If Brexit is cancelled, how will you vote on the next GE?

If Brexit is cancelled, how will you vote on the next GE?

Poll: If Brexit is cancelled, how will you vote on the next GE?

Total Members Polled: 978

Conservative: 23%
Labour: 6%
Lib Dem: 9%
UKIP: 10%
Brexit Party: 28%
Greens: 2%
SNP: 2%
Plaid Cymru: 0%
Independent Group: 8%
Other: 12%


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 22nd March 2019
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Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 22nd March 2019
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Hoofy said:
If May has the balls to just tell the British people, Look, it's a complete mess, we're calling it off, I'll vote for her.
Got to agree with this. It's a total clusterfk, nobody has the slightest idea what to do, how to do it or what the consequences may be, looked at impartially the only sensible approach is to call it off and try to work out what the hell is going on.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 22nd March 2019
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Biker 1 said:
I think that brexit will get cancelled one way or another, so no point in voting for anybody really. I would think about the Monster Raving Loony Party though, just for a laugh. I voted the Roman Party in a European election once: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Party
Cheers mate! beer



Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 22nd March 2019
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AshVX220 said:
bhstewie said:
That'll be this Brexit party?


Unfortunately, due to the nature of the media (both social and MSM) anyone who stands for the Brexit Party, particularly in a higher position will be subject to having every SJW in the country trying to dig up dirt on them.

If it weren't for this fact, I'd put myself forward, but there are things in my past (from a long time ago) that I'd rather like to keep in the past.

They will be under far more microscopes than any other current MP or candidate, probably even more so than a UKIP candidate (UKIP was properly sunk when they brought in the likes of Tommy Robinson).
I know, really scraping the barrel having to back all the way to 2018 for examples of the leader of the party's racism. Aren't people allowed to make mistakes any more? We've all done things in the past we regret etc etc....



Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 22nd March 2019
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Toaster said:
AshVX220 said:
If it weren't for this fact, I'd put myself forward, but there are things in my past (from a long time ago) that I'd rather like to keep in the past.
Maybe we need a confessions thread, and we can vote if we think the individual should be forgiven/re-deemed could be a lot of fun biggrin
Aren't you supposed to be presenting a show on Scala Radio? smile


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 22nd March 2019
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AshVX220 said:
Check the poll, a lot of people seem to agree with fido..... So they must all be batst fking mental.
Not really a surprise though is it?


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 22nd March 2019
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TTmonkey said:
Nickgnome said:
Sorry it wasn’t 52% of the population (34M). It was 52% of those that voted.

So actually 26% of the population.
Please stop undermining the will of the people by stating bloody facts.
Who even knows what the will of the people 26% even was. Some were happy enough but don’t want any more EU political integration, some hate everything in the EU. Some were worried about immigration some dislike the common market.

This must be one of the biggest farces in UK politics. A referendum badly run by conservatives to shut up conservative back benchers, now negotiated by a remainer with a deal that isn’t leaving the EU and is making nobody happy except the ‘we won brexit init brigade’


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 25th March 2019
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djc206 said:
Look at it the other way.

A vote for Labour is a vote for Corbyn and his foolishness. It would destroy this country.

A vote for a Brexit party whilst understandable if you really wanted Brexit is ultimately voting for an entire government based solely on one issue. Personally I wouldn’t vote for an untested one trick pony party.

A vote for the conservatives is a vote for the status quo, a fair amount of ineptitude but an economic safe bet. They are currently the safest option for the country and as such it is with a heavy heart that I’d be left no choice but to vote for them, not because I particularly want them in charge but because I don’t want that moron Corbyn anywhere near No.10. If we had a less odious leader of the opposition I could easily be persuaded to put my X elsewhere.
Exactly. Tories are st but YOU KNOW WHERE YOU STAND. Plus I feel bad for them as they constantly get voted in AFTER Labour and have to clear up Labours mistakes, subsequently getting blamed for them. People still say that Cameron put is into the Iraq/Afghanistan wars. Delusional.

Labour get in and ruin the country.

Brexit Party..the clue is in the name. What about all the other issues?

It shows how thick people are that they will majority vote for a party based on ONE aspect of running a country.


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 28th March 2019
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Pastor Of Muppets said:
AshVX220 said:
Then if any voters have any clue your MP will be another one who should probably lose their seat at the next GE. Unfortunately MP's know that most vote for a certain colour come rain or shine, so they feel safe.
That may be a normal precedent from times in the past, its a very different story this time and they are in for the biggest shock
of their lives at the next GE, 17.4 million shocks to be precise.
That should be the case but who are you going to vote for? There’s so little real choice. I honestly can’t name an honest, worthwhile MP or even party right now.


