Ultra White Collar Boxing

Ultra White Collar Boxing



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137 months

Tuesday 4th April 2017
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Call me mad, insane, stupid, but I've gone and signed up with UWCB to take part in a charity boxing match at the start of June.
The concept is to raise awareness and money through donations and sponsorship for Cancer Research UK. People who have never boxed, or even stepped inside a ring are invited to join and take part in 8 weeks worth of 2 to 3, 1 hour sessions per week, for 8 weeks, leading up to a 3x 2 minute round fight with someone of similar skill, ability, build and fitness from the free 8 week training course.

This challenge ticks several boxes for me. I've always wanted to do something for charity, on my own. I lost my uncle many years ago to cancer so i have motivation right there. I also like the idea i'm pushing myself and going into the unknown. Getting out of the comfort zone and seeing what i can actually achieve also intrigues me, and the weight lose as well.
I currently weigh 119kg, so on the heavy side, and that's not in muscle! But i'm running 3 miles every morning at 5am currently, and then heading to the gym in the evenings, with the x-trainer being used and then weights/static machines being used to increase strength and stamina. I've also started skipping before the gym, although not very well. Gloves and pads have been ordered for sparring practice. Boxing training at the boxing gym begins next week.
Last week i lost 7 pounds and have had a big shift in diet and being more careful what i eat/drink.

So i was wondering if any PH'ers might of taken on a similar event in the past? What training might be best for someone my size (overweight)? I would like to think i'll put up a good fight, but I've never thrown a punch in my life, and i'm slightly concerned my stamina might let me down come the last round of the fight (if i make it that far).

UWCB link...................https://www.ultrawhitecollarboxing.co.uk/

Cheers guys,


Edited by Slickus on Wednesday 5th April 12:18


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137 months

Tuesday 4th April 2017
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Pete102 said:
Ahem.....PH Phat Fighters Q2 thread has just started - get yourself in!

Top marks for going for it and a worthy cause to support. I've never done UWCB, although I know a few people who have and they all did ok (didn't get knocked out at least!). Sounds like you're attacking the training well mixing up cardio and weight work, obviously you're on the heavy side so be careful of injuring your knee's etc. while running but you should be ok.

Having competed a couple of times in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competitions the best advice I can give you is prepare yourself for the dump of adrenaline you'll get when faced with someone who is actively trying to punch/hurt/put you on your backside. The rounds will go quick but there's a risk of gassing out if you're not careful - its ok though, your opponent will feel the same biggrin

Good luck matey.
Funnily enough, on the run this morning (in the rain), my left knee started to ache slightly. Eased off and power walked the rest of the way home (about a mile left) not to cause any more discomfort. Think dodging puddles and dropped kerbs might of played a part in it. Feeling ok now and will head home in a bit to grab the skipping rope, and then head to the gym.

My friend competes in British Superbikes and takes these power gel thingies just before he heads out off the grid on the warm up lap for a race. Is it worth me looking at something like that to take just before the fight, or am i asking for a massive crash in adrenaline like you say, half way through? I'm also thinking, a light lunch of chicken and pasta on the day, get the carbs in, and then water and the odd jelly bean rolling up to the fight as sugar to help. All a learning curve but really enjoying it so far.

Cheers for the response.


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137 months

Wednesday 5th April 2017
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Cheers for the replies guys. Very interesting and useful info.

Induction meeting this Friday at Inner City Boxing in Southampton. Nervous and excited for it. Guessing there'll be a lot of testosterone flying about, and eyeing up of potential opponents. Seems there could be over a hundred signed up, but those numbers i think will dwindle in the coming weeks.
Got home last night and grabbed the skipping rope. Very difficult skill to master, sounds daft but getting the timing right, and building up my calf muscles is much needed for this. Was planning then to head to the gym but the other half had an emergency with her horse (turns out nothing serious), and by the time she got back, it was too late to head to the gym. But i got a good sweat on with what i did with the skipping rope, and plan on heading to the gym tonight, after more tripping over the skipping rope!

Almost £100 raised so far, and I've not even thrown a punch yet. I like this, makes me committed from the start and no way can i talk myself out of the next 8 weeks.


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137 months

Wednesday 5th April 2017
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R8Steve said:
I did one of these very recently and enjoyed it.

8 weeks training, 4 nights a week plus i trained on my own a couple of extra nights a week.

The fight isn't that bad, 3 x 2 minute rounds at the most so it's over in no time.

