that I was responding to. A far better comparison would be Mugabe, Archer or Robinson....but people know who the rower chap is and lets keep it simple for them.


8,849 posts

214 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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0a said:
Agreed, the second jealous lynching in the last few days. From now on why don't we just string up any semi-public figure who has fallen out of favour or is associated with a cause we don't like. Embarrassing reaction to cover up for Hester?
Two wrongs don't make a right.

So far as Fred Goodwin was concerned he was a ruthless arrogant selfish ahole who never deserved a knighthood 'for services to banking' in the first place. He rode a boom created by the Fed and ultimately bust RBS with what was no more than gambling. He also cost a lot of honest and hard working people their jobs and their savings, and the question of the rights issue, which to my mind was little more than a desperate fraudulent attempt to save his own skin, has still to be fully investigated.

Sir Jackie Stewart was on R4 this morning defending his old mate, but while his loyalty does him credit, it is hard for him to make moral judgements when his own interests are involved. In particular, he played the old Gordon Brown card that the worldwide recession hit an otherwise healthy economy. The reality of course, is that it was not, as he would have us believe, an alien invasion. What happened in the UK and particularly what happened at RBS played a vital role in the whole crash. Had RBS been managed prudently, and in particular had they not been drawn into CDO/CDS trading by people who were actually far smarter than they were, the effects, particularly in the UK, would have been much less devastating.

Of course, what should now happen is that others who hold honours their behaviour does not warrant should also be up for review, the bonus culture should be ended, and those who perpetrated the fraud in the first place, meaning Goldman Sachs and their allies and associates, and whom Gordon Brown in his incredible arrogant stupidity allowed to escape with their loot, should be identified and punished.

Britain suffers from a chronic backscratching crony culture which is absolutely not capitalism, obscene rewards for failure, bonusses for doing nothing, and undeserved honours, and this should be a first step in dealing with it. Whether the politicians actually have the moral fibre to do it remains to be seen. They still believe that casino banking generates wealth, whereas it is really just a fraud on the general population, and of course some of these bankers fund their party. It will go on, of course, but let's at least not pretend it isn't dishonesty.


34,085 posts

248 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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cardigankid said:
Britain suffers from a chronic backscratching crony culture which is absolutely not capitalism, obscene rewards for failure, bonusses for doing nothing, and undeserved honours, and this should be a first step in dealing with it. Whether the politicians actually have the moral fibre to do it remains to be seen. They still believe that casino banking generates wealth, whereas it is really just a fraud on the general population, and of course some of these bankers fund their party. It will go on, of course, but let's at least not pretend it isn't dishonesty.

Nice summary.