Secret tunnels under Manchester

Secret tunnels under Manchester


Parrot of Doom

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Thursday 12th July 2007
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Not secret any longer smile Amazing stuff, especially if you live near Manchester!

Unfortunately they won't say where the entry points are, because they'll get blocked up by the authorities. Its just a shame that so little is known about these places.

ETA sorry for the removal of the link but I don't think you meant to post that one. wink

Edited by Big Al. on Wednesday 9th December 11:19

Parrot of Doom

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Thursday 12th July 2007
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Parrot of Doom

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Thursday 12th July 2007
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Hmm. I asked if the tunnels were related to the Manchester and Salford Junction Canal, and the question gets deleted.

I think theres some paranoid admins on that site!

Parrot of Doom

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Thursday 12th July 2007
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You're right. The person who said my posts were deleted for being 'off topic shite' appears to be one of the owners of the site.

So I think we can surmise that when I ask "Are these tunnels related to the manchester & salford junction canal", a perfectly legimate and definitely not off-topic question if you ask me, and the post is deleted, then I've dropped a pretty massive hint as to the location of their tunnels.

The entrance to the canal is still visible - its here!

Parrot of Doom

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Thursday 12th July 2007
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I know exactly where these tunnels are now. It doesn't take much working out.

The toilets are obviously public toilets accessed from street level, and there are several disused and blocked toilets around the Hanging Ditch/Cathedral/Victoria Station area of Manchester. The tunnels are accessed from those toilets, so it seems to me that they've found a ventilation shaft, an entrance from an existing and accessible property (a shop for instance), an entrance underneath Victoria Station (there are some scary looking tunnels that are blocked off around there), or they've gotten in from the river.

The tunnels may well be connected to the Manchester and Salford Junction canal, personally I think that may be one of their entry points as they very swiftly deleted that post.

My main interest now is would this be suitable material for a television programme - I think it would. Obvious legalities and permissions aside (you can't trespass for television unless its in the public interest), I think an exploration of hidden/secret sites would make for a fascinating series, so I'm going to make a few enquiries.

/edit: at least they've deleted the offensive post to me.

Edited by Parrot of Doom on Thursday 12th July 18:52

Parrot of Doom

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Thursday 12th July 2007
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Leithen said:
Parrot of Doom said:
My main interest now is would this be suitable material for a television programme - I think it would. Obvious legalities and permissions aside (you can't trespass for television unless its in the public interest), I think an exploration of hidden/secret sites would make for a fascinating series, so I'm going to make a few enquiries.
So specifically who owns these tunnels?
Mystery innit?

Most likely though, the council will own them. If they were privately owned, they'd have found a use for them by now, whether for storage, or office space, or just a tourist thing.

I'm sending out feelers to a few contacts smile If only Fred Dibnah were still around frown

Parrot of Doom

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Thursday 12th July 2007
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I've been banned from the site, I can't even access the forums. I presume my IP has been blocked. No matter though, proxify still works.

Before I was banned however I did catch a brief glimpse at the reaction to....well what exactly I don't know, because I certainly haven't set out to offend anyone.

I'm amazed and very disappointed at the reaction of some of the members. They actually think I'd be so stupid as to 'take credit for other people's work' and make my own television programme? The only credit I'd be taking would be as the cameraman!

People are so fascinated by the subject matter. If they don't want people to know about these locations, then why on earth post them in the first place? It doesn't make sense to me. Post up the locations, and then delete any discussion about them except the posts offering praise? Whats the point?

Some people are probably worried that a television programme would reveal the secret entry points to locations like this - it wouldn't need to, as the producers would need permission to enter and would just walk straight in through the front door.....

An admin has also deleted my post about Carrington Power Station. I guess I'm not cool enough to belong. I'm still going to pursue it though. Fascinating as these locations are, and as impressed as I am by people's determination to access them for their own benefit, they're not the intellectual property of a select few...

Parrot of Doom

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Thursday 12th July 2007
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Thanks Oakey, I've already read that smile

Still amazed I've been banned from a forum. Thats only happened once, from C+ - and guess what, that was an overzealous admin too...

Parrot of Doom

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Thursday 12th July 2007
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Oakey said:
PoD, this kind of says it all really:

Mate, I appreciate what your saying but just.. trust me when I say nobody is going to find the way in. It's really, really, REALLY quite some access and frankly, I don't think one trouble maker on this site will ever figure it out.

