Neighbour wanting a front extension, not pleased.

Neighbour wanting a front extension, not pleased.


Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah

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Friday 30th March 2018
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alfie2244 said:
Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah said:
Nothing I can add having downloaded them. Outlined in red is his house, back garden and front yard. Exactly the same as ours. There is another black and white copy of ours, showing symbols, including one which is listed as right of access. I can't see it in our home pack anywhere, and Sarah's away for the weekend so can't ask her where it is. The only other thing the deeds/title plan cover is restrictive covenants placed on the property by the National Coal Board in 1980. Basically saying any property changes need their permission. The whole village has ignored this, and we plan to too, as at some point we are hoping to extend back. I can post anything up, but there's really nothing to see other than that.
The only thing supporting 'communal' at this point is email advice from the solicitor.
In the absence of pics of the wife....Does it say how much you both paid for your houses? biggrin
Yes it does, but I knew what we'd both paid anyway. I have found out he shares an unusual middle name with my father mind!

Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah

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Friday 30th March 2018
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TooMany2cvs said:
That's not communally owned, then. The red is the border of his plot - which goes right to the road. If it stopped at the front of the building, then there might well be a separate, unregistered, ownership of the communal path - but it's explicitly shown as part of his plot on that plan.

If you have right of access, then he can't build over the full depth, because that would block your right of access. Minimum width for a foot right of way is generally 1m, or 1.5m if immediately adjacent to a boundary.

I guess you've seen this...
I hadn't, thank you. I did actually look around their site trying to find such a thing but couldn't. The very points they say they consider are ones we shall be taking issue with, IE over baring (they use the word dominance)
I am hoping and praying that he gets the garage knocked up beforehand. It shall mean that 60something % of his land has extensions or structures on it, past permitted development. Raising this as a concern in an objection (without stating knowledge of the term) will surely get their attention.

Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah

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Friday 30th March 2018
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Elysium said:
Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah said:
There is another black and white copy of ours, showing symbols, including one which is listed as right of access.
As I asked previously, a right of access over what? This should be clear on the plan.

Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah said:
The only thing supporting 'communal' at this point is email advice from the solicitor.
It is not communal. He owns the yard in front of his house and you own the yard in front of yours.

I think he is likely to get planning permission for a large porch in this situation, so unless you have rights over the land, I would get a quote to put your own gate in the wall and build a small boundary fence.

Edited by Elysium on Friday 30th March 16:42
I'm quietly confident he wont, due to the close (6") proximity to our door. Also, the plans are that it is not going to be a porch, thanks to the inclusion of a bog, this makes it an extension. From what we've garnished front extensions are hard to get approval for. S is at her parents ATM, and her dad is a long standing house builder, he should give some good input.

Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah

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Friday 30th March 2018
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alfie2244 said:
Quick Q.............Have you both got walls at the edge of your front boundary where they meet the footpath?

The only possible communal / ROW I can see is down the side of your house to access the rear gardens?
No, to the front, and our side. The front gate is in front of his house, and that's where it's been since 1875.

The rear used to have access rights, but all the other 5 have extended their houses and fenced their gardens years ago.

Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah

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Friday 30th March 2018
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Elysium said:
Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah said:
Elysium said:
Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah said:
There is another black and white copy of ours, showing symbols, including one which is listed as right of access.
As I asked previously, a right of access over what? This should be clear on the plan.
OK - I am out.
Apologies, I missed this. It is not clear on the plan. The second print out has writing on it, not ours, and arrows IIRC. Sarah looked it over, I merely shoulder glanced briefly. She pointed at it and said, 'OK, that shows our right of way/passage'. The first photo on the thread shows clearly the (grey) gate placed in front of his house. The wall is the houses original from when built, this is how we enter the front of our house, the only existing way. The is no way to go through this gate without going over his yard.

A visual if that isn't clear. That bay tree in the foreground, that's where he wants the side of his extension. Over baring much?

Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah

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Friday 30th March 2018
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pequod said:
Ok, this the last post from me on this topic.

Fermit, you have posted a plan of your neighbours property on a PUBLIC forum without his authority, identifying his address and ownership. Did you not read the T&C's when you downloaded that information? If you haven't understood what implications there are for you regarding this then I am amazed! If I found a neighbour of mine had done that then they would be receiving a letter from my solicitor next week!!!

For your own protection I would strongly advise that you DELETE your previous post asap, and hopefully the likelihood of you being sued will not be another topic.

As you have also stated that you want to build an extension to the rear of your property in the future, I would suggest being very careful where you go with your objection to your neighbours porch/front extension as these things tend to get very much out of hand with a tit-for-tat retaliation.

