Trades V Pistonheads forum "Big shots"

Trades V Pistonheads forum "Big shots"



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Friday 21st April 2017
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Some Gump said:
I'm getting more and more confused.
This god awful concrete kitchen with unsuitable flooring and worktop combo.

It started as some artisan applied by hand job. Mixed by hand, just right.
Then it involved some kind of net.
Then a concrete expert called custard.
This was disproved by the existence if what looks like some sort of concrete cladding (although this didn't fit with the original line of getting the mix just right, unless tile adhesive has become complicated).
...but you didn't use the concrete cladding. Or do the work, because you're a project manager. (A skilled, artisan project manager).

So what did you do? I'm so confused.
You me and a few others. lets do the friday night wine thing :-)


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87 months

Friday 21st April 2017
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m3jappa said:
He's right. And I'll explain why.

Last week we were on a job, nearby there was a noodle bar type place. What did I have (every day)?

Lobster noodles, with all the garnishes.

Only those who roll at the very top can just throw a wedge at lobster for lunch. Put it this way, I ain't the one pushing the barrows. You see me eating lobster for lunch and you just knew that anyway.
hey the rule is , we stop after 3 bottles !


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87 months

Friday 21st April 2017
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NorthDave said:
This thread has to be one of the old crowd on a wind up....
Dont make it easy for them :-)


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Friday 21st April 2017
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EggsBenedict said:
I reckon smile

To be fair, this is pretty much the same way all the threads go where someone has a moan about some tradesman or other, or conversely when someone has a go at something, but gets stuck and asks for help (electrics is a favourite) and all the tradesman pile in like 'get a pro in, it's all far too complex for someone of your tiny brainpower and skill'. Seems to be no shortage of high horses around. At least Mr WUM who started the thread just went straight in there....
I nearly st myself laughing when I saw your user name ! I love you for Breakfast , yes, 100% . bh and moan like a bunch of pussies about the "trades' yet can do SFA themselves other than try to look down from their Pinstripe suits on us in our very best "dickies" . They are so clever yet seem to employ the lowest of the pile when it comes to working on their homes.

I am going to bed to dream, seems many of them start just after they wake up

Anyway. I am here to assist members that require quality information. Its my gift to the forum .


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87 months

Friday 21st April 2017
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Paul Drawmer said:
What's a 335D like?
I have no idea, never like big tits any way


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87 months

Saturday 22nd April 2017
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Agree , some of the trades do form a rank system. Thats why I tend to stay away from any "site" work .Firstly many are robbing scum. Those expensive new 18v batteries etc, swapped over for 3/4 dead ones ."must have picked them up by mistake " when you show them them your engraved initials !
But as mentioned , its the quality and level of music etc . I dont want all that "Cafe banter" I need either soft radio 6 music and to get on creating quality work


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87 months

Saturday 22nd April 2017
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hyphen said:
18v? I would have though a man of your talents would need the power of 24v+.

Can you post some pics of your portfolio (the non dodgy money ones where camera was allowed), as I am interested in seeing it. Plus there are a few wealthy people on here who may be impressed enough by them that you will already be over the threshold and using the onsite portaloo.
are you a mug ? I have work published in "World of Interiors and Country life and Living" you want to see them, buy some back issues .


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87 months

Sunday 23rd April 2017
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princeperch said:
Dealing with a good tradesman is normally an absolute pleasure, and I always make sure they know how appreciative I am, by giving them a few quid extra or a crate of lager or similar.

This thread did remind me of that cretin I employed to do my garden a year ago. Local bloke, well recommended in a local community Facebook page. All he needed to do was put up 5 fence panels, lay 8sq m of patio and lay 15 sq m of turf. He quoted me 600 labour only iabout three days work. Ok say I, and we agree a start date a week later.

Matey boy doesn't turn up. I should have sacked him off. We agree he will start 2 days later. He turns up at midday. Ok I thought in for a penny, and he sets off on his work.mstarts moaning that he under quoted on the job because there is more hardcore for hi, to take up for the lawn than he initially thought. I said don't worry about it - just pile it up and I'll take it to the dump.

Next day - he doesn't turn up. I call him, no response. He then gets him touch saying he'll be over tomorrow. Doesn't turn up.

Unfortunately the wife had given him some money on account, wasn't a lot. Anyway, he doesn't contact us or anything, there is sand all over the garden and I don't have a fence on one side. I send him an email saying your services are no longer needed, you best bring us the money back then you can collect your tools.

