Make America Great Again



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117 months

Wednesday 9th November 2016
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It's a great day to be an American. As I sip on a cold ice tea and play with my new Chevy 350 small block, I reflect on how the last 8 years has changed so much for the worse.

These 8 years have been a rapid decline in America due to the Democrats running the government into the ground. We were promised hope and change, all we got was the opposite. I've seen families destroyed, morals disappear, towns devasted, businesses collapse, municipalities bankrupt, promotion of racial segregation, a war on cops, and hatred for the Constitution. Apparently we are supposed to be ashamed of being American. This is toxic leadership at its worse.

It's about time we took care of ourselves and let the rest of the world take care of itself. It's going to be a great thing. Nationalism not globalism. Liberty not liberal.

The Dems said they were going to end Enduring Freedom, yet I have been to 9 funerals as a result of the on going Democrats failure to provide change.

A pro constitution supreme Court justice will be appointed to maintain the balance and not overturn D.C. V Heller.

Killary needs to be investigated properly, as well as Huma's connection to Saudi Terror Groups. Heads need to roll in wallstreet and abolish the federal reserve. Tear up Obamacare and end the fractional reserve currency system.

It's still hard to believe against all odds and the lying mainstream media that Freedom endured.

President Trump has a lot of fixing to do, with that said,



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2,755 posts

117 months

Wednesday 9th November 2016
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Maxf said:
This seems as good a thread as any to ask this. But what is the problem with Obamacare? As an outsider, I see it (headlines only, I admit) as providing a safety net for those unable to afford health insurance. I assume it isn't that simple?
When Obamacare was first touted the Dems make it out to be like the NHS. Totally free, go in see doctor, no prob.

Well if you don't have it you are forced to have or you are fined thousands. Well if I can't afford it in the first place what makes them think I can pay thousands every year. Don't pay the IRS you go to prison.

The monthly fees for Obamacare are insane, however you have a copay, I think this was called a deductable or excess in the UK. E.g. I have a staph infection I'm billed $6000, well the deductable on Obamacare could be $2000. Your paying that $2k. There's a reason why so many obamacare providers have gone under.


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2,755 posts

117 months

Wednesday 9th November 2016
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eybic said:
Interesting, I thought it was an NHS type thing.
Not at all, that is how it was delivered to everyone though. The Dems that signed it into office had not even read from front to back the affordable Care act, yet signed it in.

I'd have no problem with an NHS system, this though is a totally different beast.


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2,755 posts

117 months

Wednesday 9th November 2016
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Mr Tracy said:
Huh, so just to clarify. You do know that the NHS isn't exactly free as such? We pay for it out of our wages. Its automatically taken out of our wages by the government along with income tax.
I lived in the UK for the most of my life. The charge is nothing like paying 500 quid a month for crappy healthcare.


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2,755 posts

117 months

Wednesday 9th November 2016
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Genuine question, when was the last time America was "great"?
Summer 2008.


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117 months

Wednesday 9th November 2016
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Tampon said:
You are not an American are you. You live there.

You are Bob from Birmingham with a stetson and faux fawning for an imagined belief.

Nothing like the conviction of a convert.
The wit. I'm pretty sure I am an American last time I checked.


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117 months

Wednesday 9th November 2016
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simo1863 said:
will you scale back on the 'prepping' now that the Trump is in charge?

Maybe downgrade into a simple stair dominator?
No I will stop. Killary was going to continue the globalists ponzi scheme. Trump won't stand for it, as a result they will attempt to engineer a global economic collapse and blame him.

This election showed how deep the collusion and corruption of the order. This is not over by a long shot.


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2,755 posts

117 months

Wednesday 9th November 2016
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Mr Tracy said:
I lived most of my life in OZ, similar health care system to the UK. I was well looked after there in my times of need. Is there a plan to take care of the sick in the USA post obamacare?
Pre Obamacare. A hell of a lot better than now.


Original Poster:

2,755 posts

117 months

Wednesday 9th November 2016
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So just before Lehmans collapsed and took the rest of the world with it? That was the last time America was "great" and that's what the Trump is going to take you back to - imminent global financial collapse?

I can see why the "Make America Great Again" strap-line was so seductive hehe
That was the last time America was great. A totally different America to the depression the Dems have caused.

I also forgot to mention on Obamacare, it's such a great (sarcasm) system politicians are exempt from having to have it inline the average Joe. Lead from the front, right?


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117 months

Wednesday 9th November 2016
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vonuber said:
So you are a traitor to your home country?
It would not be the first time on here I've been called that.


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117 months

Wednesday 9th November 2016
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Eric Mc said:
And an immigrant. Hopefully, you won't be a victim of Trump's energising of any anti-mmigrant energy in the natives.
I got my permanent residency status honesty and legally. I got my citizenship through serving my country.

