Lee's challenge part 2!

Lee's challenge part 2!



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Monday 25th April 2011
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ALawson said:
What that on your left forearm just below the elbow?
Oh its just a bit of muscle that sometimes appears when my arm is in certain positions, at least it feels like muscle.


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Monday 25th April 2011
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RemainAllHoof said:
Ordinary_Chap said:
I'm going to experiment with keto using Lyle McDonald's approach (The Ketogenic Diet, for anyone interested google for the name + PDF although I've bought a copy) as a nod to this brilliant mans work.
How is it different from UD2.0?
Because its aim is true Ketosis and UD2.0 isn't aiming for quite the same effect.

It's more hardcore than UD2.0 in a lot of ways and is a fair amount more extreme. I will only be doing it short term before returning back to something like UD2.0


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Tuesday 26th April 2011
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jimbobsimmonds said:
How's that heart rate monitor working for you?
Very good, without it I would have no idea where I should be. I've actually found some interesting things out. Like for instance even if I walk very fast I can't achieve enough exertion to get into the fat burning zone (110-140bpm) unless its up a steep hill.


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Tuesday 26th April 2011
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LordGrover said:
Until you KNOW your VO2 max you won't know what your 'fat burning zone' is anyway - it may surprise you. When I had my test done a few years ago, it turned out mine was 148bpm.
You're absolutely right! I always take these things with a little pinch of salt but a rough range is ok with me! I'm not entirely convinced in this approach anyway but I do it as my coach has told me to do it.



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245 months

Wednesday 27th April 2011
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So after visiting the hospital yesterday and getting more steroids (maybe they will help lol although I don't think they are for that purpose!) and anti-biotics I reckon I can start training again and I'm going for it tonight!

I can't believe how sad I am but I'm excited about getting stuck back in and training hard again!

I'm going to go keto for a while too, to try and catch up for lost ground! I'm now 9lbs up on my expected weight.


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Wednesday 27th April 2011
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So today was a Chest/Tricep day and my first day back.

As I'd expected strength wasn't good today since I'm still recovering although the steriods seems to have massively accelerated the process. I was lucky to get a doctor who understand my desire for training so she offered me a bumped up course of medicine to quicken the recovery time. Great service from the NHS!

Bench Press 1 x 10 @ 40kg then, 2 x 8 @ 80kg and a final set of 4. I had no spotter tonight and feared if I went for a 5th rep I'd not be able to get the bar back up after an epic struggle on the 4th rep.
Incline flys 3 x 8 @ 17.5kg (dumbbells)
Incline dumbbell press 3 x 17.5kg
Tricep push down 3 x 8 @ 60kg
Dips - Scrubbed, nothing left to do them with.

I'm happy to be back training and feel good for it!


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Thursday 28th April 2011
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So I decided to do legs tonight since I want to target the 3 main muscle groups this week.

Leg extensions 3 x 8 @ 70kg
Squat 1 x 10 @ 60kg, 3 x 8 @ 110kg
Leg press 3 x 8 @ 200kg
Reverse leg curl 3 X 8 @ 50kg

And it was a blinding workout in terms of effort, I was sweating and breathing like crazy by the end of it!

I love training!


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Thursday 28th April 2011
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DownUnder. said:
Got to love sessions where your like that. Feel like you've really worked!
How's the weight coming along?
Good thanks, I'm down 1 1/4 stone in 3 weeks of training.

I need to make sure I'm minimizing muscle loss though so I may slow it down a little since I've not got a huge amount of muscle to lose!


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245 months

Saturday 30th April 2011
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Lat pull down (close grip) 3 x 8 @ 70kg
Seated pulls (close grip) 3 x 8 @ 80kg
Shrugs 3 x 8 @ 32kg
Bicep curls 3 x 10 @ 30kg
Hammer curls - Cancelled, I felt exhausted.

Its taking me a little while to get my strength back it seems but I'm really enjoying the fact I can train again even if my body isn't up to much right now!

I don't usually do weights at the weekend but I'm trying to catch up for lost time this week! Next week I will go back to the normal plan!

Oh and as of Tuesday of next week I'm going to go for a keto plan which should hopefully result in a rapid loss of weight!