If i was to highlight any negatives it would be the amount of knuckle dragging characters such an event attracts. There was a lot of unnecessary injuries in training due to some people taking things too far.

Apart from that it was a well organised event and everyone doing it and watching it seemed to enjoy it.

Good luck!
I'm expecting the fight to flash before my eyes. Slight concern i won't be able to enjoy the final few moments of it after the bell has rung at the end of the 3rd round, could be blowing out of my 'exhaust pipe'! But the training and push i'm putting in now, will hopefully help me through all 3 rounds, and the rest of the evening without too much fatigue.

I expect the odd dipstick to turn up thinking he rules the world, and taking it too seriously and away from the really reason we are all taking part. But i'll give as good as i get in sparring if it comes to it, and the match for sure. Who know's, those dipsticks could be KO'd within the first 10 seconds of their fight. Videos on YouTube seem to show a few brash walk-in's, and the fight last less then the first round with the excitement turn into exhaustion due to over egging it.



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Wednesday 5th April 2017
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RobM77 said:
I just wanted to interrupt briefly to say how much I respect the OP for running 3 miles whilst weighing 119kg. That's astonishing! eek Huge respect.
It's hard work. The first 1.5 miles is down hill, and i won't lie, the returning 1.5 miles is split up into jogging and a fast walk. But i'm getting further each day when running, pushing myself to the next lamppost, or the next house etc.
It's refreshing at 5am to be out though, streets empty, sun just raising, and the sound of the birds creates a calm that allows me to focus more.

I've always played football, and tried to be active with gym etc over the year. Just seems i haven't really pushed myself until now. I'd like to get down to 102kg (16 stone), by the time the fight has come around, although i think that much weight lose in the next 8 weeks is pushing it.

Cheers for you kind comments.


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137 months

Wednesday 5th April 2017
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Also guys, since Monday, I've started drinking a protein shake after each run/gym session. At my size, am i wasting time with this? I'm not expecting to wake up tomorrow looking like the Hulk, but i thought it might be worth a try. My current diet is ok, but not eating steak for breakfast at 4am like the Rock!!

Pic attached is how i look as of Saturday just gone. (Be gentle PH!)


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137 months

Wednesday 5th April 2017
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R8Steve said:
sc0tt said:
Have you been made aware how much you need to raise.

I wasn't and such couldn't continue training due to the lack of funds.
How much did you have to raise?

We just had to raise a minimum of £50 in justgiving and sell some tickets to the fight and as far as i'm aware that is standard for UWCB.
Correct, from what i've seen online, minimum to raise is £50 (already got £90 raised on my Just Giving page) For CRUK.
Also i read somewhere that UWCB ask for all fighters to, if possible 'sell' 20+ tickets to friends and family for the night.

Guess this will all be confirmed on Friday.


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137 months

Thursday 6th April 2017
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R8Steve said:
sc0tt said:
Slickus said:
Correct, from what i've seen online, minimum to raise is £50 (already got £90 raised on my Just Giving page) For CRUK.
Also i read somewhere that UWCB ask for all fighters to, if possible 'sell' 20+ tickets to friends and family for the night.

Guess this will all be confirmed on Friday.
If it isn't possible you don't fight and your training is finished. You have to sell them pretty quickly too. Realistically you get 3 weeks to sell £400 worth of tickets.

Make no bones, it isn't "if possible". If you don't you are out.
Not sure what one you went to but the expectation is to sell a minimum of 10 tickets.

Some people gave a £100 deposit then gave the rest when they had sold the tickets. There was nowhere near enough tickets for everyone that wanted them in our group so selling them would be no problem...even if you don't have 10 friends!

It's hardly a lot to expect for a charitable event that they are giving you 8 weeks training plus putting the event on IMO.
I've heard that if you don't sell the required amount, normally there is someone else fighting who has hit the required number and sold more, so they are then able to 'bank' their ticket sales to your number required.
I have friends and family ready to buy tickets (think they go online next Monday, again, will wait for confirmation at tomorrow evenings meeting) and a lot of people at work are interested, so i'm not sweating about ticket sales.

Back to the fitness, up at 5am for the run again this morning, although as soon as i started running, i felt my left knee was in a slight bit of discomfort. Enough to pull up and not wanting to push it (turned around and headed back home), but not enough to stop me going to the gym tonight and jumping on the bike to work any niggles there might be. Will leave the skipping rope for tonight, as i think that might have something to do with it, my weight and rapid jumping might be the problem. Knee support has been ordered just encase.

