Hope this is allowed here - bunny abuse

Hope this is allowed here - bunny abuse



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163 months

Friday 16th December 2011
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The video linked below is one I took about 4 weeks ago when I saw the conditions my 22 year old step-daughter was keeping 58 rabbits (+ babies) in. Her mother contacted the British Rabbit Council for advice and they immediately sent a report to the RSPCA - including forwarding this video and a large number of photos.

Sadly, the RSPCA have been, shall we say, less than efficient. They didn't turn up for 5 days then, when they did, they couldn't get in to check the animals so they actually left a post-it note asking the owner to call them and arrange an appointment! Needless to say, by the time they saw it was at least clean, and the ferrets had been removed to another room. A 2 week improvement notice was issued for the overcrowding and completely inappropriate hutches - that was nearly 3 weeks ago and they haven't been back since.

meanwhile, conditions stayed essentially the same for the animals (including regularly running out of water) until last Sunday. On Sunday her grandfather (my partner's father) decided to drive over and threaten me using a walking stick (no, he doesn't need one to walk) for daring to challenge his grand-daughter again about the neglect after another of the rabbits died last week from a broken neck - her excuse was simply "don't know how it happened". The police were called o the threats (by my partner) and since then there have been frantic efforts to get conditions to a point that will "get the RSPCA off her back" - including suggestions of moving some animals out until after the inspection.

The local inspectors are impossible to contact directly and playing Chinese Whispers through their national call-centre is hopeless.

So, in an effort to make sure that as many potential rabbit suppliers are aware of her attitude and lack of any sort of care (she's got a degree in zoology btw, so she can't claim ignorance!), I've posted the video below which you're all welcome to comment on and / or pass the link elsewhere in the hope that it gets back to her and makes her realise that she's known.




Original Poster:

2,392 posts

163 months

Friday 16th December 2011
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Thanks all. We know that the RSPCA have no more powers than us but they're supposed to have more standing - a private prosecution by them is far more likely to be taken seriously than if, say, we started one ourselves.

Curiously, there'd be an argument to make that, thanks to the Animal Welfare Act 2006 (which they were instrumental in creating) they're actually guilty of an offence themselves here seeing as Section 4 of the Act imposes an obligation on EVERYONE to act if the become aware of animals suffering!


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2,392 posts

163 months

Sunday 18th December 2011
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Yep, the mini rex site is hers (although she hasn't been on it for so long that I seem to have got away with linking the vid from it and she hasn't noticed :P

For any other fb users, feel free to come and join in - she'll stumble on this sooner or later - already had complaints from her grandparents about posting the youtibe video smile



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2,392 posts

163 months

Sunday 18th December 2011
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A quick update about the RSPCA re-inspection:

It's been confirmed that "the issues she was warned about have been addressed" although she's been further advised that the 29 remaining rabbits are likely to be more than she can cope with. She's also been warned that there will be NO further advice given if (when??) conditions deteriorate again.

I suppose that, having started on the "advice and improvement" route they really have to follow that through but I'm still at a complete loss as to why they were so slow to act in the first place (a week) and gave notice, so that conditions were bound to improve, before the first inspection. Especially seeing as the video, and supporting photographs, were forwarded by the BRC when they made the complaint so they could see how serious it was

Meanwhile, they WILL be informed as soon as things start to slip - that'll be as soon as Andrea thinks it's "all gone away" and, as long as they follow through with the "no further advice" warning it'll only be a matter of time before action is taken.

Just a shame that it'll need the animals to start suffering again before that happens!


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2,392 posts

163 months

Monday 19th December 2011
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Don't worry, MPH, I'm well aware of the limits of their "power" and also that it's legally no more or less than I have myself.

The difference is that they have the resources to use that limited power including a slightly more established relationship with the police and magistrates than I have, If one's needed it's far more likely that the local police will apply for a warrant, or even enter without one under the Animal Welfare Act, at the request of the RSPCA than it is if I pop into my local station and ask them!


Original Poster:

2,392 posts

163 months

Monday 26th December 2011
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tit with snakes said:
Not long after you posted this, it went crazy across facebook! A lot of the bunny breeders, including my O/H, are on there and deal a lot through there. From what i understand, she wont have much of an audience when it comes to selling rabbits, and is still being ripped to shreds by everyone else in the rabbit community!
there is no excuse for it!

You should see what our bunnies got this morning! I am lucky if i get fed that well!!! ha ha
That was the hope - if nothing official happens, try to make sure that it's not worth her time keeping them any more. Mind you, doing it did get us un-invited from the inlaws for Christmas and (we suspect) disinherited by them as well because, as far as they're concerned, the video doesn't really show any problems so it was just st stirring. Personally, I think they shoulda gone to Specsavers wink

As for not being welcome there for Christmas - what a blessed relief that was - a quiet, lazy day trying out our presents, our idea of nice food, and the first 2 series of Yes Minister back-to-back - Merry Christmas everyone smile