PH Losers 2019 - Anyone want to join me?

PH Losers 2019 - Anyone want to join me?



966 posts

82 months

Monday 10th June 2019
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vindaloo79 said:
I've just stumbled across this thread after a Keto google.

I've been doing Atkins or my interpretation from what I remember 10 years ago. Been having 20g carb per day. As much meat and fat as I need. And doing 350 calories cardio at gym everyday since Friday (row, run, cycle, xtrain) and any weights I can manage. I'm only walking about 4-5k steps per day which is poor. Lost 4lbs since Friday last week.

It is killing me though, the fridge is full of chocolate and it's hard to see past it.

I'm aiming to go from 13st to 12 stone by June 16th. I may well just switch to low calorie, sensible carb diet if I get to 12.5 stone by Next Friday. A slice of pizza would be heaven right now.
Just thought I would sign off, I achieved 13 down to 12 stone by June 5th. Kept at that despite allowing myself some carb heavy days whilst doing couple hours cardio each day (MTB Biking). I think in all honesty I have achieved that by following Keto diet/Atkins 20 for approx 14 days out of the last month, in between I allowed myself a couple of days for Pizza, Ice cream, whatever. But every day I did the diet I did 400+ calories cardio I reckon and some weight training.

Im amazed it came off so quickly. But the carb cravings were horrific at night on occasion.

Lemming Train

5,567 posts

74 months

Tuesday 11th June 2019
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A half-arsed diet of keto/atkins mixed with high carb cheat days is a recipe for disaster and I'm not surprised you got tortured with the cravings! smile But as you've shown, willpower and determination will win out in the end. Congrats on reaching your goal.

Rob: well done on your progress. Under 100kg club next week?

Martin: enough with the excuses, no time like the present. smashwink

Having a bit of a rough ride here with my own progress. I think I'm losing the weight too quickly! A first-world problem for sure and some would say a nice problem to have. I'm 79.4kg today (Monday) so nearly into my final 5kg to reach my goal but I've been suffering with gut rot for some days and now apparently unable to drink my usual black coffee which had previously caused me no issues cry. Also suffering a lot of gut churn drinking plain water too, plus it's exiting out of the wrong orifice irked. The side effect is that it's affecting my appetite and so I'm not eating much at the moment which in turn means I don't have the energy I need for my rowing to keep my muscle mass. May just be a stomach bug or could be lacking in electrolytes, not sure. The only thing that is different is I haven't had any red meat in nearly 3 weeks, only 2 smallish chicken meals. Red meat is excellent for a whole range of vitamins, electrolytes and fat/protein and the pork belly I usually have always perks me up so maybe it's that. As I write, the slow cooker is simmering away with 3 packs of diced steak, spuds and veggies which should become a tasty nutrient packed stew by the time the missus has finished with it tomorrow smile. Hopefully that will fix me up but if not I will slow it down and extend into July.


2,660 posts

160 months

Tuesday 11th June 2019
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Lemming Train said:
Rob: well done on your progress. Under 100kg club next week?
I wouldn’t have thought so, I’ve not lost more than a kilo at any point this year so that would be pushing it I think.

I should be in the 15 stone club though, only 0.5kg away so that’s the goal by Sunday

The weather is holding me back with exercise at the moment, don’t want to get my bike wet as I live in a first floor flat and it’s impossible to dry it. Running in the rain is miserable too so I’ve done nothing for over a week. Need to get back on it before I start putting weight back on!


9,080 posts

167 months

Wednesday 12th June 2019
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I posted in here a while ago, maybe a couple of months ago.
since then I’ve sod all in regards to eating healthier and haven’t been the gym at all.

I know it’s all about making that first step but that first step just isn’t happening.

I binge eat. Sugary st.
I know it’s a waste of food but I work alone and can sometimes be bored and I think this leads to it.
So obviously I need a complete mentality change.

My wife has spoke about eating clean so there’s a positive step. Just need to get my ass into gear and go the gym. I’m already paying £12 for it.

Lemming Train

5,567 posts

74 months

Wednesday 12th June 2019
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^ in fear of repeating myself :

Gym : fitness
Diet : weight loss.

Unless you're intending to spend quarter of the day, every day, at the gym doing high intensity cardio you won't lose st. You''ll be hungry after your work-outs and "reward" yourself with a nice sugary drink and/or take-away/snack, instantly undoing your 2 hours on the rower/spinner.