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245 months

Monday 2nd May 2011
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DownUnder. said:
Ordinary_Chap said:
Lat pull down (close grip) 3 x 8 @ 70kg
Seated pulls (close grip) 3 x 8 @ 80kg
Shrugs 3 x 8 @ 32kg
Bicep curls 3 x 10 @ 30kg
Hammer curls - Cancelled, I felt exhausted.

Its taking me a little while to get my strength back it seems but I'm really enjoying the fact I can train again even if my body isn't up to much right now!

I don't usually do weights at the weekend but I'm trying to catch up for lost time this week! Next week I will go back to the normal plan!

Oh and as of Tuesday of next week I'm going to go for a keto plan which should hopefully result in a rapid loss of weight!
I'm thinking of keto too, heard some good results due to it. A lot of people do report some strength losses though so prepare your ego for it!
Also, I have a question for you that i'd rather not post here, mind if I pm you later?
Feel free to send me a PM!


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Monday 2nd May 2011
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Thanks for the post Lost_BMW. Like you in the past I've accidentally experienced keto but now I'm going to target it. For me I get a metal like taste in my mouth.

In answer to your question the keto diet has been used almost indefinitely for some folks who suffer medical conditions although the longest time under study is for 5 years. I see little issue with this given its how our bodies were designed to work in the first instance. Carbs are for the most part a man made invention especially the highly processed types that we mostly eat.


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Monday 2nd May 2011
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LordGrover said:
OC, please publish his question if it's a) revealing, b) embarrassing, c) funny. If it's d) dull - no need to bother.


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Monday 2nd May 2011
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Lost_BMW said:
Ordinary_Chap said:
Thanks for the post Lost_BMW. Like you in the past I've accidentally experienced keto but now I'm going to target it. For me I get a metal like taste in my mouth.

In answer to your question the keto diet has been used almost indefinitely for some folks who suffer medical conditions although the longest time under study is for 5 years. I see little issue with this given its how our bodies were designed to work in the first instance. Carbs are for the most part a man made invention especially the highly processed types that we mostly eat.
That ties in with all the recent stuff (including research) on the Paeleo diet - mainly raw veg/ leaf based with protein from organic/ fresh meat and fish etc. and little to no 'modern' carbs like bread or potatoes etc.

Several magazines have recently featured this as many MMA fighters seem to be moving this way and a couple of the trainers/ nutritionists who have written about or been asked about it have gone that way themselves and report many benefits like a better muscle to fat ratio, less infammation, quicker recovery etc.

I'm going to start a similar plan as well - most of my diet now is salad and fruit based but I still "need"(!) my milk unfortunately, but will cut out the other carbs from cereal (don't eat bread or potatoes now a days anyway) and am aiming for at least a stone between now and the holiday I'm taking my kids on at the end of the month. I'll train hard but if I lose some strength I'm not so bothered as I've swapped to a more boxing orientated style this last month and the lower weight will help with the training and speed etc.
To be honest I think most low carb diets are more right than wrong, just comes down to preference and how low in carbs etc to go.

I've been getting visibly slimmer in the past month from the low carb approach although I've lost the past two weeks or so due to illness.

I'm trying to catch back up now and accelerate progress by moving to the more extreme end of the scale when it comes to diet and slowly taper my exercise levels back up to where they were before I got ill. I know from experience if I suddenly just try to jump back to where I was I will most likely set myself back so I'm trying to be smart for a change!


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245 months

Monday 2nd May 2011
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So this morning I got up and felt strong and ready to train, which is probably down to eating lots of carbs and not training much in the past two weeks.

Leg extensions 3 x 8 @ 80kg
Squat 1 x 10 @ 80kg, 3 x 8 @ 135kg (highest I have been going without spotter)
Leg press 3 x 8 @ 200kg
Reverse leg curl 3 X 8 @ 60kg

So I had a great session today apart from ripping my last pair of trousers. The big guys behind were laughing hard at my trousers ripping during the squats and one was kind enough to offer some advice! Only buy cotton types of trousers which is what I will be doing tomorrow or when I get the chance!

Whilst it is kind of funny I got a little bit annoyed about ripping yet another pair of trousers (not because of the cost) because I live in a hugely built up area and usually have to park my car up to half a mile away and walk back to my place on foot through streets that always have a lot of people on them....


