The Chronic,,



28,377 posts

286 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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This does not happen to everyone. But a mate of mine at uni suffered a cannabis psychosis. He went very, very strange. And did not recover. Had to spend time in a mental institution. Afterwards although he was "sorted" he was never quite the same. That was also the end of his university career - which I thought was a great shame. So whilst there are a great many who have the odd spliff and never suffer there are the unlucky ones whose lives get screwed up.

The same argument applies about Grandad who smoked until he was 90 and Auntie Maisie who has drunk a bottle of vodka a day for the last twenty years and is seventy-five. These are the exceptions that prove the rule.

Moderation in all things. Careful with the substances.


Original Poster:

1,409 posts

198 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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davido140 said:
will give you cancer as quick (if not quicker) than fags.

small potential to warp your mind a little, especially if you are genetically pre-disposed to schizophrenia.
I dont know anyone who has had cancer from smoking spliff, cigarettes yes. Its all a little shady knowing fact from fiction...


3,048 posts

232 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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Didnt do this fella any harm?


5,892 posts

208 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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It is my belief that it only causes mental problems in those that are already predesposed to mental illness - the angle that cannabis causes psychosis is a good lever for the government to give you the whole "drugs are bad mkay".
I don't doubt that Cannabis Pyschosis exists but the amounts that you would have to smoke to induce it are pretty incredible - for some kind of context, indulging in alcohol in a similar manner would kill you pretty quickly i'd imagine

I'm a smoker and I have been since 1996 when i started university. I have smoked a joint pretty much each and every day since 1996 - its my vice, I enjoy it, i find it relaxing and it makes biscuits taste so much better. I got a degree, a wife, a job, a house - i have never missed a day off work from smoking (unlike drink), I've never nipped out for a cheeky reefer at lunchtime (like drink). I now have a very good career and a great family life.

Cannabis didn't help me get any of these things but it sure as hell didn't stop me from getting them.

All IMO of course

Mc Lovin

5,588 posts

223 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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i smoke whilst i'm away, i dont smoke "dirt bar" only bud, that way you know your getting good stuff thats not been fked about with.

what worries me is the fact that, the police seem to be cracking down on cannabis, the shortage will cause people to move onto cocaine (not all users, myself included) but it will happen.

there will be more of a demand for cocaine, therefore more will come in and more addicts will surface because of it.

Cocaine is evil stuff, i tanned it in my late teens and it nearly killed me, so in my opinion, harder drugs should be targeted at least that way cocaine users will fall back on softer drugs like cannabis rather then other way around.

I wont call for it to be legalised as it'll never happen but what i will say is, mental problems as a result of smoking cannabis come from something that was already there, its less harmfull than alcohol and if it was legal then it'd be taxable and regulated.

I would hope it was prohibited in areas where there are kids or the general public, i wouldn't want to see it in the high street cafe style.


4,721 posts

200 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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People who have a predisposition to mental illness are likely to go a little wild with this stuff. The deal is that no its not bad for you, in moderation. Plenty of professionals do it, and it has little or no affect. Drinking is much more of a problem in my opinion.... moderation is key


5,892 posts

208 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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Mc Lovin said:
what worries me is the fact that, the police seem to be cracking down on cannabis, the shortage will cause people to move onto cocaine (not all users, myself included) but it will happen.

there will be more of a demand for cocaine, therefore more will come in and more addicts will surface because of it.

Cocaine is hardly a substitute for Cannabis is it - what with it having TOTALLY the opposite effect.

You don't relax in the evening with a cup of tea, a packet of crips and a massive line of chang do you?

Mc Lovin

5,588 posts

223 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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brum said:
Mc Lovin said:
what worries me is the fact that, the police seem to be cracking down on cannabis, the shortage will cause people to move onto cocaine (not all users, myself included) but it will happen.

there will be more of a demand for cocaine, therefore more will come in and more addicts will surface because of it. [quote]

Cocaine is hardly a substitute for Cannabis is it - what with it having TOTALLY the opposite effect.

