Why is Cannabis still illegal?



Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 2nd August 2019
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It's entirely pointless using anecdotes to discuss drug efficacy and side effects. Large scale studies are all that matters.

Otherwise it's just homeopathy level discussion.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 2nd August 2019
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Sa Calobra said:
Firstly I don't have 20+ friends.

I have friends and then associates, people I work with who I drink with and people that I am friendly with whenever we bump into each other etc.

That's great that none of your 20friends who have smoked for that long don't suffer from depression, anxiety or worse, psychosis.

Of all the friends, work colleagues or associates that I know I can tell you none are alcoholics.

How the hell do I know this?

I don't. Neither do you. People are very good at hiding their dependency and it's effects.

Like functioning alcoholics, weedheads can keep their struggles hidden
Sorry, you may not know which of your friends or colleagues are alcoholics but I do know with my friends as I have known most since school and see them regularly. I don't often socialize with work colleagues outside of work as I find it often doesn't mix well. I am not counting people whose names and faces I know and I may say hello to as friends.

The ones that always have to have a beer in their hand but still go to work are functioning alcoholics, others may just enjoy a beer after work but don't wake up to one. Two others then also drink at work due to the work culture being geared that way.

Painkillers and alcohol kill hundreds of times more people and ruin many more lives than cannabis ever will.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 2nd August 2019
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Macski said:
Agree with you 100%, but the argument goes that if you legalise cannabis it reduces the uptake and abuse, i wondering how that works
It's not an argument. Just an observation. We can guess why, but sometimes these things are hard to explain.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 2nd August 2019
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Sa Calobra said:
1) Do you work up next to those friends to know if they smoke or drink first thing?

2)How would you know? Often people will only confide their inner demons to their closest friend. If at all.

3) A functioning alcoholic can be someone who has to have a drink most evenings often as soon as they get in. That doesn't mean in the morning necessarily either.

4)The same can be said for weedheads.

5) What is the cost of weed and say Coke abuse to society? How many agencies have to deal with the issues caused.

6) Adding another poison into accepted mainstream would do what?

7)Finally, drug driving. It's massive. I've been told that at rtc's with injuries the stats are 50% fail roadside test then bloods for cannabis or cocaine. 75% fail for stops under suspicion.

Police are going through a massive training programme on drugs wipes and blood testing.

With one year bans. Even if you smoke it the day before,when are you truly clear of it in your system.
1) No, it's just common knowledge, drinking culture in some jobs. It's not something hidden away. I visited some at work (film studio) and whereas my canteen fridge has milk and butter theirs was a fridge full of Stella.

2) As above, it's not in some way hidden as you seem to think it might be. Maybe with people you encounter but friends are quite liberal and open about their lives.

3) I disagree. Having a few drinks in an evening after work is not the same as someone that drinks all day.

4) Also disagree, as above.

5) Less than the cost of alcohol and prescription drugs, just another problem for (some) people that won't ever be totally eradicated.

6) People so it whether or not it is legal. It being illegal just means that it is not regulated and can not generate tax revenue that could be used to deal with any side affects that a small percentage of people may have.

7) Makes no difference whether or not it is illegal or legal, people will often drive under the influence of all sorts of things. Cannabis being legalized would not change that.


Original Poster:

56 months

Wednesday 7th August 2019
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citation needed

"Legalisation will definitely lead to a larger uptake in younger people"


Original Poster:

56 months

Wednesday 7th August 2019
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There is compelling evidence that teen use of weed is more dangerous to mental health, than adult use.

But this issue is not unique to weed. It is true for alcohol too. Teenage years are a vital time for brain development. There is research into teen use of alcohol on young brains with similar findings.

Unless there is evidence that teen use will go up with legislation, i don't see the relevance.


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 8th August 2019
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172 said:
Every single cannabis smoker I know is struggling to get ahead in life

Read into that what ever you like
I can suggest a pensions/financial advisor (retiring at 45), a head teacher, a chartered engineer, and the owner of a sunseeker (I don't actually know exactly what he does for a living!) who would all disagree with your statement.


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 8th August 2019
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172 said:
Every single cannabis smoker I know is struggling to get ahead in life

Read into that what ever you like
Whereas I don't know one that isn't doing reasonably well and a couple that are millionaires.

Read into that whatever you like.


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 8th August 2019
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Indeed, says more about the company 172 keeps, than anything else. I wonder if he knows anyone with an alcohol problem too?

It's odd that some folk who accept the importance of double blind trials in medicine, choose to accept anecdote with illegal drugs.

