Give Up Smoking or Die Trying

Give Up Smoking or Die Trying



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Thursday 26th September 2013
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E31Shrew said:
Packed up Jan 1st after having smoked since I was 12.That was 43 years ago! All in all pretty good but just cant stop eating crap.
Over the moon in having packed up, but just need to start feeling better for it
My NHS stop smoking app tells me I've saved £2872 since Jan so a small blessing!
Hope you put the £2872 in a jar! I started to do the same early in the year, then raided the jar to buy something pointless - don't even remember what!


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Thursday 26th September 2013
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Silverstone for the weekend and fully intend to smoke (it's about as 'creature comfort' as the job gets), but I should try and get my act together and properly give up. Might even go cold turkey again as last time I tried that it was 8 years before I picked up a smoke. I've been reasonably successful with the vaping gear, massively reducing my regular smokes (last week or 2 excepted), but with that addiction and a ludicrously weak will, I think I'll always have that temptation.

stoptober it is.... although I've a 9 day job in Belgium next month and they all blimmin' smoke over there!


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Sunday 29th September 2013
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Can't believe this thread is getting on for a year old! I've just read it all the way through for some inspiration! I've properly fallen off the wagon recently, but I've still had more smoke-free days in 2013 than smoking, so all is not lost!

Time to give Stoptober a go. I HAVE to try cold turkey. No more nicotine chews or vaping, as when I do smoke, the new increased levels of nicotine my body craves from vaping are doing me no good! I've got my kids to record a "you can do it daddy" on my phone (they don't know what for, they've never seen me smoke) and I'm going to try drinking a glass of water every time I get a craving.

Well done to everyone who is winning or has won the battle, for those who are struggling a bit (or a lot like me), or those who are joining in next month, please share as it really helps reading everyone else's experiences.


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Tuesday 1st October 2013
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Right, let's do this thing....

A few years ago me & a mate converted a derelict barn into a man-cave. There are four 'regular' users of the place, all smokers (except me when I'm not smoking). I escaped to the cave earlier and one of the lads was out watching the footy (& now playing FIFA) so I thought I'd smoke a couple and give him whatever I had left. Only I find HE is also giving Stoptober a go, so I might have some support close to home.

Good luck to anyone else giving up this month.


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Tuesday 1st October 2013
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Well, that's day one nearly in the bag. Pretty chilled and surrounded by cigarettes and smokers, but no cravings to report (although bizarrely as I write that the brain tells me it wants a cigarette!). Back in the office tomorrow, so will be tougher as I work with some right plonkers (they'd say the same).


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Wednesday 2nd October 2013
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Just had my first real craving. Day 2 and hit me soon after lunch in the office at work - on my own today so either (a) no one to argue with, or (b) no one to spot me if I have a cheeky smoke! It's been surprisingly easy really.... so far..


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Thursday 3rd October 2013
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Good work guys, cold turkey here for Stoptober. Struggled a bit last night, so changed plans and came home to avoid temptation. Been a long time since I went cold turkey, but it's now day 3 and I've surprised myself how easy it's been (so far).


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Thursday 3rd October 2013
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12 hours to go and I'll make 3 days cold turkey. Still pretty chilled, although very poorly motivated at work today (lots to do, just not done any of it). Seem to have replaced nicotine with caffeine, on my umpteenth cup of tea. I know if I'd drunk this many teas AND smoked, I'd be climbing the walls right now! Big test for me will be working away at the weekend.


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Thursday 3rd October 2013
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Took my dog into the office today as a distraction (was on my own), bought some lollies from the corner shop (and ate about a dozen!), lost count on number of cups of tea (10 maybe?), had a massive portion of fish & chips for lunch, but at least didn't smoke.

Still fancy a smoke, not a craving, just it's something I enjoy(ed), but want to stay (or get) healthy for my kids.


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Monday 25th November 2013
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I was just wondering what happened to this thread.

As for me... still struggling. Was getting on well with the vaping gear, but ended up taking way too much nicotine and couldn't sleep. Ditched the gear, smoking at the mo. Stoptober didn't go so well (did 6 days cold turkey). Yesterday bought some of the Nicorette 2mg Fruit Chews which I managed to use for an 8 month smoke-free stint a couple of years back. Been busy with work (feeble excuse) and no time to myself to take this on at the moment, but quieter time of year now so will give it a go. Think about it a fair bit, so must be ready for take 216.


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Tuesday 26th November 2013
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No fanfares, no quit date, no plans, not even told anyone (until now) I've just not smoked today. I *think* there's a pack of smokes in the van (& I've been out in it), plus there's loads of duty-frees down the man-cave (where I spent this morning). Granted I didn't get out of bed until 9.30 and even when I'm smoking I often don't smoke until the evening, and of course it's only 5.30 in the afternoon, but baby steps. In the office tomorrow and normally bicker with the boss, so that'll be the next test, but feeling pretty chilled.


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Wednesday 27th November 2013
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I guess for me at least, it was always going to be a struggle - hence the thread. When I'm trying to give up I move on quickly from the occasional wobble and get back on the wagon. I'm now on a whopping day TWO using nicotine gum (and not very much of it to be fair). I went to the man-cave late last night, fully expecting to have a smoke (I'm weak like that). A mate was there (smoking) and I sat in the TV room, watched for a while, then came home without smoking. It was a small triumph. I've bounced between smoking and not smoking since 2005 when I ludicrously started again after 8 years! I look at the days/weeks/months since that I haven't smoked as small victories and certainly better than smoking all the time.

