Rescue dog choice?



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181 months

Tuesday 10th April 2012
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Hi all,

bit of a dilemma here - I'd like some opinions...

The missus and I have decided we would like a dog. I've had a couple of English Bull Terriers in the past and a King Charles in my teenage years. The missus also grew up with dogs, but I'd not class either of us as experts or advanced dog handlers.

We've pretty much decided to go with a rescue - there are far too many unwanted dogs out there, plus I really don't want to go through the hassle of puppies this time round (lovely as they are, obviously!) - I'd like to enjoy an older, calmer dog.

Also with respect to EBT's, I was considering an "easier" breed this time round...

Don't get me wrong - I love the character of bullies, and as an aspergers person I find I can easily read their expressions and love their characters generally.

I was thinking of the bigger picture however - we have friends with dogs, and bullies don't always get on with other animals, so I was thinking of breeds that are friendlier with strange dogs.

In addition quite a few of our friends have small children, and excellent as bullies are with kids, they are clumsy and clownish and can frighten little kids (or knock them flying!) without meaning to.

And finally, they are very strong willed - perhaps this time round I'd like a dog who is less stubborn, less terrier, that will back down from confrontation, won't continually be looking for some trouble to get in to, etc...

The other half, on the other hand, started off not liking EBT's. (They are a bit like marmite!) After 4 years of stories about my two, and the obvious affection I have for their memories, she's starting to think she would like one!

Finally, yesterday we went to a local dog sanctuary. We took an adult staffy cross for a walk, mostly because I liked his body language, which was placid, quiet and submissive, whilst friendly. Most of the dogs they had there were staffies...

This one saw a cat and just looked at it, and saw other dogs and just looked at them too - but he did seem very low - even depressed... Nothing (even us, to be fair) seemed to interest him particularly. Bless.

So my questions are:

Am I just being too grumpy and should I just bite the bullet and get another EBT? Has my time away from them just hardened my heart (3 years) and if I met another one face to face would they get back under my skin?

Is there anywhere where the other half and I could meet a (happy!) bully so she can see what a pain in the arse they can be?

Are all dogs at rescue centers pretty subdued when you meet them? (Never done it before). How can you assess their character properly if so?

Staffies I have met in the past seem (compared to bullies) to be, well, nice but dim. Is this unfair? I know they are immensely affectionate, great with kids, etc etc. Compared to bullies they always seem more, well, serious too. Is this fair?

I've read (but not seen) that they tone it down when confronted with little kids or old people - they understand that they are weaker etc - again, is this true?

Are they as stubborn as other bull breeds (and terriers in general, let's face it)?

This chap yesterday didn't seem to know what "sit" meant, but looked at us for direction and licked his nose etc when we spoke to him but just didn't seem to know what to do. Or are they far brighter than they let on? He happily followed directions such as "this way" etc and didn't pull (much).

We're based in High Wycombe by the way, and have a house backing on to woods with an enclosed rear garden - it would be a lovely home for a dog... I just want it to be the right dog.


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1,161 posts

181 months

Tuesday 10th April 2012
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Wise words! Breed is only a guide to the character of a dog, I understand that... But if rescue dogs are subdued, how can I know when I've found the right one?

Jasandjules said:
Only you can decide what dog is right for you.

Personally I'd not be looking at a specific breed given what you are looking for, but just whatever dog really makes you happy.


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181 months

Tuesday 10th April 2012
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Hmm - interesting! I've never had a dog just click. For me a relationship with a dog grows from mutual respect and interest on both parts (and work, too!) into something larger than that over time.

Sounds like you're lucky in that regard.

I suppose I don't want to waste a rescue centre's time going on "dates" with dogs expecting to click when it's not happened to me before...

Jasandjules said:
Ok, I've only rescued dogs I've met/known from other people who could not look after them for whatever reason, so I don't know about going into a rescue centre.

But I believe (as with the dogs I've rescued, we've been offered others and have decided we could not take them for whatever reason) that one dog will just "click", you will fall instantly in love and that will be that. If it is a PITA on lead, you will put up with that, if it barks it's head off at everything that moves, you will put up with that. I don't think they are all subdued etc but even if they are, one may still very much appeal.

That's just the way I feel about things, I mean, animals, houses, cars, all the same to me in that respect, you KNOW the one you want and you'll put up with all kinds of cr*p with it that you wouldn't with a different cat/dog/car...


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181 months

Tuesday 10th April 2012
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Good point! We didn't ask, actually - I will do.

We will be going back next weekend for this very reason, plus a few extra questions I've come up with since I met him.

Plus - a walk in the pissing rain wasn't much fun for either of us... I don't even know whether he was grumpy/moody because it was raining at this point! (Our King Charles would hide under tables when it was walk time if it was raining)...

baptistsan said:
RE. the dog you took out.