Get your diet in order first, ie. cut out all the crap/processed carbs that you're shovelling in which have no satiety, causing you to be reaching for the biscuit tin ever hour because you think you're hungry, then once you've sorted your diet sorted out and you can maintain it you can look at supplementing it with some work-outs to improve your fitness.

Hitting the gym to lose weight without making sufficient changes to your diet is destined to fail.

The Ferret

1,149 posts

162 months

Wednesday 12th June 2019
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The Ferret said:
1.1kg off since the start of the year, so need to step things up. Already know how to do it, it's the doing it bit I struggle with.

Determined to do this now though, so a new goal set and will keep this updated more regularly over the coming weeks.
Having only managed to lose 1.1kg between Jan and 22 May I was pleasantly surprised to jump on the scale and see a further 1.2kg have disappeared in the last 3 weeks. I know its neither a huge amount overall and it isn't coming off at an impressive rate, but it finally seems to be moving in the right direction. I also don't want to lose it all too quickly and risk ending up with pipe cleaner arms and legs. In fact thats probably my biggest worry, I'd rather be slightly out of shape but proportionally ok as opposed to losing too much muscle along the way and ending up looking like a teenager again.

For anyone like me who seemed to have the food side of things under control but still enjoyed a regular pint or two, you'll be amazed how much difference it makes when you cut it out.


9,080 posts

167 months

Wednesday 12th June 2019
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Cheers Lemming Train!
I was in a pretty decent shape 3 years ago (pic)

Seems like a life time away.
I think it is mentally at the moment.

The good thing is the wife done a stir fry tonight.
Chicken, broccoli, carrots, a low cal sauce, basmati rice. Glass of water.

No chocolate or fizzy drinks starting tomorrow.


2,660 posts

160 months

Sunday 16th June 2019
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101.5kg today, which is 15 stone something (just). Also means I’m only a stone away from my soft target for the year.


44,394 posts

253 months

Sunday 16th June 2019
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Another pound off this week.


2,866 posts

211 months

Monday 17th June 2019
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swanny71 said:
Morning all, found this thread looking for Concept 2 rower stuff, thought I’d contribute.

Decided to try and lose a few Kg’s mainly in the hope it would reduce the frequency and volume of my snoring which was driving my other half absolutely mental. I’d always been very fit and active but life/work in the past 5 years seems to have slowly taken its toll.

We eat pretty healthy but a lack of exercise and portion size control were my biggest issues (and biscuits). So it was a pretty simple plan:
1. Exercise more (dusted off the rower, bike and curl bar)
2. Eat smaller portions (with more of it being green)
3. Do not eat any biscuits.

It’s working.

6’1” 47 years old and 102.5 Kg when I started on 21st April.

92 Kg today and feeling much better for it.

...and to her great relief it’s helped reduce the snoring smile
Still at it, still going well.
Weight loss has slowed significantly but my focus seems to have shifted toward improved fitness (knocking time off 10k on the rower for example) rather than the scales.
Comfortably back in 34” waist jeans rather than snugly in 36” and my XL shirts/t-shirts are now a baggy fit.
88.1Kg today.

Lemming Train

5,567 posts

74 months

Tuesday 18th June 2019
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Lemming Train said:
Having a bit of a rough ride here with my own progress. I think I'm losing the weight too quickly! A first-world problem for sure and some would say a nice problem to have. I'm 79.4kg today (Monday) so nearly into my final 5kg to reach my goal but I've been suffering with gut rot for some days and now apparently unable to drink my usual black coffee which had previously caused me no issues cry. Also suffering a lot of gut churn drinking plain water too, plus it's exiting out of the wrong orifice irked. The side effect is that it's affecting my appetite and so I'm not eating much at the moment which in turn means I don't have the energy I need for my rowing to keep my muscle mass. May just be a stomach bug or could be lacking in electrolytes, not sure. The only thing that is different is I haven't had any red meat in nearly 3 weeks, only 2 smallish chicken meals. Red meat is excellent for a whole range of vitamins, electrolytes and fat/protein and the pork belly I usually have always perks me up so maybe it's that. As I write, the slow cooker is simmering away with 3 packs of diced steak, spuds and veggies which should become a tasty nutrient packed stew by the time the missus has finished with it tomorrow smile. Hopefully that will fix me up but if not I will slow it down and extend into July.
lick That did the trick and quickly fixed my gut ache. Very dense food though and the missus of course made far too much so that's pretty much what I've been eating all week and I'm up to 82.3 kg as a result. Jumping back into ADF now for that final push down to 74 kg.

