What training are you doing/have you done today? Vol.2

What training are you doing/have you done today? Vol.2



9,652 posts

286 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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Bloody hell MC! Only just seen that.

Glad you're ok, could have been a nasty one.

chris watton

22,477 posts

262 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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I think mc is one of those rare breeds who just gets up and carries on regardless, rather than curl up. Good on you! smile

chris watton

22,477 posts

262 months

Friday 22nd April 2016
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Lower body session today, and it was the polar opposite of Tuesday's dire effort, where 130kg felt like 180kg...

3 sets of 12-8 reps
4 sets of 5 reps (120-150kg)
1 x 1 (and a half..) reps - didn't go down quite far enough on first rep, with 160kg
1 x drop set of 8 reps with 130kg

I enjoyed all of that, my core felt very strong.

Static DB Lunges - 4 sets of 12-8 reps (22kg in each hand)
Hamstring Curls - 4 sets of 20-12 reps
BB Calf raises - 5 sets of 15-12 reps
SLDL - 3 sets of 10, 6 & 4 reps

Hanging upside down DB Rows - 3 sets of 12 reps (just to help stretch my spine back after heavy squats and calf raises...)

Wasn't sure which way today's session was gonna go, as I felt tired and achy before I started - but once the blood started pumping quicker, I knew I was going to spent a long time on squats to make up for Tuesday..


18,709 posts

248 months

Friday 22nd April 2016
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Now that I am not so heavy i can do decent form chin ups. I wasn't going to manage it at 95 kg. Bang on 80kg today. It's been a good week on my diet and after a few inputs from DD I've dropped 2 pounds since the weekend. Still got plenty of energy and strength. 45 deg incline benching with 100kg (sets). seated db shoulder press with 36kg a side. Not bad for an old dog


6,018 posts

152 months

Saturday 23rd April 2016
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Just come across something interesting for sale - a loadable kettlebell!
I'm sure a few on here could do with this (was just a 1 off on a for sale site).


6,018 posts

152 months

Saturday 23rd April 2016
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A sped up video from today's session.
think we spent 5 hours training today. Knackered!


9,652 posts

286 months

Saturday 23rd April 2016
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Chest yesterday, decent session and feeling bloody sore today.


5,533 posts

212 months

Saturday 23rd April 2016
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Legs, 510kg for reps on the leg press, as rock and roll as it got. Do like leg pressing at the mo, squats are out for now.

chris watton

22,477 posts

262 months

Sunday 24th April 2016
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didelydoo said:
Legs, 510kg for reps on the leg press, as rock and roll as it got. Do like leg pressing at the mo, squats are out for now.
I think that, in the Summer, I will sort out my garage/gym space and buy a Leg Press/Hack Squat machine. I think that may be a good investment.

Yesterday I tried using the double handled pulley V Bar with a spare barbell (like the one you and Lordgrover linked to), and it seems to work - so will do some T-Bar Rows today..


10,087 posts

239 months

Sunday 24th April 2016
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didelydoo said:
Legs, 510kg for reps on the leg press, as rock and roll as it got. Do like leg pressing at the mo, squats are out for now.
Leg press machine in the Mastrick Gym is the best one I have ever used in 25 years lifting. Don't know what Results has but might be worth having a look at the Mastrick Gym one (if you have not already).

chris watton

22,477 posts

262 months

Sunday 24th April 2016
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Back and chest today, and I tried T-Bar Rows for the first time - I like them, really put pressure on back and legs!

Wide Grip weighted Pull Ups (bar behind neck - 92kg incl. bodyweight) - 5x10
One Arm DB Row - 4x12-10 reps
T-Bar Rows - 4x12-8 reps

Bench Press - 5x12-5 reps
DB Fly's - 4x12
DB Pullovers - 4x16-9 reps

Deadlift - 6x1


9,652 posts

286 months

Sunday 24th April 2016
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15-20 mins of squats up to some triples at 100kg

Military Press 5x10@40kg
Smith Shrugs 5x10@80kg, 2x6@120kg
DB Press 4x10@20kg, 3x8@24kg
Superset x5:
EZ Bar Upright Row @30kg /DB Front Raise @14kg x10


10,087 posts

239 months

Sunday 24th April 2016
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After a tiny aductor pull (again!), I backed off on the weight with trap-bar deadlifts and just repped - got 30 with 150kg! I think that this was the hardest set I've ever done. Unbelievable almost whole body burn and every orifice had to help me breathe.


