The 2023 weight loss thread - all welcome

The 2023 weight loss thread - all welcome


Roderick Spode

3,174 posts

51 months

Friday 15th December 2023
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7kg down in just over a month, steady progress. I've become quite disciplined with OMAD and throwing in an occasional 48hr fast, according to my Keyto pen I'm firmly in ketosis scoring 5-6 consistently, on a scale of 1-6. Now we are in the festive period it does cause some confusion when everyone else is pigging out on buffets and Christmas meals, while I sit delicately nursing a pot of green tea laugh doesn't bother me overly. Noticed a reduction in overall inflammation & congestion with the removal of gluten from the diet. Been off the drink since mid November as well, feeling much better. Had hoped to hit 120kg in time for Christmas, but that's a tall ask...


795 posts

84 months

Sunday 17th December 2023
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Back in with another update, after going up to 83.0 from 82.6 last week, I had all of this week off from work, no snacking, no lunches needed. Weighed in today, 1.5kg loss! down to 81.5kg!


592 posts

181 months

Sunday 17th December 2023
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Can anyone recommend any good books websites etc for fast and healthy food recipes please? I am self employed and work has been a nightmare since the end of covid. I have started going back to gym and feeling strong again but I know my diet is letting me down. I was hoping to find good recipes for blenders and air fryers etc. I am not a fussy eater and will try anything.


17,446 posts

199 months

Sunday 17th December 2023
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Jumpingjackflash said:
Can anyone recommend any good books websites etc for fast and healthy food recipes please? I am self employed and work has been a nightmare since the end of covid. I have started going back to gym and feeling strong again but I know my diet is letting me down. I was hoping to find good recipes for blenders and air fryers etc. I am not a fussy eater and will try anything.

There's a collection of books too, the first too are the best.


493 posts

122 months

Tuesday 19th December 2023
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I won't update the table as I'm too late to the year, but at the start of November I was 133kg, and told that I had liver disease. Quite the shock!

Since then I've hit the diet life hard, only having a cup-a-soup for lunch and then chicken and veg for dinner. I think in the 6 weeks I've been at it, I've had 4 days where I went over 1500cals. Calorie counting has worked wonders for me as I've been able to have a little of what I enjoy and not feel guilty over it.

Since the start of November I've lost 13.5kg, with a target of 40kg to lose. A big ask, and I plan on introducing exercise into the mix in the New Year


12,760 posts

169 months

Tuesday 19th December 2023
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I feel totally back on it ATM, it's the fact Christmas is looming I think, that desire not to undo that hard work. 104.8kg this morning, up slightly from my late summer weight which dropped to 103kg I think. Training hard still, zwift and much more running than I had been doing.

I'm determined to come out the other side of Christmas where I am now.


2,103 posts

39 months

Tuesday 19th December 2023
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Steve91 said:
I won't update the table as I'm too late to the year, but at the start of November I was 133kg, and told that I had liver disease. Quite the shock!

Since then I've hit the diet life hard, only having a cup-a-soup for lunch and then chicken and veg for dinner. I think in the 6 weeks I've been at it, I've had 4 days where I went over 1500cals. Calorie counting has worked wonders for me as I've been able to have a little of what I enjoy and not feel guilty over it.

Since the start of November I've lost 13.5kg, with a target of 40kg to lose. A big ask, and I plan on introducing exercise into the mix in the New Year
Losing weight fast can be quite hard on the liver, might not be a problem in some cases, but something to be aware of


592 posts

181 months

Tuesday 19th December 2023
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I need to loose 3 stone but I want to do it properly and consistently. My weight has yo yoed over the years but recently I realised I had a little body dysmorphia. How I am just now at my heaviest is how I felt at my leanest. I remember I used to go to gym and feel fat sitting in the sauna or steam room but when I look at pictures of me then I can not believe it was me. I feel enthusiastic about getting fitter again and maintaining weight but I need to get there first. I am back at gym but I need to get my eating correct because I do not have time for as much cardio. I can not do the chicken, rice and broccoli food prep. Any recommendations of books, apps and youtube channels for easy, fast and tasty recipes would be appreciated.


1,564 posts

17 months

Wednesday 20th December 2023
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Jumpingjackflash said:
I need to loose 3 stone but I want to do it properly and consistently. My weight has yo yoed over the years but recently I realised I had a little body dysmorphia. How I am just now at my heaviest is how I felt at my leanest. I remember I used to go to gym and feel fat sitting in the sauna or steam room but when I look at pictures of me then I can not believe it was me. I feel enthusiastic about getting fitter again and maintaining weight but I need to get there first. I am back at gym but I need to get my eating correct because I do not have time for as much cardio. I can not do the chicken, rice and broccoli food prep. Any recommendations of books, apps and youtube channels for easy, fast and tasty recipes would be appreciated.
Not sure what exactly you're saying about body dysmorphia, but if you're going to the gym reasonably seriously then I would focus on objective measurements so you can track progress -

Ultimately, those measurements won't just be weight, but things like circumferences, eg belly, bicep, upper leg etc. and bodyfat percentage (big subject lots of different measuring methods).

How you get there will be from tracking sets, reps, weight, cardio bike resistance settings etc.

I'm suggesting objectively measuring things rather than eyeballing it.


795 posts

84 months

Sunday 24th December 2023
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Weight dropping quickly the last 2 weeks...1.5 kg down last week to 81.5, today down to 80.6kg and my trainer did say to try and get to around 80 for Christmas and it's close enough so I'll take that. Can be a bit more lax food wise this week and indulge a bit. Happy with progress this year.


169 posts

27 months

Monday 25th December 2023
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2023 has been decent in terms of muscle gain but in terms of weight loss/fat loss I’ve not hit the mark. Finishing this year 2-4kg heavier than I started but not the end of the world. Started at 75kg and am now sitting around 77-79 depending on when I weigh myself. Fitness wise I can’t run a 5k as fast as 2022 but I walk a lot longer distances and weight train more often but still not as much as I’d like. Was intending to eat a ton from Christmas Eve through to this evening but just haven’t been feeling like it to be honest. Probably put away an extra few thousand calories but that’ll be taken care of by January I hope.

The resolution I made to myself this time last year was to have at least some form of abs by the year end and I can hand on heart say I failed. No point saying 2024 will be the year because I’m getting back on it from tomorrow. No point kidding myself into the whole do it later in new year that never comes biggrin


633 posts

59 months

Sunday 31st December 2023
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Just done a final 2023 wiki update.

Quite typical year for me, a bit of yo-yo action. Dropped 5% bodyfat then put most of it back on. Compared to last year I've lost about 0.8kg of weight and down 1% on bodyfat, but despite pretty much being the same did go down a waist size and stayed at that.

Changes for 2024...

1) looking at the body scan data Ive got, there's a strong correlation between weight gain and reducing booze bizarrely. I think my mindset is no alcohol gives me a free pass to eat whatever junk food I want, so that needs altered.

2) strong correlation between exam season and weight gain. Must've been stress eating for that period and barely exercised as well, any spare time giving to meeting deadlines and exam revision. Better planning for next year.

3) need to give up for the meal deals for lunch. Fag packet maths... Think I'm about 1300 calories for lunch and that consists of nutritionally poor upf and sugar laden junk food. High calories, little protein and little fibre so that needs to go next year.


1,875 posts

122 months

Sunday 31st December 2023
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Has there been a 2024 thread started yet? Need to lose weight and make some big changes in 2024 as otherwise I'm going to end up given my self major health problems.