Worst pain in the world?

Worst pain in the world?



1,402 posts

213 months

Tuesday 9th October 2012
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I experienced my worst pain ever only six weeks ago - and that was an orthopedic surgeon "straightening" my left leg which had just had the femur/hip smashed into six sizable chunks.

Some warning would have been nice, as would more painkillers.


394 posts

180 months

Tuesday 9th October 2012
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Meningitis. It felt like someone was crushing my skull. Light hurt my eyes. Turns out its an infection of the fluid/membrane surrounding the brain. Ergo a swelling in my heed. So sneezing and coughing was pleasant as well. NOT!

But on the lighter side of things it did get me a private room and morphine for the night until they tested and fund out it was bacterial not viral. But i still had to have Mrs E-b bring a McD's Breakfast in in the morning.


189 posts

143 months

Thursday 11th October 2012
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A lad at school was showing off to girls in p.e lessons and he tried to voult a rounders pole one day and slipped and ended up with it stuck up his arse. He had to go to hospital and have it surgically removed which must have been a pain in the ass

Ray Luxury-Yacht

8,910 posts

218 months

Thursday 11th October 2012
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As a bike racer, I had a reasonable amount of interesting injuries as you can imagine.

Broken bones, shoulder and knee dislocations, horrendously torn ligaments in various joints, concussion and being knocked out cold, bangs on the head resulting in sinus vascule damage and unlimited nose bleeds, displaced spine vertabrae, abraded skin or 'road rash' as it's called...quite a long list.

Each injury bringing it's own challenging set of pain, surgery and recovery to deal with, sometimes over a long and torturous time frame.

I got quite good at using Cognitive techniques to 'compartmentalise' the pain, and deal with it using a combination of mental strength and with painkilling drugs. So I thought I'd got to a point where I felt I could at least rationalise and minimalise pain when I had to, or so I thought.

That was until I copped a decent portion of Campylobactor food poisoning one evening after dinner, on holiday in Tenerife actually.

Midnight got uncomfortable, and then thorughout the night as it took hold, I ended up a shuddering, whimpering mess, and an Ambulance arrived and whisked me off to the local Casualty.

Despite being pumped with antibiotics and painkillers through my IV line - I can honestly say that for about 24 hours, I have never had to deal with such debilitating pain like this. It made all my racing injuries pale into insignificance - I would have gladly traded a busted bone or dislocated joint for this mental pain.

It's difficult to describe - but basically, my entire body from about the chest, down to my 'bits', felt like it had been coated in Napalm and set on fire - with the fire burning right through to the innermost parts of my body.

It throbbed with no respite whatsoever - writhing around on the bed with all my muscles tensed up from the agony provided no releif at all - it didn't matter what position I tried to lay in, it stabbed and burned and creased me in two constantly. I was sweating profusely and constantly, with a dry mouth and de-hydration like I've never had before - and any kind of sleep was not gonna happen - so I had to mentally try to fight it constantly for over a whole day and night - and at points I just felt like giving in. I pretty much lost control of my bowels and urinary tract - that was the least of my worries so I let them just do what they wanted. So a constant trickle of foul liquid was dribbbling onto my putrid bed sheets.

I honestly would have considered death at some points if one of the Doctors had come in and offered me death as an alternative.

Wierdly, the anti-biotics seemed to get their act together in one go at about hour 26. At that point, after all the misery, within an hour or so it suddenly left me in one go, and I felt much better within a short period of time. I started to take on some small sips of fluid which stayed down, and half a day later I was sitting up, and although a little delicate and battered, felt almost normal again.

So - don't get food poisoning, kids! It's NOT fun, m'kay?! biggrin


1,204 posts

221 months

Thursday 11th October 2012
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I'm in some pain right now, hence me being awake at 3.20 on a work night. I got booted on the big toe playing football tonight , possible broke the toe and bending the nail 90° about halfway down. Looked a bloody mess. I cant get a shoe on, and decided to soak it to try to trim the nail off. Half way through, I don't know whether the soaking and weakening did anything, but the nail decided to move itself back, taking about a minute to move back. Oh.My.God.

I've fractured an arm, a wrist, broken toes, tear cartlidge in my hip, fractured skull and haemotoma, had a tooth split and had the nerve hang out and had an injection in a head wound. But that nail moving back into place is the most ridiculous pain i've ever felt.

Compared to some of these, i'm a wuss :-)


9,932 posts

213 months

Thursday 11th October 2012
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Ray Luxury-Yacht said:
Tale of food poisoning woe

I don't think they gave you enough drugs in that IV line. frown

I've had a couple of bad infections but the all-out winner was a round of proper full-blown pyelonephritis about 5 years ago. I felt ice cold but had a temperature of 39.9 degrees C, vomited every sip of water, tablet, everything for 24 hours, hallucinated for most of that time... and the nursing home saw fit to call a doctor only after a full day of this hell.

I was scared I was going to die... then I was scared I might not die and would have to feel like that for even longer.

Hospital and heavy-duty antibiotics sorted it out reasonably quickly once I actually got some medical care. Grim!


1,377 posts

161 months

Thursday 11th October 2012
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@Wendyg... yup you are correct it was that kind of haematoma, ive not had any other bum probs other than this . i was appalled to be called homophobic because i didnt like the idea of a prod around the poop shute... i really did find it to be abnormally embarrassing which is why i put off the quacks... all is totally fine and dandy now... i will tell you this, it really makes you think how lucky you are to be pain free. i did end up going to the docs, yup i was mortified at the know pull your knees up request and subsequent prodding and poking but i got through it and was given a clean bill of health with a the rest will clear up in a week or so. I did feel really offended at how some folks took the point of a bloke never having to have this done as a sign of hating gay folk especially when i explained i have a gay brother who is my best friend who i could never hate because of his sexuality. hey ho tho alls cool now..... did hurt like an absolute beeeyatch tho.