How long had he been in the sanctuary for? We've adopted a number of cats from sanctuaries and always seem to end up with the ones which have been in there for ages and look fed up and miserable. Let's face it, who wouldn't? After a few weeks in their new home they are bounding around and loving life. Really do feel it's about environment and interaction with their human.

So don't cross this dog off your list. Visit him a few times and see if a relationship starts to develop. You never know, you may just cheer him up smile


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181 months

Tuesday 10th April 2012
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I quite like the idea - the other half isn't so keen, just because they are skinny. She wants a more substantial "cuddly" dog.

I've known a couple of whippets in the past and liked them - soppy old buggers, as long as you're not a squirrel!

rovermorris999 said:
How about a greyhound, lurcher or whippet? Loads around, very loving, good with kids and don't need a lot of exercise. Few if any inbred health problems either.

I have four at the moment and have had them for years so if you have any questions about the breeds feel free to ask.

Good for you for getting a rescue. Even if you want a pup, they do come up regularly.


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1,161 posts

181 months

Tuesday 10th April 2012
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Don't start with the cute pics of bullies!

I may as well fold and contact a bully rescue place if the other half sees that!

Any ideas on how to decide on the true nature of dogs when in kennels?

Karyn said:


As others have sad, "subdued" might not be an actual character trait in any dogs you see; more an effect of being in rescue kennels.

Good on you, though! thumbup


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181 months

Tuesday 10th April 2012
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Some good thinking there - I suppose this would be the "easiest" option of all - a trained dog (to a degree) of a pliable breed...

I don't know what to do really - I'm just aware of the importance of getting this right.

The more suggestions and opinions the better!

Mubby said:
When my partner and I decide the time is right we will be going for a retired guide dog, The dogs are retired usually before they hit 8 years old and sometimes the clients keep them as pets but usually they get a new "working" dog and the previous older dog needs a forever home. They are quite often retired earlier too.

I have puppy walked for Guide Dogs UK, It's a great way of having a dog and giving something back, but its only for a year to 14 months and then there is the heartache of handing it back, its not for everyone! but I have also used this as a great training tool for myself in the future as regards to dogs I will have as pets.

There may be waiting list for the retired or dogs that didn't make it, they can "fail" for the simplest of things, indeed more dont make it than do, but they are dogs of very good pedigree and breeding lines, and of course will have undergone a level of training depending on how far along it got before being rejected. Mostly Retrievers or Labs but sometimes German shepherds and such like.

worth thinking about maybe! perhaps not "rescue" as such but these dogs need homes too!

Edited by Mubby on Tuesday 10th April 14:18


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1,161 posts

181 months

Wednesday 11th April 2012
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I'd kind of discounted terriers because of their independent nature... Having said that, I know a few lovely dogs who also happen to be terriers. One seems to think I am a mobile dog bed and flops on me whenever I go round (after asking politely).

I think we are after a larger breed in this instance however. Having said that, they are cute! Do they shed?

[quote=Who me ?]As most folks on here know,I'm a Cairn Terrier fan. They come in all sizes,and are on the whole good natured. If you like them you could contact CTRF for more info . Alternatively ,you could try fostering ,and that's perhaps an ideal way to help pick your dog, be it any breed. Because basically ,no one can tell you what breed( or even mongrel) is the ideal dog for you .As said, greyhounds are great pets. Lovely temperament and docile .And owners I meet tell me that they don't need the exercise that you'd think they might.


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181 months

Wednesday 11th April 2012
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How can you say all that and not put a pic up?

Ta for the info!

I think the difficulty I'm experiencing here is this is the first time I've ever had a choice of dog - in the past they have just, well, turned up...

SGirl said:
If you're thinking of a rescue lurcher, try Southern Lurcher rescue as well. They've always got dogs in rescue, and they don't have kennels so all their dogs are in foster homes. Handy if you want to be sure of a dog's character before you take him or her on.

That said, don't believe lurchers don't need a lot of exercise! Some don't, that's for sure. But from what I can tell most of them love running around off-lead and will go for miles if you let them.

We got our lurcher pup from the Dogs Trust this time last year, and she's great - loves everyone, excellent with food, no aggression at all (even if you remove her yummy bone from under her nose!), will guard the house and bark at people she doesn't know but welcome people we've invited in. The only thing is, to be really happy she needs a fair bit of off-lead exercise - this isn't a problem for us, but you do need somewhere fairly enclosed because she likes to explore and chase squirrels! She gets two walks a day, around an hour each time, and she's perfectly happy with that. But equally, she can go on walks lasting several hours and still be happy! If she doesn't get her walks for whatever reason, that's fine too - she'll just spend the day snoozing and coming in occasionally to blag biscuits off my desk. wink She's remarkably adaptable to whatever exercise you want to give her, which is a very handy trait. And she's pretty intelligent - not border collie level, but a very quick learner. I gather this is common in lurchers.

