The story of my, now blind, best mate, Jack

The story of my, now blind, best mate, Jack



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149 months

Tuesday 29th January 2013
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I got Jack from Battersea dog's home almost 8 years ago now, I still remember walking through the corridors of loads and loads of abandoned animals, all crying out to be given a chance. There was lots of bigger dogs, Stafs, Cross Breeds, but I wanted a Jack Russell.

I looked into one of the cages and there was he was, my future best mate, standing on his back legs and stretching to be able to see over the bars on the cage to check out his potential victims (sorry owners)

I read the little card they affix to the cages, and it said "Jack Russell X, male, 11 months old, good with children and other pets. Has some training."

Fantastic I thought, time to meet him properly!!

I was told to wait in the room whilst one of the staff went off to fetch Jack, I was so excited! Then after what seemed like hours, in strolled the most charismatic, energetic dog I'd seen in a long time.

I was told that he was brought to Battersea initially with a view to get him a foster home, his original owner had gone out to Sri Lanka to help with the Tsunami aftermath. But after some deliberation it was decided that the kindest thing for Jack was to find him a new home, a permanent one.

He already knew how to sit, lay down, say 'hello' (bark), beg, roll over, he was amazing!!

Me and Jack quickly became buddies, and I said immediately after that meeting that I wanted to take him home.

So I went off to prepare my house, get his bed, food, toys and what not, and then headed off back to the dogs home to go pick up Jack.

This is one of the first pictures I have of him, sitting proudly in his new surroundings:

So the years went by and me and Jack became best pals, I used to love taking him to the Great Park near me and let him run:

One day I sat down and watched Star Wars with him, ever since he loves dressing up as Yoda, he's such a silly sausage:

Things were going great, Jack had settled in, we were having a GREAT time.

Then, about 2 years ago now, and when Jack reached 6, his eye became really sore, it looked swollen and red, so off to the vets we go.

Turned out Jack had dislodged the lens in his right eye, and Glaucoma had set in. He was in so much pain that he could hardly function the poor thing, so the decision was made to remove his eye.

Here's the little tyke literally just out of the Vets in my old truck:

After the operation he was absolutely fine. Took a little while for him to recover from the anaesthetic, but other than that he was back to his old self.

He still loved going out and always knew when we were heading to the park.

See the excitement in his little face?

But then, my worst nightmare. About 6 months ago now, his other eye started to swell, and looked really sore. He started hanging his head again, just like what happened two years ago.

My heart filled with dread, I always thought to myself that if he ever lost the other eye I'd have to be kind and put him to sleep.

My worst fears were becoming a reality. And I honestly thought I was going to lose my best mate.

I took him straight to the Vets, it was a Sunday so he was treated as an emergency. He was given special pressure reducing eye drops to try and combat the swelling that was internally destroying his eye.

After a couple of days the pressure in his eye had reduced, the vet thought that because we had caught it so early, we might just have saved the eye, and his sight!

Wrong. frown

Another couple of days past, and he was struggling, his sight was slowly deteriorating to the point that he was basically blind. Blind, and in a LOT of pain.

My heart filled with dread yet again, I was hopelessly thinking of what else could be done for him, and was fighting so hard against the thought of having to put him down.

I went to see a Canine Eye Specialist in High Wycombe. He's the same guy I saw before for his other eye. And he told me we could operate. Two options, one was to install little stents in his eye, like little tubes, these would drain the eye of the aqueous humour or 'gooey stuff', and relieve the pressure. The drawbacks of this is that the stents nearly always block, and he would periodically be in the same pain, time and time again.

The other option was laser surgery, they fire a laser in to the eyeball, and effectively quart-arise where the fluid enters, so that the eye would just stay 'as is'. Drawbacks? He would only have the sight of what he has now, which is sod all. There is no regaining of sight here.

So I spoke to the eye specialist at length. The priority here is quality of life for Jack, nothing else.

He was in so much pain that any decision had to be made right there and then.

I was assured by the eye specialist that a blind dog, can be just as happy as a sighted dog, and that he would not consider this a case for euthanasia.

