Runny Babbits



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155 months

Monday 7th March 2016
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Aww bless him, i'm so sorry, what a beauty he is (sorry, I don't like saying 'was')



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155 months

Friday 11th March 2016
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Awww Soo's adorable. Bet she is getting spoiled rotten now x


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155 months

Thursday 17th March 2016
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Gareth's having a tough time again. He's hardly moving about at all the last day or so, he can get around to his food/ water as he drags his legs and they make an effort to kick whilst he does it, he just cant get himself upright.

He had to have a butt bath last night as he's unable to get into his litter tray

I'm hoping that he will snap out of it again like he did last time but i'm not holding out much hope at all.
The hardest thing is that he is still his happy normal self, still greets me in the morning, is eating/ drinking/ begging for treats and taking meds like usual


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155 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2016
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We went to the vets last night as he had made no improvement, we saw a different vet this time who doesn't think it is Arthritis...

He has given Gareth a strong dose of a steroid injection and told me to stop giving him Loxicom. I've to take him back tomorrow morning and see another different vet to see whether they agree he has improved. Last night for the first time in days he sat upright rather than lying on his side all night, he is still dragging that leg when he moves though.

I don't know what/who to believe anymore. I don't want to put him through anaesthetic in order to have a scan as I am well aware of the risks so that leaves me with no option but to listen to the vets opinions.

Edited by axgizmo on Wednesday 23 March 12:45


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1,095 posts

155 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2016
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TheLordJohn said:

My fingers and toes are crossed for you both smile
Thank you


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1,095 posts

155 months

Monday 11th April 2016
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  • Crazy Rabbit Lady Alert*
As Gareth is on Steroid injections to help with his hind leg problems I worry about him and would hate to come home from work to find him in pain so if anything were to happen I would rather know sooner than later, So...

I have bought one of these -

It was only £20, if it works = Great. If it doesn't = No big financial loss.
A small price to pay for (hopefully) some peace of mind. Does anyone else have a camera at home to keep an eye on their furry ones?

Pic because, well, why not? smile


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1,095 posts

155 months

Monday 11th April 2016
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I don't know... You give him a little litter tray to help him out and he mugs you off by jumping in the big tray!!

Although i'm not really complaining. I love seeing him hop again (albeit a little unbalanced)


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155 months

Tuesday 12th April 2016
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I am actually really impressed so far... I am surprised
And it feels great to know that I can check in and make sure they're doing ok although I haven't got much work done today...

I have a table next to the run which I have set the cam up on for now(doesn't look great because of the wire, I may wall mount it at some point)

I haven't managed to track down my memory stick yet so no videos but watching it live whilst in the room with them there is next to no lag at all (using 4g on my phone with Wifi turned off) Nighttime pics are very good for a £20 camera!

This was at teatime lastnight (natural light coming through the window and fairylights round run)

This was later on after the sun had gone down and it was dark outside (Lamp on other side of room and fairylights round run)

This morning (sunlight through window only)


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155 months

Thursday 14th April 2016
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Back to the vets tonight as the 4 week steroid injection has worn off in 2 weeks


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155 months

Monday 18th April 2016
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I'm still really impressed with it. It did tell me the cam was offline for about 8 hours, afterwards I got a message saying they had carried out maintenance (Would have been nice to have prior warning but hey ho).

I cant put into words just how much it puts my mind at ease being able to check on him when i'm at work. He's having a nap by his food and water bowl at the moment:

Thanks to the movement sensor it also catches little moments like this:

And this - "Goodnight Gareth", "Goodnight Mummy"


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155 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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I said I wouldn't put him through another steroid injection and that when the last one wore off I would do what needed to be done for my little buddy. The Steroids have worn off and he is looking sorry for himself so I am taking him back to the vets tonight for the final time. Any advice on this?

Should I be taking his bonded partner with me and letting her see it happen or should I just bring him home with me for her to spend time with? I just don't know what to do for the best. I know she is going to be heartbroken either way but I want her to understand that he has gone

Edited by axgizmo on Thursday 21st April 10:40


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155 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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I feel this is my only choice, I am dreading the vet asking me "are you sure" because the selfish part of me will want to say no, but I know its for the best, he has lost so much weight, he feels like skin and bone despite eating everything in sight still. He is himself still, but cannot walk without the steroids. He has urine scald despite my best efforts (I work full time) to keep it at bay with cream and daily baths.


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155 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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Believe me when I say, there have been a lot of tears over the last few weeks because I knew this was coming, and they haven't stopped since I got up this morning and realised the time had come. Boyfriend is at work so best friend is taking us to the vets later

Thank You


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155 months

Friday 22nd April 2016
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There are no words for how I feel right now.
My wingman, my best friend, my boy has gone & I miss him more than I ever thought possible already. I cant figure out whether knowing it was coming has made it easier or harder but right now it feels like I have been hit by a truck.

