What training are you doing/have you done today? Vol.2

What training are you doing/have you done today? Vol.2



5,533 posts

212 months

Friday 10th November 2017
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Bench: 150kg x 9 + 2 rest pause
Strict: 80kg x 10 + 2 rest pause
Dips: +60kg x 15, drop to BW
BB rows: 200kg x 9 + 1 rest pause
CG pull downs: stack + band x rest pause failure, drop to stack x rest pause failure.

Done. Reverted to this style of training to put some mass on.


5,533 posts

212 months

Friday 10th November 2017
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Here's a good read-


Simple stuff, don't sweat the 1%.


18,120 posts

129 months

Friday 10th November 2017
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didelydoo said:
Here's a good read-


Simple stuff, don't sweat the 1%.
I enjoyed that.

I think there are plenty of areas where bro science knows something that cannot be taken from actual studies. For example,
1 hard set should not work well for strength or muscle gains because,according to some pretty convincing analysis on StrongerbyScience, the strongest predictor of hypertrophy is "number of hard sets". But, it works well for me and you, DD. And it works well enough that is is the basis of 5/3/1 and various other very successful programmes. It seems the real science has not yet caught up with what people know from actually lifting weights.

Or maybe it is just that people differ massively, so studies dont tell you much about what will work for you speficically, rather than a mythical "average person". The spread of responses to any training programme is pretty huge - some guys seem to gain loads of muscle and strength on even silly programmes; others dont gain anything on excellent programmes.


53,012 posts

185 months

Friday 10th November 2017
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Not read it yet, but looks good from a quick skim.

The problem with any study is people. Individual's levels of intensity differ too much. A mate of mine wanted to train with me, so he came along for a few, and this was when I was still flaky from my tear, but after a few sessions he said he couldn't match my intensity or didn't realise how intense one has to be to train and see benefits, so he stopped. I honestly can't quite recall but he just thought he'd go along do a bit and that was it. In my gym (and yeah, I know, it's a,pure tongue out ) the people who train with an intensity close to mine I'd count on two hands. Maybe use a foot.

chris watton

22,477 posts

262 months

Friday 10th November 2017
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This morning, another short, sharp shock session clocking in at just under 55 minutes - medium-heavy day.

Squats - 5x12-8 reps

Bench Press - 5x12-2 reps
Wide Grip Pull Up - 5x12-8 reps (alternating front to back each set)

BB Clean and Press - 5x8-5 reps

Pendlay Row - 5x8-5 reps
Seated Pulley Row (Wide Grip) - 4x12-10 reps


6,817 posts

178 months

Friday 10th November 2017
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didelydoo said:
Here's a good read-


Simple stuff, don't sweat the 1%.
That's great, not sure on the diet 33% of everything though as that wouldn't work for me, but the rest is great!

Surely the rhino takes steroids? No problem however how can he give this advice whilst doing them, is he saying they equate to less than 1% of his performance/look?

They undoubtedly help him recover and ensure he can move big weight regularly, probably aiding him more than 1%. However weedy little me can definitely take some good points from that article!

chris watton

22,477 posts

262 months

Friday 10th November 2017
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didelydoo said:
Here's a good read-


Simple stuff, don't sweat the 1%.
Great read!

I must admit, I too have never seen the point of 'light days' - you either put your all into it or not at all, AFAIAC.

Interesting what he writes about not doing too many reps for warm up sets, I usually do between 16 and 12 reps for the first two sets with medium weight, I may cut that down to 10-6 reps..

Edited by chris watton on Friday 10th November 12:45


25,081 posts

245 months

Friday 10th November 2017
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Halb said:
Not read it yet, but looks good from a quick skim.

The problem with any study is people. Individual's levels of intensity differ too much. A mate of mine wanted to train with me, so he came along for a few, and this was when I was still flaky from my tear, but after a few sessions he said he couldn't match my intensity or didn't realise how intense one has to be to train and see benefits, so he stopped. I honestly can't quite recall but he just thought he'd go along do a bit and that was it. In my gym (and yeah, I know, it's a,pure tongue out ) the people who train with an intensity close to mine I'd count on two hands. Maybe use a foot.
When you say intensity, what does that mean to you in the context of training?


5,533 posts

212 months

Friday 10th November 2017
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For mass and strength, I certainly favour intensity (ie effort in relation to max capability) over anything else. 1 intense set, means that sets after are no where max intensity- so 1, rest pause set works well for me.

It also frees up time, and allows you to go all out, knowing that you don't have another 3 or 4 sets to do.

Food wise, you need to eat to grow, and most people don't eat enough to do so.

However, for specific movements- volume can help, as it drills the movement and you become more efficient at it. But for sheer power, I rate intensity more.

My current plan is only a 3 day week, but it'll be heavy and hard every session. Not ideal for everyone, particularly beginners, as you need to use a highish poundage before it's worth it. But I love this style of training. It's fun, and you constantly set PB's, provided you eat enough. It takes it's toll though, but provided you rest every 6-8 weeks it's great.


1,276 posts

273 months

Friday 10th November 2017
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Have just been squatting and Deadlifting, as chronic rotator cuff problem really aggravated by Bench and OHP. Although doing lots of face-pulls, band pull-aparts at light resistance.
Squats seem to be static at around 150kg e1RM, deadlifts regressing, 170kg 1RM dropped down to 155kg 1RM.

Not doing much in terms of volume, eating well. I think sleep may be the problem and lack of accessory exercises due to shoulder.
Shoulder wakes me every night.
I may go back to basics, 5/3/1.


18,709 posts

248 months

Friday 10th November 2017
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you could try some exercises to sort the RC (youtube) but if it's bad enough to wake you up, I would go and see your Dr for a referral. Others on here have suffered considerably with RC injuries. I have an impingement which is annoying and definitely holding me back. You will only go backwards if you do indeed have a RC injury which is left untreated.


