The joy of eccentric elderly parents and their routines.

The joy of eccentric elderly parents and their routines.


j4ckos mate

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3,017 posts

172 months

Monday 1st October 2018
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yep, i had to order specific mircopore tape off ebay,
a particular length and width, no other will do.

we were clearing out the old wash house at the back door,
you could see her head spinning at the thought of throwing out garden tools,
shes moving to a flat,

she even managed a sly meter reading,
she didn't believe we were topping it up for her,
even though the house its hers anymore she was concerned that the electric was topped up in a house she will only see once more in her life.
it has to be hard though same house for 47 years,
must be hard

j4ckos mate

Original Poster:

3,017 posts

172 months

Monday 1st October 2018
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Just been round to the house
Ornaments are blu tacked to the cabinets and shelves

j4ckos mate

Original Poster:

3,017 posts

172 months

Monday 1st October 2018
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Anything that was broke
Dad stripped for parts
So he had thousands of nutscsnd bolts nails you name it. He had every length
Width and finish
He even kept pieces of wood and sheets of plastic.

j4ckos mate

Original Poster:

3,017 posts

172 months

Wednesday 3rd October 2018
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Just been to see her
She’s said the house wasn’t how she left it and we’ve moved things around

Yep shepherding two teenagers, running a dept at work, cleaning and diy, and working in the evenings.
when I’ve got downtime I like to go to my old family home and rearrange the furniture on a whim just to pass some time

j4ckos mate

Original Poster:

3,017 posts

172 months

Thursday 4th October 2018
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Shes had "her own way of doing things" for at least 30 years,
thats the trouble, shes found unusual ways to get round life stuff
(cat scratches wall, cat doesn't get a size 11, an old mat gets nailed to the wall)

its just how she is,

anyone with elderly parents looks for signs of it in everything that she does,
mentally shes spot on,
i don't ever recall her using a calculator for instance,

when she was in hosp for a couple of months, all the other p[patients had it,
one used to shout out of the window "call the police call the police"
when she saw me,
another would drop in and out of our convos,
some of the stuff theyd do was very amusing,
we would often laugh about it

Just last night she was examining the telly to google the model as she wants one herself

i haven't seen any, with mum that makes me thing shes declining mentally,
dad had it,
i could write a book on the phone calls i got off him from hospital, via the police

i suppose if she were rich she would be called eccentric,

j4ckos mate

Original Poster:

3,017 posts

172 months

Thursday 4th October 2018
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Actually my work emails are spot on
I just don’t bother when I’m on here, it’s usually done on a mobile or in an open office, in a stollen moment when i should be doing something else.
So I should read them, but can’t be arsed.
I’m not poking fun at oldies, I’m hoping to be one myself.
stollen was on purpose
She’s moving into an a stunning sheltered accom flat in the next couple of weeks
So they’ll be plenty of updates

j4ckos mate

Original Poster:

3,017 posts

172 months

Monday 22nd October 2018
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mum had to move today, from one flat to another
it was 10 oclock

she told them shes not moving till 12 noon, she has absolutely nothing else on,
but wont get up a little earlier to enable her move,

so someone else coming out of hospital and needing that flat will be put out along with the nurses

Oh, and she needs s apeicifc size of plastic box to put spare ornaments in

j4ckos mate

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3,017 posts

172 months

Tuesday 23rd October 2018
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I got it in the neck last night for not returning to the old house, (which we've handed the keys in for, she has secretly kept a set)
to gather a toilet roll holder because shes had it for years,
this is what the beauty looks like

Also a chipboard box, that had really sharp edges on that contained old bedding, its ugly and dangerous because of the edges.

i got a text off my sister to go round as the heating and TV and heating wont come on.
i was adamant i wasn't going to go and its a fools errand.
As i pulled up half an hour later, the TV was on and the window was open, flat was boiling,

I walked in and the entry phone installed earlier that day had the name of the receptionist written on it when they brought it up and the date it was brought,
"is this for the bin?" sure enough it was but she had elected to write its journey on it in marker before it got binned.
i dont get the logic with her

Ive said in the past t shirts are rolled up put in a bag (clear) with a description of what it is and what its made of, then an elastic band round,
and it makes things easier to find

j4ckos mate

Original Poster:

3,017 posts

172 months

Tuesday 6th November 2018
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Ive found some pretty exuberant wiring, that consisted of two things wired into one plug,
both fles's were pretty freyed.
and the plug was at waist height behind a curtain.

j4ckos mate

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3,017 posts

172 months

Tuesday 6th November 2018
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perhaps this could be summed up with two words

"sterilized milk"

j4ckos mate

Original Poster:

3,017 posts

172 months

Wednesday 17th April 2019
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I witnessed a great one last night

The council came round and put a dark glass splashback behind her cooker,
(she doesnt use it by the way, its never switched on)
the walls are cream and she thinks its stands out too much,
So after emailing loads of tilers and telling them what the price should be to tile over it,
she comes up with a novel solution
shes blu tacked white paper over half of it,
because she hasn't enough paper

j4ckos mate

Original Poster:

