Should I shoot my dog?



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271 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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Pete (with stitches in his face)

Sat on the couch last night. Me, the wife and the two dogs. Steve laid out on my lap and our other dog, Pete on my wifes.

Both dogs were asleep after a good run about but suddenly Steve starts growling, Pete wakes up then Steve proceeds to launch himself teeth first only (mistakenly I hope) to get hold of my wifes arm and give her a single nasty puncture wound on the forearm!

I reacted by lamping the living $hit out of him and kicking him out into the garden for a couple of hours. I think I managed to sufficiently scare the cr@p out of him as he hid behind the trees the whole time.

95% of the time the 2 dogs get on fine, share a bed together, often giving each other a lick clean etc, seem like pals, but this has happened about 4 or 5 times before. Fortunately this is the only time someones been bitten.

It's weird because there's only been 1 occasion before where you see a reason for it, one of them had a treat, the other didn't. Other times it's started completely randomly. One moment they're just potering around, the next they're ripping eadh other to bits and I mean that literaly. It's very distressing to witness and a bloody struggle to seperate them. On one occasion Pete had to go for his face stitching up. On another they started at a family bbq, not the best entertainment when tucking into dinner with you in-laws.

Pete is about 7yrs (been with us for 6yrs) Steve is about 18months (been with us about 10 months).

Always had 2 or 3 dogs before with no issue but in the 10 months Steve has come along had to seperate him and Pete on around 5 occasions...really nasty fighting.

They've been fine tigether for the last 2 months then last night this happens. I'm pretty sure he would never mean to bite someone, was going for Pete and my wifes arm got in the way, but makes you wonder what accidents could happen???

Thing is he's a lovely dog, great fun and full of energy, placid as you like around other strange dogs but has this propensity for trying to bite Pete to death on occasion.

I'm thinking adhering strictly to the no sitting on furniture rule (we had been a bit slack here, shouldn't really let your dog on the couch/bed) and just seeing how it goes. If it happens again though???? What would you lot do???

Edited by dave_s13 on Saturday 27th October 17:22


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271 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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Wedg1e said:
No good asking me, I don't like pets biggrin
You could always suggest I get Steve his own MX5 to sit in???smile


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271 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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Knick Pee said:
sounds like you've already 'kicked him in the face', so i will not suggest that hehe
My descritption of his physical punishment was watered down. It kinda got to the stage where my wife had to stop me from permanamtly damaging the little sod.


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271 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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scissorhands83 said:
Catz said:
lazyitus said:
pistonbroke PHd said:
Shoot Steve, for Pete's sake
Have another biglaugh
smilesmile LOL

Very good.....made me chuckle that. thumbup


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271 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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anonymous said:
Never any issue with the other 3rd dog, Frank. She died about 2 months ago though.

Generally he's soft as a brush, always want a cuddle and his tail wags so fast you can cappucino stuff with it. Does this all the time too!

He pulls a bit on the lead but only going to the park, fine on way back. He's just full of energy.

I'm thinking its a pack position thing. TBH I've always advocated absolutely not letting either dog on the sofa or on the bed but my wife will often have Pete asleep on her lap, or sometimes in bed. Bloody soppy women folk smile She attributes him with far to many emotions, I'm convinced he doesn't get "sad" cos he hasn't had a cuddle rolleyes


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271 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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cyberface said:
Famous Graham said:
zagato said:
I think you should take him to a vet to be put down properly. Kicking / punching / shooting any animal is wrong, funnily enough.
Think you've missed the point there, somewhat.
Well the OP's missus stopped him kicking the dog to death, so I guess shooting could be possible if the mrs didn't see the gun first. This assumes the OP actually has a gun. If not, I suppose there are lots of creative ways to kill dogs, it's clear that kicking to death doesn't seem to work very well - you just end up with a scared pooch hiding behind the trees.
Shut up you dozy bugger.
Alright I may have overstated the actual level of violence.

As if I'd kill my dog with my bare hands in this circumstance! I also don't have a gun.
If I was putting a dog down it would be at the vets, after careful consideration.

I did punch him repeatedly in the face's a sound technique when a dog has attached itself to your wifes arm and she's crying in pain.
I then proceeded pick hm up, very firmly, by the scruff of his neck and chuck him in the garden. My wife reckons I was too harsh.....but I bloody didn't, I think I should have drop kicked him into the trees TBH.


