Improving my running



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Friday 26th April 2019
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Update time, I ran a 10:28 average over 2 miles yesterday evening and my first mile under 10 minutes, at 9:55.

I've also ran a couple of 5ks round the local (flat) nature reserve, fastest so far is 34:29 and I did 10k a few weeks ago the same pace (within seconds) of my 2014 time, did it in 1:19.54

From the start of the year, this is ridiculous, looking back on my first run at 14:04/mile, I really can't believe how much quicker I am. I know it's not actually fast but I didn't expect to be anywhere near where I am on day one.

I'm going to attempt another 5k on Saturday afternoon, I'm hoping to be a couple of minutes faster than last time because it's been a few weeks and I should definitely be quicker, might even push for the 10k depending on how I feel after the first half.

My goal at the start of the year was to be able to do 10k in under an hour by September, it's looking pretty good at this point, if I could maintain the pace I'm at, I'd only be a couple of minutes off and I've got a few months left to improve!


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Tuesday 30th April 2019
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True, I might start doing a couple of days when I don't time it between the ones I do. Tracking it with Strava means that I've got a (hopefully) accurate record of it but I suppose it's like measuring your weight, it can become obsessive if you weigh yourself too often/


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Sunday 19th May 2019
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Thanks for the reply, it’s an interesting point you make, I might try a quick walk on my non run days, I’ve been struggling with shin splints this week so that could be something which helps me, my breathing was fine I just couldn’t handle the pain!


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Thursday 23rd May 2019
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You're doing better than me, I can't seem to break the 10min/mile barrier. going to try again tonight, plan on running a little slower so I don't walk as much, I'm still only able to do about a mile before having to slow down and until I can improve the stamina a little, I've hit a bit of a wall.

My shoes are about 5 years old so I think I'm going to go to a running shop after pay day and see about some new ones.


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Thursday 23rd May 2019
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boyse7en said:
Replace shoes. They wear out after about 500-750 miles - they can look fine but the foam degrades and you don't get the impact absorption.

Don't worry about your pace. Try to run further at a comfortable pace and gradually build up distance. The speed will come as you get fitter, not the other way round.
The only reason I haven't replaced them sooner is because they've not done anywhere near that amount of miles, I could work it out but I'd be surprised if it was even 200 miles in the time I've had them.

I'm not too fussed about the pace but you set yourself little goals... run a whole mile without stopping, do a lap in under a certain time, that sort of thing and 10min/mile is the next goal. I know I'll get there, it's just not happened yet.

Stamina is the one I need to work on really, I've got faster since Jan but I'm still not where I want to be with my ability to cover distance. The weather isn't helping though, I'm going to start struggling with the heat soon so might have to pay for gym membership again so I don't use it as an excuse...


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Friday 24th May 2019
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Gym is air conditioned but I see your point anyway, treadmill running is something I tried before and never really seemed to get on with.

Interesting point about the walking, I hadn't thought about it to be honest but if I'm jogging for 8-9 minutes, then walking for 2, I'm covering distance without really gaining anything from it, I might try your idea, then if I do 2 miles, I'm doing 2 miles of jogging, not 1.something.

The route I do is 2/3 covered, there's a long straight down an old railway which isn't but the rest is so direct sunlight won't be too much of a problem but ambient heat will. I'm still overweight so lugging the extra pounds around in the heat isn't pleasant, that's the only reason I mentioned the gym, the temperature is consistent inside and I think I'd be more likely to go when it's sweltering outside.

Final point, I'm monitoring my pace so I can see an improvement, the same as I'm monitoring my weight loss... if I see an improvement, it encourages me to do it. My fear is that if I stop checking how I'm doing, I'll stop bothering, and everyone loves a PB, right?


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Friday 31st May 2019
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Good effort, I managed a 10:00 dead (2 mile average) the other day but I’ve been lazy for a week and not ran at all. Back out tonight weather permitting and I’m going to try to get back into a routine again.

Tonight i think I’m going to do a different route and run until I can’t run anymore, stop to recover, run and repeat over 2 miles to see how quick I can actually do it (ignoring stops) a bit of interval training I suppose.


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Wednesday 5th June 2019
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I’ve really got to go tonight, I’ve not been ran for 5 days and hadn’t ran for 8 days before that. Considering it was doing it at least 3 times a week up until that point, I’m expecting to have gone backwards a bit.

Keep talking myself out of it and I really need to just keep pushing.


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Thursday 6th June 2019
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Dragged myself out last night, ran a 10:10 average over 2 miles, considering I’ve had 5 days off (except for a 20 mile bike ride), I’m happy with that.

Hoping to break the 10 min barrier next week.


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Thursday 13th June 2019
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I’ve done nothing since the 5th of June, the rain is killing me, I just can’t bring myself to go out and get soaked through. Hopefully it’ll be ok at the weekend, I need to get back in to a pattern with it.