Gave a tour of my allotment yesterday. Always interesting to see who spots the weed plants!


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 8th August 2019
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"Household income was $93,800 (£73,470) for consumers in California, significantly higher than the $70,000 (£54811) average for abstainers."

"Similar results were found in Colorado with 64 percent of cannabis consumers in full-time jobs, compared to 54 percent of those who would not consider consuming the drug."

"In California, 64 percent of consumers had started a family, while the figure for abstainers stood at 55 percent."



Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 8th August 2019
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Lannister902 said:
Let's word it a different way... The average cannabis smoker is far more likely to become a no good, paranoid loser than an average non smoker.
Moronic comment unless you have a source for these made up/unfounded "facts" of yours.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 9th August 2019
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George Smiley said:
Lord.Vader said:
I have a few friends who are habitual users, all have decent jobs and certainly not "weird", you wouldn't know unless they mentioned it, i didn't know about one of them and I've known him 15+ years until we were playing poker at his house.

A drug with great potential and medicinal uses, legalise it and control quality, quantity and price, take the money to fund the NHS (including those areas studies identify as a potential issue).

Ridiculous that tobacco and alcohol are legal yet cannabis is not, the war on drugs has catastrophically failed at considerable cost to the tax payer, rather than fight a losing battle, change it up, take the cashflow away from the criminals and use the money to fund other areas and a focus on preventing drug use.

I know plenty of people who use cocaine yet wouldn't touch a cigarette nor a spiff so i cannot get onboard with the gateway drug mantra, same with all those people who regularly use cocaine, not one has ever touched crack, heroin, etc.
You seem to mingle with cool story bro drug users. So what if your cocaine chums won’t smoke a fag, I bet they’d have a doobie
What do you mean bu ‘cool story ...’ etc?

Why would they? To smoke a joint combining weed with tobacco? It stinks and is hardly something you’d do on a night out.

Do you drink? If so do you do it for the effect or because it is legal, what would you do if it was made illegal?

Drugs will be legalised smile it will lead to a greater tax tie for the government which they can then use to treat the root cause of hard drug use, which is poverty and also to fund the NHS / Police where appropriate.

Is cannabis for everyone, no, certainly not for me, but looking at this subject objectively, the pro’s far exceed the con’s, as I said the war on drugs has failed, let’s change our approach.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 9th August 2019
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technodup said:
Lord.Vader said:
Is cannabis for everyone, no, certainly not for me, but looking at this subject objectively, the pro’s far exceed the con’s, as I said the war on drugs has failed, let’s change our approach.
I'd be interested for any of the anti brigade to explain why illegality is better.

It doesn't stop people using it.
It doesn't stop growers and dealers making it available.
It doesn't prevent any addictions/gateways/illness/mental health issues.
It doesn't generate any money to pay for treatment of the above.
None of the people above pay any attention to the 'war on drugs'.

What is the point of it being prohibited?
Simple, it is bad, it is a gateway drug, anyone who uses it is a loser, etc.

As I said I am not a cannabis user, but I cannot see why it shouldn’t be legalised.

I agree Derek that it would be hard to use this money to directly fund the NHS, but more money in means more money to distribute out.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 9th August 2019
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I'm sure this has been mentioned previously but legalisation doesn't mean its going to be more available to people than it is now, it couldn't be more available than it already is

I was round a mates last night, he wanted some for the weekend, he text his guy, got a text back with the current "menu" (i.e. what strains he has available at the moment" my mate placed the order and it was delivered 20 mins later.

This is common around the UK, its actually MORE effort to go and get a pint of milk


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 9th August 2019
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I blame the Daily Mail


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 9th August 2019
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"The evil stuff" rofl

It's a plant.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 9th August 2019
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1602Mark said:
Elatino1 said:
"The evil stuff" rofl

It's a plant.
So are Poppies.
You have to do a lot of work to poppies to turn them into something harmful. Without messing with them they are just pretty flowers.


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 11th August 2019
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1602Mark said:
What, slitting the seed pod and scraping off the Opium gum that seeps out? No more effort than harvesting and drying weed.
Well yes it is more effort. Do we have a big opium problem? I was under the impression that heroin was the problem and that takes a lot of refining processes.


Original Poster:

56 months

Tuesday 13th August 2019
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Derek just asking for a friend, what would happen if a PC came round to a sleepy village address for an unrelated reason and spotted a small, single cannabis plant growing amongst the carrots? Would it kick off?