What are your unpopular opinions?

What are your unpopular opinions?



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Thursday 1st March 2018
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Blown2CV said:
the annoying thing is that most people aren't just interested in the game.
it's modern religion/tribalism/false conflict. More about where you're from than anything else.
People pretend to care for long enough that they actually believe they do care.
it's an excuse for violence for people that barely need that excuse.
it costs a fkload of money to follow.
It is loved by genuine thickos and council estate types.
It projects far fewer positive values onto society and young people than it projects hugely negative ones.

growing up i was always labeled a bit of a nerd; often for not liking football. People actually screw up their faces when you are honest with them. No I don't support a team. How could a boy not like football, are you gay etc. As bad as that is for the people who are at the receiving end, it has become clear to me in adulthood that football fans are the biggest nerds possible; and the worst type - those that don't acknowledge they are. fking stats, names and goals from particular fking league matches from 40 years ago. It's borderline rainman, and yet totally accepted because wwwwwaaahhaaaaay lads.
Nearly true.

I am away working with the 3 guys from Leeds, all of them support Liverpool.
After many hours of drinking and iphone quizzes such as naming title winning defence setups since 1950 and highest number of goalkeeper cleansheets the night ended due to vocal disagreements on the management skills of Klopp vs the amount of cash needed to build a team capable of winning the league. All of this without even a hint of scouse dialect or idioms.


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Friday 16th March 2018
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People who use having kids as an excuse for no longer having a nice car were struggling to afford one anyway.


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Thursday 12th April 2018
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I drive better when drunk.


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82 months

Monday 16th April 2018
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bristolracer said:
jimPH said:
I drive better when drunk.
Please post up your registration number and your location,and we will ask the local plod to give you a free assessment of this fact
It's in relation to SIM racing.

I'm better at it when drunk. Have you tried it?

Project Cars 2 to be exact.

I'm not sure it's illegal though..


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82 months

Monday 16th April 2018
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IJB1959 said:
jimPH said:
bristolracer said:
jimPH said:
I drive better when drunk.
Please post up your registration number and your location,and we will ask the local plod to give you a free assessment of this fact
It's in relation to SIM racing.

I'm better at it when drunk. Have you tried it?

Project Cars 2 to be exact.
Looks like a bit of backtracking to me wink

See post on Thursday. Same day? Yes it was... Cheers.


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82 months

Monday 16th April 2018
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Mothersruin said:
IJB1959 said:
jimPH said:
bristolracer said:
jimPH said:
I drive better when drunk.
Please post up your registration number and your location,and we will ask the local plod to give you a free assessment of this fact
It's in relation to SIM racing.

I'm better at it when drunk. Have you tried it?

Project Cars 2 to be exact.
Looks like a bit of backtracking to me wink
Dunno - he could be referring to that miniscule window where you are a true genius at whatever you're doing - normally engaged
in darts, snooker, pool, bowling or computer games and the like.

For me it's just after starting the third pint and lasts for about 9 minutes, or half a pint later - there's a gradual increase in skill/confidence to this wonder-period where I am a Golden God, then there is a massive fall off and only gets exponentionally worse.
Lol! Pretty much nailed it. I really had my eye in on some laps round oulton park, then I necked another glass during a pit stop and went over the cliff.


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Wednesday 25th April 2018
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PAULJ5555 said:
bristolracer said:
jimPH said:
I drive better when drunk.
Please post up your registration number and your location,and we will ask the local plod to give you a free assessment of this fact
My opinion - the police wont bother with this unless you give them the date/time/location/car details of it happeining, sorry not my opinion its FACT.
I'm be happy to disclose full details.

Just took an M4 coupe round the nurburgring, followed by a McClaren 650s around brands. Supped a can of Heineken during a pit stop.


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Thursday 26th April 2018
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captain_cynic said:
wildoliver said:
captain_cynic said:
wildoliver said:
Ah I think your misunderstanding the genius of the situation. It removes all that waffle.

See someone dropping something on the floor, give them slap. Catch someone breaking in to your car and they get a good hiding.

Of course it will all deteriorate in to chaos when people claim others committed crimes just to get a free murder in.

So I'll change my unpopular suggestion to people shouldn't get handouts from the state. There should be a pay in insurance scheme where the length of time worked and paid in to allows a certain amount of benefits then that's it cut off. Either your family support you or you find work or you starve.

Its been said I make Stalin look moderate.
Ahhh, basically it's like a purge. See someone litter, you can assault them. Someone sees you assaulting someone, they can assault you, so on and so forth.

The same argument I use with American gun nuts.

Mallory shoots Alice, Bob sees this and gets out his gun to shoot Mallory. Charlie sees Bob with a gun assumes he's the shooter and shoots Bob. Dan seeing this commotion of Charlie just shooting someone thinks that charlie must be the active shooter and shoots charlie. Mallory then shoots Dan. In the end the attacker is the only survivor (yay for arming everyone).
No it wouldn't work like that.

Person a commits crime.
Person b does something to them.
Person a lost their protection in law when they committed crimes so person b doesn't commit a crime.
If person c whose friends perhaps with person a assaults person b then they commit a crime allowing person a,b,d etc. To do anything to them without repercussion.

It's all perfectly straight forward.
Actually it would work exactly like I pointed out.

Like the gun-nuts you're assuming that everyone has perfect awareness of what goes on.

1. So Alice drops her Costa cup just anywhere
2. Bob sees it and decides to give Alice a good bashing.
3. Charlie sees Bob assaulting Alice, decides to intervene.
4. Dan shows up and sees Bob over a bloody Charlie... the chaos continues.