Looking forward to tomorrow, although i'm sure nerves will kick in during the day. Never set foot in a boxing gym before, although always wanted to.
Also first time to gauge the opposition, and trainers etc.


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137 months

Friday 7th April 2017
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Halb said:
Mucho respect for you OP, for being a heavyweight runner and for doing the UWCB, I also see there is WCB as well as now, a MMA version.

Careful with your ankles on running.

Work out your calorie maintenance, and then make some small reductions, at this stage, losing fat isn't as important as upping lung power. Use my fitness pal. I was gonna do similar thing, then I had a sports injury, so it's been out on hold until I'm happy I won't further injure myself.

There are some boxers on here, Tuscaneer can offer good advice. I used to use a jab routine by lost bmw. It's in one of my exercise threads, I'll see if I can find it. It will ramp up your ability to keep hands high and deliver punches for 3x2.
Good thinking with the my fitness pall app. Had already downloaded it months ago and had forgotten about it. Will start putting in the data and looking closer at my food intake.
Cheers for that, if you have the routine you mentioned, that would be great.



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Friday 7th April 2017
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Managed to get back out this morning for a run. Decent stretching and warm up beforehand and lasted 2 miles before the knee decided that a brisk walk would suffice for the last mile heading home. Gym last night was a brief visit, 15km on the bike and then back home again after 35mins. Me and the OH have just had a baby boy (10 weeks old) and she's at home full time, working on the laptop and looking after him. I feel selfish sometimes when i get in from work, give him a quick feed/bath and then head out again to the gym, leaving her to carry on the duties. This played on my mind when in the gym last night so headed home early.
She's fully supportive of what i'm undertaking and she's aware it's only for 2 months, and for a very worthy cause. Will treat her once this experience is done, may take her and baby away for a long weekend. I've already promised here a spa day for both of us the following weekend after the fight.

Induction tonight, no butterflies yet, more excitement. First proper session there next week will be interesting, and i expect that first session nerves could possibly be similar to how i'll feel on the 3rd June, walking out to the ring.
168 people signed up for tonight and the 8 week course/fight, will be a tight squeeze in the gym tonight then.


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Friday 7th April 2017
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R8Steve said:
I've signed up again for the upcoming event so starting training on Monday as well. smile

Honestly though, you'll be fine and you'll enjoy it. Regarding the amount of people signed up, don't be surprised if a good amount of them drop out in the first couple of weeks.

If you're doing training outside the training you get try and do HIIT/Tabata circuits as i think it best prepares you for the event fitness wise. Combined with a good diet you'll see the weight dropping off fairly quickly.
Where about's Steve?

That's what i'm thinking when it comes to numbers and dropping out. I expect next weeks first proper gym session to be a bh, and a wake up call to those that have signed up but don't realize what it involves (i'm prepared if needed to run to the toilets mid-session to throw my guts up).
I'm all in though, money being raised and focused on the cause, bettering myself and enjoying the whole experience more then anything. Do need to start HIIT work outs. I have a mate who's a personal trainer so i'll have a word with him.


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Saturday 8th April 2017
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Cheers for the kind words guys.

So last night was the introduction night. No boxing or gym work, just a meet and greet and size up the potential opposition. Even before the building open, the guy next to me waiting to go in, had similar shape and build to myself, I was already picturing him as the boxer on the night, that I would fight. 'Calm down Slick!'

So we head into the boxing gym and as I was expecting, there seemed to be the odd person there just for a laugh, the knuckle draggers as you will. Majority seemed to be there for the right reason, and all friendly enough. The smell of leather and sweat filled the small room, I was walking into a factory of pain and success!!
UWCB then went through what to expect over the next 8 weeks, the format and reasoning behind it all. Organisers went through everything and offered as much information as we questioned.

Turns out each fighter is looked on to sell 20 tickets to friends and family, first 10 being within the first 3 weeks. I've already reserved a VIP table (10 people) for family etc, and have a load more people that want to come and support.
Turns out also the Lonsdale Sports Direct gloves I got last weekend are useless and not to be used at training. So off to Decathlon today to get some 'better' adidas gloves.

Fund raising wise I'm up to £140 and going strong. Rest day today although mowing the lawns which always brings out a sweat. Will also do my weekly weigh in this afternoon and keep you guys posted.

Cheers for the kind words and advice guys.



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137 months

Saturday 8th April 2017
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And here we all are...