The Ferret

1,149 posts

162 months

Thursday 20th June 2019
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Another 0.6kg off in since the last weight in 8 days ago. Steady as she goes.

Hit a milestone yesterday when I realised I needed to tighten the belt on my trousers, and managed to go to the next notch without feeling like I was going to bust out of them. That would suggest for me a 3kg loss is the equivalent to an inch off the waist.


2,660 posts

160 months

Thursday 20th June 2019
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Robmarriott said:
I'm doing that thing where I think I'm not going to lose any this week after weighing myself this morning...

Taking bets on whether I will or not....
Doing this again. I think I’m going to start weighing myself every other week from now on so I don’t develop any unhealthy habits.

I’ve weighed myself this morning and I’m a kilo heavier than I was on Sunday. If I get down to a point where I haven’t gained, I’ll be surprised but if I leave it until next week to weigh in, the graph will look smoother and that’ll be better for my head I think.


27 posts

65 months

Thursday 20th June 2019
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down to 158.0 this week (rate has definitely slowed down but it's still a loss!) getting harder to shift these KG's now.

Total comes to 24kg now - Everyone else is doing great too. Keep it up everyone


1,717 posts

192 months

Thursday 20th June 2019
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Hi everyone,

Lifelong porker here and I weighed in at the hospital the other day (not a weight related thing, haha) at 18 stone 2 or 115kg. I'm 5'10 in platforms.
I want to get down to 14 stone as that's what I was back at uni 6 years ago, perhaps 13.5. I'm quite thick set and I want to be realistic with a weight loss.

I'm thinking slimming world or that type of this but it hasn't really worked for me in the past.
I will keep you updated!


2,660 posts

160 months

Sunday 23rd June 2019
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0.3kg down this week. Not bad considering I wasn’t expecting to lose any but it’s starting to get harder. I’m going to start doing some exercise again (if anything just because it feels good and stops me questioning what the point in eating better is...) but I think I’m only going to weigh in once a fortnight from now on, we’ll see.

Lemming Train

5,567 posts

74 months

Sunday 23rd June 2019
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Progress is definitely slower once you start hitting those lower numbers Rob but as long as the numbers continue the downward trend it's all good, frustrating as it may be.

I don't have much to report as far as numbers go. 80kg dead on just a short while ago, so lost the 2.3kg I'd put on since last Tuesday, but not yet back down to the 79.2kg I reached a few weeks back. Actually surprised that my weight is dropping at all now as I've stopped the ADF and am eating a good amount of meat, broccoli and tuna every day now to get all my vitamins and nutrients on this final bit of the journey - my body feels like it needs them more than even now that I'm no longer encased in a thick layer of fat! Yesterday I had 6 thick slices of pork belly with crackling lick and filled the rest of my plate with broccoli then made a very tasty (but carb-heavy) gravy to cover it with (I'm using Lo-Salt on my food now for the potassium as I can't stomach it in liquid form). Thoroughly enjoyable but I was expecting an increase on the scales. Imagine my surprise when I saw I'd lost 0.4kg instead! spin

Exercise on the rower is tough at the moment as I hurt my left knee last week and the socket is making a clicking when flexing my leg. It seems to be more painful if I don't keep it active so just doing some light rowing every day which definitely helps to ease it, but I can't push as hard as I'd like.

The Ferret

1,149 posts

162 months

Friday 28th June 2019
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Another 0.8kg off in the last week, feeling pretty pleased with progress recently.


2,660 posts

160 months

Sunday 30th June 2019
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No idea how but this week I’ve lost 1.3kg, which puts me down to.... 99.9!


11,919 posts

217 months

Sunday 30th June 2019
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Great work, Rob, that's a very decent weight loss in any week, even better when it's a little unexpected....

I'm off and running tomorrow, have built a little online blog-type site that can be followed. Going down to the village I was born in today to have a "clearing-my-head" session and a pub lunch before tomorrow. Will update the table later on.