Charlie or Dan didn't see the preceding crime... I think I've just explained why we have courts and investigations.
Michael is indecently exposing himself
Jason kicks Michel in the nuts, full force, Michael falls down
Bob sees Jason kick Michael and intervenes, but notices Michael has his nob out. Jason explains the situation and seeing as how there is still 45 minutes to go, Michael gets a further pasting.

Seems to work.


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Saturday 3rd November 2018
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lord trumpton said:
Johnspex said:
Johnspex said:
MXRod said:
The use of the term “spaz” on this forum . It seems to be a bit follow the leader , and gets an outing frequently
The word is a truncated version of spastic , and is now considered to be offensive , as the condition is now correctly called Cerebral Palsy
Drop It
Similarly '' . Though I asked the moderators to block it and if it doesn't appear when this is posted then obviously it worked.

It did work.
This really upsets me. Every time I see the terms on the forum it makes me sad

i have a 9 year old boy with cerebral palsy and I do frequent PH often and the words like spaz, special, retard etc are used often to insult or piss take on people in a thread.

Its just so bizarre that even mentioning someones colour, sexuality, race etc in anything other than a careful way will result in offence (rightly so) but its a free for all to use these derogatory terms - especially as they can't even retort or defend themselves.

I'm not playing the hardman here but if anyone used the terms in conversation with me or I heard someone nearby use them I'd be taking them to task and telling them how offensive it can be.
Likewise if you're fat, ginger, spotty, short or unusually thin, big bog eyes, a massive chin or a very tiny penis.

The list goes on.. we all have a cross to bear.

Going back to the ginger bit. A friend of mine is bright ginger, he got a comment on the train and all the people around him were laughing, some of ethnic descent, yet for some reason it's ok to publicly mock and laugh at people with ginger hair... It might sound funny, but in that situation, for him at least. It most certainly wasn't.


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82 months

Friday 9th November 2018
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LCFC are really kicking the arse out of the tributes for their recently deceased chairman. It's time to move on.

I also have the utmost respect for him, being able to bag the bird that was with him (allegedly).


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82 months

Saturday 10th November 2018
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Blown2CV said:
john41901 said:
The Grenfell tower bonfire (not the actual fire), although terrible, I actually found amusing. It was the attention to detail in the model, the little faces in the windows, the “debt collectors” by the front doors. Everyone is far too offended these days, the excessive PC hate crime nonsense just ends up diverting police time from investigating proper crime like burglary and murder, not “someone once beeped me in anger at a petrol station” type nonsense.
it was possibly a bit over the line to be honest, and i am not easily offended. It isn't that people are just more offended these days anyway, it's that no-one would have found out about that, pre-Internet.
Another step closer to a police state.


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Saturday 10th November 2018
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Thesprucegoose said:
We are talking police state, so you are insinuating the police do nothing. the police have to investigate and arrest if deemed necessarily under current legislation, that is not a police state that is common sense in the public interest.
It should be taken for what it was. Idiots burning stuff in their back garden on bonfire night. We should be free to burn what we like, so long as there is no danger to the public. The public scorn was justified, the police arresting people is a step over the line.


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82 months

Tuesday 13th November 2018
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Bill said:
Blown2CV said:
Not because they’re gay, but because it’s an attempt for programme makers to appear virtuous and diverse. Plus it’s a cool thing to be seen to do, look we appeal to gay people. Also when as a straight guy you highlight it, you get wrongly labelled anti-gay instead of anti-patronising.
Maybe they get more gay applicants. Maybe gay people are more likely to have a story.

Maybe straight people tend to be more dull. hehe

(Or maybe they're evenly represented on the programme, but you just notice them more.)
It's not evenly represented in terms of the UK demographic though. In fact. I wouldn't mind betting the applications were discriminatory towards white applicants, because, well, that's ok.


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Tuesday 13th November 2018
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anonymous said:
Prejudice displayed in all its glory.


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Thursday 15th November 2018
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Seal clubbing is necessary.


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82 months

Friday 16th November 2018
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GetCarter said:
rastapasta said:
I believe in capital punishment.
Fair enough. Out of interest, what would you feel when your son or brother or dad is found that they were innocent after they have been killed? Like many, many do.

Things have moved on, we now have modern forensic science. If it can be proved without any doubt, then wrongful executions won't happen.


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82 months

Saturday 17th November 2018
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anonymous said:
Seems the wrongful convictions were largely proved as wrong by forensic evidence.

If the perpetrator DNA was found inside the corpse and blood all over it, then it might be reasonable to assume he's guilty.

Admittedly, if other forensic evidence is not quite so cut and dry then surely in those cases a death sentence cannot be admitted.

It's not exactly rocket surgery.

Ian Huntley
Harold Shipman
Fred West
And many others, should all be swinging.


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82 months

Saturday 17th November 2018
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KrazyIvan said:
How's this.

Guy Martin is not as great as he or his horde of drooling fans seem to think he is. Oh and his "modesty" is about as beliveble as a Mel Gibson appology.
His appeal is being a working man, I believe he still works as a lorry mechanic, despite having a net worth in the millions.


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Sunday 18th November 2018
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anonymous said:
No one's talking about blindly following DNA evidence. It's just another part of the puzzle. But if there is unequivocal evidence backed by DNA, then surely a death sentence could be pursued in some circumstances. We seem to be much better these days at proving things.


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Sunday 2nd December 2018
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djc206 said:
valiant said:
My wife makes me one for my birthday in July! Glorious!!!

Oh, and whoever is dissing mince pies....Outside. Now!! punch
In which case I can agree that you really do love it!

I hate mince pies too but that’s largely because I don’t particularly like any pies which I fully accept makes me very odd.
I like pies, especially cream pies. But I don't like mince pies.