3,017 posts

172 months

Wednesday 17th April 2019
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For my daughters 21st she got a plain card with no verse.
Not even a birthday one
Some woman in the canteen gets knocked up
Lovely congrats baby card and a pressie from John Lewis!

j4ckos mate

Original Poster:

3,017 posts

172 months

Wednesday 17th April 2019
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I get panicking texts saying the heatings off,
She used to pay all her bills by cheque, me and my sister have got her a sensational retirement flat, all bills direct debit
All she has to do is cook and wash and that’s it.
Got a text last night saying the handyman is incompetent, her heatings off.
Went round the trv’’s are off and the thermostat is set to 20.
Flat is lovely and warm and she looks me in the eye and tells me it’s receptions fault and the handyman,
He can’t work the boiler.

I ended up saying yeah the whole new-build of 91 flats are all working and he can set them all, except yours and yours is completely different to all the others in the block.

She flits from eight or nine different things to worry about,
When they are explained to her she moves into the next one, that gets fixed and so on.

When she had the house and it was clear she was never going back to it.
She was adamant the meter must be topped up all the time.
So it looks occupied,
She was so concerned about the prices-less dunelm artefacts she cancelled the house insurance years ago.
No pictures of my dad in his guards uniform or me and my sis or the grandkids in the flat not a single one

j4ckos mate

Original Poster:

3,017 posts

172 months

Friday 19th April 2019
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Spare tyre said:
Wrathalanche said:
My folks are still pretty on the ball - only in their 60's.There's things that drive me up the wall, like spending a fortune on sound bars and speakers for their TV while being completely incapable of setting them up or balancing sound so all you get is a very loud muffle that's worse than the TV's internal speaker would be. They both have pretty new iPhones but haven't really downloaded any apps on to them. The apps they do have are just scattered across multiple pages of homescreen, and none of the pages are filled to maximum capacity. Makes my teeth itch.

The one charming eccentricity I can think of is when my dad sends money electronically. If its anything over £100, he'll insist on sending £1 first, "just to make sure it gets through OK", and once you've confirmed you receive it, he'll send the rest. He even does it to existing payees saved on his banking. And this is a man who has worked in IT for 40 plus years. Not going to complain if I'm getting paid though tongue out
My dad would probably oil the router and phone lines, help the data pass

j4ckos mate

Original Poster:

3,017 posts

172 months

Tuesday 30th April 2019
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Mums got to entry buzzers into her flat
One at the main door and one into the hallway.
Everytime someone rings, she answers, then sits down, then looses her st when the second one gos

dirky dirk

Original Poster:

3,017 posts

172 months

Wednesday 19th June 2019
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Todays gem was putting flowers in a glass, on the cooker

with no water in them,

and then taping the flowers upto the splashback so they dont fall over,

i suppose it shows ingenuity if nothing else

dirky dirk

Original Poster:

3,017 posts

172 months

Friday 21st June 2019
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Yep seconded covers on the sofa,

To be honest we think her odd ways are a subversive way of getting attention she never got as a kid

There's 93 purpose built retirement flats in her complex,
the 94th has hi viz sticky tape on hers to alert people where her doorbell is, incase its a few microns out of position for the others,

she had some un imoprtant medical appt to get to and me and my sis were struggling to get time of work to take her, she complained about the fact it cost her 20 quid each way,
But its completely ok for us to use a days holiday up, a fiver in parking and then we end up getting a few bits from the shop for her on the way back!

dirky dirk

Original Poster:

3,017 posts

172 months

Saturday 7th December 2019
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The other 112 flats have a doorbell in the same place,
Mum thinks her visitors will miss hers so she sent off for hi via orange tape to stick on it

Sent her a picture of my daughters graduation via text and email never acknowledged it.

She told the doctor her sore back is caused by depression after an eye

Knitted alias of bobble hats for aprem baby unit, dropped them off and shes convinced herself they have been pinched.

A year later shes stilton the Internet ordering crap,
God help me if she discovers wish

dirky dirk

Original Poster:

3,017 posts

172 months

Saturday 7th December 2019
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Wont use the kitchen bin drawer bin
Wont use the actual kitchen bin
Shs puts rubbish in a bag in the spare bedroom

I'm only my own the next few days at work and because shes so stressful to visit and be around
I wont go round there because it's such a head wreck

dirky dirk

Original Poster:

3,017 posts

172 months

Monday 9th December 2019
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Mum saves the used tea bags,
in the oat so simple porridge pots, which also seem to lie around the sink,

She prefers the porridge you make with water, just incase she runs out of a precious commodity that gos by the name of milk.

theres a few long life cartons in at least three cupobards,
and theres a post office 100 metres away and an asda around 200.

Another new habit is putting biscuits in the container thats under the sink where you would ordinarily put your bleach and things for cleaning
And another odd habit is leaving things out, but in odd places,
the cooker hob has a vew plastic plants on it, and the air freshener aerosol, thats located on the floor in the corner of the hall
she lives alone! any smells are of her own making

Edited by dirky dirk on Monday 9th December 15:09