You don't relax in the evening with a cup of tea, a packet of crips and a massive line of chang do you?
No not at all, im certainly not saying smokers will take up cocain as soon as they cant find anything.

There are some proper tards out there remember, all im saying is there will be an increase in cocain abuse due to the shortage of cannabis, two very different drugs but to the right type of person they have the same affect by means of mental escape. By no means do i think the normal cannabis user will become a coke head.


13,230 posts

205 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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brum said:
Cocaine is hardly a substitute for Cannabis is it - what with it having TOTALLY the opposite effect.

You don't relax in the evening with a cup of tea, a packet of crips and a massive line of chang do you?
That was pretty much my thought when I read that. I can't see me settling down on the sofa after my Sunday roast with a nice glass of red and a few lines.

Besides, you don't really get 'droughts' anymore. It used to happen back in the day when all the weed was imported. If the police busted one of the big multi ton loads that could literally be 90% of that week/fortnights dope supply for the whole country. These days it's all grown in rented houses relatively close to where it's being sold so it's much harder for the supply to take a major hit.

Mc Lovin

5,588 posts

223 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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hairykrishna said:
brum said:
Cocaine is hardly a substitute for Cannabis is it - what with it having TOTALLY the opposite effect.

You don't relax in the evening with a cup of tea, a packet of crips and a massive line of chang do you?
That was pretty much my thought when I read that. I can't see me settling down on the sofa after my Sunday roast with a nice glass of red and a few lines.

Besides, you don't really get 'droughts' anymore. It used to happen back in the day when all the weed was imported. If the police busted one of the big multi ton loads that could literally be 90% of that week/fortnights dope supply for the whole country. These days it's all grown in rented houses relatively close to where it's being sold so it's much harder for the supply to take a major hit.
I wish that was the case, however, there's nothing in Cheltenham, Southampton, Portsmouth, South Wales or Cornwall at the moment and there hasnt been much about for the last 2 months!!

So those days are not over.


5,892 posts

208 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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Agreed - the supply chain for weed has been reduced by a truly epic amount - in complete opposite to almost every other consumer product.
This is also the major reason why its difficult to buy resin these days but skunk is plentifull, Resin was, comparitavley, very easy to smuggle as a kilo of resin takes up very little space whereas a kilo of weed is a bloody bin bag full.

Now its all grown locally so its suitability to fit inside something serrupticiously isn't a factor, hence loads of weed and hardly and resin. Plus it takes a damn sight more than a kilo of weed to produce a kilo of resin - so the growers again benefit (although admitedly most weed that goes into resin production is pretty low quality - that said, top quality resin is far nicer to smoke than its weed equivalent IMO - you just can't get it anywhere)

You do get droughts due to the locality of production - a factory will supply an entire town - if it gets busted the place will be dry for at least a couple of weeks. I have seen this happen on numerous occasions - it's a pain in the arse


4,637 posts

227 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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brum said:
You don't relax in the evening with a cup of tea, a packet of crips and a massive line of chang do you?
LOL, that got me.

I do a little bit of most things common to the wide public, bit of coke when in the right situation, bit of weed when chilling at friends house,late in the evening, things winding down, smashing beers back with the rugby boys after a game, out in a club dancing for hours cheeky half, supping a G+T on a beach on holiday.

Just because you do "drugs" doesn't mean you do them all the time.

I personally think there is a time and a place for some things, i make my choices, live by those.

Brother is mayorly fked up from weed, so I know there is a dark side, but it doesn;t put me off. I was lucky I had my mum and dad sit me down and say " Ben, people will tell you drugs are bad, they aren't, they are great, thats why people take them. But you take the wrong one, wrong amount, too much, too quickly they can be the worst thing in the world, take your time, be safe, main thing is trust what your doing and the people your doing it with".

Always stood me in good stead and I have had some awesome times, also I am quick to take care of someone trying something for the first time, make sure they feel safe, do things at their own pace, main thing is leave them be if they don;t want to.


