PH Parents of 2012



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Saturday 29th October 2011
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There must be some folks on here that are expecting a bundle of fun next year, so thought I would get the ball rolling!!

My little one taken last week, I had a boys name picked out for 15years and somehow had convinced myself that is what I was having.... but it seems I am back to the drawing board as this little girl has no name right now but she is due on the 5th March.


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Saturday 29th October 2011
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hehe cracking scan shots there. Better detail than I am getting. Hope all is going well with the pregnancy.


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Wednesday 30th November 2011
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Can expectant mums (if there are any) or any of the fathers who have come across with their partners give some advice.

Currently struggling with shocking pelvic girdle pain, any folks out there got a recommendation for support belts?? Unfortunatley due to work I am unable to get myself booked on the midwifes course that might help so I am looking into other ways to solve the problem. Currently at 26 wks.

Any info appreciated.



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Monday 12th December 2011
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Stuart & AMLK may thanks, I have managed to get to see the midwife who is booking me in for an emergency app to get fitted with the bump band to ease the pain as I can't have physio appointments due to work.

Now 28 weeks along so now feel like doing the countdown from 12 as it will pass quicker, however last night I managed to fall asleep on my back for an hour and woke up in excruciating pain and felt like everything was siezing up. I put it down to either the hour sleeping on my back or Braxton Hicks contractions. One thing is for sure..... my bag is getting PACKED tonight as all these thoughts ran into my head about who to call, what to do.....

i.e I went into a little panic.

Hope everyones bumps are well.

Ave x


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Monday 12th December 2011
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Stuart said:
Yikes. Our daughter turned up at 34 weeks, so you might not have that long to go...
eek Must admit I do seem to have it in my head that I might end up going early, but that is just down to the fact I plan on working right up till a week before due date.

Better get that bag packed this afternoon. hehe


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Monday 2nd January 2012
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Papa Hotel said:
At hospital now, Miss Papa Hotel mk2 is on her way! biggrin
Fantastic news, hope it all goes well!! biggrin


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Tuesday 3rd January 2012
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Papa Hotel said:
Well, Miss Papa Hotel mk2 was born at 1600hrs today, weighing 6lbs 11! biggrin

That's it, no more, I'll be getting snipped in the coming months. frown
Congrats Mr & Mrs Papa!! Hope they are both well!!



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Wednesday 4th January 2012
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Nicol@ said:
Congrats on the healthy arrival.
How are you keeping Nicol@ you are due very soon, hope you are both well.



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Sunday 8th January 2012
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Stuart said:
A question to all the 2012ers, did you find out the sex of your baby? If not, why not, and if you did, why?
I am having my first and I asked to find out the sex. I have a bit of OCD and like to be organised well in advance. laugh I did however have myself convinced it was a boy only to find out it was a girl.

My mum wanted me to wait and not find out but as I told her, I will find out at 9 months anyway so why not earlier.


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Tuesday 10th January 2012
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Granville said:
We've started watching the new series of One Born Every Minute but I'm not convinced it's a good idea anymore now I'm actually expecting. 10lb 10 baby off last weeks series was more a toddler than a little bundle
I saw that also, I have been warned not to watch that programme however I am unable to attend ANY antinatal classes so need to have a wee idea about what is going to happen, and it will also be some good info for my mate who will be subjected to helping me. laugh

I was lucky I never had the morning sickness but my energy has been gone for months, the doctor is looking at my blood to see if I need iron.


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Wednesday 18th January 2012
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Granville said:
Hope all has/is going well Nicol@
Yep, I keep coming back to the thread for news!! smile


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Thursday 19th January 2012
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172ff said:
The wife wants it out of her.
I sssoooo know that feeling right now, NO bloody shoes fit my feet anymore apart from crocs which are not warm in this weather. laugh


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Friday 20th January 2012
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What a cutie!! Congrats Nicol@, good luck with the name searching!


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Saturday 28th January 2012
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Start taking it easy Granville! Look after that cargo!

I now have 5 weeks to go, midwife on Monday as now showing signs of Pre-eclampsia. Ward visit on the 2nd then my last scan on the 6th to check the placenta has moved, if it has not then I will be taken in for a section they think. Could be a Feb baby instead!!

Best wishes to all the new parents.

Ave x


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Tuesday 31st January 2012
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Coco H said:
How is it now? I had this from 26 weeks with my first and ended up on sticks, then in a wheelchair. if it's still a problem I can let you know everything the nhs can do - as I had it all ( had it with all three pregnancies). Physio can be helpful and in the end there are some impressive painkillers that a consultant can prescribe you as a last resort. The good news is that it should disappear pretty soon after birth.
HHmmm would be interested in hearing what meds can be taken. Yesterday I was in for my 35wk check up, I have had blood taken for pre-eclampsia, have to get an app to get a wrist splint on as I have been unable to use my left hand for over 3 weeks now due to swelling and pain, I have to get checked for asthma today and now also have to use crutches to get about due to the pelvic pain. I get the pre-eclampsia results tomorrow.... oh and I now seem to be measuring 37 weeks. Aaahh it's all go!! I just want the babby out now. hehe


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Sunday 12th February 2012
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It is good that your wife gave it a go, but a happy baby is more important. I am planning on breast feeding but I have been given plenty advice that if it does not work then not to feel too bad about it as what works for some does not work for others.

