P90X - Bring It!!



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257 months

Monday 3rd September 2012
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Last day today! (bar the recovery week). Will post my report later this evening!


Original Poster:

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257 months

Wednesday 12th September 2012
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…and that’s me done! 90 days of “Bringing It”. Here’s the good, the bad and ugly.

First the good:

Crucially and critically, it works. Exceptionally well. I have achieved in 90 days vastly more than I managed in 10 years of going to the gym.

I’m 45 years old and over the past 90 days, my weight has gone from 14 stone, 1 to 12 stone 7 (it actually dropped to 12 stone 1 before I started to bulk back up a bit).

I now fit into 32” waist trousers having previously been knocking on the door of 36” and most of my ‘L’ tops need to replaced with ‘M’.

My resting heart rate has dropped from around 80-85 to around 75 - 78

I have developed some very well defined muscle and overall, my ‘frame’ has improved vastly – less ‘tubular’ and more ‘v’.

Practical benefits include me sleeping very well, meaning I wake properly rested meaning I’m not running out of steam come 3.00pm every day. Other bedroom activities have improved too (if you get my drift!). I just feel better, younger, fitter than I have done for a very long while.

I've also binned the fags and have found this - so far - easier than when I have tried previously.

The bad?

Well, there’s none really to speak of.

In retrospect, I think I underestimated the importance of the nutrition guide – particularly in the third phase. I first looked at this and thought it really is just a case of being sensible, binning the stuff you know is bad; booze, butter, mayo….etc. The third phase though is about taking on the right amount of calories to do the workouts as it easy to simply run out of fuel halfway through.

It is easy to become a bit 'evangelical' amongst others on the subject of fitness and P90X (it has been asked of me if I am on commission!!) which needs to be kept in check.

There’s some debate here on Yoga X and looking at the other P90X forums out there, it does seem the most debated of all the routines. I’d say it takes as many as 5 or 6 attempts to get it right. I’ve never done yoga before so spent most of my time coming out of the various positions to see what I should be doing and it can get repetitious. However, I’m very glad I’ve stuck with it. Once you know what you are doing, you really do feel the benefit. At over an hour and half, it can be a bit of on ask to find the time to do it but have on occasion just done the first 40 mins (which is the most strenuous) and then mixed in some X-Stretch later in the week.

Apart from the improvement to my health and physique, what has amazed me is that I’ve stuck with it. I bore very easily and self discipline is not a strong point for me but never once have I thought ‘awh, sod it, I’ll give it a miss tonight!” Even on those days where I wasn’t in the zone, I found that once I’d stretched and warmed up, I was properly into the routine.

So, what’s next?

I’m starting all over again!

There’s a handful of moves that I cannot do that I want to crack (one armed push-ups for example) and I was a bit of late comer to Ab Ripper X. I’ve found that as my lower back developed, Ab Ripper became more doable plus, in the last month, I’ve found by doing this at the start of the day’s routine rather than the end, gives a psychological boost that does help.

It’s heartening to see so many here doing this as well and I wish you all well as you progress – it really is worth it.


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12,993 posts

257 months

Wednesday 12th September 2012
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bunnyman said:
Hi all, have been watching this thread with interest. Sounds like this could be the programme for me. A couple of questions (sorry if some are a bit dumb!). Had read a few comments that the multi region discs won't play on a PS3 - is this the case? I don't have anywhere to fit a bar so would need to use the resistance bands - are these effective? Doubt I could do 6 days a week due to other commitments so can this be done say 4/5 days a week? I guess if so 90 days might become 120 days? How much space do you need to complete the workouts - is a standard living room adaquate? Finally, what happens after you complete the programme successfully, is there a maintance plan to follow so that you don't lose all the gains you make? Cheers in advance.
Paranoid has given some good pointers already. I'd just add...

Bands do work fine but learn how to use them properly. Even the black (highest resistance) is easier than the bar so slower reps and iso holds need to be used, especially as you get stronger.

No problem to skip a day - a buddy did this and as you so, just took him longer to do,

Living room is fine but there are a few moves that take up a bit of space (football hero on Plyo for example) so may need to move the sofa!

There's many options for continuation after you've done, both contained in the booklet and on line.

Good luck!


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12,993 posts

257 months

Wednesday 26th September 2012
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5678 said:
Oh, and today I am wearing a shirt to work that I couldn't even do up when I started this!
Put on a suit I'd not worn for a while this morning and I looked like a kid on the first day of big school. Damn you P90X!


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257 months

Monday 8th October 2012
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whythem said:
Aged 50, recent x smoker, 3.5st overweight, never excercised. Is this program for me?

I caught an infomercial on the tv today, which started me searching for more, typically the answer was on PH as ever. I've read the first few and last pages of this thread, but not seen much on "how fit you have to be to start" Worried that this may be out of my league.

I have a history of buying excercise equipment then not using it. i.e I bought an iron gym door bar, tried one pull up, failed and have since used it once more as a "Klingon Bat'Leth" at a fancy dress partysmile
In a word, yes.

The programme includes a fitness guide that you should do before starting. This asks you to do certain routines and gives you a range of what you need to be able to achieve to be considered fit enough to progress. Most of these are quite doable - even if difficult.

There's a bonus DVD that contains two extra workouts which I used for about three weeks to get up to the required fitness level.

Beyond that, it's really down to you.

All I can say is that when I started, I could hardly do any of the routines - 3 or 4 push ups and that was it. But then, if I could have done them, then I wouldn't have really needed to do the programme.


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12,993 posts

257 months

Monday 8th October 2012
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whythem said:
Thanks guy's. I've done a little research and think I will start with the Insanity DVD's as aparently its more aerobic based, which is what I need for fat loss. Then sell it on ebay for £20 less than I paid new, and buy P90X. Will let you know how I get on.
Go for it. Stick with it and good luck!

Would suggest you invest in a heart monitor and research the various zones you need to be in. I don't wish to appear rude but 3.5 stones is a fair bit of excess baggage so keeping an eye on the ticker in the early stages will pay dividends later on.


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257 months

Thursday 3rd January 2013
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Just a quick bump for this....

Haven't done much since completing back in October - two or three sessions each week and nothing over Christmas at all but not put any weight back on despite the festive excesses - which I wasn't too bothered about.

Lost a tiny bit of the tone I had and feeling in need of a bit more energy so going to start again at the weekend..."bring it" (again!!)

How's everyone else doing?


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12,993 posts

257 months

Tuesday 18th March 2014
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Ahh - I'm glad this thread is back and timely too.

I lost the momentum on P90X last Autumn having got about half way through it as a result of work being done on the house so no space to do it. Started to loose the gains I'd made from the first run through and what I did of the second.

This evening is Plyometrics evening - the second week of what will be the third run through!

Anyone seen anything of P90X3 yet?