Runny Babbits



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155 months

Wednesday 22nd May 2013
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Here are my Bun's

The lop eared dwarf, my little man.

I bought him from Pets@Home in January 2007, he has always lived alone and indoors with the peoplez. Will jump up at the side of his cage every morning to say hello whilst I fill his food bowl, he lets me have a bit of a stroke and then turns and makes a run straight for the food

Likes: Dandilions, Yoghurt drops and nuggets.

Dislikes: Hay, Cuddles/ strokes (unless he requests them) and water bowls.

He loves the sunshine, he will sit in it for hours and hours when out in his run (meaning I have to put suncream on the top of his ears!!)

He's very adventurous and likes to sit on his own chair...

Gareth used to groom this little fella all day long until I got him a grooming partner who would groom him back...

The Chocolate Orange Mini Rex, I adopted my little girl from a breeder in Warrington in November last year,
I decided that I would like a friend for Gareth as when I moved out of my parents he was alone for 8 hours at a time whilst I was out at work. She was a breeding Rabbit and was living with her daughter when I went to collect her, she is a little terror for chewing and tries not to show too much that she cares that your around but she does love cuddles & strokes.
She will sit with me for hours before she hops off the sofa, runs to her cage for a snack/ drink/ toilet break then she will go off and play with Gareth

My little Kangaroo face

Terri is rather amusing when she first goes back into her cage after it has been cleaned out, she grabs a mouthful of straw and will run around the living room with it (making a lovely mess as she goes) then run back into her cage to make a nest

Likes: Hay, cuddles & pulling on her water bottle!
Dislikes: Food, Yoghurt drops, being ignored

They currently live along side each other until I get a run big enough for the pair of them, I was going to turn my spare room into a bunny room but I have a friend coming to stay with me long-ish term in June so I cant do that anymore
Bravery or stupidity?


Edited by axgizmo on Wednesday 28th January 15:41


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1,095 posts

155 months

Thursday 23rd May 2013
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Awww they are adorable!

It's a pain in the bum having to constantly worry about whether they have managed to get behind the TV so they sleep in their cages, my Dad is building me a tray of some kind that I can put into the alcove in my living room so they can live in there together, I left them out in the bathroom one night as Terri's cage was insecure and I didnt have anything to fix it with.
They decided to remodel my flooring... so nope, not again haha!

Some of the photo's are takin in my old house, some are in my current flat. The gun doesnt belong to me, Chris had picked it up on his way to mine and brought it in so he could have a nosey at it, dont think I could be trusted with a gun haha!

Edited by axgizmo on Wednesday 28th January 15:42

Edited by axgizmo on Wednesday 28th January 15:47


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1,095 posts

155 months

Friday 24th May 2013
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Thanks Sam

Adz: It was really funny, she was in and out of the cage, the living room was a right mess afterwards!

Mine hate the lino in the kitchen and wont walk on it (but like to eat the lino in the bathroom), the wooden flooring in my old house never bothered them but lino, they dont like

Marksx: I nearly chose a bun in the same colour as your when I went to collect Terri, but she had a more relaxed temperment so I chose her, will have an otter one day though smile

Animal: Do any of yours live together?

Edited by axgizmo on Friday 24th May 13:12


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1,095 posts

155 months

Tuesday 28th May 2013
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Gareth tries to mount Terri quite a lot, when Terri has had enough she will turn and give him a bit of a nip, he will jump in the air then they tend to lie down next to each other an relax whilst Terri grooms Gareth.

They still don't live together (despite having joint play time since December) as we've had some hard times as a family so making me a tray isn't top of Dad's priorities right now.

Lola is lovely smile glad she has some bunny to love now smile


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155 months

Wednesday 29th May 2013
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Its the females that will get territorial out of the 2 of them, I have been very lucky and Terri isnt but that is what every site I have found told me.

Gareth has had the op, Terri hasnt


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155 months

Wednesday 5th June 2013
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So I bought a metal pen to house my bun's in as their seperate cages were taking up too much space.

Set it up lastnight

they took an intrest

I put them in overnight to see how they got on and was woken at 3am this morning by Gareth jumping up onto my bed!
Terri thinks she is an amatour Houdini and has lifted one of the panels in the night it has got stuck so they have had free access in and out all night.

So tonight I shall try again, with Cable ties to hold the panels more securely!