I am now in the hospital twice a week undergoing monitoring for Pre Eclampsia, thankfully I am in the clear for placentia previa which at this point rules out a section which I am happy about....

However my little size 6 feet now only get into a size 8 frown poor tootsies and legs are so swollen and sore!!!

Hope everyone is enjoying parenthood. Only 3 weeks till I get into the same boat!! bounce



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Wednesday 29th February 2012
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FINALLY made it to a computer to update this thread!!

Well my little one made an early appearance on Thursday the 23rd 2 weeks before my due date.

Not the easiest of labours... I was admitted early due to Pre Eclampsia concerns, started off in labour on Tuesday.... then restarted on Wednesday... and then into serious labour on Thursday morning. By 1/2 hour I was hooked up to an epidural.. my head might have spun twice as I uttered "get me a fking epidural now" but can't really remember rofl

By 7pm I was 5cm dilated and baby's heart was dropping due to the drip I was on, by 10pm I was totally jiggered and a doctor was called as I was still 5cm and baby's heart drop was getting no better. I never get car sick but remember felling a tad ill as they rushed me along corridors for an emergency section. frown

Section should have taken 1/2 hour ish but I ended up loosing over 1ltr blood and uterus would not seal so my stay was over 2 hours.

Would I do it again.............

BLOODY right! My beautiful little daughter is now in my life and it was well worth it... even if I am currently it a lot of pain. I gave breast feeding a go but had to stop as baby's weight was dropping and I know she was not getting enough from me, she is now happy wee toot and so far has been no trouble at all.......

So here is little Elise Georgina Jane weighing in at 6lbs 11oz with a very swollen fat mamma rofl Poor Muzzy in background will be seized up by the time I recover and get back behind the wheel!


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Tuesday 20th March 2012
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h0b0 said:
Bit of a traumantic week for us last week. Our son has been having very bad issues with gas so we have tried several formulas and this did help but it was still painful. We then found a product called gripe water which seemed to help. Last Thursady we gave it to him and he did not swallow. He then breathed it in and choked. He stopped breathing and went blue and totally limp. I had to resusitate him twice to get him breathing properly but he was still not responding to us as he normally would. We tried everything that would normally piss him off and he didn't make a sound so jumped into the car and got him to the ER. After lots of testing he was given the all clear to come home with us and was back to his usual self.

While Liam was not breathing it was like holding a dead child. An experience i never want to have again. I am not sure what we would have done if I had not been on the CPR course for work. I remained totally calm while he was not breathing and went through the motions. My wife panicked and did not know what to do so now she is scared if it happens again that he will die. She is signing up for the first course we can get her on.

As for the gas.......

I beleive that 99% of the time people say their child has "Colic" it is due to gas. If your child is screaming try different formulas. Liam can not take breat milk as he throws it up immediately. We tried several formulas including the super expensive Similac Alimentum and that was the worst by far. He would have solid white poos that looked like chalk. Similac Sensitive is where we ended and it seems to be solving the issue.
Jesus that is a terrifying experience.

Did the ER say why it had happened? I thought gripe water was a thing of the past as I have heard alot of mum's asking where to get it.

I am still in the "checking she is breathing" stage, and even after a section am amazed how quick I can launch myself out of my bed if I hear a strange noise coming from the cot through the night. I use cow and gate formula and she is one farty pants baby that is for sure!


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Tuesday 3rd April 2012
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missdiane said:
Have been following these threads ever since we started trying and to keep tabs on friend Nicol@'s progress as well hehe
Finally we can report some progress!
After our first infertility Dr's appointment on the 28th December, we fell pregnant next cycle and we had our 12 week scan yesterday, I was put forward to 13 weeks plus 1 day, which was good, baby was waving and moving about for us, so much so it wouldn't get in the right position for the nurse
The only downside was the nuchal measurement was higher than the limit at 3.9mm so we are now awaiting test results from that for our risk factor, fingers crossed it's OK
Putting pic in but work does not allow me to view it, so hope it's the right one smile
Congrats on your great news, fingers crossed for good test results for you.

Ave x


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Wednesday 4th April 2012
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bint said:

Friends have been astoundingly generous with hand me downs, we've really not had to buy anything in the grand scheme of things. Oh and MIL has got to grips with knitting again.....
I am still working my way through this....

And that was just from one person, she only was supposed to drop off a changer/bath unit!! I have had to stop folks knitting as there is about 15 cardi's in that lot. laugh