Give Up Smoking or Die Trying

Give Up Smoking or Die Trying



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Wednesday 23rd January 2013
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Well done guys! I've had a few wobbles along the way (earlier on really), now can't actually remember when I last had a ciggie - was at Autosport but not sure which day. I still get the mind telling me I *need* a cigarette and grab a nicotine chew when required - could quite easily have a smoke - but I'm doing ok.

My tin of cash is building up nicely - I'd like to think I'll be counting it at the end of the year, but will probably spend it when it'll get me something decent.


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Friday 25th January 2013
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19 hour day without any nicotine chews. First fail was in a hotel where the ciggie machine didn't dispense but kept £2 of mine! This not-smoking malarkey is expensive! Early start 430 mile road trip (shared driving) for a ONE hour event, 7.5 ton truck now abandoned after getting stuck in the snow. Might have stopped in Tesco on the way home and bought 10!

Back on the wagon in the morning.


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139 months

Monday 28th January 2013
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Wobbly weekend and I appear to be struggling a bit when I'm out on events. It's what I do for a job so could be trouble, but thankfully it's a quiet time of year.

I'm surprised how much I've wobbled this year considering I went 8 months straight last year, but I don't get down, I just start day one a little more often than most of you.

Still, my non-smoking kitty would buy a whole load of ciggies or something useful.


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139 months

Monday 28th January 2013
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E31Shrew said:
I really find the patches help so may be worth a try?
I've tried just about everything, I've even found a nicotine replacement product I quite like (Nicorette Fruit 2mg chews - although I'm not a fan of seeing people chew - myself included). My problem is I quite enjoy smoking, BUT I will keep giving up, if I can go days/weeks/months/years between wobbles then it's better than hitting them all day everyday. Pretty rubbish really, but even with wobbles I'm at £155 saved (and in a jar) for January days I've not bought ciggies.


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Saturday 2nd February 2013
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Seem to be getting on top of this now (finally/again!). Hitting the nicotine chews harder than I thought, but normally these reduce over time into nothing. Not ideal, but several days clean.

Everyone else doing ok? If you've struggled (and I have, quite a lot), it helps in a weird way to put a marker down on the thread and start from scratch.


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Sunday 3rd February 2013
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I've found previously when giving up (and yes appreciate I'm a true addict as I return to the product, be it months or even years later) that I reduce the amount of gum (in my case) I'm using over time. Last year I gave up for 8 months on the gum and over the weeks the amount I used reduced to nothing. Much easier than reducing the number of cigarettes gradually.

This is a positive thread to try and help people, myself included, get off the stuff. I gave up cold turkey years ago and lasted 8 years, I don't have that same will-power today.


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139 months

Monday 4th February 2013
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Struggling last few days - not with staying off the ciggies, but just the sheer volume of junk I'm eating. Today I thought I'd have breakfast to see if that helped, but seemed to kick-start my metabolism and I also ate my lunch before 9.30 and then popped out to the shop for 'proper' lunch.


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Sunday 10th February 2013
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The thread goes quiet, so do we presume we've all stayed off the ciggies or are back on them?

I'm somewhere in between. Still struggling a bit here. Not smoking at all at work (office days), never have smoked at home, smoke on and off in the man-cave (my achilles heel), struggling when away at events. I can go days and don't get cravings or even think about it, but occasionally really fancy a smoke (I know!). Not sure if I've conquered the habit in that I only smoke here and there or if I'm still an addict. I guess I know the answer!

£220 in my jar for 'money normally wasted on smoking' but a few days with no cash added where I've lapsed. Can't seem to shake the last remnants of the habit.


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Wednesday 20th February 2013
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I'm a few days clean of what has been a struggle, bit rubbish if I'm honest. I've still sent the vast majority of 2013 smoke-free, but have lapses in certain scenarios.

Had a bad trip on Champix a few years ago, but might see if it's moved on or if there's something similar out there to give a go.

Well done to everyone who's stayed off them, never too late if anyone else wants to do it now. I'm living* proof that it can be a struggle but others are doing great.

* correct as at 20th Feb 2013


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Friday 8th March 2013
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Just ordered a vaping starter kit. Still struggling here. Still not smoking during the day, still not smoking at home, just smoking in the pesky man-cave (which in fairness I spend way too much time at) which is properly my achilles heel. But now almost looking forward to getting down there and escaping the house earlier and earlier.

Well done to everyone who's stayed off them, I'm not far behind.... honest

Bizarrely, the thread has helped, almost like I'm accountable to a bunch of random internet strangers. Give it a go, if it helps one other person, job jobbed!


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Saturday 9th March 2013
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grumbledoak said:
You just have to not go there. Smoking is 80% habit: the people you smoke with, the places you smoke in, the lager in the other hand. Avoid them all until the reflex has diminished. Three months (ish), it's all threes with smoking for some reason (days, weeks, months).
You're probably right. I did give up for 8 months in 2011 while I was based full-time down there, I it can be done - just apparently not by me this time round.

If I can use the vaping stuff when I'm there, and not smoke at all anywhere else, I'd take that as good enough for now!