Edited by axgizmo on Wednesday 28th January 15:49


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155 months

Wednesday 5th June 2013
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Nah I have a cover for it too smile

That heater has never been on since I moved in in March. its not a perminent place anyway, just needed to put them somewhere not on the carpet incase they decided to "mark their territory"


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1,095 posts

155 months

Friday 7th June 2013
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Awwww proper cutie!


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1,095 posts

155 months

Monday 10th June 2013
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I bathed Gareth once, never again. I think Terri would quite like it but ive not tried it


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155 months

Saturday 31st August 2013
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I work full time, the Gareth gets rather excited to see me when I come home but they are absolutely fine, they have a run attached to the indoor cage so have plenty of running room, I have put a rug down under the run so they don't ruin the carpet, I also let them have run of the flat when I come home in the evening.

As long as they have fresh water, food, space and each other they will be happy as Larry smile

Edited by axgizmo on Monday 14th October 14:54


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155 months

Monday 14th October 2013
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Thanks for the new box Mummy

Mummy, claws, clip them please...

Me first, me first!


Edited by axgizmo on Thursday 21st November 10:11


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1,095 posts

155 months

Thursday 21st November 2013
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I lost my little lady last night, I got home from work and she was slumped in the corner of her cage, very lethargic and just not herself. I called the emergency vets and took her in, I put her down on the table and her stomach was notably larger than usual, Vet had a poke around and said there is a lot of fluid in her tummy, which he believed to be blood, he thinks she has had a tumour which has ruptured and caused internal bleeding. They asked for my consent and I had to say goodbye to her.

I miss her so much already, as she was in a bonded pair, my Boy Gareth is notably upset, was thumping through the night and generally making his presence known.

Absolutely gutted, i've never had anything happen so quick, she was fine in the morning (well seemed it - they are house rabbits so I check on them every morning when I give them fresh water) then all of a sudden she is gone!

Heartbroken doesn't quite cover it


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1,095 posts

155 months

Wednesday 27th November 2013
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Awwww so cute!!!

I am having a home visit tonight from a rabbit rescue.
If I didn't have Gareth I don't think I would get another but the reason I got him a friend in the first place was because he was chewing/ pulling at his fur and he gave himself a bold patch on his back which has been gone for the last 12 months whilst he had Terri.
I have noticed he is starting to do that again now he's on his own so looks like I am getting another


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1,095 posts

155 months

Thursday 28th November 2013
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Home visit went well so now I just need to arrange to take him to the rescue for some speed dating to let him pick a wife


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155 months

Monday 9th December 2013
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The last week or so have been rather unpleasant, it became more and more apparent that Gareth needed a new friend, he started to pull his fur again and was aggressive with anyone (other than me) who approached him, not ideal as he is a house bunny so visitors always go to say hello to him before sitting down.

So I dropped him off at the rescue centre yesterday, I just called to see how he is getting on and they tell me he has taken a shine to a little lady called Cinder

Feel so guilty for doing this so quickly as I miss Terri every day, but I just want him to be happy and he clearly can't be happy on his own anymore frown

Edited by axgizmo on Wednesday 28th January 15:51


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1,095 posts

155 months

Friday 13th December 2013
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Going to collect them tomorrow, thank heavens!
Going from 2 buns, to 1 bun, to 0 buns has been horrible. Missed him so much, cant wait to have him home.


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155 months

Tuesday 17th December 2013
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I was told to leave them to settle in for a day or two when I first got them home before giving them run of the living room so they have been confined to the cage and run for the last 3 days.
She is a bit of a scared bun when it comes to people, she is absolutely besotted with Gareth, he moves, she moves but when I go anywhere near she goes to her 'safe place' (the cage), Gareth is back to his old self, happy bun again smile

Sorry for the rubbish pics, she is black and indoors! Will try to get some decent pics of her with the proper Camera this weekend smile


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1,095 posts

155 months

Wednesday 8th January 2014
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Awww no frown Sorry to hear that Bazza

Cinders settled in nicely, her and Gareth are very loved up, he goes for a wander, she follows.
It is lovely to see as I honestly thought he wouldn't take to another bun when I lost Terri. So good to see him happy again <3

Edited by axgizmo on Wednesday 28th January 15:52


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1,095 posts

155 months

Wednesday 15th January 2014
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Awwwwww smile


Edited by axgizmo on Tuesday 4th February 10:15


Original Poster:

1,095 posts

155 months

Thursday 22nd May 2014
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Awww, little cuties!

It's been a while, latest piccies of mine smile

Peekaboo Cinderelli

Edited by axgizmo on Wednesday 28th January 15:53