

Original Poster:

56 months

Tuesday 5th June 2018
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I have been looking back this thread but can't see anyone asking anything about CBD oil.

What are people thoughts on this product?

Personally I tried one which is being sold at a very well know supplement store and found it didn't make any difference.

After doing a bit of research it seems the CBD oil from this store is not pure enough or something along these lines but the pure is very expensive.

Is anyone actually taking it and finding any sort of benefit?


Original Poster:

56 months

Tuesday 5th June 2018
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didelydoo said:
My wife started recently, and it's worked wonders for anxiety. It was the Jacob Hooy stuff for H&B, which I presume is what you've referred to above- I guess it won't work for everyone, but in this instance, it's worked fantastically.
That is great for your wife to get good results. I see they have a new 5% strength instead of the original 2.75%.


Original Poster:

56 months

Tuesday 5th June 2018
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Slyjoe said:
H&B sell an ok version, however some health food shops sell a much stronger %age vision which is more effective.
Some E-cig vape shops also sell a tapeable version, I've not tried it, but it is one of their best sellers.
Will have to have another look.

So many appearing that it is hard to know which one is the best to go for.

£14.99 to hundreds of pounds is a huge difference.

I see eBay have many sellers now but it seems risky to chance them when you have no guarantee of quality.


Original Poster:

56 months

Tuesday 5th June 2018
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pidsy said:
Mrs P has been using CBD oil and paste for about a year.

She found that the high street sellers tend to not work as well as some of the internet’s bigger sellers.

She swears by cbdbrothers.com

They do free samples so you can work out what’s best for you. Hers is for sciatica and she combines green paste with white oil.

It’s not cheap but she says you get what you pay for. Their customer service is great as well.
Hi mate.

Thank you for that information. I have tried the H&B and also Charlotte's Web but both didn't help much.

Will have a look at cbd brothers as a free sample would be great to try. When it doesn't help you do start to wonder if it's worth the money.

Thank you for taking the time to post biggrin


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 7th June 2018
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Ryan_T said:
Can recommend Dutch natural healing, from what I gather they’re one of the best.
Thank mate.

Many offer free trails which was mentioned above but each one from different companies are always sold out.

I will look up your suggestion.

The more I read the more it seems to be you need to pay at least £100 to get the pure full spectrum CBD Oil.

Obviously if you use it daily you might need one bottle a Month which is getting expensive.

Again thanks smile


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 8th June 2018
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pidsy said:
The white oil is the 3rd most expensive from cbdbrothers, I think it’s about £45 for 10ml. That’ll last mrs p for a month. The green paste is about £15 for a 5ml syringe. It lasts about a month as well.

She got some red oil - the next most concentrated and she found it too strong. I guess different ailments need different strengths.
Great that 10 ml lasts a Month. That's pretty good going.

I think it's the ailments and how strong you need it is the difficult part. But it would just be a case of trial and error.

It's refreshing to hear someone who is not trying to sell you something giving an honest review.

Clearly it is help Mrs P which is great smile


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 8th June 2018
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jkh112 said:
I use the extra strength CBD capsules from health span. I take one a day which is a dose of 15mg.
Gives me better pain relief than from codeine and the other prescription painkillers I have tried.
That is impressive. Tablets are a nightmare for the body.

Have you had any side effects?

The H&B did nothing for me and the Charlotte's Web also didn't do much but that was the cheapest one at £40

Will check out the capsules.

Again great to hear your getting real help from taking CBD.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 8th June 2018
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jkh112 said:
Not sure what you mean by tablets being a nightmare for the body.
The ones I use are just capsules containing the CBD oil in liquid form.
Sorry I was meaning painkillers are a nightmare not the CBD capsules.

My aunt was on heavy painkillers and then long term antibiotics which in the end made her nearly die with acute liver failure.

Very lucky she was able to be given a transplant.

This is one of the main reasons I am looking at trying something more natural than popping tablets daily.

Sorry to confuse smile


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 9th June 2018
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jkh112 said:
I had liver failure last year from antibiotics on top of prescription painkillers. Not a pleasant time.
You are right about the codeine etc. I am glad I am off them now, couldn’t be without the CBD oil though.
WOW mate. You have been having a rough time.

Have you had to have surgery?

It's amazing how you are being able to control the pain with CBD oil.

Must make such a difference to your life.


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 9th June 2018
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pidsy said:
The oil has a pipette and a drop goes under your tongue. The paste gets rubbed on your gums.
I wondered what the paste was all about.

Good to know smile


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 9th June 2018
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Phooey said:
Mmmm, might give this CBD oil a try - I have 4 bulging discs (lumbar). Pain at the moment is confined to lower back and buttocks - some days it's there and other days it's gone - seems to depend on what activity I do to aggravate it. Do you just rub it all over your back and crack like you would suncream? I can see it costing a fortune!
Perhaps you should give jkh112 a PM.

Sounds like he has got his pain under control.

Would be worth a go smile


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 9th June 2018
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jkh112 said:
Have had a few procedures on my spine over the years. Been on prescription painkillers for even longer.

Late last year I was opened up again for a spinal fusion. This did not go too well and became infected which meant more surgery and an extended spell in hospital followed by liver failure from the antibiotics. Latest bone graft from that fusion has not fused.