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271 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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Famous Graham said:
zagato said:
No, don't think so.
You've evidently not had to separate two dogs trying to tear lumps out of each other then (and I mean "proper" fighting, like this, not just growling, locking jaws or nipping). You do have to be extremely physical to do it and yes, you do have to sometimes actually hurt them to get their attention and drag them off one another.

On the previous occasions the only, and I mean only way to seperate them was to literally punch Steve as hard as I could in the head. It's bloody frightening I tell ya.

Hate to think what those fighting pit bulls could do to you if they were properly pi$$ed off.

Edited by dave_s13 on Saturday 27th October 17:54


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271 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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pistonbroke PHd said:
Famous Graham said:
You've evidently not had to separate two bints trying to tear lumps out of each other then (and I mean "proper" fighting, like this, not just growling, locking jaws or nipping). You do have to be extremely physical to do it and yes, you do have to sometimes actually hurt them to get their attention and drag them off one another.
EFAlternative thinking
smile this is also true.

Used to be a bouncer. Some of the most nasty fighting I've ever bloody seen!! smile


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271 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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KingRichard said:
dave_s13 said:
Knick Pee said:
sounds like you've already 'kicked him in the face', so i will not suggest that hehe
My descritption of his physical punishment was watered down. It kinda got to the stage where my wife had to stop me from permanamtly damaging the little sod.
Great way to deal with the situation.

Beat the shit out of an animal... Did you feel like a big man?
No I am a big man - literally.

FFS whe you have 2 dogs attached to each other (or 1 dog attached to your misses)
then please post how you reasonably managed to get them to stop fighting without resorting to extreme physical violence.


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271 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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collateral said:
I've heard of that before..hmm.

The desription on there about the dog being asleep first is just what happened last night.

I hope it's not that.

If it happens again I'll take him to the vets for looking at and see what they say.


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271 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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mickk said:
tybo said:
pistonbroke PHd said:
I'm with Pete on this one. He's just adorable. (Can I post his pic again?)

OK I confess : I want "awwww" as soon as I saw him
Does look a little hard nut thoughhehe
Did Pete lose the last fight, looks like his got a sore eye
Unfortnately he always comes out worse.
They are stitches in his cheek after Steve ate some of it.

He also has a small chunk missing from an ear.

Ever had a dog with blood dripping from it's lacerated ear shake it's head in your carpeted living room? New laminate flooring and wallpaper anyone?

Edited by dave_s13 on Saturday 27th October 18:13


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271 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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japhilip said:
Animal psychology is a tricky thing, and I'm definitely no expert. Sounds like a dominance battle between the younger and older dog.

Out of interest, are either castrated? Might not be a bad idea if they're not, it can help calm them down a bit.

Instilling a little more discipline and ensuring they both know you (and the wife) are the boss(es) might help (not necessarily by beating the sh1t out of either, but understand why you would). Dogs seem to respect the pack heirarchy, but some seem to try to challenge for the top dog position from time to time.

I'd also suggest (not sure if this is the case though) that neither dog is favoured over the other. You might be inadvertently giving one more attention than the other resulting in a bit of either jealousy or superiority from the one receiving most attention.
Both had their jewels relocated (first thing we always do with a dog).

The favouritism thing is a good point.

I think my wifes battered forearm may have hammered home why Pete shouldn't allowed next to her in bed anymore.

I've told her countless times......maybe I should try grabbing the scruff of her neck and slinging her out in the cold next time she disobeys smile


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Saturday 27th October 2007
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Pigeon said:
KingRichard said:
Great way to deal with the situation.

Beat the shit out of an animal... Did you feel like a big man?
He probably felt like shit. I would do exactly the same acting on instinct without a moment's thought. And FWIW I do think it is the right way to deal with it, make it bloody clear to the dog that it is at the bottom of the pack hierarchy and if it ever touches her again it will seriously regret it. Would still feel like shit.
Sderiously feels horrible after the event.

The level of violence dogs can exhibit is truly scary, especially when you've got to try and stop it.

I've experienced real fighting before several times but jumping in to stop this kind of doggy behaviour is far more upsetting/scary.

Thank god it's only happen a few times.

We never fuss the dogs hen coming home. I always make me first out the door. The dogs are fed out of sight of each other.

Only lapse has been keeping them on the floor so we're oing to be very strict with this and see how it goes. One more outburst though and Stevo is up for rehoming unfortunately.