Oh do behave! Firstly, it is not even called Cockshut Lane any longer, and I have never mentioned his name. I suggest you also demand posters of Nightmares In The Real Estate thread along with thousands of others countless posts with streetview links remove their posts so they don't get sued. As for us objecting, yes, we fking well are going to, thank you for your input. He has a similar rear extension, so he couldn't really object to us extending, and anyways, we can extend three metres back WITHOUT planning, so it's not like we need to submit planning for him to object to.

If any mods request me to remove it I shall with no argument, but I can't really see an issue with it.

Edited by Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah on Friday 30th March 18:37

Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah

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105 months

Friday 30th March 2018
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Rosscow said:
Sarah is very much alright!
Haha, thank you. I think she's a catch, and she's one of the gentlest people you could ever meet.

Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah

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105 months

Friday 30th March 2018
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HairyMaclary said:
Good luck with the objection, but wtf is it with the shared profile? Do you guys have shared facebook accounts and email addresses? You share a personality? wink
It's not overly shared, more mine. She sometimes posts, and sometimes shoulder surfs.

Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah

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Friday 30th March 2018
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AndStilliRise said:
Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah said:
Rosscow said:
Sarah is very much alright!
Haha, thank you. I think she's a catch, and she's one of the gentlest people you could ever meet.
Now that we have established the facts. Can we have some more pics? smile
Well, there are a few interesting ones I took in the Bridal Suite later that night....... no, actually, that would get me banned. And divorced laugh

Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah

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105 months

Friday 30th March 2018
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Ricky146a said:
Well, That has been an interesting read!
13 pages and 249 posts!
Kermit, you were advised on page one that this is a planning issue and on page 3 it was suggested for the first time that you obtain legal advice from a solicitor.
This advice has been repeated on every page since. It is clear that you do not really understand deeds and land registry plans (by your own admission) and with the best will in the world we can only offer non-binding advice (even if some of us are legally qualified).

A solicitor will sit with you and go through the land registry documents, know the planning regulations and how they are applied locally, advise you on your possible courses of action and more importantly the implications of those (official neighbor disputes etc).
Their actions are also insured as has already been mentioned.

Personally I do not see the right of access as an issue in the long run. Originally, the houses were all owned by the coal board and they built 1 gate for each 2 houses to save a bit of money. As the properties were sold off so a 'right of access' was included into the deeds of the house that required it. The obvious solution to this is to put a gate in front of your house - and if the neighbor builds his extension then he would pay for it. This would then end the right of access which would benefit both of you.

Please see a solicitor before this gets out of hand.
Now I am going to sit back and enjoy Easter!
To all who have mentioned, including your good self, yes, we shall be seeing a solicitor. At the mo this is one of a number of things we are dealing with, so it may not happen first thing Tuesday, but it shall happen in coming weeks. We are planning a side gate from the alley anyway, extend the newly laid (Victorian) brick alleyway at a right angle to the front door. We are just holding fire now for a bit, should access be a part of the objection. I promise, we are digesting each and every last post.

Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah

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Friday 30th March 2018
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It's completely subjective, but chatting just now to my darling on the phone, and her dad (a master builder, who has a 2 year waiting list) thinks he has little to no hope of planning approval. Cautious optimism.

Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah

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Friday 30th March 2018
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elanfan said:
Where is it designated how wide an access route has to be for the right of access? I've seen 1m and 1.5m mentioned here. Surely you have a right of access over the entire frontage, what if you needed to get something particularly large in and his extension was in the way?

I can see putting in your own gate could actually work against you as could argue you don't need access rights any longer. He shouldn't get planning for anything more than a porch as the front of the house is the building line and it will be fugly!

Quiet word with the local planning department might save you a few quid. Think you have to book an appt these days.
Sarah has said similar. We are trying for a baby, and it shall be tight to get a buggy around it. 100% why the gate isn't being put in yet. I also have a brother, chair bound with cerebral palsy, it shall be a bh to negotiate that structure in his chair

Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah

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105 months

Saturday 31st March 2018
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Gavia said:
Have you got some sort of bet going on around how many times you can use the word shall? It seems to be in every other sentence of all your posts.
Funny, I'm not blind, I did happen to to clock the 'shall' post a few page ago. It did make me have cause to re-read the thread, and I didn't see cause to be concerned. So you sir, can respectfully, go fk yourself.

Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah

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Saturday 31st March 2018
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LaurasOtherHalf said:
Nothing in this thread has done anything to change my mind that Fermit & S-Sarah is a slightly less insane version of Welshbeef.
Interesting. Care to elaborate?

Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah

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Saturday 31st March 2018
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Gavia, an apology is required, as I've just read that I over reacted in my reply last night. It has been a pretty tragic few weeks for us at home (not this issue, posts in a certain other thread would reveal) so my normal calmness isn't quite in check, there is a certain fragility in the FTKASS household ATM.

Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah

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105 months

Sunday 1st April 2018
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An update. Sarah is home from her parents. Her dad (house builder of 40 years, as good as you'll find) says he would be gobsmacked if it gets approved. Some things he observed. For a bog without a window it is regs that you need an extractor. This would be right next to our front door, emitting stty smells. Front extension regs require that they need to be disabled accessible, and he thinks he's going to struggle with this, as his entrance as it is not quite at ground level. He also thought that the 'not made out of similar materials' and 'over-baring' would be serious issues to anyone choosing if to give approval. He said to S, 'when the plans go in, send them to me and I shall tear them to shreads'. He also said 'he's effectively bullying you, I'm not going to have that'. Steve is very protective of his girl, and is aware that this has upset her.

On a side note he said that he his confident that his wendy house breaches numerous regs, useful to know. I'm just hoping he knocks up the garage construction. It would be great fun to point out the concern that he has already built on near 65% of his land, and we're concerned how domineering this is becoming. 'Innocently' of course, knowing you need permission to breach 50%, fuse lit.

We shall be courteous, but from however many days ago our neighbour has permanently ruined relations as far as we're both concerned.

Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah

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105 months

Sunday 1st April 2018
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don'tbesilly said:
Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah said:
An update. Sarah is home from her parents. Her dad (house builder of 40 years, as good as you'll find) says he would be gobsmacked if it gets approved. Some things he observed. For a bog without a window it is regs that you need an extractor. This would be right next to our front door, emitting stty smells. Front extension regs require that they need to be disabled accessible , and he thinks he's going to struggle with this, as his entrance as it is not quite at ground level. He also thought that the 'not made out of similar materials' and 'over-baring' would be serious issues to anyone choosing if to give approval. He said to S, 'when the plans go in, send them to me and I shall tear them to shreads'. He also said 'he's effectively bullying you, I'm not going to have that'. Steve is very protective of his girl, and is aware that this has upset her.

On a side note he said that he his confident that his wendy house breaches numerous regs, useful to know. I'm just hoping he knocks up the garage construction. It would be great fun to point out the concern that he has already built on near 65% of his land, and we're concerned how domineering this is becoming. 'Innocently' of course, knowing you need permission to breach 50%, fuse lit.

We shall be courteous, but from however many days ago our neighbour has permanently ruined relations as far as we're both concerned.
I don't think that's the case at all.

I think you'll find that there is no requirement for disabled access under current legislation, but it would probably be suggested or encouraged, and many properties have nothing other than a ramp with a low door threshold and a clear opening of 800mm on the front door to provide access, easy enough to provide on a new extension.

Providing ventilation to an internal toilet is easy to do without the extract exit coming out through the wall, on a single storey extension it could come out through the roof of the extension, so whilst Steve might be an excellent builder and very protective to his daughter (aren't all parents the same with kids?), two of the red lines Steve has highlighted above are far from it.

I don't know why you don't just pop into your local planning office with some photos and ask questions along the lines of it's something you are considering carrying out and see what sort of response you'll get.

PS; You have my sympathies, I can't think anyone would want an extension next to them based on what you've outlined, but your energies are better spent on finding out facts about what your neighbour can do, if anything, and the best place to find this out and for little effort is your local planning office or from someone experienced in such matters from a legal perspective.
We do plan to meet with someone in planning. I appreciate Steves's thoughts, as he does really know what he's on about.

Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah

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105 months

Tuesday 15th May 2018
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Kermit power said:
Did this story ever reach a conclusion?
Not yet. The latest.

He want's it to happen 'this year'
Every person we've spoken to, in the know (Sarah's house builder dad, a friend of my parents in planning) has said they think he's got no hope of approval.
Bolsover's Planning portal (our area) states a condition on EVERY last approved front extension 'must be made of as similar as possible materials'. Many are also refused because over baring to neighbours.
I also heard him today state to another neighbour (whilst getting changed, window wide open) 'I hope to get on with building the garage this summer'. This shall take him to about 60% of his land (around the house) having extensions or structures on it. Another thing the planners wont be impressed by, as permitted development is 50% maximum.
Sarah's dad has also said that when (or if) the planning is put in send him the link and he'll tear it to fking pieces (his words) and he is very much in the know RE regs.

We're waiting and seeing, and checking the portal every couple of weeks in case.

Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah

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Tuesday 15th May 2018
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Johnnytheboy said:
Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah said:
Many are also refused because over baring to neighbours.
I also heard him today state to another neighbour (whilst getting changed, window wide open)....
I wasn't evesdropping, he has a voice like a foghorn!

Fermit The Krog and Sexy Sarah

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105 months

Tuesday 15th May 2018
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MYOB said:
I think Johnny is picking you up on the "baring" rather than "bearing "...
I see.... forgive me, I'm tired paperbag