Are you, "Lucky to be alive"?

Are you, "Lucky to be alive"?



11,148 posts

152 months

Wednesday 17th December 2014
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I was a passenger in a 7.5 tonne truck travelling along the M5 when the driver decided he wanted to have a kip.
Onto the hard shoulder, rolled and then slid along on our side for a few metres, before stopping just short of a concrete structure. If we had left the motorway a millisecond later, could have been a very different scenario.


1,514 posts

238 months

Wednesday 17th December 2014
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Serious but also, in parts quite funny looking back,

Ten years ago on a Friday evening about 7pm, I went to A+E after doctor suspected appendicitis. I don't remember much of the next 4 hours. Apart from the nurse, at about 11pm telling Mrs TT and my son to get me sorted into a surgical gown as I was going for an op. As I sat up on the bed I said to my son "hold my hand while I stand up mate, I feel a bit dizzy". On that note, I collapsed and the crash team were called as I'd stopped breathing.

Next day, after the op, I woke up (sort of) feeling the worst I could ever imagine. Drip plumbed in one arm and oxygen mask round my face. As the doctors and nurses were doing their rounds to the bed opposite me, I remember doing a full on body shake, like being naked on the coldest day ever. Head to toe shaking, one of the nurses looked over to me and said "are you alright". I remember snapping out to her 'do I fking look alright".
Another black out and the crash team were called for a second time.

It turns out I was now suffering from, septicaemia, peritonitis and a lung infection.

I also had a recurring dream whilst in and out of consciousness, that I was literally fighting with the doctors and nurses. After a few days I asked one of the nurses about this and she said "it isn't a dream, you really did try and fight with them when coming round after the op. Some people do react like that".


3,367 posts

258 months

Wednesday 17th December 2014
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I was born dead (according to the Dr) home delivery, he just chucked me down on the bed. My paternal Grandmother got me breathing whilst my Grandfather chucked the Dr down the stairs. I'm now 59 smile

My Maternal Grandmother was engaged to a soldier who was killed on Armistice day, she then later married my Grandfather. Phew.

Edited by L1OFF on Wednesday 17th December 13:34


1,640 posts

136 months

Wednesday 17th December 2014
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Apparently so, although again, tame to some I've just read...

Feb 2012, started to get an itchy feeling in my chin. Thought nothing of it, put it down to odd stubble growth and had a shave.

April time, it's not got any better, and is going red. Doctor gives me some tablets.

End April/Beginning of may it starts going all pussy and weepy. SWMBO gets pushed over the edge when I awoke one Sunday with a pillow covered in blood and pus, and demands we go to the Hospital. She also happens to be very very pregnant at the time, at the 'cant safely fit behind the wheel of the car' stage. So she calls her Aunt, who takes us at 8am to Stoke. I'd just had breakfast.

We get to Stoke, who immediately rush me straight to A and E (no few hours wait that day), do some blood tests and inform me that they need to operate NOW, when did I last eat? "40 minutes ago", I could see the consultant swear under his breath. Onto a drip I go until 2pm when apparently I can be operated on. Wake up in the plastic surgery ward later that afternoon.

Apparently I had very very very bad septusemia (sp), any longer without treatment and I would have got blood poisoning. They scooped out tissue down to my jawbone to get rid of it, and then followed a lovely* relaxing* week of daily packing, dressing, removing the packing when it had started to be grown into my chin and lots of drugs.

I felt fine the whole way through tbh, felt bad calling my boss at 11am on the Sunday to say I might not be in tomorrow, then sending Amy round with my sick note so I wouldn't have to use my annual leave.

Left hospital 12 days after arriving. Then my daughter was born by C-section 4 weeks later so had to spend another bloody week in there!

Got a small hole in my chin now, and it occasionally scabs over then falls off, but hasn't been so bad since. When we left, a few of the guys on the ward and myself were talking about the lack of nice biscuits, we popped back the next day with a bag of waitrose finest and told them to tuck in!