53,012 posts

185 months

Thursday 11th October 2012
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I didn't read it as homophobic.

I woke up last night in pain. More botty related pain, don't know what happened, I guess it was trapped wind, it fraking hurt! But after passing gas it sort of slowly went away....how the fk can trapped wind hurt so much?


19,761 posts

237 months

Thursday 11th October 2012
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Halb said:
I didn't read it as homophobic.

I woke up last night in pain. More botty related pain, don't know what happened, I guess it was trapped wind, it fraking hurt! But after passing gas it sort of slowly went away....how the fk can trapped wind hurt so much?
You got sleep bummed thumbup HTH

I had something similar but it was too far into my gut to be able to expel the gas, i was convinced by gut had exploded!!


96 posts

148 months

Tuesday 30th October 2012
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I used to suffer with migraines in my teens which were horrendous. Not just the physical pain, but I used to suffer blindness and numbness alongside which made for a very scary experience. Especially as they lasted anything up to 18 hours. Not fun.

However the single worst pain I've ever experienced was 2 years ago when I arrived home from work, took my coat off and sat down on the sofa. And somehow twisted my testicle. It was like someone repeatedly kicking you in the nuts again and again and again. Took alot of effort to reach my phone and call an ambulance. It took over an hour for me to arrive in A+E (I live in the middle of nowhere) and finally get some meaningful pain medication. I passed out twice on route, and again in A+E, then threw up all over a nurse. A couple of doctors tried to twist it back, but only succeeded in making it hurt more and I ended up having emergency surgery to save it. Scariest time of my life so far, and something I wish on no one. Took almost 3 weeks for the pain to fully subside. It still makes me think twice whenever I sit down anywhere... just in case. Eep!


10,272 posts

169 months

Tuesday 30th October 2012
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Martin next door, the tt.


45 posts

149 months

Tuesday 30th October 2012
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Getting flux in an open cut when soldering stings like mad!

Or soldering in a tight spot and the solder drops onto the thin skin on the inside of your forearm but your in too tight a position to move....


7,751 posts

175 months

Wednesday 31st October 2012
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Wimsy76 said:
Getting flux in an open cut when soldering stings like mad!

Or soldering in a tight spot and the solder drops onto the thin skin on the inside of your forearm but your in too tight a position to move....

Or your spanner slipping and your knuckles being grated by bare bricks on a cold day.

Always a pleasure that.


865 posts

191 months

Wednesday 31st October 2012
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Justin Cyder said:
ChrisRS6 said:

Not sure if ive spelt it correctly....but some of the older guys at work...mens, men..have been reduced to tears due to the pain.

Something to do with acid in the joints i believe?.....some call it a rich mans illness!!!...do to it being caused by rich foods.
I've had gout. The pain is unbelievable, literally unable to walk & had to go upstairs to bed one stair at a time on my arse. No fun at all.
I've suffered with it twice. The first time I thought I'd broken me foot and went to the doctor, he asked what I'd been feeding on. We had a big barby couple of days before with red wine and steaks aplenty. He said I had gout. Me being daft, I did the same again a few months after with the same results. I haven't touched wine or red meat since. Bad, bad pain.


1,755 posts

164 months

Wednesday 31st October 2012
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Worst pain i've ever felt was when i had a UTI and trying to urinate. The phrase 'pissing razorblades' starting to make sense.


10,272 posts

169 months

Wednesday 31st October 2012
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AndyT77 said:
Worst pain i've ever felt was when i had a UTI and trying to urinate. The phrase 'pissing razorblades' starting to make sense.

Try an attempted (I say attempted because the nurse didn't succeed,no matter how hard she pushed and shoved) catheterisation despite an urethral stricture. Blood everywhere.


701 posts

172 months

Wednesday 31st October 2012
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...that I've experienced: Ankylosing Spondylitis. one of those "you wouldn't wish it on anyone" things.


2,549 posts

147 months

Wednesday 31st October 2012
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i have sarcoidosis
when it kicked in the 6 month coughing up of lumps didnt really bother me
but when i walked out into sunlight and my eye felt like it was going to explode, which then caused what i can only assume is what a migraine feels like, i was straight to the doctors
can honestly say there was a slight tear in my eyes


533 posts

144 months

Wednesday 31st October 2012
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The general feeling seems to be that internal problems, e.g viruses etc. can often be much worse than something overtly physical. I concur. Rupturing my stomach lining after 4 days of a bug and violent puking wasn't fun, and caused a seemingly endless cycle of puke old coffee-like blood, burn inside, puke blood, etc. For about 2 weeks in total.

Physically, worst injury I've had was a broken humerus, dislocated elbow, dislocated shoulder and shattered shoulder socket - all at the same time (wrapped my right arm round a rugby post the wrong way in a tackle). 13 weeks looking like a meccano set and another 12 months of physio 'til the arm was operational again. Having the dislocations put back in at the side of the pitch smarted a bit.


19,761 posts

237 months

Wednesday 31st October 2012
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Passing a kidney stone was a good one, I was straining so hard it hit the bowl an sounded like a BB, interestingly I got it less than 3 months after being in hospital with a catheter for 3 weeks, I'm convinced its related.