Access takes hours, nobodys going to be in there again.
When they move on to something else, or when the autorities make sure there's no way to access them without a bulldozer then expect them to give out the location rolleyes

If you do make a programme on something like this then make sure to keep us all informed!
Trouble maker.....I'm a trouble maker for asking questions, and asking if its related to the underground canal.....

You were right Oakey, I'm amazed at the attitude of the admins.

Parrot of Doom

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Thursday 12th July 2007
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roadrunner440 said:
PoD, saw the Carrington station thing before it went away, very cool, it's only a couple of miles or so from me, is the huge car holding area still there? and can you access the canal reasonably easily?

Shame they came down on you on the other site, a tad narrow minded IMO, I thought your Q's were fair and on topic.

Yes mate, the car holding area is still there. Its mostly empty now, and used as a remote parking facility for Manchester Airport.

The canal is a bit tricky to access, but you can get to it using this road:

To get on it, you just use the farmer's field above it - theres a track already there smile There are no KEEP OUT signs anywhere, although its very likely private property and you could get shooed off it. I've chatted to security there and they weren't at all bothered.

So you go west, to the canal, and just before the gates where the sign is (see pics below) you follow the track to the right, it heads sharply down to the water. From thereon you just follow your nose.

The photos aren't in the correct order, but if you click here you can see a mapped version:

Parrot of Doom

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Thursday 12th July 2007
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Oakey said:
for anyone interested, the photos in the 28dayslater thread are the other side of the landing stages on the Irwell river.

This door:

And these two bricked up holes:

Are most likely the door that can be seen under the bridge and the two visible vents (bricked up now i guess) in this photo:

I wonder if this hole:

Is the same one that can be seen in the far left of the river photo?

Any 28dayslater nazis able to confirm or deny this?

Amusingly enough, for all their secrecy, those tunnels have been visited as recently as '97 and 2002:

Edited by Oakey on Thursday 12th July 23:20
Completely agree. That has to be their location. The interesting thing is, how they got in.

I reckon a visit to Manchester Library, a look in their mapping section (they'll all be there), and overlaying a modern map, and it will all become apparent.

Its a shame, that location is crying out to be used for something. I bet the council own it, and have forgotten it exists - otherwise they'd have cashed it in by now!

Parrot of Doom

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Friday 13th July 2007
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To give you a clearer idea where they are:

Parrot of Doom

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Friday 13th July 2007
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Thanks mate smile

Edited by Parrot of Doom on Friday 13th July 00:32

Parrot of Doom

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Friday 13th July 2007
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Heres another:

Parrot of Doom

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Friday 13th July 2007
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ooo, what do we have here:

Parrot of Doom

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Friday 13th July 2007
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Well to be fair to them, I think the majority of their work has been figuring out how to get in without being spotted. Fair play to them on that score, although I'd have just sent a chimney sweep boy down a rope to climb in smile

Perhaps thats what they did - perhaps they sent someone over the fence, through the dark hole, and then worked their way out from the inside.

Parrot of Doom

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Friday 13th July 2007
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Parrot of Doom

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236 months

Friday 13th July 2007
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Cara Jynwyth said:
I am in contact with one of the underground exploration chaps who runs the site. I am into mine exploring in my spare time. I have done a few military sites and this area has been flagged up. They are a bit worried about getting into trouble and access points are a point of contention. There are some amazing things to see. Type in Fauld Crater, Corsham and Billingham anhydrite into their search engine to see what is there, if you have the time and inclination.
If you've got some free time, ask this chap why I was banned without explanation, and without breaking any forum rules I am aware of.

Parrot of Doom

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Friday 13th July 2007
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Martin_Bpool said:
The two pics above show different brick work around the doors compared to the 2 pictures below on 28days later.
Judging by the hole in one shot, and the door in the reverse shot, I'm guessing the wall is double skinned.

Parrot of Doom

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Friday 13th July 2007
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Oakey said:
the attitudes of the mods on 28dayslater and darkplaces really amazes me. Clearly these people belong in the sewers they so love to explore.
I've just been banned from Darkplaces too. Well they clearly don't want to lower themselves to speaking to someone who works in television despite the fact that I've not been in any way abusive or broken any rules, so I think I'll create a Wiki page on the cathedral steps. The next time I'm in Manchester I'll take my own photographs of the area.

This isn't knowledge for a few glorified trespassers with ropes. This is knowledge for everyone, and although the chances of getting anything made about material like this are extremely slim, rest assured I'll make some enquiries.

Love the site. Love the pictures. Hate the attitude.