George Osbourne is dillusional



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Saturday 23rd February 2013
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This idiot has actualy made the statement that we are lucky petrol prices are cheaper than they would have been!
Do these cretins not realise its these ridiculous utility and fuel prices that have ended consumer spending and confidence! people have no money fuel is nearly £7.00 a gallon!! How ridiculous, where is this consumer spending confidence going to come from? Im just tired of these washed up boring lazy politicians actully now saying we are lucky it could be worse.....tell that to the buisnesses closing everyday come on George do something I know go away!
Who on earth can stop this stupidity?


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Saturday 23rd February 2013
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stbum said:
No it does not

We can stop paying for the EC for a start. Then we can follow up be scrapping 3 of the 6 million public sector jobs that we don't need. More importantly we can start to unpick the tangle of Quango waste that is crippling us now and will if left unchecked cripple us for the future with pension commitments etc. We can stimulate growth by slashing corporation tax on manufacturing and other wealth creation industries and raising corporation tax on high polluting social cost industries such as supermarkets. We can change our eduction system to reflect the needs of the nation in relation to worldwide reality instead of Guardian reader la la climate change land. We do not need to pay taxes for wallpaper museums, posh and Becks studies courses and way to five co-ordination managers. Its not like this is rocket science there is so much low hanging fruit here we could cut the deficit in weeks. We then might be able to focus on important issues like hydrogen fuel cell development. Nuclear fusion, the north sea tunnel, HS3,4 and 5. The windmill scrappage scheme, sequestrating the assets of brake and other hysterical charities bleeding the nations oversubsidised public transport system for their very existance.
They wont permit hydrogen fuel development to progress for many years or even cars that run on water the loss of fuel revenue would ruin the world hence petro companys buy up any of these new ideas and sit on them I mean develop them for the good of the planet,bit like BT with internet phones all hypocrites.


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Saturday 23rd February 2013
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Gaspode said:
How would you propose persuading people to vote for it? How would you fund the legal costs resulting from defaulting on our EU payments?
I dont think its default unless we owe them do we,I would call it stop?


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Sunday 24th February 2013
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He and most politicians need to accept familys are at breaking point and have been for five years,how can year on year rising living costs do anything other than add fuel to the fire,something actualy needs to go down in price and things never ever do,I am aware motgages are cheap but the majority are in fixed rate deals or kidology intrest only.There is a further issue here later down the line,so I stick by the title he is dillusional!


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Sunday 24th February 2013
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Tartan Pixie said:
Put in the simplest terms by representing global resources as apples:
There used to be ten apples in a bowl, the rest of the world consumed 7 apples and 3 apples were left for the UK to eat.
There's now eleven apples in a bowl, however the rest of the world consumes 9 apples so only 2 apples are left for the UK to eat.

Given the above how exactly do you propose GO achieves the bolded bit in the quote? Send gunboats to China and get them all hooked on opium? Put in a call to the Raj and get those pesky Indians to stop competing against our value added industries? Invade a couple of resource rich middle east nations to make sure the oil keeps flowing....oh no wait, we tried that one.

Like it or not the relative peace that globalization has brought, combined with the dropping of trade barriers through the WTO etc means that we must compete directly with people in China who will work every hour they can in a sweatshop to keep their family fed. On a global level living standards are evening out, which means the poor get richer and the rich get poorer.

Given that this is a function of globalization I'm all ears to know how you think the relatively insignificant Osbourne can do something about it.
Im sure we could cut immigration and assosiated welfare payments,sack a few thousand civil servants,cut aid to almost everyone,cancel the order for 45 fighter aircraft,cut our contributions to the euro sack all the MEPS,inc Blair,Kinnocks and co,reasemble the commonwealth and float that as our Eurozone,we could also scrap quite a bit of H&S regulation and dissolve a few thousand quangos,reduce vat a bit,knock a bit off fuel,start charging the BMW,AUDI A1,type cars a bit of duty as they really shouldnt be FREE should they,double duty on cigarettes,but hey ho but Im no politician,sorry I couldnt think of more I only had 5 minutes.
ETA Most importantly scrap everything eco enviromently friendly,inc carbon footprint credits and DPF filters and eco 12345 and 6 diesel engine legislation,as England is cleaner than ever and we are all fine,and all windfarms as they are a waste of money and have diesel engines in them anyway.
Oh and buy all our utility companys back from the French and Germans.

Edited by Gary11 on Sunday 24th February 16:03

Edited by Gary11 on Sunday 24th February 16:06


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203 months

Sunday 24th February 2013
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HundredthIdiot said:
Congratulations on correctly spelling "is".
Why thank you kind sir.