I think that because I can not smoke for days/weeks/months at a time, I've convinced myself that I genuinely can give up any time I want - which are of course the words of a true addict. I'm generally quite laid back in life and sadly my attempts to quit are often half-arsed.


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Wednesday 27th November 2013
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silverthorn2151 said:
You are a perfect candidate for the Alan Carr book on quitting smoking based on that.
It's about the only thing I haven't tried, although it says to NOT stop smoking until the end of the book. There's a version discounted on google store to £2.99 (also links from the website) with Mr Carr reading the book streamed in a video format, or £6.99 for a proper book (as proper as books can be on a phone!). Less than a pack of smokes either way.


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Monday 2nd December 2013
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thenortherner said:
Three weeks to go and I'm a year done. Certainly feeling much better for it. In fact, I've signed up to Ironman 70.3 in Luxembourg in June of next year.

I cannot have imagined me even considering that a year ago!
Good on you and to all those who have quit and stayed off them! I fell off the wagon (again) so bought the book (to read on my phone). So far it just seems to be a lot of claims, testimonials and hyperbole rather than any substance.

The first half of this year I was vaping mostly with the occasional smoke. Once I fell out with the vaping gear, I've struggled and bounced between smoking and not. I think (marginally) I've had more smoke-free days in 2013 than smoking, but still a way to go as it seems I'm almost looking for an excuse to smoke even though I don't appear to be craving as such. Many moons ago I had a girlfriend (non-smoker) and we settled on ONE cigarette a day. I was working in the city back then so way more stress than I have today, but knowing I could have that one, kept me going (although to be fair, smoking was the least of my lifestyle worries). I suppose my time is up as I'd previously quit for eight years with 2005 when I started again, that's 8 years of smoking (on and off) since I restarted! I'd take another 8 years to be honest, but probably should set my sights a little lower.


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Tuesday 3rd December 2013
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thenortherner said:
Cheers. Still a way to go, but I'm definitely getting there!

Keep at it mate. Though I've got to ask, and please don't take this as me being holier-than-thou, do you want to give up?
I go through phases when I'm 'enjoying' smoking and not. If I *try* to stop, my brain tells me I'm craving and I'll use NRP with mixed success. Other times I could not smoke for a week without making a concious decision to stop and I don't crave (until I realise I've not smoked for a week and then fancy a smoke).

Anything 2+ days and that first smoke is so rank you'd think it'd put me off for life. I suppose they all taste equally as rank, just your mouth gets used to it. Not sure where my Eureka moment is going to come from at the moment. Maybe the book (although I'd forgotten all about it until just now).


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Saturday 21st December 2013
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So..... it looks like I'm joining the class of 2014. Still it's a few days smoking then a few days not, can't quite shake it.

Visiting family between Christmas and new year (where I don't smoke), so hopefully the 'new year' will start with me already a few days clean. Will try and read 'the book' while I'm away.

Anyone else giving up for the new year?


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Sunday 22nd December 2013
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Rich1973 said:
As a final thing, I smoked roll ups, but didn't finish my last pouch of baccy. I found it much easier knowing I could have one if I wanted, as opposed to thinking that I couldn't if I didn't have any left.
That bit certainly helped me, because if I had gone to the shop to buy some, I would certainly have then wanted to smoke it.
Good luck to all that give up the habit.
Thanks for the input guys, hope it helps me and others. It's funny how you mention about not finishing your pouch. This goes against all the 'advice' about removing temptation, but sometimes during my non-smoking periods, I'll get a 'craving' for a smoke and shoot down the garage and buy a pack. Once they're in the car, they can sit unopened for several days (comfort blanket I suppose) without being smoked (eventually they do though frown )


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Wednesday 1st January 2014
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zip929 said:
Never give up trying to quit. I tried many, many times before I eventually quit.
This. I'm still trying. Results vary from epic fail to 8 years free with much in between. Had my last puff last night about 11pm. Today I specifically spent time in the man-cave, a place which has been my downfall. No one else there, but plenty of smokes available. Fired up the xbox and had a coffee, both of these normally accompanied with a smoke and all good so far.

Spent a couple of hours there and home now (where I don't smoke nor get the urge). I'm reading (slowly) 'the book' not sure it's my cup of tea really, but for less than the price of a pack of 20, might as well give it a go.

As Zip said, never give up giving up.


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Friday 3rd January 2014
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How we all doing? Day 3 for me. It's been a bit of a battle, it always is when I *try* and give up (compared to times I simply don't smoke until I realise I've not). No vaping, chews or owt, just good old fashioned cold turkey.

Day 1 I had cravings, sent them away with spoken out-loud dismissals (well it worked!). Yesterday was easy, then today fancy a smoke again. I am probably a bit ratty, but getting there. Just need to get through a Friday night at the man-cave. One of the yokels' resolutions is to avoid the place completely (in fairness he has bought a house ~30 miles away), so probably 3 of us 'regulars' out tonight plus any friends of friends.


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Tuesday 7th January 2014
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An almost predictable wobble for me, I don't want to be posting on this thread in 10 years still battling. I'd rather be here saying I've done it and YOU can too (even if, like me, it takes several attempts).

Read until late last night, then half hour this morning to finish Allen Carr's Easy Way to stop smoking (on my phone, downloaded for less than the cost of a pack of smokes). A couple of times when I closed the book (to read a text or summat), it forgot where I was and in that way, it's a difficult read (lots of the same stuff over and over so finding your place not easy). However I got to the end and it does make sense of the battles we face and puts it into perspective.

I've just put out my last ever cigarette and can live the rest of my days as a non-smoker!

RIP Allen Carr. Thanks my man!