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 28th March 2019
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TTmonkey said:
Pastor Of Muppets said:
AshVX220 said:
Then if any voters have any clue your MP will be another one who should probably lose their seat at the next GE. Unfortunately MP's know that most vote for a certain colour come rain or shine, so they feel safe.
That may be a normal precedent from times in the past, its a very different story this time and they are in for the biggest shock
of their lives at the next GE, 17.4 million shocks to be precise.
People said the same thing the last time we had millions protesting on the streets of London - about Blair's illegal war. Yet come election time the same old same old happened and the majority of safe seats were still safe. Only marginal seats caused shock, and the sitting government still won the election.

I suspect a lot of labour voters will still vote labour despite the fact that labour has been determined to make the government fail to deliver. Labour could have delivered Mays brexit but choose to make the whole thing impossible.

We will see some bounce back by minor parties such as Libs and maybe UKIP type parties but the general status quo will remain roughly the same.

And we will likely see another hung parliament but perhaps with labour doing enough to create a government with help from others.

The Tories will just probably sit on the opposition benches instead. Only changes will be through retirements and a few marginal seats - maybe 30 odd - being lost.
I think you may be right, though I’m not convinced it’ll be labour, if Corbyn’s still about.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 29th March 2019
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anonymous said:
Teenagers in the 1970’s did get benefits, along with single mothers. You could even claim benefit during university holidays!


Original Poster:

56 months

Wednesday 3rd April 2019
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anonymous said:
Same here. All went rapidly downhill when Maggie got in during my 'studies'. Heartless she was... smile


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 5th April 2019
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anonymous said:
UKIP got zero second places at the last GE.

They got c. 120 at the 2015 GE but usually a distant second.

Add to that their reinvention as EDL Lite and I don't see them achieving much.


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 8th April 2019
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98elise said:
fatboy18 said:
PositronicRay said:
fatboy18 said:
Just amazed that the Blue party still have 24% of the votes here!

Wondering how many of the voters here are London based?
London is predominantly Labour.
Er, I don't think that's true?
Results from the last GE show that it's predominantly Labour, so why would you think otherwise?

Because Metropolitan Elites, er London Bubble, er Westminster, er er...


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 8th April 2019
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LeMansNut said:
Parliament triggered Article 50 and that meant we were to Leave the EU by the end of March this year. The PM herself said "no deal is better than a bad deal".

You Progressives seem to pin all your hopes in stopping Brexit on whatever the Leave campaign came out with? It's laughable. Not to mention hilarious how none of you will ever accept that people made up their minds about the EU a long time ago. Let me remind you of those reasons: The Maastricht Treaty, no referendum AND Bliar opening the doors in 2004, on purpose, to the former Soviet bloc nations. Why didn't Bliar mention such an intention in the 2001 New Liebour manifesto? Odd how you all ignored those nuggets of facts yet you all concentrated more on "stop insulting everyone boo hoo".

However, seeing as all your hopes are pinned on whatever the Leave campaign did, here's a leaflet which spelt out leaving the EU without a deal. None of what's stated in the leaflet is remotely possible by staying in any of the EU institutions and/or treaties:


Crikey, the way some of you have had a meltdown at my previous posts, one would wonder if you're all actually BTL landlords who rely on open door immigration to prop up your debt ridden portfolios? Is that what's really going on here?

Would that be a reasonable summary of your position? smile


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 12th April 2019
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Aren’t the brexit party and ukip just going to be splitting the same vote? Farage has been arguing with ukip and saying ukip have been taken over by the far right. I wonder what he’s going to do this time to stop far right wingers taking over the (new and respectable) brexit party?

Regardless of what happens now with brexit, the next GE will all be very bad news for the conservatives, they’ve got core voters going to the brexit and ukip parties and some centrists going to the new lot, while getting the blame for anything people think is going badly to do with brexit generally.

Corbyn must be happy as nobody else is competing for his place in the political spectrum. If labour got rid of Corbyn and replaced him with someone less Marxist, they’ll win by miles.


Original Poster:

56 months

Tuesday 16th April 2019
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Just had a pre-election questionnaire through from The Conservatives, even gave me a Freepost envelope.


Original Poster:

56 months

Tuesday 16th April 2019
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silentbrown said:
Brexit party isn't contesting COUNCIL elections, though.
I'm well aware of that but my point still stands smile

I may have to hold my nose and vote UKIP for the Council Elections


Original Poster:

56 months

Wednesday 17th April 2019
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zippy3x said:

Brexit explained in 20 seconds.

Vote for something unachievable, Error pointed out. "My point still stands"
Nice selective quoting there.


Original Poster:

56 months

Wednesday 17th April 2019
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zippy3x said:
Nice selective thinking there.
You must be a remainer! Oh the irony...