I was feeling optimistic, I was given some good advice and told to go away and research, and research I did, all night long.

Jack's painkillers were wearing off, so I called the vet who I normally use, explained our options, and talked some more about it, and decided we would remove his remaining eye.

Jack would be in no pain, and we can start to rebuild his life in a new and exciting way!

I took him down, I was so nervous for him but I just wanted him to be pain free. I hated seeing him like this.

So under the knife he went, one of the nurses took the time to spend some time with him before the operation, so that once it was done he would have a familiar face (smell) to come out to and not be scared by his lack of sight.

I called up to check up on him, was told the operation went really well and to go pick him up about 4pm. So at half 3 I was there.

Jack was completely zonked out, the anaesthetic was still in so he was really tired and dopey, and scared. The nurse came out and asked me to go out the back so he could hear my voice.

I walked in, saw the cage that Jack was in, and he was covered in blood. To avoid stressing him out even more they decided to leave the cleaning until I was there. He looked a right state frown

As I walked up though, I said "Alright boy", and instantly he gave a little wag of his tail and lifted his head.

My boy was gonna be alright :thumb:

I picked him up, laid him on the table so they could remove the needle from his leg, and then held him tight. It was time to get him home and start recovering.

I got him home, and put him straight into his bed. For about an hour he slept, but then the pain from the operation started to kick in, and he was feeling more awake. The following evening and night were horrific.

When he felt pain, he wanted to bolt. So he would literally try to run. But as he now couldn't see I had to literally lay with him and hold him for hours. Trying so hard to get him to settle and not hurt himself. I had more painkillers and a sedative and he was even fighting those!

At about midnight I took him upstairs to his other bed, which we keep in the bedroom. I laid next to him the entire night, with my arm resting on his back so I could grab him and calm him down when he tried to bolt.

Neither of us got any sleep that night.

The next day was a little better, he started to explore a bit more, and remember his surroundings. He started to 'map' the house, rubbing his nose on the walls so he always knew where he was.

I made the house safe, even now I still have some socks on the valves on the radiators so he doesn't bump into them and hurt himself. I have certain objects with certain smells dotted around the house so he knows where they are. He has his water in only two specific places in the house so he can always get to it. Food is given in exactly the same place, more of less at exactly the same times in the day too.

We were getting there.

After some additional training, lots and lots of love, and lots of patience, Jack is back to the dog he was all those years a go when I first brought him home. He's playful, happy, full of life, and always mischievous.

The way he has adapted to being blind is amazing. He literally broke my heart, and mended it again in the space of a fortnight.

I bought him lots of new toys, balls with bells in, balls that make silly noises, teddy bears with squeakers in. But oh no, Jack didn't want any of this 'special' stuff, no way. He had his old tennis ball, and he won't play with sod all else. Well, he'll make an exception sometimes but otherwise it's just the tennis ball!!

I play fetch with him exactly as I did before. I've modified my garden a bit to make it safer, but other than that everything is exactly the same. Jack can hear me throw the ball, he can hear where it's going, and he can smell it too. He chases that ball with the same amount of enthusiasm as he ever did.

Sight? Who needs it wink

The bond between me and Jack is now even stronger. I've had a lot of health issues this past year, and have spent a lot of time at home. He's been by my side the entire time, and now, we love just chilling out in front of the telly...

Any thing good on telly Dad?

He can be a lazy sod sometimes though:

So there you have it, the story of my best mate, Jack....

Nice to meet you smile


Original Poster:

699 posts

149 months

Tuesday 29th January 2013
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Very kind comments indeed. Jack and I thank you!

Apologies for the tears, but I completely understand why. I shed MANY through his various episodes. We're stronger for it though and he is a fighter!

Its amazing how when someone new comes to my house, it takes them a good while to realise Jack has no eyes. He has mapped the house so well, and with strategically placed soft toys, and other objects, he knows exactly where he is, all of the time.

I'll post a vid when the weather is a bit nicer of him playing fetch. If I pretend to throw the ball, he knows full well it's still in my hand, and waits in his urgent stance for me to stop playing around and throw it for him. He'll then run, grab it, and return it literally to my foot. He's amazing.

