Making *that* decision - pet cat.

Making *that* decision - pet cat.



1,096 posts

65 months

Friday 28th May 2021
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N111BJG said:
Thevet said:
N111BJG said:
garythesign said:
N111BJG said:
We have an 18+ tabby
She has suffered skin problems for past six months or so, several injections & treatments later it’s getting worse. Her skin is so fragile that she has a permanent open wound on her back from back leg scratching that we can’t prevent.
Her face is most vulnerable so has to wear a collar 24/7
Gunk comes from her eyes that needs cleaning up, we tackle it every couple of days, but however careful we are it’s obvious that it’s painful to do and the result is more broken skin & bleeding.
With all these open wounds we are fearful of infection, she is in solitary in the lounge as the dog would lick & probably infect her.
She still is eating & purring from time to time, but mobility quite poor.
We think that last call to the vets is just over horizon & getting closer by the day.
Having read that several times I have tears running down my cheeks.

Unless I have misunderstood the symptoms, I feel that your last call to the vets should be made sooner, rather than later.

It is the most loving thing we can do for our pets, to let them go when the time is right.

Good luck with your tabby
I agree, my wife is hesitating because its a legacy cat originally bought for her sons 10th birthday.

A serious & difficult conversation to be had later on today I reckon.
It is always difficult, I would say now is the right time-ish but as ever, I would advise trying to put yourself in the head of the pet that you probaly know best, what would your friend be feeling and saying? Had enough or fk that I'm still ok?
Well arrived home & braced for difficult conversation.
To find cat devouring chicken & full belly later laid in sun on patio for an hour or so,
Today was not decision day
Who knows what tomorrow will bring.....
More than one us in this sad position right now
Our little Tabby rallied & had a relatively happy fortnight longer
But I had to make that final journey with her this morning
RIP Cloudykins


2,139 posts

90 months

Friday 28th May 2021
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Glad you had those extra two weeks with her


3,566 posts

116 months

Friday 28th May 2021
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So sorry for all of you who are going through this. My condolences.


7,711 posts

192 months

Friday 28th May 2021
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So very sorry to hear the news.

Who me ?

7,455 posts

214 months

Friday 28th May 2021
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As I said a few posts ago. Listen to the pet. I had his two years ago when I found my little lass with rear end problems. She could not get her rear end out of bed and I saw the look in her eyes that said "dad, I'm done -PLEASE end it. ". As the vet injected her she looked at me and I saw her say "thank you" as she passed. It's sad /hard but the kindest thing you can do for your pet.


1,919 posts

48 months

Friday 28th May 2021
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I think most pet owners know when that day has come, the thought of losing your devoted friend is overtaken
by the knowledge that letting them go is the kindest thing you can do for them.

When that hurdle is over, you have that wrestle with your conscience,
will I put myself through all that again and get another pet ?

Good luck with that one.


181 posts

159 months

Saturday 29th May 2021
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This has given me some sweaty eyeballs as it's such a heartwrenching decision but as others have said, you just know when the time is right.

When I was a kid, we had 2 cats, a black cat called Charlie and a black and white fluffball of a thing called Maddie. Charlie lived a happy life until he was 17 or so, he'd been going downhill for a while but I remember clearly that one day he was sat on one of the living room chairs and he just looked so sad and depressed and we made the decision to take him. It was awful, even though it was absolutely the right thing to do for his sake.

Maddie, bless her soul, lasted another 4 years or so which was amazing considering the number of health problems she had. She took the choice out of our hands as she had heart failure when we were at home one evening. We were supposed to be out at the time, funny how things work out sometimes. Even then it was awful as she was a very special little cat with a really big personality.


10,439 posts

162 months

Saturday 3rd July 2021
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Had to do the final journey with Suki this morning. Like the op, we inherited her from my dear departed mother two years ago and despite destroying a sofa, being a stroppy mare and refusing to show any affection whatsoever outside of food times, we loved her deeply and was definitely ‘one of us’.

She suddenly had problems walking as if her legs were all walking out of sync, was off her food and was very, very lethargic. Emergency appointment this morning and a blood test confirmed it was curtains. Vet was great and did give us options on treatments but did say that it would be very stressful for Suki and would only prolong the inevitable so we had to make the decision.

Only one rational decision could really be made and rather than do it there and then, we took Suki home for a final few hours with her where she my wife cooked up some chicken fillets and a proper fuss was made of her. Goodbyes said and I returned alone to the Vets who allowed me in (against their own protocols) and I stroked and reassured her as she slipped away. Tears then ensued…

Goodbye Suki, you were a complete pain in the arse but you were our pain the in the arse.


2,139 posts

90 months

Sunday 4th July 2021
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Sad to read the above

RIP Suki


Original Poster:

841 posts

69 months

Wednesday 21st July 2021
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I had to make the decision yesterday. My poor girl had been throwing up in the night recently, then on Monday twice in one day.
Also she seemed to be in discomfort all the time, couldnt get positioned to sleep and kept moving spot from chair to floor and back again.
Also hardly eating anything a few licks is all so the medication I crumble into her food wasnt getting into her.
Decided it had to be the time and booked her into the vet for yesterday.
Vet was really great. Finally I held my poor girl in my arms in her cuddle position as the procedure went ahead, then she was gone. A last kiss on her soft fur and that was it.
Needless to say missing her terribly and uncrontrolled emotion is frequent.. Thankful Im working from home but miss her everywhere I look. Hardest decision ever and two of the worst drives, to vet and back ever.
So long Phoebe.

Thanks to all for the comments and support when this thread started. Just updating as some sort of hope at catharsis.

Thanks all.


2,139 posts

90 months

Wednesday 21st July 2021
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RIP Phoebe

They break your heart when they go. After a while your heart mends and expands to take on another one.

And go through the whole cycle again!