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137 months

Saturday 8th April 2017
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We were told last night that Sports Direct gloves are useless, and in the same breath the guy said "buy ours!". Eradicate the competition, first lesson covered then ;-)
Another set have been ordered off Amazon and should be here soon.

Running wise, I feel it's my best option for now, with my situation and lack of available time. I pulled up last week after 50 yards as my knee didn't feel 100%, so I'm making sure I don't push it, or jeperdise the whole experience.


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Saturday 8th April 2017
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Weekend homework...

Poxy iPad


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137 months

Monday 10th April 2017
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Well the weekend has been and gone. Sadly both days were rest days as we had so much on, but was kept busy and moving. Should of counted the amount of steps i done, oh well. Anyway, weighed myself yesterday and managed to shed 2 pounds over the week, so not as much as the week before but still dropping and can feel muscle building slowly around me, and fat slowly disappearing.
Tickets wise, well, have put myself down for a VIP table for friends and family and then there's people that want to come as a standing ticket, so more tickets to sell. Do find it slightly odd though that all money has to come via the fighter by way of cash on each training day to be handed over, or bank transfer. Still, not difficult to sort out. Would of thought buying tickets on the website, you could stipulate who you are going to watch and support, thus creating a list showing how many tickets each fighter has sold.

Talking of training, the weekly sessions that will be run at the boxing gym were released over the weekend, Thursdays 8pm-9pm, not a bad time as it lets the OH sort out her horse and i can see the boy. Other session is Saturdays 12pm-1pm. This one is a bit more of a pain as it breaks up a Saturday, and i really want to get to all sessions as much as i can, and more, sparring sessions being one of them. All for charity and my health, and only an hour and free so can't really moan.
Gloves got returned to Sports Direct and new ones on order from Amazon.

Run this morning was good. Nice to get out after 2 days of rest, and actually get a sweat on and push myself. New PB also today, only stopped twice to catch my breath and then back running (did the first 1.5 miles without a stop). Gym tonight and then repeat for tomorrow. Knee support arrived at the weekend also and this worked wonders this morning.

Cheers guys


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137 months

Thursday 13th April 2017
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5LDC said:
I'm in the same boat as you OP, been to the welcome meeting this week with training starting Thursday, fight 3rd June. Never been in a ring myself either so should be a good challenge.
I'm around 90kg and do go to the gym only a couple of times a week usually, I've only been lifting weights recently too, definitely need to work on the cardio.
Good luck.
Where about's are you doing your training/fight 5LDC?

We've had a few drop out since last Friday's introduction meeting. Seems the demand for VIP tables was very high (24 tables and around 40 fighters wanting a table each) and getting a VIP table as a fighter relieves some pressure for securing the first 10 tickets each fighter needs to sell within the first 2 weeks of training. After that, the following 2 weeks, another 10 tickets need to be sold (Standing as VIP is now sold out) by the fighter to secure their place on the fight card, and the 8 week training course. Puts a little pressure on to sell tickets, and takes it away slightly from the real reason we all want to take part, for charity.
Guess ticket sales covers overheads etc, but one question i will be putting to the organizers tonight is how much of ticket sales will actually go to CRUK.

Training has been good this week. Been eating well and running every morning (except this morning) and gym each night. 'Rest' day today, although first full training session in the boxing gym tonight, and want to have my body in the best state it can be. Last night at the gym was difficult. Body felt tired and drained, but pushed through and got a good sweat on.
Tomorrow i will go for a swim to recover from tonight. Sounds as though tonight and the next week or 2, will all be about finding out where peoples fitness levels are at. Expect a lot of sit ups, push ups, burpees etc tonight, no gloves on just yet.

Weigh in day on Sunday, hoping for another drop in weight. I can tell my body is shrinking, which makes me very happy and a good motivator.


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137 months

Tuesday 18th April 2017
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Well, update time......

So the first Boxing session was Thursday last week. Must of been between 50 and 60 of us crammed into a small boxing gym. Guys leading the session were really good, getting us to stretch out at the start and a warm up. Followed by kettle bell work and medicine ball 'fun'. Then halfway through we were told to put our gloves on and we started with finding our individual stance. I was slightly surprised we had our gloves on this early, but enjoyed it and figured out a good stance for myself and best positioning for my body. Left there feeling drained, and the next day, my thighs were burning from all the squats etc.
Friday i decided to go for a swim as some form of workout and not heavy impacting on the already aching muscles. Not sure this was a good idea or not, as that night (Friday) my thighs were very sore, and even getting up off the sofa was hard work.
Saturday came and another boxing session. This time learning about following through with the punch, and using our hips and leading foot to deliver the best punch. We were partnered up and each 'pad' drill lasted 2 minutes, so i was already gauging how i would be on a 2 minute round. Not good it would seem, i was blowing, although this was 45 minutes into the session and a lot of work done beforehand. I was dripping with sweat at the end, and being placed in the ring for more room to work out, you could see my body imprint on the canvas where i was doing sit ups etc.
Sunday and Monday were rest days although took the family out for some decent walks to keep the thighs active. Put on 2 pound last week also, but i'm thinking (hoping) this is muscle as I've been eating very well and drinking gallons of water.

