Rules regarding noise levels from residential properties

Rules regarding noise levels from residential properties


captain ash

Original Poster:

194 posts

209 months

Saturday 17th October 2009
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Anyone have any information regarding this? I'm particulary interested in the rules surrounding what sort of DB reading is considered unreasonable (and illegal?) and at what at what times of the day.

Also any info regarding how to resolve an issue (such as an independant adjudicator visit) would be appreciated.

Contrary to what you may think at this point it is actually ME who is at the recieveing end of one of these complaints, however both myself and the rest of my family think the aforementioned neighbour is being completely unreasonable about it, he has spoke to my mother in a threatening and foul-mouthed way earlier this evening and I have had enough (my mother and I both agree that we are not causing noise pollution). Obviously if an independant person comes round and tells us that we are in the wrong I'll happily bin all our hi-fi equipment and invest in good headphones, but until this happens I refuse to believe that I am causing noise pollution!

Thanks in advance.


captain ash

Original Poster:

194 posts

209 months

Sunday 18th October 2009
quotequote all
Just to clarify, my family never plays music at what one would consider to be an unreasonable hour (I never play it past 9pm these days).

I would admit in the past that in my silly teenage years I may have gone abit overboard but now I am 22 and since the various run ins with this not very nice chap I have made EVERY reasonable adjustment to try and cater to his needs such as unplugging the external sub-woofer from my hi-fi, setting the equalizer to it's least bassy setting, making sure every window/door is closed before music is played.

Even with all these precautions in place he still continues with his obnoxious and threatening behaivour, my hi-fi goes up to level 30 and I swear on my life it never goes past level 15 (with sub-woofer unplugged, equalizer down etc). He also only ever knocks on the door when he's pissed (probably where all the hard man talk comes from) which worries me as my mother felt very threatened by the language he used and he looks like the kind of chap who would use physical violence if pushed enough. She is an easy target too (divorced, single mother, not threatening in the slightest etc)

I'd also like to point out he has two dogs who without fail every morning at 6am when the neighbours have gone to work start howling for hours on end and wake my old dear and my brother up, so in theory its his house-hold thats creating the more anti-social kind of noise, wouldn't you agree?

Most of you will probably still think I'm an utter pr!ck for daring to play any kind of music at any time of the day at any volume but until someone official comes round and tells me whats too loud I refuse to live a life of silence, hence why I would like some official information.

(Thank you to those of you so far who have provided useful information)