Sad cos I love the littleguy.


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271 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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biglepton said:
Seek the advice of a good dog trainer immediately or else the dog you can't control must go.
Thats the thing.

Out of the house he's spot on. Comes on command, sits when told.
Fetches his ball back forever and a day. And has never shown any outward signs of agression to any dog other than our existing one (Pete).

In fact if anything it's Pete thats a bit cantacorous when out and about. He's been known to have a yap and a little nip at strange dogs that get a little to frisky, very rare though. Also not unusual behaviour really. If a massive hairy bloke followed me round that park trying to lick my cock I frigging bite him back too. smile


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271 months

Saturday 27th October 2007
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Olf said:
Have you thought about getting a cat to distract them from the missus?

Get some old big ginger tom that can stick up for itself, buy it a kevlar coat and bin the tele. Hours of fun for the whole family.
biggrin lol

Already have 2 cats......but they live outside 90% of the time, not scared of the dogs, just seem to prefer it? Not too bothered though, they're the wifes.

Just to clarify.

Both dogs are neutered and have been for months in Steves case, years for Pete.

Last nights attack occured while Steve was sound asleep, he growled for a few seconds then sprang into life and bit my misses. He seemed to be lunging for the other dog though.

All is back to normal now, been out for the night and not come back to a blood bath, in fact we never have. This leads me to beleive that when we're out there's never an issue. The power struggle seems to occur only when me and the wife are present.

So anyway, from now on it's no sitting on furniture or the bed and if there's one more fight between them Steve goes to be rehomed, of maybe consider some professional help. But if there's one more incident of Steve biting someone......caboooom!!! Well no actually he'll go to the vets and be dealt with accordingley.


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271 months

Saturday 9th February 2013
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Update :-)

We ended up rehoming Steve with a really nice family. The dad was called Steve, and so was his young lad!

Pete was put to sleep today after getting liver cancer.

RIP Pete me old chum. 13.5 years, not a bad run fella.


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271 months

Sunday 10th February 2013
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Superficial said:
The original post is disgusting.

Glad Steve was rehomed to a better home.


Typical ph w anker.


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271 months

Monday 11th February 2013
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Superficial said:
Excellent bit of daily mail esque headline grabbng there!!
Says the individual posting on a motoring forum who never seems to venture from subjects relating to cats and fireplaces. I take it you're single?

highflyer said:
superficial + 1
dave_13 you are not fit to keep animals,
obviously a big guy with a big ego.
highflyer said:
anybody cycling on a pavement near to me will get knocked off, any confrontation will be followed up !!
highflyer said:
All the slant eye countries are cruel to all animals, mistakenly believing that animal parts are medicine, I recon we should start eating slant eyes or nuke them.
So says the angry racist.
Woe betide any pavement mounted cyclists of Asian origin that cross your path.

Anyway, Steve was re homed over 3 years ago now. I only updated the thread after a few too many glasses of wine following a final visit to the vets with Pete on Saturday. We found that little scruffy bugger living in the bins (well my wife did - at her work). Took him in and he was with us for 13.5 years. Steve was landed on us out of the blue btw and is still happy as larry with his new family.

Not fit to own a dog, you utter tool. We have had four old mutts over the last 15 years, all rescued, all looked after properly. Not getting another though, working full time and having kids puts your suitability for dog ownership in question.

PH: Character assassination matters.


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13,816 posts

271 months

Monday 11th February 2013
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highflyer said:
....... So there is a chance of him biting again and you re homed him, did you warn the new owners that there is a chance he may bite ? oh what a lovely responsible dog owner you are.
One condition of them having him was they wouldn't get a second dog. They knew exactly what the score was. Plan b was giving him to a springer spaniel rescue centre, this was already arranged.

If I'm what's making great Britain such a disagreeable place to live in then I'd hate to live round your way.

P's... I'm not Chinese or anything, obv if I was plan c would have involved a spade, some soy sauce and some chopsticks,


Edited by dave_s13 on Monday 11th February 17:17


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13,816 posts

271 months

Monday 11th February 2013
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Old photo links broken..

Heres Pete BTW

RIP Pete frown

And killer Steve

He was a beautiful dog, and had a lovely nature, just not alongside Pete!!

As you can see they were both ill treated and in need of help, given I'm a massive and everything