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245 months

Monday 2nd May 2011
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DownUnder. said:
Get some baggy pants!!

Decided to post my question here as it may be of use to others and rather keeps with the cutting theme of the thread.

Have decided i'm going to use ECA to finish off my cut and get nicely ripped up, I know you've had luck with them in the past.
Did you make your own stack?
If not where/which ones did you buy?
Finaaaally, a friend of mine if a trainer in a bodybuilding gym and assures me he can get decent quality T5's, do you have any experience with these?

I previously purchased ECA stacks (various ones) from the link below. I can't tell you which ones I bought because they no longer sell them but they only sell good quality stuff so I'd use them again.


They are a good reputable company and provide pretty decent service although they ship from Canada (due to legalities) and not all packages get through they will resend if that is the case.

My advice would be to be smart, although T5's are often ECA stacks or similar you can't be sure what is in them and if they were made in a backstreet lab or not so for my money avoid since you're risking putting something in your body that may of not been made with quality control or it may not be what its supposed to be. Your friend maybe a real good guy but he can't guarantee what he is supplying I'd wager.

It doesn't matter if you make your own or buy pre-made as long as you can guarantee the ingredients.

If you do go ahead and buy them I'd recommend you get your BP checked since they cause an increase in BP. I'm not using anything other than protein powder, creatine and vitamins since I've got high BP for my challenge but I'd be lying if I didn't say with a good diet and training they can produce excellent results.

It's also important you realise any potent stimulant (sorry if I'm teaching you to suck eggs) can potentially have side effects so go slow and if you don't feel good then just stop doing it straight away.

If you're BP is ok then the first time you take one, try to take half or less just to check how you respond to what are potent stimulants and if you're ok then go upto the recommended dose slowly. The other thing to do is make sure you drink plenty of water since they can dehydrate folk quickly.

Any other questions, just let me know!


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Monday 2nd May 2011
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DownUnder. said:
Thanks for taking the time to reply, I thought as much about the T5's (wishful thinking really) thanks for nailing the point home!

With regards to BP it was checked after that "incident" which I posted in the training thread a couple of months back as fine.

Thanks for the advice though just ordered.
Will report back how I get on, Also going down the keto route. Not a problem for me as I love meat!
Yeah I'd be interested in seeing how you get on, post back here if you can please. You'll not be surprised how many ECA questions I get via PM!

Good luck! Although you shouldn't need it with keto + training + eca!



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245 months

Tuesday 3rd May 2011
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Bench Press 1 x 10 @ 40kg then, 3 x 8 @ 80kg
Incline flys 3 x 8 @ 17.5kg (dumbbells)
Incline dumbbell press 3 x 17.5kg
Tricep push down 3 x 8 @ 60kg
Dips - 2 x 20

I felt a lot better tonight although I'm still not back to full strength.

I've got to say though, I don't know about other folk but I find training very therapeutic after doing a pressurized office job. I think its a mixture of the physical activity and taking out my anger on the bar. I'm pretty highly strung sometimes but do well to hide it in work.


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245 months

Thursday 5th May 2011
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Lat pull down (close grip) 3 x 8 @ 70kg
Seated pulls (close grip) 2 x 10 @ 80kg
Shrugs 3 x 8 @ 35kg - Could do more weight if my grip could take it (weak link!)
Bicep curls 2 x 8 @ 40kg And then I could only manage 6 reps for the last set
Hammer curls - 2 x 10 @ 22kg

Felt pretty good tonight!


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245 months

Monday 9th May 2011
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Here goes, for the last fews whilst I've been unwell I've reduced my intake and below has been the average.

7 - 6 eggs
10 - Berries of some type + protein shake in water
1300 - Chicken + green salad
1500 - Berries
1800 - Protein shake (after training)
1900 - Lean meat (chicken/salmon etc) + green salad
2200 - 6 eggs or protein shake (in water) if I can't be bothered


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245 months

Monday 9th May 2011
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okgo said:
Egg yolks aswell?

How many cals is all of that?
Yeah egg yolks as well, not worried about fats since I need them in my diet.

I can't remember what the cals are exactly but I have worked them out a few weeks back.