770 posts

197 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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brum said:
It is my belief that it only causes mental problems in those that are already predesposed to mental illness - the angle that cannabis causes psychosis is a good lever for the government to give you the whole "drugs are bad mkay".
I don't doubt that Cannabis Pyschosis exists but the amounts that you would have to smoke to induce it are pretty incredible - for some kind of context, indulging in alcohol in a similar manner would kill you pretty quickly i'd imagine

I'm a smoker and I have been since 1996 when i started university. I have smoked a joint pretty much each and every day since 1996 - its my vice, I enjoy it, i find it relaxing and it makes biscuits taste so much better. I got a degree, a wife, a job, a house - i have never missed a day off work from smoking (unlike drink), I've never nipped out for a cheeky reefer at lunchtime (like drink). I now have a very good career and a great family life.

Cannabis didn't help me get any of these things but it sure as hell didn't stop me from getting them.

All IMO of course
good man biggrin

I like storys in the paper like CANNABIS USER KILLS FREIND

1.) Millions of poeple use cannabis so a few are likley to commit these sorts of crimes , the same as perhaps say a million normal people would probably commit a higher number of crimes because stoners just like to chill the f*** out ! When im stoned, and i know this goes for most stoners you don't want no hassle with anyone

2.) At the end of an artical headlined like this it normally says something like also did coke herion and pills . But its been proven that cannabis would have made him gone crazy bla bla bla

Mc Lovin

5,588 posts

223 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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tbh venturing out to co-op for munchies is a big enough pain in the arse when im stoned hehe


4,249 posts

189 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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Re: contamination of weed.

Weed has been contaminated with glass particles sugar solution and lead amongst other things.

many Germans were hospitalised with lead poisoning due to contaminated weed

The contaminants are easy to see if you use a microscope, silica turns up at under 29 microns (goes right through triple screen grinders) and the sugar sprays are easy to see as they leave what could only be described as "crumbs" that are not occurring naturally on the plant itself.

The concept that dealers are looking afeter their customers is laughable as is the concept that you will be hospitalised after a short amount of exposure to silica in your weed, silicosis takes about ten years to show so plenty of time to make hay while the sun shines and hope a new age of user will come to fill the void left by the dead.

The only way to avoid being exposed to contaminated weed is to buy a cheap scope (30X and upwards, can be as little as a fiver)and always check your weed before you buy. Anyone who refuses to allow you to check don't buy from them simple. The only reason they can get away with it is because you still buy it. If they can't sell it they wont buy it either.

Re: Skunk and it's evils

One of the strongest strains available was found in the 70's we are not living in an age of genetically modified weeds that will cause you all serious harm.

Sustained exposure to THC will cause the adolescent brain to develop abnormally just as it does with alcohol, so avoiding repeated use in your early teens is a very good idea (just like it is with alcohol)

Alcohol itself can cause psychosis and other mental health disorders more so than cannabis can. The studies that the papers rely on give a worst case scenario of about 700 early admissions countrywide per year due to cannabis (who would most likely have presented themselves at a psychiatric unit at one time or another in their lives) of course these figures don't give a scare story quikte as much punch so the papers use cherry picking to come up with more scary taglines (most of which don't have any real basis in fact)

Many so called experts have made a career from "guessing" about the role cannabis plays in mental health. But the truth of the matter is that with a massive amount of people worldwide using cannabis the results just aren't there to back up these spurious claims. Prof Robin Murray is a classic example, he offers his opinion to papers like the mail to back up their yellow journalism. His title lends credence to what are essentially complete stabs in the dark. Had the rates of admission to psychiatric units risen ten fold then he may well have a point, however they have risen pretty much in line with the rise in the population.

The real sad irony is that CBD (another one of the active ingredients in cannabis) is an amazingly good anti psychotic compound. So if it were legal research could be done into higher CBD strains to combat the perceived danger of cannabis psychosis.


5,892 posts

208 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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Don't. I had a bad experience with the K. Mate gave me some and i stuck it in my wallet and i forgot all about it.
Found it one Saturday early evening just before i was meeting a mate for a beer. Thought it was chang so spread it out on the side in the kitchen and hoovered it.

fk me. I spend what felt like days paraylsed on the living room floor, hallucinating wildly - at one point Vernon Kaye was climbing out of the TV at me. Pretty scary.
Wife came downstairs and wanted to know how the fk i had managed to get into such a state in the fifteen minutes she had been upstairs.

