Anyone else got a real bad feeling about the ISIL bombings?

Anyone else got a real bad feeling about the ISIL bombings?


lord trumpton

Original Poster:

7,492 posts

128 months

Sunday 28th September 2014
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Its hard to quantify or validate but I have an unnerving feeling that we are on the edge of a prolonged conflict that will be the death of many.

I know the government want us to believe that they will go drop a few bombs, take out some key targets and then ISIL will stop their terrorist acts and pipe down.
I fear it will unite rival Islamic groups and awaken many across far more places than Iraq and Syria. I fear we are on the precipice of a battle we can never truly win. A phase of fighting that will span a generation.

lord trumpton

Original Poster:

7,492 posts

128 months

Wednesday 1st October 2014
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TheExcession said:
Here's a thought...

Get them all round a table.

Proffer the option, "Hey lads, let's just stop all this, you know, it's been going on for at bit too long now. Let's just stop it now. Working together we really could get on very well and feed all our children and we'll all prosper."

But no...

"My GOD says your GOD is a dirty pig"


This is the fking idiocy, and it doesn't matter how many bombs are dropped at xyz. the hatred will not stop.

These people want a law that is the word and law of THEIR God, not the law of man. The law of their God is enshrined in Islamic teaching. There are no other rules allowed.

Christianity is fking just as hopeless at maintaining its laws. "Though shalt not shag thy neighbour's wife" - how many times does this go unpunished (by death)?

Just like in the Terminator films, this whole cluster fk will not stop.

It's the children I feel sorry for. The adults should get a fking grip and fking well cop on to the fact that we have a pleasant life supporting planet here, decent technology and medicines, we could all be working together, but no, 'my God says that your God is wrong so I must kill you'.

It's fkING INSANE, there should be no debate, it is JUST fkING INSANE. If Little Ex came to me and said 'According to my book God says I can poke your eye out because last night you sent me to bed for been naughty and you slapped my arse for having a tantrum after I'd thrown the dinner you cooked for me back at you because it had pork in it...'

Seriously, would anyone this side of the real world tolerate that?

I despair, I really do.

[Beer Assistant!!!]
Yep - that kind of sums it up nicely.

Any time soon ISIL will acquire some serious long range missiles and will use them without thought of consequence