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139 months

Monday 1st April 2013
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STILL struggling here. Really finding it hard not to smoke when I'm away at events (and my job is being away at events!). Took my vaping gear to Brands Hatch but found a pack of ciggies in the truck - which I promptly smoked. Sunday night my dog had a massive bleed and I smoked 20 between 1am and 4.30am while he was in surgery!

Pretty weak I know, but at the minute it's not exactly priority #1. I do believe vaping is the method that will get me off them, but just need to get my st together.


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Tuesday 2nd April 2013
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Marcellus said:
My advice...... Stop trying to give up because you feel you have to and wait until you want to.

And then get some proper advice from a quit centre/GP/nurse.
I've done the smoking clinics, GP etc, have tried just about every nicotine replacement product (inc champix). Was off them for 8 months last year (NRP), have previously gone 8 years (cold turkey), I can go days without a smoke, but can't quite seem to shake them for good. I do want to, just feel not quite able to sometimes.

I know I'm hopelessly weak-willed, but I'll get there.


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139 months

Tuesday 9th April 2013
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Me again, had a rubbish few weeks, but this morning it just felt right again.

Even when I was battling the addiction I wouldn't smoke at all during the day, never have smoked at home/garden, so it was just the evenings. When I properly fell off the wagon I was smoking like a train. Smoked 20 in 3.5 hours last week while my dog was in surgery. Been away at events quite a bit, and this appears to be my new main challenge. If I can swerve the WEC at Silverstone, I'm not at an event until the weekend after, so hopefully be nearly 2 weeks clean and face that battle more easily.

Anyway, positive thoughts today, glad the day came round when I fancied giving it another go. Only pass one shop between work and home, and not saying I didn't think about stopping to grab a pack of ciggies, but managed to drive by.


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139 months

Tuesday 23rd April 2013
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So I was on the e-cigs for quite a shift and it certainly was ticking the right boxes. Went up to Donington for the BTCC and fell off the wagon for the weekend.

Seem to have conquered my previous achilles heel of the man-cave, but now have to get off them when away at events. The spring and summer I'm away away more and more so need to get my head round it. Baby steps, but getting there (slowly!). I'm smoking way less than previously, but my nicotine intake is massively increased with the e-cigs, climbing the walls some days.


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139 months

Wednesday 24th April 2013
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Art0ir said:
Absolutely. I've found jobs, holidays and relationships from those jaunts outside.
Agreed. Several of the deals I've done for work have been agreed over a smoke outside. At places like the NEC we all pile outside for a smoke and you get access to folk that would otherwise ignore your emails!


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139 months

Wednesday 1st May 2013
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richardxjr said:
Four months woohoo

Some may remember my final reason for stopping was the looming marriage of my best mate, and his wish to have a stag week riding bicycles up French Alpes. For fun.

After 30-odd years smoking this was a little concerning. But as best man I have to be there, in the thick of it, even up front if I can. But there is no way cycling up hills and smoking can mix.

At the end of last year I spent the next few months' snout money on bikes and warm clothing; smoked my last gasper and set off into the cold winter air.

After 1500 miles including over 100,000 vertical feet of climbing, there is now no hill I can't ride up without stopping and I feel fantastic. I'm in the best physical and mental state I can ever remember being in.

We're off in 5 weeks time. I'm ready. And no I won't be bringing any duty free back smile
Great stuff, good luck with the ride and thanks for the reply on my "what bike does a fat bd start with" thread! smile Might just think of your posts when I cycle passed the ciggie sellers!


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139 months

Wednesday 1st May 2013
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I'm definitely letting the side down. I was already not smoking on office days, not smoking at home (never have), just smoking in the man-cave of an evening and when away at events (trouble is they are whole weekends or days on end).

I switched to an e-cig recently, which is certainly THE best replacement method I've found. Trouble is, I'm on it WAY more than I ever smoked and I get occasional moments when I really fancy a smoke - but these moments are now at times I wouldn't have smoked anyway!

I suppose over the year so far I've probably averaged 20 fags a week which is a massive improvement on 20+ a day, but still can't quite shake the last bit.

I'm going to use the money I've saved to buy a new docking station for my phone to use when setting up at events, then I'll probably sit down of an evening, listen to some music and have a smoke!

I need them because I'm weak!


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139 months

Thursday 13th June 2013
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Great stuff on the bike, very inspirational!

Still on and off here. Use my vaping kit somedays, other days (mostly events) I hit the wicked weed. Today I was late getting up, ran to a job, had no ciggies and no vaping gear and bizarrely it didn't bug me in the slightest. No cravings, no random beatings of strangers, pretty chilled.

Off to Silverstone for the weekend, so will see how the will-power holds up!


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139 months

Thursday 26th September 2013
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Bungleaio said:
How's it going now?
Badly here! Was vaping quite happily for the most-part, then smoking when away at race weekends etc (work & regular!). But then I started vaping a LOT more, didn't seem to have the discipline to regulate intake and ended with me not sleeping.

Back on the ciggies at the moment. Might even try my old nicotine chews again. Nearly the end of event season and will have a re-think