Rode my bike into the side of a bus when I was 12, taught me to never walk/ride/drive infront of anything without looking, mum said the bus driver was very apologetic even though it was my fault!


3,448 posts

211 months

Wednesday 17th December 2014
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my wife reminded me last night that i have also spent time in hospital for hepatitis (before i knew her) and also managed to make myself dka ( and a week in hospital as i hadn't been told the sick day rules for diabetics (she stayed with me). you live and learn. smile


3,002 posts

141 months

Wednesday 17th December 2014
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kowalski655 said:
Zod said:
Blib said:
The closest I've been to dying was having a burst appendix at the age of three. I'm still here. There must be loads of you out there who have had close scrapes with the Grim Reaper........
Happened to me at 8. An Indian locum diagnosed me after two weeks of other doctors saying it was just colic and I was exaggerating. I wouldn't have lasted the night without surgery.
Another appendix related one here-at 13 drunken GP didnt diagnose it,left to a locum,dash to hospital but then lay on a trolley there for most of the day(THREE internal exams though eek) Damn thing burst as they were pulling it out,so double the usual recovery time,and I still have a lurid scar 35 years later
Same here. The doctors couldn't make their mind up was causing me the pain. In the end they operateted anyway, and got it just in time.

Dr Interceptor

7,852 posts

198 months

Wednesday 17th December 2014
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Nothing anywhere as extreme anyone else in here...

Closest would probably be back in 2010... I was sat at home on a Friday night, glass of wine etc. Suddenly felt very cold all over. No amount of blankets, clothes, hot showers, hot water bottles, lemsips etc could make me warm.

Saturday, was absolutely fine, all warmed back up. Leg hurt a bit.
Sunday, still fine. No more fevers, cold spells, but pain in leg was getting worse. Rash started to appear on right leg below the knee - E45 cream and more pain killers.
Monday morning, went to work. Rash was worse, more pain killers.

By 10 am Monday, I could barely walk, the pain in my leg was excruciating. Drove to the doctors, was referred immediately to A&E. Was cellulitis in my right leg, had spread so far it was up to my groin, and my leg was so swollen by the time I got to A&E my trousers had to be cut off.

Spent a week in hospital being pumped full of IV antibiotics, and two further weeks of IV antibiotics at home with a nurse visiting me twice a day. Apparently got it just in time, a few more hours and it would have been on the lymph nodes, with blood poisoning and transfusions next on the cards.


4,077 posts

124 months

Wednesday 17th December 2014
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Hardly as bad as some of these.

When I was a toddler, I had a Cerebral fit/hemorrhage spontaneously. (can't remember it, was little. Apparently, it was a bad one, spend some time in hospital with that.

On a school trip, was cutting down trees and I put my finger on the saw. Didn't feel it at all, and only realise when I heard screaming from a friend pointing to my finger, it had blood dripping off of it.
Went to on-site medic, who tried to clean it up, and then fainted. So went off to A&E. Turned out I had cut straight through my tendon, the muscle and cracked the bone by doing it. Still feel that today. And see it as I Can't straighten my finger.

That's it really, some more probably has happened, but can't remember.

Fort Jefferson

8,237 posts

224 months

Wednesday 17th December 2014
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Motorbike accident and a massive heart attack, so, yes I am.

Council Baby

19,741 posts

192 months

Wednesday 17th December 2014
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Blib said:
Well? Not all of us follow your blog, you know! wink
No real point! I don't think I make the top 10 on this thread hehe


17,480 posts

199 months

Wednesday 17th December 2014
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Council Baby said:
Blib said:
Well? Not all of us follow your blog, you know! wink
No real point! I don't think I make the top 10 on this thread hehe
Spill the beans man

Council Baby

19,741 posts

192 months

Wednesday 17th December 2014
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spikeyhead said:
Spill the beans man
Nasty storm, sinking yacht, North East Queensland Jan 2010. Missing presumed dead, made the national news. Didn't think we'd make it out alive... News reported us as sunk, long story cut as short as possible.

Still here.