Cheers everyone beer


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699 posts

149 months

Wednesday 30th January 2013
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Thanks again guys.

Really appreciate your comments and glad he has warmed your hearts a little thumbup


Original Poster:

699 posts

149 months

Thursday 31st January 2013
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TrophyMax said:
What a cracking dog and owner.

One question, how do you tell when he's asleep?
Thanks again for all the kind comments, it makes me appreciate what I have with Jack even more.

Well, he's quite a light sleeper anyway, always 'ready' if he hears me move. He is generally in the same room as me at all times. So will follow me from room to room even if he was having a kip. He probably loves my Mrs even more than me now, they have a GREAT bond too. Even though she has only been in his life for last couple of years.

What is a little sad though, is when he dreams. If you think about it, he can 'see' in his dream. And I can tell he is running and barking at whatever hot thing he is dreaming about. And then when he wakes up he can't see.

However, to put it in perspective for us humans, and as I'm sure you all know, dogs primary senses are their smell, and their hearing. Sight is pretty low down the list really. So whilst doing my research about blind dogs, and speaking to the canine eye specialist, a dog losing their sight, would be equivalent to a human losing their sense of smell.

So it's a slight issue, but not the end of the world. smile


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699 posts

149 months

Sunday 3rd February 2013
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balders118 said:
Amazing story and what an awesome little pooch you have! My respect to you as well. Could I ask what caused the issues with his eyes in the first place?
Of course.

Jack dislodged the lens in his right eye. We think that he did this while shaking a toy, or generally running around like a lunatic. Glaucoma then set in to his eye and therefore had to be removed.

The vet did advise us that if one eye gets it, then it's likely his other eye will, within two years.

It was pretty much on the two year mark that he lost the other eye.

I think I'm right in saying though, that Glaucoma can affect any dog, regardless of whether they dislodge the lens. And it's just 'one of those things'.

Thanks again for the kind comments everyone. smile


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699 posts

149 months

Thursday 4th December 2014
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Thought I would pop in here and say hello with Jack as it's been almost a year since I put this up!

Jack has liver disease frown the exact type of liver disease, and available treatments is as of yet unknown. An ultrasound has taken place and confirmed that the liver is in poor condition, but only a biopsy will tell us what we're dealing with.

Jack has next to no symptoms. With this, he will just suddenly become quite ill, and when that happens, he'll be rushed straight in.

He should be having a biopsy with a new bit of kit at the vets before Christmas, so fingers crossed it's not as bad as it could be.

For now though, he's still his normal, happy self.

Here he is patiently waiting for Santa to arrive.... (all together now, AHHHHHHHHHHHHH) cloud9


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699 posts

149 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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Thanks everyone for the very kind comments, it is incredibly heartwarming.

At the moment, I'm waiting for the Vet to call me back to discuss getting him in for his biopsy. I called today, but didn't hear back so will call again tomorrow.

Jack is still showing no symptoms of any illness, and will be monitored up until we know what we're dealing with.

No news is good news until I know otherwise.

Thanks again everyone.


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699 posts

149 months

Tuesday 6th January 2015
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Thanks again for the comments everyone, it's lovely to read them.

Jack is booked in next Wednesday for his liver biopsy, I'll update with the results when I have them. Time to find out what we are dealing with!


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699 posts

149 months

Thursday 8th January 2015
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On his favourite sofa...


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149 months

Sunday 18th January 2015
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Jack had his liver biopsy on Thursday, it went very well and they got what they needed. The liver didn't appear anything other than 'a bit pale', which the vet said was at better sign than other obvious signs of disease.

He recovered form the small operation very quickly, and we should get the results from the biopsy next week.

Fingers crossed.


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699 posts

149 months

Thursday 22nd January 2015
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Jacks liver biopsy results are in, and they are GOOD.

No signs of disease, only one cause for concern and that is that there are some small fiberous knots in the liver that could be a copper storage issue. If his liver isn't dealing with copper properly then it will mean an altered diet and medication.