Back to my morning run this morning and completed 2 miles without stopping which i was very happy about. Had a couple of brief stops to catch my breath but then ran most of the way home so was chuffed when i got in. Skipping and gym work tonight and repeat all for tomorrow, leading up to another boxing session on Thursday.

Almost reached my halfway target for my full target with raising money for Cancer Research UK. Ticket sales for the event have stalled so need to push on with this in the coming days.

Other then that, not much else to report.

Need to learn how to wrap my hands!!


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137 months

Tuesday 18th April 2017
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egor110 said:
ORD said:
egor110 said:
Where abouts is your fight ? maybe there could be a pistonheads table ?

Re your cardio have you thought about spinning instead ? you either spin fast or moderate but up hills per song , each song is going to be around your total boxing round.

How do they score your fights , like do you get points for shots landed or just knock outs?
Spinning would be a lot better than running, in my opinion. A lot less impact and almost no risk of injury.
Spinning and sparring , get used to being out of breath and recovering quick and being hit.

Nobody likes being hit so make it 'normal ' so on your night you don't hold your breath and freeze.

Work out if you can hit hard , if not cover up and just take points rather than windmilling away trying to knock the other guys head off whilst totally knackering yourself out to the point you can't even keep your hands up.

Somebody else said go for body shots , let them come out all guns blazing then once they've blown out start banging in those body shots especially if you know you haven't got that big knock out punch .
Fight is in Southampton at the Novotel Hotel on the 3rd June. Sadly all VIP tables are sold out but there are Standing tickets still available at £20 a piece.

Spinning could be a good shout, i need something as you say that is high intensity over a 2-3 minute range, get me use to the round lengths (2 minute rounds). I have pads now to also train with, and a few mates are happy to come over mine to help out and let me reel off some punches.
I plan also as of 4 weeks to the fight, start having extra 1-to-1 sessions at the boxing gym with sparring, so i can get used to taking a punch as you mentioned.
The ref will score each round. Although looking at a lot of YouTube clips, it would seem there are more fighters just giving up through exhaustion then fighting on. Ref scores each round and after 3 rounds, normally there's a winner. They do have draws also though, but again, up to the ref.

YouTube also gives a good idea of what different fighters approach is to their own fight. Some come out windmilling, the crowd with their supporters cheering them on, they'll throw the kitchen sink if they could. Others seem to hang back and actually want to last the fight, and box. Problem seems the windmilling opponent has other ideas and comes out aimlessly swinging, then leaving the 'boxer' type fighter with no option but to windmill back. Something i'll be aware of and if i can take a decent punch, i'll let my opponent box himself out in the first round, and then i'll come swinging in the 2nd and 3rd, that is if my body lets me!


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Tuesday 18th April 2017
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ben5575 said:
Sounds like you're enjoying it. Well done and keep going.

These are £14 well spent. They really help with the aches and pains, particularly in your legs:


There are so many boxing videos on youtube that you'll end up punch drunk (excuse the pun...). My 'go to guy' is JT Van V. Great technician whose videos operate on a lot of different levels; for the complete beginner they are really simple, for the more experienced there is a lot going on beneath the surface. Some examples:

Common beginner mistakes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foT9yEmY3Ys

Common heavy bag mistakes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9TFDkN7L-4

Common sparring problems: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=age6OfzAPmE

Head movement (this is the truth): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQ6vTjTrelI

Fear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBPbyT-da2Y

Shadow boxing (for your rest days). Forget about how much better his technique is than yours, just recognise and try and replicate his intensity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMBWfrErX9U

As I say it is easy to get overwhelmed and you're certainly not going to learn everything in 8 weeks (or even 8 years!), but sometimes it is easier to get a handle on the basics if you understand the bigger picture.
Cheers Ben, might have to purchase one of those for after training, and the day after.

I will look up these videos tonight, do some research but sounds like it's all good stuff.