Illegals are just that, illegal. They will be kicked out. Whether they are Mexican, Chinese, British etc. There's a reason for immigration laws and they should be followed.


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117 months

Thursday 10th November 2016
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vonuber said:
But you will never be one of them. You'll always be viewed as the outsider, the foreigner, the untrustworthy one. I'd keep that gun loaded and by your pillow, just in case.
Well apparently you know my friends and family better than I do.


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117 months

Thursday 10th November 2016
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230TE said:
Ah, I thought he had stated he was a US citizen.
Yes I am a U.S. citizen. I used to be a permanent resident I.e. green card holder.


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117 months

Thursday 10th November 2016
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230TE said:
You have to admit the guy was right about Trump winning, which suggests he has a better feel for the USA than most of the American media smile My view is that if someone has earned the right to citizenship, and has some pride in their adopted country then they have every right to call themselves a citizen of that country. Integration is good.
Thank you sir.


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117 months

Thursday 10th November 2016
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La Liga said:
I have to agree with the positive immigration comments.

America has a deep history of those who immigrated and adopted the American way of life. One thing I always feel over there is there is a cohesive strand of 'American' through most people, regardless of their diversity.

Having rose in Mustang's defence, I'll balance it out but repeating that using summer 2008 as the time America 'was great' is stupid wink
It was the last time America was great. Everyone has their own definition of what great is. The financial storm that was brewing started way before summer 2008. On the streets, it was an amazing time for me. The Democrats had the opportunity to turn the spirit of America around, they did the opposite. Now it's time to use the Trump card.


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117 months

Thursday 10th November 2016
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Boosted LS1 said:
A big blocks better :-) for playing with.
A 454 to would be very cool, I saw one for sale in a g30 church van for a couple of grand.


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117 months

Sunday 13th November 2016
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gothatway said:
If true, this is a bit disturbing, isn't it ?

Or is it that Democrat areas tend to have gun laws, thus encouraging an illegal trade in them ... so more lawbreakers, so more crime ?
This is a very accurate picture of reality. The liberal states have the most stringent gun laws with the highest murder rates. They also happen to be the states with the highest no. of people leaving. California, NY, NJ, and Illinois. You won't find me there. Certain states are more "free" than others. That's the beauty of the U.S., you can pick and choose what state matches your personal principles and live there.


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117 months

Sunday 13th November 2016
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Tony427 said:
Well it's not taken long for Trump to show his true colours?

In his victory speech you could feel the sharp intake of dissapointment when he decalared his undying admiration of Hillary and his thanks to her for her service to the country.

I bet quite a few good old boys choked on their beer listening to that.

Now he's keeping the good bits of Obamacare it appears.

Three days in and he has already turned "establishment".

Its like he's saying thanks for electing me you gullible fools, and now just suck it up.

Who would have thought it that, when acording to Factcheck iirc 69% of everything he claimed throughout the election was a lie, Americans have elected someone who lied to them to get elected.

Boy, I bet they are dissapointed.

Hunting rifles with scopes are probably being polished as I type.


You really are a naive one. All of a sudden, post election the mainstream media are publishing truth?

There new approach is to portray President Trump as a turncoat and spin all of his comments. Unless he said it camera it does not count for st, so put your dummy back in and stop the tears.


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117 months

Monday 14th November 2016
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Tony427 said:
I really dont give a toss about who won the election, both were very poor candidates in my view.

I was just extremely surprised in how quickly Trump seemed to flip on his biggest and boldest promises he used to garner support throughout the election campaign.

Whatever happenned to indicting Hillary? Jailing her? He's now thanking her, on prime time TV for all ther hard work and sacrifice.

Again on TV the" big beautiful wall" has already become a fence. In his own words. On TV. Even Bush put up a fence.

Obamacare. Enough said.

Key reasons why people voted for him thrown over his shoulder.

As for dummy and tears, I have absolutely no affiliation either way. I echo his views on Climate Change. I think his structural reinvestment policies are much needed but worry that he will find borrowing the money as usual from China ( 67% iirc of USA debt was bought by China ) may prove problematic if you are entering a trade war with them.

I also think his plans to deport illegal immigrants convicted of crimes in the USA is an idea we should copy here, I have worked in a prison so have seen how ineffective our repatriation schemes are.

I was simply pointing out just how quickly he seems to have changed direction without any regard for the people who put him in the position.

He, to me at least, appears to have the character and personality traits of a Sociopath, behaviour which he has demonstrated all his life. However, if he can bring jobs, build schools and hospitals, repair crumbling bridges and roads, double growth, sort out crime and start paying down the National Debt its not a bad bargain. Especially if the Republican system will be now swinging into gear to curb his excesses.



Actually his own words were, it will be a wall with some fencing in certain areas.

There already is a fence on the Southern Border.


Original Poster:

2,755 posts

117 months

Monday 14th November 2016
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Here is your fence, endorsement of Obamacare and other disinformation from the mainstream media.