His samples have been sent off to check for this possibility.

So MUCH better news than it could have been, Jack is basically a healthy boy unless we find out otherwise, and if we do, we can do some preventative maintenance to deal with it.

Me and Mrs Hythan are very happy owners. Jack, of course, couldn't care less and has no clue why he is getting more cuddles than usual thumbup


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699 posts

149 months

Saturday 21st March 2015
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For some reason the first page(s?) of this thread have vanished from my My Stuff folder and from here?!

Jack is on his medication now, has a strict Hepatic diet which he has become used to very easily.

No symptoms and generally doing very well! :-)

Still likes a good old snooze...


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699 posts

149 months

Sunday 22nd March 2015
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Thanks for the comments guys.

Thought I would show you how Jack still LOVES playing fetch, with zero issues.

Was decorating my office at the bottom of the garden pretty much all day, so he was doing this, non stop. rotate


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699 posts

149 months

Sunday 22nd March 2015
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bexVN said:
Did you get any decorating done hehe. Does the ball have a bell in it?
We did! Took a lot longer than it should have though!

Yes, this one has a bell inside, it's his current favourite. biggrin


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699 posts

149 months

Sunday 22nd March 2015
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johnxjsc1985 said:
my first rescue Dog Barney had one leg 4 inches shorter than his other three good legs added to which he had no muscle in it. However as nobody had told him of his disability it didnt stop doing anything.
Dogs seem so much better than humas at adapting and Jack just looks like a very happy contented lad.
They are incapable of 'overthinking', they just get on with it. And I love them for it. I've seen so many dogs with various ailments, and they all just seem to think "Meh, who needs sight/hearing/four legs?" biggrin


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699 posts

149 months

Sunday 22nd March 2015
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HQ2 said:
I'm not able to read the posts on this thread due to a dust allergy, so I appreciate the pics and video! Love that boy!

Those pesky allergies wink


Original Poster:

699 posts

149 months

Sunday 5th April 2015
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Original Poster:

699 posts

149 months

Sunday 1st November 2015
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22 said:
It's about time for a Jack update me thinks.
FYI - Name change, Hythan has gone, long live AB8219, has a nice ring to it don't you think?

Ask and you shall receive!

Jack is currently fighting of an ear infection with the help of some lovely drops from his vet. It seems to have affected his sense of direction as he is currently bumping into things, and struggles to find you in the room (apart from when ginger nut biccies are involved, then he's fine).

We are hoping that once the ear infection has completely gone (it looks a LOT cleaner and healthier in there) he will return to his old self, if not, some more investigation will be required.

In him self though, he is a very happy chappy.

Also, his Dad (that would be me) has changed jobs and will be working from home as of 9am tomorrow morning, so little Jackie boy will have company all day long without having to do an hours round trip each day to see his Nan!

Thanks very much for asking, it does make Jack feel all warm inside to know he is thought of. And his owners, it makes us feel happy to talk about him, and to hear/read such warm responses and words from others.


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699 posts

149 months

Monday 2nd November 2015
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And relax by Aaron Brown, on Flickr


Original Poster:

699 posts

149 months

Sunday 8th November 2015
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So as reported a few days ago, Jack has been suffering with an ear infection and over the last 7-10 days we have been treating this and his ear looks MUCH better.

We thought it was effecting his hearing as he was a lot more clumsy than normal, and not able to 'see' from which direction sound was coming from.

Also, he couldn't hear all of the fireworks this year where as previous years he is very nervous. Silver lining there.

So we were hoping that now that his ear infection has cleared up, his hearing would return to normal, but it appears that although he seems better in himself, he is still struggling a bit on the hearing side. I think they may have been some improvement, but difficult to tell.

He is definitely okay in himself, we have just given him a bath and he absolutely loves the drying process, and no change there as he's been rubbing himself all over his favourite rug.

So I am still hoping for some improvement, but my thoughts are turning more to loss of hearing as a result of old age (11yrs 6mnths).

Either way, if this continues, I will do my utmost to adapt, train, and mould with his next challenge as much as humanly possible. Heck, if he can do it, so can I.