I am really pleased with the effect of CBD oil. I still have pain but it is bearable. I will continue trying different CBD oil types to see if I can get an even better effect.
Considering what you have been through it is amazing that the CBD oil is helping.

Sorry to hear you seem to still be having issues with your health.

Many state other benefits from CBD so I hope it helps you further. smile


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 11th June 2018
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And there is the thing. You shouldn’t have to be experimenting to that extent.

It is clear that cbd is beneficial in pain control and, were it regarded by the authorities as a medicine, you would get an informed dose / form for your ailments.

At the very least it would save you the time it takes to do your own experiments and also ensure you got repeatably consistent purity / concentrations


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 11th June 2018
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jkh112 said:
Jim, thanks. It sounds bad when it is written down, but no point in dwelling on it.
The worst aspect is that I can not comfortably drive a manual car any distance so had to buy a tiptronic 911, not too bad!
So is it the CBD oil or the Porsche that is making you feel better wink

Joking apart mate hope you continue to get relief.


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 11th June 2018
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clonmult said:
My other halfs daughter has been taking CBD for a few weeks, and apparently it is helping the symptoms of her MS.

But as some of you here are talking of pain relief, I wonder if it would help my other half too - she's got various leg/ankle/foot pain problems (plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis). While she's waiting for the docs and hospital to actually do something for the longer term, I wonder if CBD oil would help?
A neighbour's wife has fibromyalgia and swears by the CBD oils so perhaps I need to ask her.

Finding one that is full spectrum and legitimate is not exactly very easy.

I have tried it twice. Once was Charlotte's Web and the other which were both off eBay. Neither did much apart from the unbranded which left me with a bad headache and that's about it.

So if anything please do not buy it off eBay of a Facebook advert.


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 11th June 2018
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pidsy said:
That’s why it’s best to get samples of everything. Differing % of cbd work in different ways on different people. Paste, oil, micro doses, balms - all work in a slightly different way depending on what’s causing the pain, how bad it is and physical attributes.
It’s took mrs p about 4 months to fund a level. Some stuff wasn’t having any effect, some stuff spaced her out.
I was trying to get samples from a number of different stockists but all are out of stock.

Hopefully some will release more as after the past experiences I would want to make sure it worked this time smile


Original Poster:

56 months

Tuesday 12th June 2018
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pidsy said:
If trying cbdbrothers ignore the online request form - they’re always silly busy.
Call them and talk to someone. They can arrange samples over the phone just as easily.
Thank you.

Will give them a call and see what they can do.

Appreciate it mate smile


Original Poster:

56 months

Wednesday 13th June 2018
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Phooey said:
Ok, I'll be the guinea pig smile

Just ordered this on the recommendation from Dutch Natural Healing http://www.thedrinkablealternative.com

"Why is CBDactive+ better?
Traditional CBD products are fat or oil-based and cannabinoids bind to fats. The human body is geared towards breaking down fats. The consequence of this is that no more than 6 to 12% of the products ingested are absorbed by the body. CBDactive+ has been designed to ensure that the active ingredients are fully soluble in water. The very successful result is that no less than 100% of all ingredients are absorbed by the body!
In addition, CBDactive+ contains a terpenes profile that is equal to the primal hemp. Through the addition of curcumin CBDactive+ contains even more positive characteristics."

"10 ml CBDactive+ in handy dosage pump. This product has a similar effect to a 40% CBD oil.
CBDactive+ consists of the well-known Dutch Natural Healing extract mixed with a revolutionary combination of ingredients. This unique combination ensures that the active ingredients work even better for you.
CBDactive+ contains organic ingredients derived exclusively from plants. Curcumin, Myrcene, Caryophyllene, Pinene, Limonene, Linalool, CBD, CBC, CBN and CBG. The carefully chosen ingredients and their relationship to each other ensures that they enhance each other. Primal hemp is our source of inspiration in this regard.

Always a clean bottle | Handy dosage pump (0,2 ml each time) | Pleasant taste | Strong & effective | Even more healthy | Up to 3 x less expensive"

Hope it doesn't turn me into a hippy and make me want to go to festivlas, man hippy

Let us know how you get on.

Be very interesting to hear. smile


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 16th August 2018
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Polite M135 driver said:
Does anyone have experience of this for treatment mild/generalised anxiety ?
Hi mate,

I have tried vaping with CBD and at first it didn't do much but it seems to be taking the edge off now.

You would need to think about if you want to Vape or not. Conflicting evidence whether it is good for you or not. I doubt it is good but better than smoking. Whether I continue with this method is another matter.

Just to let you know if you go for the CBD oil you get three different types. Indica, Sativa and Hybrid.


Sativa – The effects of Sativa tend to be mentally stimulating but physically relaxing. People tend to feel energetic, uplifted, and ready for physical activity or creative pursuits.

Indica – The full-body effects of Indica strains tend to be more relaxing, and are associated with calming, sedative feelings which may assist people who have trouble sleeping.

Hybrid – Hybrid strains are the result of crossbreeding cannabis sativa and cannabis indica. Each Hybrid strain has its own unique balance between Indica and Sativa, and the effects will vary accordingly based on a given strain’s ratio of the two.

I was told Indica would be the best but it is not cheap.

Hope this all helps but I am not an expert and other might have more of an idea.


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 7th March 2019
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Can you get this on prescription?