First woman to pass P-Coy.



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72 months

Wednesday 19th February 2020
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Fair play to her, it’s a pretty tough old course.


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72 months

Wednesday 19th February 2020
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Leylandeye said:
She's got balls - well done to her!
She’s decided to join 7 RHA as well, that’s a tough Regt.


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72 months

Thursday 20th February 2020
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Castrol for a knave said:
I bet that stretcher hurt like a bd.

We were down to 2 on mine at just over halfway, me at 5' 9" and a dark green lad at 6' 2". The DS staff stepped in and all were over 6 foot. It bounced like fk and my ears were almost hanging off (probably).

Fair play to her - I bet she won the milling smile

Some knobhead on another forum was claiming she'd struggle to do the jumps course. Mate, if you can get through P Coy, then pissing about over Weston and surviving a night in Carterton is piss easy.

Edited by Castrol for a knave on Wednesday 19th February 19:08
Quite right. Getting chucked out of an Albert is the easy bit ( do they still use Hercs?)


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72 months

Thursday 20th February 2020
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Ayahuasca said:
Easier course is why.

Except for getting drowned in the sheep dip, but other than that, it’s relatively easier.


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72 months

Thursday 20th February 2020
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Ayahuasca said:
I did P Coy years ago and fk me it was painful.

I wonder how the milling went, the poor sod who got her lost if he lost and lost if he won.
Would they even let a woman mill with a bloke? I hope they did.


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72 months

Thursday 20th February 2020
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Castrol for a knave said:
Uses up too much of your crayon.
Crayon? Get you, you posh bd, must be a Rupert with that sort of Gucci kit.

Edited by GOATever on Thursday 20th February 03:54


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72 months

Friday 21st February 2020
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Ayahuasca said:
The most horrific event at P Coy is probably the log race, only three miles or so but because you are roped to the telegraph pole and everyone sets off at a sprint, you have no option but to sprint, and you have to keep pulling the log, woe betide you if the log starts pulling you.
The gap on the top of the tower of the trainasium is most people’s nemesis. The gap is only a couple of feet across IIRC and the drop to the deck is only 10 feet ( deliberately, because that’s the same as landing with a standard canopy during jumps ) but it’s 30 feet up in the air, and that gap seems a lot bigger when you get to it. The main ideas of P Coy are equally to test physical fitness and aversion to primal fears (fear of loud noises, and fear of falling are 2 key fears that everyone is born with, hence the design of the trainasium ) The aversion to fear is as important as the physical side of it. They need to be super fit, and show no fear, that’s why P Coy training week is designed the way it is.


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72 months

Friday 21st February 2020
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AshVX220 said:
Considering how well this lass has done so far in her career, I wonder if she'll laos be the first woman to get through selection for SF, though of course if that happens we won't hear about it until after she's finished in the SF.
Is SF selection open to women now?


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72 months

Saturday 22nd February 2020
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z4RRSchris said:
GOATever said:
Is SF selection open to women now?
I thought not.


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72 months

Saturday 22nd February 2020
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XCP said:
I was RMR when I was 19. I found the bottom field hardest.( course we were lugging an SLR around in those days). Being 60 now I doubt I could even lace the boots up! Respect to those who get the beret.
Do they still make them tab over the bridge the hard way?


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72 months

Saturday 22nd February 2020
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Oilchange said:
I did P Coy in the winter of 88/89. It was brutal, I found the stretcher race the hardest, was being punched in the face by a nasty bd nco for a mile or so because he wanted me to jack but the ds intervened and yanked him away.
Hallucinated the last half mile...
Two ex 10 Para guys jacked on the log run, couldn’t believe it. They looked like (what I thought were) perfect recruits for the regiment. Realigned my point of view rather sharply to ‘its all in the mind’.
I did it for a forces charity a few years back. Staff struck my lid ( only one strike though ) for leaning, until he realised I was leaning because my fking shoulder was dislocated. I got to the end though.


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72 months

Tuesday 25th February 2020
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Ayahuasca said:
The bridge at Aldershot? Para training is now at Caterick.
Not that bridge, the one I was thinking of was the hump back bridge on the R.M. 30 miler. It has got a name, but I forget what that is.


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72 months

Tuesday 25th February 2020
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XCP said:
I assumed he was referring to Lympstone.
That’s right, it’s the one where they make them go over the struts, rather than the deck.


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72 months

Friday 28th February 2020
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andy_s said:
^ Same, but had done 5 years in a para reg before going in the Brits, weird bit was the balloon, most disconcerting compared to going out in a big stick, but the breakfasts were good smile
The last balloon drops were mid 90’s IIRC. That’s a way back.