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Monday 25th February 2013
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I only started this thread after watching GO saying we were lucky that fuel wasnt more expensive and we have his administration to thank,it just struck a chord after filling a small green fuel can with £7.00 of fuel how ridiculous the price of the stuff is and how we have just accepted the year on year increases in this and all utilites and domestic bills.
My quandry simply is that these levels of expense are now beyond many families, often we see fuel and shopping going on credit cards this in itself slowly inflating another debt bubble,borrowing for daily essentials is wrong but its the world we live in,I only ever vote tory could never ever vote for the wretched labour party and have looked with perhaps a bit of optimism towards Farrage as a way forward, but sadly feel Cameron has in a master stroke by agreeing to a referendum made UKIP null and void, perhaps Nige could come accross now and kick out the slimy self effacing lib dems.
We need change this cant go on people are skint and worried and arent spending.They can massage the dole queues all they want the high street tells the story.
Thanks for all the replies!


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Monday 25th February 2013
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Why are we then unable to hang on to for example Jaguar Land Rover? So we sell them off to the indians who make it work,what is it? Still union influence? Poor productivity? High wages and iirc out of largely the same factories.
This selling off of the family silver (and gold) is so fustrating good companies good products gone NEVER to return.


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Monday 25th February 2013
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Andy Zarse said:

Technically and pedantically, Jaguar was part of a British Leyland division called "Jaguar Rover Triumph" which included LR. smile
+1 WHS
So techinicaly and not pedanticaly we did own them and they are now in Indian ownership,we have as a nation been selling our quality against a backdrop of huge losses for a generation or more> TATAs money has made a difference Jaguar were a ruin with huges losses when owned by Ford,and once sold again somethings made it work? Us British we never seem able to hold on to the reins at the core do we.And FWIW what a product and with a fantastic future!


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Monday 25th February 2013
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JensenA said:
You just keep stating the obvious. Everybody knows that all the facts you have stated above are true. But how does that make GO dillusional?
Your solution seems to be to sack 100's of thousands of Public sector workers and put them all on benefits, but at the same time you want to stop benefits!! You think that will make the economy grow? 5 million people without work, no money to pay rent/mortgages/buy food etc etc.
I notice your business specialises in looking after the well heeled Porsche owners - you dont actually make anything or produce anything of worth, you simply provide a service for those wealthy enough to pay someone to do the things that people like me do for themselves. Is your real concern for the poor struggling people who live here, or is it because these wealthy Porsche owners are now washing their cars themselves?
I'm not having a go at you, I admire anyone who starts and runs a business, I'm just questioning your assertion that GO is dillusional, and questioning the solutions you seem to be putting forward.
It is fair to say though we have still far to much red tape be it quangos or unneccesary Euro legislation,or eco taxation and expenditure,particularly anything carbon related its just an ineffectual waste of money,I work hard and get dirty everyday I in my world now take note of the cost when I fill up and I think so do most people,its one of our largest essential expenses and it shouldnt be,what galls me is George and co are just plotting us up for no doubt more increase in the cost of everything we need in the next budget,I am I suppose just making the point very badly I know! that this constant escalator has to reach the top, in reality it never does and it needs to people need money to spend and they havent got it,again stating the obvious,with respect I hope you can do what I do however the washing their own porsches analagy is just patronising and wrong, Ive worked in my industry for 34 years and am a bit better than a car cleaner thank you for your input though.


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Monday 25th February 2013
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HundredthIdiot said:
According to your profile you run a 5 litre TVR.

Whilst your taste in cars is impeccable, the assertion that your fuel costs are an "essential expense" is not likely to get much support from the Dacia-driving masses.
Thanks! thats my Sunday car, my post wasnt personal or hypocryitical I refer to the money I put in the family Audi A1 dowgraded from the range rover as it was ridiculous and a waste ,the TVR has been sold sadly going on Saturday am now looking for a Griff I think.
Anyway how does my car choice affect Osbournes dillusionment!


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Monday 25th February 2013
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mattnunn said:
George Osbourne is entirely under qualified to understand the technical detailery of the job he is employed to do. He was a history graduate (a not very successfull one) he then failed at career in journalism and through nepitism and connections gained a job as an "researcher" at Conservative party HQ.

Now I'm not suggesting that he's stupid, you need to judge that for your self based on the state of the nations finances, and I'm not suggesting a democratic government of the people would be best served by technocrats, but a man of his position should at least have the prerequisite intellectual tools to understand the role that 35 years of fagging and arse licking have delivered him.
Funny enough some one I sold a vehicle to knew him and said he was a complete cock,he like most today falls short and drops into the "Tory toff" cliche perfectly,we need someone with a bit of gravitas hence my original leaning toward Nigel Farrage who at least talks the talk.As for Milliband him?? run England PLC an utterly ridiculous thought it wont ever happen.......


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Tuesday 26th February 2013
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hornet said:
They are both matters of economic judgement. On paper, buying a depreciating asset you seldom use doesn't seem like a sound economic move. I'm sure you can defend your choices, but as we've seen from the aftermath of the rating downgrade, so can Osborne. You may not agree with his defence, and indeed may even make up words to describe it, but then other people (possibly not on PH) might suggest your car buying behaviour is deluded.
Hi I see where your coming from but in this instance it doesnt work as an analagy, as the car actually is and has appreciated and most automotive things I buy or sell manage to turn a profit one way or the other unlike GO.