BTW, lurchers don't have to be skinny longdog types - ours has mastiff in her breeding, which has made her a bit more muscular and chunky than the traditional longdog. Say if you want a pic. biggrin You can also get wiry-haired lurchers who are *seriously* cuddly!

The Southern Lurcher Rescue has a forum run by a lady who calls herself "mimsmum". It's worth joining there even if you don't plan on getting one of their dogs, because they have lots of good advice to hand out.

Good luck - hope you find the perfect dog. smile

Edited by SGirl on Wednesday 11th April 14:10


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181 months

Wednesday 11th April 2012
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Thank you. I've sent the other half one of the pics... See what she thinks.

If it was up to me, I'd have... All of them.

I kid you not - if I ever won the lottery I know how I'd spend the cash.


Original Poster:

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181 months

Friday 13th April 2012
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I hear what you are saying, but at this point in my life I don't know whether I want another bull and terrier, which is the reason behind the initial post I guess.

When Eva (my first) had to be PTS, to get another EBT was a no-brainer - I don't think I waited more than a week before starting to look.

Ruby was the result of that choice - I raised her though puppyhood and the ex took her when she left... She turned out alright that dog, and is happy and well adjusted now so all good IMO.

This time I don't know whether I want to engage in another battle of wills with a bully or a staffy on a daily basis. I also don't want to go through the hassle (enjoyable hassle!) of raising a puppy either. I'm not saying never again to either, I'm saying maybe not now.

I see other breeds (even other terriers!) that are far less stubborn and trainable, and I quite fancy having an "easy life" for a while at least.

They are great though, aren't they!

PaulB81 said:
If you've had a bull terrier breed before you should definitately conisder a staff. As you rightly say the rescues seem to be full of them. Seems every other dog is a staffy. I'd not had one before being used to larger breeds but we got one from a rescue about 6 months ago now. She was due to be put down the next day and our emotions got the better of us. We decided to 'foster' her but it took all of 3 days for her to become our fourth permanent dog.

She is an absoutely lovely dog, full of energy. We think shes about 2 years old. They are full of personality, good with kids etc. I would definately have another one if we ever have more room. I had been put off small dogs previously thinking they were all yappy etc (silly I know) but I feel staffs and probably EBT too are like a big dog in a small dogs body. She plays great with my mastiff cross, they playfight. He is really gentle with her and can seem to fit her whole head in his mouth which she doesnt seem to mind. She hangs off the loose skin of his face and when we wont let her on the sofa, she uses him as a cusion on the floor. Its amazing what she gets away with! They are cheeky, stubborn little dogs biggrin

Edited by PaulB81 on Friday 13th April 11:32


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181 months

Friday 13th April 2012
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PaulB81 said:
Get an adult (2-3 yr old) one biggrin
Heh! Eva was 7 when I met her, and is still the most stubborn creature I have ever met...

Miss her though. Perhaps that's why - more of the same just wouldn't be the same?


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181 months

Monday 16th April 2012
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It's appealing...

Is there any way I could arrange for my other half to meet a happy bully? She's only ever known labs. I'd feel better about thinking about another bully if she knew exactly what she was letting herself in for.

Rach* said:
Ooooh you so want another Bullie! Don't you miss.....
Bullie spins
Bullie runs
Bullie farts
Bullie loyalty
Bullie pig-headedness

The rescue I help are inundated, we're waiting for 6 siblings aged 2 to come in from the pound right now!
Mine, Stella, is slumped against me right now using my leg as an armrest, sitting like peoples smile


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181 months

Monday 16th April 2012
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Genius! Brilliant idea.

Will inform the better half...

Rach* said:
If it's not too far, I'm holding a Bullie walk on 29th April at The Lookout in Bracknell, lots of happy bullies smile


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181 months

Monday 16th April 2012
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I would like a shot, but it's not me that is at home for most of the day. Mind you (hope she never sees this thread) she's bossy enough for a bully to be well behaved. I'm just glad I am allowed on the sofa.

I will ask the question in any case. Knowing us though, whatever gets fostered would get adopted.

Or is that the evil plan?

Rach* said:
or how about fostering a bullie? We have 3 young bhes just arrived who need fostering, just waiting on their assessment smile


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181 months

Monday 16th April 2012
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Do! I've just changed my account to point at a real email address...

Rach* said:
hehe I'm part of the failed fosters gang too

Cool, I'll send over some details smile


Original Poster:

1,161 posts

181 months

Tuesday 17th April 2012
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OK - it looks like fostering is a go! Rach - please send details!

Rach* said:
hehe I'm part of the failed fosters gang too

Cool, I'll send over some details smile


Original Poster:

1,161 posts

181 months

Wednesday 25th April 2012
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Rach* said:
hehe I'm part of the failed fosters gang too

Cool, I'll send over some details smile
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