Not recommended.

Mc Lovin

5,588 posts

223 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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brum said:
Don't. I had a bad experience with the K. Mate gave me some and i stuck it in my wallet and i forgot all about it.
Found it one Saturday early evening just before i was meeting a mate for a beer. Thought it was chang so spread it out on the side in the kitchen and hoovered it.

fk me. I spend what felt like days paraylsed on the living room floor, hallucinating wildly - at one point Vernon Kaye was climbing out of the TV at me. Pretty scary.
Wife came downstairs and wanted to know how the fk i had managed to get into such a state in the fifteen minutes she had been upstairs.

Not recommended.


29,908 posts

232 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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brum said:
Don't. I had a bad experience with the K. Mate gave me some and i stuck it in my wallet and i forgot all about it.
Found it one Saturday early evening just before i was meeting a mate for a beer. Thought it was chang so spread it out on the side in the kitchen and hoovered it.

fk me. I spend what felt like days paraylsed on the living room floor, hallucinating wildly - at one point Vernon Kaye was climbing out of the TV at me. Pretty scary.
Wife came downstairs and wanted to know how the fk i had managed to get into such a state in the fifteen minutes she had been upstairs.

Not recommended.
Have you got any left?


4,596 posts

222 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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Tampon said:
I do a little bit of most things common to the wide public, bit of coke when in the right situation, bit of weed when chilling at friends house,late in the evening, things winding down, smashing beers back with the rugby boys after a game, out in a club dancing for hours cheeky half, supping a G+T on a beach on holiday.

Just because you do "drugs" doesn't mean you do them all the time.

I personally think there is a time and a place for some things, i make my choices, live by those.

Brother is mayorly fked up from weed, so I know there is a dark side, but it doesn;t put me off. I was lucky I had my mum and dad sit me down and say " Ben, people will tell you drugs are bad, they aren't, they are great, thats why people take them. But you take the wrong one, wrong amount, too much, too quickly they can be the worst thing in the world, take your time, be safe, main thing is trust what your doing and the people your doing it with".

Always stood me in good stead and I have had some awesome times, also I am quick to take care of someone trying something for the first time, make sure they feel safe, do things at their own pace, main thing is leave them be if they don;t want to.
This should be the way it is told to children. There is absolutely no harm in experimenting with anything (provided that the subject is sound of mind to begin with), but abuse is where problems start. A rational and sensible approach to drugs will stand you in good stead.


29,908 posts

232 months

Friday 26th September 2008
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It's the same with the hoo-hah going on at the moment regarding the re-classification of Ecstasy. Compared to the millions of E's that are thrown down the nation's necks every year, I believe there were about 50 deaths (probably from drowning after over-doing the water intake) from E last year.

Drugs are not bad. Unless you're stupid. Stupid people die from drugs. But stupid people would die from other things, like chainsaws, toasters and can-openers, if drugs didn't exist. Think of drugs as chlorine for the gene pool. I doubt we've ever lost a cure for cancer through drug misuse.

Bill Hicks said:
“If you don't think drugs have done good things for us, then take all of your records, tapes and CD's and burn them.”

“They lie about marijuana. Tell you pot-smoking makes you unmotivated. Lie! When you're high, you can do everything you normally do, just as well. You just realize that it's not worth the fking effort. There is a difference.”

“Here is my final point. About drugs, about alcohol, about pornography and smoking and everything else. What business is it of yours what I do, read, buy, see, say, think, who I fk, what I take into my body - as long as I do not harm another human being on this planet?”

“No, I don't do drugs anymore, either. But I'll tell you something about drugs. I used to do drugs, but I'll tell you something honestly about drugs, honestly, and I know it's not a very popular idea, you don't hear it very often anymore, but it is the truth: I had a great time doing drugs. Sorry. Never murdered anyone, never robbed anyone, never raped anyone, never beat anyone, never lost a job, a car, a house, a wife or kids, laughed my ass off, and went about my day.”