Heart Rate.. when do you go bang!

Heart Rate.. when do you go bang!



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779 posts

286 months

Friday 23rd March 2012
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I know nothing about heart rates.. except a mate of mine looked at my garmin tape and said.. wow, hope you have good insurance!.. it has got me thinking.

How does it work.

I'm 45/46 unfit, I used to smoke 30+ fags a day and drink about 90 units a week, I decided that was that.

I take medication for high BP but its under control. It was off the chart, ( 200/110 ) but now is 130/75 my resting pulse is sub 60,

I gave up fags 6 months ago but immediately put on 18kgs. (90-108) I am 189cm tall.

6 weeks ago I decided I wanted to get fit and lose the weight,

I have given up drinking. I have also stopped eating rubbish and try to stay at or under 2000 cal a day. I have lost 6kgs and are now 102,

I have blown the cobwebs off my bike and got on it. I have started cycling a 30k loop 3 times a week, on the other days a quick 15k loop.

My heart rate showed an average of 153bpm and maxed on the big hills at 184bpm..

Is that bad?.. am i going to blow up?..

I did have an ECG about a year ago and they said it was fine, One time in hospital they gave me the wrong dose of a painkiller straight into my heart and it went in to tachy and it didn't blow up..

what should I expect regarding heart rates.. as you get fitter does it mean it gets lower or that it puts up with more punishment? I feel really good, and I want to achieve my target.. back to 90kgs and fit by the summer.

any sensible advice?


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779 posts

286 months

Friday 23rd March 2012
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johnfm said:
90 units a week? That's about 30 pints isn't it??

bottle of wine and a few beers night after night..

I feel encouraged by what everyone has to say. and thanks, I will keep at it and hopefully the ceiling will go up a little and the actual will drop as i regain fitness. Have to say its hard work.. but I'm seeing results, When I drop back below 100kg's I will get a real buzz, reckon I could do it within a couple of weeks..

cheers again


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779 posts

286 months

Saturday 24th March 2012
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JumboBeef said:
After reading the title of this thread, I was expecting to read about heart rates during/after sex wink
LOL.. I'm not sure wearing a HRM during sex is a great thing.. it would be interesting though I have to say..

My diet is not structured as of yet.. I just have cut out what I consider to be rubbish, i.e. snacks, crisps, sweets etc, I have introduced a lot more green stuff, like if I want to snack I eat celery and dip it into humous or something, I eat a lot more fish, tuna salads instead of burgers.. although I still treat myself from time to time,

Unfortunately food is one of my passions, most of my posts are currently in the food threads!.. However I weigh myself everyday at the same time, first thing in the morning, I generally as a trend are losing 1kg every week, the first week was like 3, but now its a matter of grams per day and sometimes none,

Now I think the real hard work begins, I want to lose another 12-14 kgs by july. that would be a year since I gave up Fags and want to be 88-90kgs again. the real challenge will be getting below 95, Maybe I will need to consider structuring a diet to achieve this..

My BP issues are separate, I have a hormonal imbalance, too much dopamine and noradrenaline, that is unlikely to ever change so I will always be medicated. I just have to deal with that.


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779 posts

286 months

Sunday 25th March 2012
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That would explain why at 184 bpm, I have absolutely nothing left to give! It's normaly as I peak a short sharp hill, no oxygen, no nothing, I recover within a short distance.. Hopefully that will all change soon.


Original Poster:

779 posts

286 months

Monday 26th March 2012
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interesting stuff..

as I posted my stats in the op.. I'm 45, 189cm and 102kg's. so in theory my max heart rate is 175, well that just cannot be the case.

well I went out yesterday with my 16 year old son.. on a sharp hill I hit 191bpm.. i was a bit giddy and out of breath momentarily but regained reasonably quickly.. so maybe its working


I don't think I'm burning any fat running my heart at an average of 80%+ I think I need to slow down and stay at 55-60% to achieve that.. But I think I am getting fitter..


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779 posts

286 months

Monday 26th March 2012
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marcosgt said:
Going back to the OP's question - What's the issue if you do, say 10% MORE than your calculated Heart Rate?
Yes this was the question.. I think the answer is..

The broad calculations are so vague that they are inaccurate in most cases. Max HR are by nature a guide only, By exercising you will find your own Max HR, mine is around 191 ish, I know this because if I continued pushing at that level I would most likely faint.

With more exercise this may well increase, but the resting and actual HR that you can achieve will lower.

My concern was.. will I die trying to achieve this, I'm lead to believe this is unlikely and that I should keep trying to get fit. as my Son keeps reminding me..

Pain is just weakness leaving the body!


Original Poster:

779 posts

286 months

Tuesday 27th March 2012
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this morning cycled a short 40k, average speed of 22.7kmh, HR was average of 150ish but hit 195 on that damn hill again.. confused this is insane, thats the HR of a 25 year old, I'm 45..


Original Poster:

779 posts

286 months

Tuesday 27th March 2012
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true.. well I'm still here.. when I stop posting you know it went pear shaped wink