8,730 posts

183 months

Friday 10th November 2017
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didelydoo said:
Here's a good read-


Simple stuff, don't sweat the 1%.
Yeah it's a good article, just outlines the basic fundamentals by using common sense. Yet how many people still can't do it properly, spend years at the gym doing the same st week in week out and no progress. Can't think of anything worse. Eat big, sleep big, train big, lift big - what could be simpler.


1,276 posts

273 months

Friday 10th November 2017
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Burwood said:
you could try some exercises to sort the RC (youtube) but if it's bad enough to wake you up, I would go and see your Dr for a referral. Others on here have suffered considerably with RC injuries. I have an impingement which is annoying and definitely holding me back. You will only go backwards if you do indeed have a RC injury which is left untreated.
Thanks. I am a doctor, and do a lot of Sports Medicine, so obviously am the worst patient known and rather than doing what I would advise my patients I am cracking on, trying experimental unliscensed drugs and trying to griz through it . . .

Well I have seen a physio and had a corticosteroid injection which gave me a month or so of relief, and will get booked in for another when I can.


53,012 posts

185 months

Friday 10th November 2017
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TheJimi said:
When you say intensity, what does that mean to you in the context of training?
For me it would be an effort equivalent to not being able to do more, this is dependent on what I'm doing.
Currently doing a modified HLM two week routine with a circuits day.
So on an exercise that is 1 x 5, doing a 6th technically good rep should not really be possible, in a 3 x 5, those last reps should be getting towards safe mechanical failure and that very last one should be on it, or darn close. Same if I'm doing a volume exercise and the reps are 3 x 10.

In my circuits it can be different.
My strength circuit the weights periodically go up as they become easier
That circuit has a pretty good way of judging the right weight.

For the my time based circuits like circus maximus and the Bear,, intensity arrives pretty quick (sucking wind) so it's a case of keeping it there and bubbling under exhaustion for the time remaining, and not allowing rests to get heart rate down. Eventually lactic acid tolerance improves and time slowly comes down.

My elimination circuit is the same but going in the opposite direction, going for time, how long one can go.

That's what I mean by 'intensity'. I sometimes have a go through the motions day at the gym, but that's usually stretching or walking on the treadmill for recovery.


18,120 posts

129 months

Sunday 12th November 2017
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Funny you should say that, Halb. I'm planning to to reduce intensity for a while - keeping one or two reps in the tank. There's a lot of research that suggests that, unless you have great recovery abilities, going balls to the wall every workout is a bad idea. I find it quite hard to not get close to failure, so I've worked out my 5RM and plan do 3 reps at it, etc

Workout yesterday.

TB deads: 5 x 120,130,140kg
Weighted chins: 8 @ 10kg; 5 @ 12kg; 5 @ 16kg
1 arm landmine press: 3 x 8 @ 40kg

Straight arm lat pull down: 20,12,8 reps

Goals for the end of the year:

W chins: 5 x 22kg
TB deads: 5 x 160kg
Landmine press: 5 x 55kg
Barbell bench: 5 x 110kg
DB row: 8 x 50kg
Squat: 5 x 120kg

Curls & loaded carries to finish.


5,263 posts

270 months

Monday 13th November 2017
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After an entire week off being too busy/tired/distracted I finally got to the gym at lunchtime.

Circus Maximus (courtesy of Bobby Maximus)
12 reps - 2x12kg kettlebell thruster
12 reps - 60kg deadlift
12 reps - pushup
12 rounds
Time: 31:52

I'm paying a heavy price right now...

chris watton

22,477 posts

262 months

Monday 13th November 2017
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Usually have the worst session of the week on Mondays, but felt quite good today - must have been the huge beef dinner I had yesterday...

Back Extension - 1x35 reps

Squats - 7x12-2 reps (up to 160kg)
BB Clean and Press - 7x8-1 reps (up to 85kg)

Bench Press - 5x12-2 reps (up to 115 plus BB chains)
Wide Grip Pull Up - 5x12-8 reps

T-Bar Rows - 4x12-8 reps (85kg)
Seated Pulley Rows (wide neutral grip) - 4x12-8 reps


53,012 posts

185 months

Monday 13th November 2017
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ORD said:
Funny you should say that, Halb. I'm planning to to reduce intensity for a while - keeping one or two reps in the tank. There's a lot of research that suggests that, unless you have great recovery abilities, going balls to the wall every workout is a bad idea. I find it quite hard to not get close to failure, so I've worked out my 5RM and plan do 3 reps at it, etc
Yeeeeeah, I wore myself down to a nub in the summer, gave myself; ankle, knee, lower back niggles and something in my right arm/shoulder, which is affecting vertical pressing.
I'm gonna cycle in a week off maybe every 5th or 4th week, I won't be so rigid with it.

Animal said:
After an entire week off being too busy/tired/distracted I finally got to the gym at lunchtime.

Circus Maximus (courtesy of Bobby Maximus)
12 reps - 2x12kg kettlebell thruster
12 reps - 60kg deadlift
12 reps - pushup
12 rounds
Time: 31:52

I'm paying a heavy price right now...
YOu're not making any friends round here you know! tongue out


5,263 posts

270 months

Monday 13th November 2017
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Halb said:
YOu're not making any friends round here you know! tongue out
How so? I'm a pitiful shell of a being this afternoon!


53,012 posts

185 months

Monday 13th November 2017
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Animal said:
Halb said:
YOu're not making any friends round here you know! tongue out
How so? I'm a pitiful shell of a being this afternoon!
That low time, but you being a shell does sort of make me feel better. hehe