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Thursday 13th June 2019
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Last time I ran in the rain my top chafed my nipples so badly on a 2 mile run that they hurt for 3 days, that’s why I normally avoid it!


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Tuesday 18th June 2019
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Got out tonight, soaked through but I went our despite the rain.

Two weeks off has put me back by a huge amount though, I was hovering around 10min/10:10/mile, tonight I’m back down to 11:14. That’s enough to force me back out though. I’m not going back to how I was so I can’t have two weeks off again, whatever the weather. Very disappointed in myself.


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Tuesday 18th June 2019
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ian in lancs said:

in the 12mths since I started running again...

1,258kms of running over 207 runs and

15kg, 33lbs, 2st 5lbs lost

A 26m 39s 5K and a 58m 01s 10k at 60yo

I want to loose another 6 kgs and get a 25m 5k and 50m 10k; we'll see!
Top work Ian!


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Friday 21st June 2019
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J4CKO said:
Robmarriott said:
Got out tonight, soaked through but I went our despite the rain.

Two weeks off has put me back by a huge amount though, I was hovering around 10min/10:10/mile, tonight I’m back down to 11:14. That’s enough to force me back out though. I’m not going back to how I was so I can’t have two weeks off again, whatever the weather. Very disappointed in myself.
Dissapointed at going out for a run when its pissing down ? dont beat yourself up too badly.

You went, just need to realise the pleasure of not going isnt worth the self recrimination after.

I just did a mile as a warm up at the gym, didnt want to do more as strained my calf a bit, will do a bit more next time, temptation is to try and up it every time and make it into a millstone, not long ago the thought of trying to do a mile filled me with dread and its pleasing its now a quick warm up.
That's the point I was making really, it's easy to sit around when it's not nice weather but I definitely regret it when I've not been.

Anyway, I went last night and broke the big milestone I was hoping for, I managed a 9.51/mile average over my flat 2 mile route. Very happy with it, especially after Tuesday's disaster.

I think now I'm going to work a little more on my stamina, I'd be happy with being around this speed but I still can't do more than about a mile without having to stop jogging, then the second mile is fits and starts.

My goal was 10k in under an hour by September and extrapolating from last night's run, I'd only be a couple of minutes off now so if I can manage to cover more distance before slowing down, I'd be there.


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Friday 21st June 2019
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Skyedriver said:
I was diagnosed mile asthmatic about 15 year ago, and have preventor inhaler, although I often forget to use it. Seems strange though that I don't ever get an asthma attack, ever now, just heavy breathing when running.
I've wondered whether I suffer slightly myself, my breathing has improved but it's still not 'right' and that's what's holding me back a little I think. Might have to make a trip to the doctors about it, I know I'd run better if I could breathe steadily all the way round.


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Tuesday 9th July 2019
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[quote=Zooks]Hows everyone getting on with the heat?


I've actually enjoyed it, I've been going later in the evening when it's a little cooler and it's lovely. I'm still only doing short distances though, normally around 2 miles.

I've got two routes, one slightly hillier than the other and I alternate them, the flat one is round a nature reserve and obviously I'm slightly faster because it's flat, the 'hilly' one is a loop round the village I live in, more of a struggle but I feel it more in my legs so it's definitely doing more for me.

Last night, I did the hilly route at 10:06/mile, I'm going to try for sub 10 on the flat route tonight.


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Thursday 11th July 2019
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Update again following on from Tuesday. 9:50 over 2 miles last night, my breathing is a lot better and I can go further without having to take a walk break, it’s now more about mind over matter with leg muscles but I’m getting closer to being able to run the whole route without a break. It’s felt really good the last couple of runs.


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Thursday 11th July 2019
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I’m no expert but it sounds like your foot is landing at the wrong angle to me. I get pain on the outside of the ball of my right foot if I run on rough terrain, feels like a pulled muscle and results in me having a day off to recover.

It could be that your shoes are wrong for your foot? Insoles could help but only if the shoe is almost right, if the makeup of the sole means your foot rolls wrong, no insole will fix it.

Might be worth a trip to a decent running shop?


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Saturday 20th July 2019
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Big milestone for me tonight, I’ve finally managed to get my ‘hilly*’ route into the sub 10 mile average times, a month after managing it on my flatter route.

(*109ft as opposed to 9ft gain...)

Edited by Robmarriott on Saturday 20th July 20:10


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160 months

Saturday 17th August 2019
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Update time again. I'm now down to 9:25/mile and getting much better at distance, I can now cover over 1.5 miles before my brain tells me I need to start walking. I've also done a couple of slightly longer runs of 3.1 miles (5k) rather than my usual 2-2.2 miles.

I definitely need some new running shoes now but the ones I've got, which I've had since 2013, are obviously no longer available, I'm a little but worried about getting new ones in case I don't get on with them. The idea of walking around the shop for 2 minutes to work out whether they're going to be ok to run in before spending £100+ on them is crazy. Any tips?