Thinning Hair



78 posts

193 months

Monday 30th July 2012
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Before I came to terms with my impending baldness I tried finasteride for a while. I'd heard of the risks but weighed up the pros and cons and decided to go for it. What had I got to lose - apart from more hair?

All was ok until about 2 months in when my junk took on a decidedly watery consistancy. However this is an apparently normal side effect so ignored it. Then a while later the missus and I were getting down to it and to my horror no erection. Nothing. Nada. As limp as a damp, week-old iceburg lettuce. Now I'm not one for over reacting and of course there's a plethora of physical/psyclogical reasons why us men can suffer from "Mr Floppy Syndrome." However I wasn't drunk, tired, ill, overweight and I certanly wanted to get down to it, I just couldn't. Something was up (or not.) The strangest thing was my old chap just didn't feel conected to me. It sounds bizarre but that's the best way to describe it.

I stopped taking the tablets immediately but the impotence went on. To say this was worrying is an understatement. I thought I'd sacrificed my ability as a swordsman for the chance to have a thick shiny barnet once more. What a berk - "gutted" wasn't the word. I wanted to shoot myself as I was no longer able to shoot myself if you like.

Anyway 2 weeks later and my erection ability returned and has been back ever since. So lucky me. Now you'll be pleased to hear i can get it up like a person half my age once more (albeit a balding one). The moral of the story? Its only hair, its really not worth jepordizing your health and dignity just so ladies can run their fingers through your locks. For the record I now buzz my hair grade 1 all over and honestly do not give my balding pate a second thought. Just shave it off and accept it - then you'll find eveyone else will.