8,600 posts

144 months

Wednesday 17th December 2014
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Major Fallout said:

Nearly fell off the white cliffs of Dover when I was about 5.

Fell off a boat into the sea when I was about 6.

Boat sank 7.

Go-cart into a wire fence 8-9.

Stood next to someone that got stabbed 10.

1 ton of sand fell on me 11.

Fell off roof 12.

Run over 14.

Nearly runner again 15.

Hit on head by firework 15.

Electrocuted by hot tub 16.

Nearly did an Amy Winehouse in my sleep 18.

Caught by father of very religious girl in the act 19 (only thought he was going to kill me, so doesn't count)

Amazing arse over tit ski crash at over 50mph.

Diff seized and totaled my car 27.

Tank slapper on an irish motorway in a 1916 racing car 28.

Live hand grenade on stone beach 29.

Tree landed on my car 30.

Inhaling some radium by accident hence Major Fallout.

3 Range Rovers
2 X5
1 Discovery
1 Jaguar
1 Corsa
1 Punto
1 model t ford
1 motorbike
1 double-decker bus
1 Hotel
1 Channel tunnel train
1 HSS ferry
1 house
2 Forrest fires
1 pub
Have all caught fire while I have been in them them.

I'm sure I have missed some.

Not a lot lately after meeting my other half, she keeps me quite safe.

Bet I get a kicking from one of her horses tonight after that.
I hope you don't waste your money on horses or lottery tickets.



1,953 posts

157 months

Wednesday 17th December 2014
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Zod said:
Major Fallout said:
Zod said:
Major Fallout said:

Amazing arse over tit ski crash at over 50mph.
Have done that more than once.
I never really gave it much thought, but Michael Schumacher basically fell over and hit his head in the wrong way.
Yep. I realise how lucky I have been. I have also stopped wearing my GoPro on my helmet, given it is reckoned that it acted as a focus point for the force on his helmet.
I don't wear a go pro on my helmet as I think you look like a tool and would rather others videos of me anyway but I started wearing a helmet about 3 years ago.

I have heard though that ski helmets offer no where near enough protection and in reality you should be wearing something closer to a moto x helmet? Not sure how true that is but if a ski helmet can allow a go pro to focus force in such a way then perhaps it's true...

iva cosworth

44,044 posts

165 months

Wednesday 17th December 2014
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I head butted a Mini Countryman [1960s type] dashboard and windscreen in 1973.

Who wore seatbelts back then ?

I still have the scar above my eyes.


5,661 posts

211 months

Wednesday 17th December 2014
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I was employed in the late ninties by a company that provided support to the british military. Was based in Bosnia in a town called Sipovo. 1998 actually. Anyway I was in a landrover that was returning to camp after a night out - the guy driving it drove into a truck parked at the side of the road. Turned out he had been drinking.... The landrover took a fair whack and I knocked my head. Suffered a bleed in my brain and this gave them some cause for concern - was taken to Sarajevo as they had a scanner unit that was able to scan the bleed. Anyway this was at the german field military hospital. It was decided to medevac me back to the UK as the bleed was a worry - it got worse after I arrived so they decided to get in about it and sort it.

Saw the notes a few months afterwards and it made for pretty interesting reading. Made you appreciate life and I know Ive had 16 years of extra time now.....


33,566 posts

214 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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Council Baby said:
Nasty storm, sinking yacht, North East Queensland Jan 2010. Missing presumed dead, made the national news. Didn't think we'd make it out alive... News reported us as sunk, long story cut as short as possible.

Still here.
Who do we blame thank for rescuing you?

Google [bot]

6,682 posts

183 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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Council Baby said:
made the national news


35,295 posts

260 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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NRS said:
That's when you need the correct DIN settings!
True, but it still hurts when you get catapulted out of your bindings, just not as much as it would have if you'd stayed in them.


19,363 posts

217 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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rhinochopig said:
We all are. Think of how many sperm your father produced over his lifetime. We're all very low probability events biggrin
I'd rather not..! sperm