He enjoyed his time on the grass with me and my best friend last night before we went to the vets, my friend brought him yoghurt drops, biscuits and all sorts but he didn't want to eat anything, probably because I had just fed him up on Kale, carrots and strawberry's

If love alone could have saved you, you would have lived forever

Cinders has always been the "hide away" type, she will sit in the box in the run all day and only come out for food, whereas Gareth has always been a lie down anywhere type. She sat out in the run watching over him all night, it was only at 5:30 this morning that she plucked up the courage to go over and give him a grooming & say her goodbyes, she stayed with him for around 40 minutes then went back into her box. When I removed his body from the run she sat and let me stroke her face which she has never done before so she obviously realises I am suffering too, poor little thing. She is eating and drinking still which is very positive, fingers crossed she will be ok.


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155 months

Friday 22nd April 2016
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Having to bring him home was incredibly tough but I knew I had to do it for Cinders. I kept waiting for him to sit up, be he never did.
When Gareth lost his bonded partner (Terri) a few years ago he searched her favourite spots in the flat for weeks, running from one to the other then back again and it broke my heart every day, I couldn't watch that again

Rest in Peace little buddy, I love you more than words
09.03.2007 - 21.04.2016


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155 months

Wednesday 27th April 2016
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Thank you for the kind words all. It's been a really tough week and to be honest I have avoided coming here as I knew reading the replies would upset me.

I would like this thread to carry on as I love reading about all of your little ones & I still have Cinders. Speaking of...

On the night I brought Gareth home, she sat in a new place I have never seen either of them sit before, she stayed there all night and watched him until she was ready to say goodbye. This spot is her new go-to place. I find this a little odd.

I took her to my parents with me for the night last Saturday, she spent the whole day sat on my knee, which was nice as at home she hides away, never comes for strokes and flinches when you touch her (the joys of getting a rescue bunny - you never know how they have been treated before)

As soon as we were back home she went straight to her new spot on the rug and sat watching the goings on. I put a blanket down on the sofa one night this week hoping she would sit next to me like she had been at my parents, no such luck, she hopped off and went back to her spot.


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1,095 posts

155 months

Thursday 28th April 2016
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Thankyou for the kind words. I'm not going to lie, I am a bit of a batman fan haha. Specifically the Dark Knight trilogy smile

Remy, Is there a chance you could try at bonding them before committing to keeping them? That would be the best way to go, I don't see why they wouldn't get on but you never know


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155 months

Wednesday 4th May 2016
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Really sorry, I already donate to 2 charities, I'm afraid I cant.

On Friday I got a call to say I could go and collect Gareth's ashes (wow, it hurt to write that), he is now on top of the table that was always his favourite to sit under.

On a happier note...
I went to Pets @ Home on Bank holiday Monday to pick up some bits for Cinders. Went and had a look at the small animals area and there was this gorgeous little boy with only one eye in one of the adoption cages. I fell a little bin in love instantly, I sat on the floor next to the cage for a while and he sat on the other side of the glass next to me, he would get up occasionally and stand up against the glass and try to sniff my hand through the gaps between the glass.
I went to get a member of staff and asked he about him, turns out he was taking into store by a girl who couldn't afford his vet fees, he had an abscess on his eye which was left untreated & he had mites & infection on his feet from being in a dirty cage. He was treated by P@H and kept in the back for a couple of months whilst he recovered. During this time the previous owner had returned asking for him back. The store refused and were worried she was going to send someone to buy him. This really pulled at my heart strings and I didn't feel I had any choice but to bring him home with me, knowing I could protect him from being in that situation ever again.

So here he is, My little Red:

First bonding session went really well:

He is bonkers, certainly not withdrawn or shy, which is amazing after everything he has apparently been through

Second bonding session also went well, with grooming involved smile Although Cinders does need to learn not to groom where his eye was as he clearly doesn't like that (she is very rough though)


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1,095 posts

155 months

Wednesday 4th May 2016
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Pets at Home just called me to see how he is doing so I have sent the girl an email with some photo's. Bless her she did seem very chuffed that I was taking him home with me. Now to get his injections done as there is no record of them being done before (they gave me a voucher for it)

The Lord John: I hope Karma catches up with previous owner i'll tell you that for nothing!


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1,095 posts

155 months

Wednesday 11th May 2016
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So find myself in the situation where I have 2 rescue rabbits, both micro chipped & registered with different sites.
Red is registered on Pet Log & Cinders is registered on Anibase. It should be easy to put them both one, except I haven't got a microchip certificate for Cinders, i've checked her adoption pack and its not there. With her being the first animal i've ever owned who was micro chipped I wasn't aware I would have such a thing.

Anibase wont let me register without the number off the certificate so I have emailed them but I imagine this will end with me having to pay to get a new certificate then I imagine I will have to pay again to transfer her details to Petlog so they are both in the same place. Has anyone ever had this situation before? Any tips?

I'm about to call Freshfields where I got Cinders from but I don't hold out much hope