Barbell bent-over rows: 5 x 180kg, 8 x 165kg, 15 x 145kg
Dumb-bell bent-over rows: 12 x 60kg
Bench: 3 x 145kg, 3 x 150kg, 3 x 155kg, 3 x 160kg - all felt pretty easy, reassuring after having not done lower reps/ higher weight for a while. Aiming to work up to a treble at 180kg.


810 posts

164 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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Yesterday's gym session (24/04/16)
60kg X 5
100kg X 5
140kg X 3
160kg X 1
180kg X 2
160kg X 5, 5, 5 PB

Bench Press
Bar X 10
60kg X 10
80kg X 5
90kg X 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

70kg X 5
120kg X 5
160kg X 3
200kg X 3
240kg X 1
250kg X 1, 1 PB

Video of 2nd single at 250kg http://youtu.be/8sbj7y0UkI8


6,018 posts

152 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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JKING said:
Video of 2nd single at 250kg http://youtu.be/8sbj7y0UkI8

chris watton

22,477 posts

262 months

Wednesday 27th April 2016
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It can be sometimes frustrating the way the stress of work gets in the way the way of training, mind-wise even with allocated time. I try to blank it out for an hour and a half or so, but damn, when I can't block it, it does affect my training! Another so-so session both Monday and Tuesday, so I got up at 7 this morning and worked solid until 2, which seemed to have helped.
I took it a little easier today, though, no power lifts, just straight higher rep sets throughout with no add ons (drop sets etc.), as I feel 4 months in on my 6 day per week routine is taking its toll (that or the heavy deadlifts I did Sunday..)

Bench Press - 4 x 12-8 reps (3x12, 1x8)
Incline Bench - 4 x 12-8 reps
DB Pullover - 4 x 16-8 reps

Wide grip Pull Ups (to front) - 5 x 10 reps
BB BOR - 4 x 12-8 reps
T-Bar Row - 4 x 12-8 reps

I have found that it doesn't matter how on point my diet/nutrition is, if I can't get my brain fully in gear and focused, I perform worse..


9,652 posts

286 months

Wednesday 27th April 2016
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Good back session Monday/ Still feeling it from the previous ones too.

Also been setting the alarm 10 mins early and getting up for some light training (push ups/curls etc.) prior to leaving for work. Feeling good about it/

Dropped 3kg by getting my diet in check the last couple of weeks. Been wanting to far a while now so please to have finally made the mental step to sort it by cutting the chocolate out hehe


8,730 posts

183 months

Wednesday 27th April 2016
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Training going very well at the moment - really good sessions at the gym last Friday and Saturday. Sunday I did feel a little tired and managed to rescue a fairly mediocre benching session with a 128kg bench for 7 reps which is a record for me. Hands and shoulders still fairly sore from my accident but things are improving.

Sunday blew my training buddies off my wheel on my training ride - always good to do that! Last night a fairly frantic 37km on the bike with over 500m of climbing with the threat of getting pissed on by the weather pushing me to nearly 32.5kph average.

Still doing the pull ups and dips every night regardless, probably averaging 120 pull ups and 350 dips. All good.

Diet generally very good but a little bit sloppy around the edges. smile


5,263 posts

270 months

Thursday 28th April 2016
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Fasting day today, so I'm soldiering on with the help of the occasional piece of chewing gum and some fizzy water.

Had a very brief workout this morning and walking/running home tonight (c.14k, c.1hr 40 mins) then 600kCal dinner.

Really, really looking forward to having a normal day tomorrow!

chris watton

22,477 posts

262 months

Friday 29th April 2016
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Another week over with, and marks 4 months of doing this 6 day routine.

Yesterday was arms and shoulders, and today was lower body:


DB Static Lunges - 4x12-8 reps (These nearly killed me after those squats)
Lying Hamstring Curl - 4x14-12 reps
BB Calf Raises - 5x15

SLDL - 3x10/6/4 reps
Good Mornings - 3x10/6/4 reps

ETA - I always seem to do much better on Squats on the second session of the week!

Edited by chris watton on Friday 29th April 18:27