He is apologetic, says he will come over tomorrow with half the money. I said you can do that but your tools will stay where they are. He cuts up nasty now saying I'm being unreasonable. I tell him he hasn't seen anything yet,

Radio silence for 2 weeks. He texts me saying his phone was cut off. And he would like to come over tomorrow. He doesn't turn up, but does a week or so later . I think we are a kin the on now.

In the meanwhile I must confess I lost my rag with him and outed him to the local Facebook group where he gets most of his work from. He isn't happy and threatens to sue me. I tell him to go ahead if he wants to.

Eventually turns up, collects his tools and gives my wife the money. I didn't deal with him when he came over because I didn't want to get into a slanging match with him.

What I don't understand, and never will, Is all he had to do was turn up for another day or so, and it would have been done. Instead, he fks about causing everyone aggro, for no real reason. I simply don't get it. how on earth he thought he could run a business like that, I do not know.

I was derided and applauded in equal terms on here for my actions, but I really do think I acted reasonably. It was of course my fault I instructed him , he wasn't the cheapest quote, nor was he the most expensive. I just don't understand how people earn their living like that.

Professionals deserve good pay and respect and I will give both. Chancers deserve to be fked about and embarrassed in front of the community, which is what I did.
I agree , people like this are bad .


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87 months

Sunday 23rd April 2017
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hyphen said:
Back issues....

Is an onsite Foreman of your calibre not featured in the current issue?
Not a Foreman . Just a very talented gentleman and well loved by my clients .


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87 months

Monday 24th April 2017
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dickymint said:
He should at the very least fit the Fused spur (he should be able to do that himself under Part P) as how the fk can he commission it to sign it off?

Edit: Brian would have done the lot, he's good he is yes he can even drill holes in tiles!!

Edited by dickymint on Monday 24th April 14:21
Thanks :-) I agree with the OP in the matter .The worker sound wrong and should not be like this .We have all made a mistake on a quote and had to suck it up and move on. You either provide a Estimate or a Quote. Shocked at how many people have no idea of the difference . Secondly the boiler cannot be commissioned etc without the power . I have seen many times people thinking they are getting the "lot" .Most day sparks never make good . Some will not chase out etc .But they need to make sure the client knows this And has arranged for the rest of the works required. Its all down to been honest and making sure the Paper trail is all in order .


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87 months

Monday 24th April 2017
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sidekickdmr said:
Only after posting did I read the whole thread and realise this isnt actually a serious trade thread.

Its a shame Brian couldnt really have helped, if only i had been willing to pay in full before the job even started, wear a pinstripe suit, have a 1 hour security procedure, ban phones and money, let me wife do the talking/banging and have a boiler that ran on a mix of liquid gold and snakeskin extract he would have been up for it too.
Depends on what type of tea you serve :-) I cannot do Council tea .


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87 months

Monday 24th April 2017
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hairyben said:
He could concrete you the best damn oil tank base you've ever seen though.
Good point . probably true .


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87 months

Monday 24th April 2017
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StoatInACoat said:
Who ask the "client" if he "knows anyfing about wiring mate" when the dundermonkey breaks the bloody timer box off the wall whilst installing a 3 way valve for some explicable reason thus destroying the terminals in the process and tells me it's not his fault because it's old and fell apart when he looked at it funny or something. He clearly caught it while doing other work which is fine and mistakes happen but the suggestion that it had spontaneously jumped off the wall and broken in half of it's own volition and the "what the fks going on here" look on his face did not instil this "client" with all that much confidence. Luckily, yes, I do was able to figure out for captain chaos which cable was responsible for which function by using a combination of eyes and logic and google was able to fill in the gaps but what do they do if this happens and they have to figure out the problem on their own?

I didn't realise heating engineers didn't have a fking clue how electricity works and assumed that was the whole point of them above a standard plumber. Should have done it myself. Or hired a sparky.
A Real "Engineer" or a wannabe ? titles are bounded around these days. "Officer" for example . To me there is only one type of officer .A commissioned Officer of her majesties Forces or Police etc . "Executive sales" , chav in a suit ! , "senior sales manager" , been with us for more than 8 weeks !


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87 months

Monday 24th April 2017
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schmunk said:
By what title would you have yourself / your services known?


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Monday 24th April 2017
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dickymint said:
Painter and decorator now...........
Like I said..... very talented :-)


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Monday 24th April 2017
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Come on...dont be intimidated .Some of us on this forum are great at what we do . We are not limited in our abilities or outlook on work etc . We are "the Multi talented" experts .Like a kind of SF crack unit .


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87 months

Monday 24th April 2017
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jas xjr said:
Exactly . It rubs them up faster than a Soi 6 rat


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87 months

Monday 24th April 2017
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andy43 said:
I've got a plumbfix account too...
Wear that like medal why dont ya !