Getting a nice physique

Getting a nice physique



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142 months

Saturday 22nd December 2012
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With 2013 almost upon us it's the whole New Years Resolution time. I'm normally quite good in sticking to things so thought I'd ask here for advice. I could go onto dedicated websites I guess, but PistonHeads is a wealth of knowledge.

Just a little background. Shortarse at 5 foot 7 and a touch over 11 stone (73kg) Not too bad shape but podgy around the middle with those bd love handles. Age wise I'm mid 30's. Diet is whatever I can buy from the supermarket, not quite frozen dinners, but typically microwave veggies and some fish or chicken kiev type things. Tonight's dinner is a typical Tesco salmon fishcake with a microwave pack of rise-fusions. Lunch in the day is often home made sandwich x 2.

Drink a fair amount of tea/coffee but do my best to get my 2L of water a day too. I have a desk job.

I can run at about a 9 min mile constantly for 3/4/5 miles, but not much more. In a gym I don't know how to measure it but I can bench press 80kg over 5 reps a few sets. I do a bit of cardio one night a week. I also hate the local council gym, plain and simply because I'm very self conscious, same with running, I'm awful, so really prefer running alone. The council gym is virtually brand new.

Anyhow, time for the reason for the post. Apart from the obvious reason of getting fit, I'd like to look good as and when I go on holidays, also for the self esteem as it would be nice. I'm no Brad Pitt in the looks department but I can at least have a decent body. The type of body I'm after would be the typical Daniel Craig 007 type, you know what I mean. I've always been quite slim until the past 5 odd years where I've got a bit of that middle age spread and I'd like to get rid of it! If I had to choose I'd like more of the gymnast type build than Hulk Hogan!

I realise diet plays a huge part too, so tips on that and training would be welcome please. Oh, and feel free to take the piss of looking at blokes with their shirts off smile I'm saving myself for Michelle Pfeiffer though cloud9


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84 posts

142 months

Saturday 22nd December 2012
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Thanks for the advice. I know I should just "man up" and go to the gym, it's just me being odd.

Any recommendations for a good % split of weights and cardio?


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84 posts

142 months

Thursday 27th December 2012
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Hello All,

Sorry I have been away a few days. I've read through all the replies and suggestions and am extremely grateful. The running first thing is something I have heard a lot of, so from tomorrow morning I shall start getting out in the morning for half an hour before breakfast. Is it worth doing weights on the same days as well or should I alternate them with running etc?

As for diet, the chocolate pies made me laugh. I'll start with a somewhat boring diet of just chicken and veggies for mealtimes along with salads, nuts etc. I like fish too, so shall be sure to have some of that. Diet is probably my weakest point, not for eating it, but for preparing it and knowing what to prepare.

So, half hour run in the morning I think and shall be taking some measurements and weights so I can keep track. I'm pretty excited. The chap who dropped down to 59kg and then put on the lean muscle is pretty damn cool. What was your diet like?

Thanks again and keep the suggestions coming!



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84 posts

142 months

Thursday 27th December 2012
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amare32 said:

I did pretty much everything described above to cut from 16% to 6% BF. Started in Aug '11 at age 33. At 5ft 8in and 75kg, I was in decent shape but wanted to get really ripped. I decided to rip the fat off first which took 10 months to get down to 6% BF and 59kg. The only difference is after a gym session or tennis match in the evening, I would still take in carbs - it works for me so you have to try and see what works best for you.

Then from May onwards, I scaled back on the cardio and focussed more on heavy compound lifts and stacked on 6kg of lean mass in the last 6 months which is a decent enough considering I don't take any supplements and just relied on eating clean and cutting right back on the booze and eliminate junk food bar the occasional weekend treats.

I haven't tried P90X, Insanity or any other programs but you really can't go wrong with sticking to the basic principles of eating right, lift heavy in the gym (with good form), good amount of cardio and rest.
Could I be really cheeky and ask if you have a list of foods that you ate. Did you really do the 5 times eating a day thing? I am trying to see how I could fit this in with my day is all as I travel a lot.


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84 posts

142 months

Friday 28th December 2012
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Well that's the first run out of the way. Waking up at 6 on a dark and rainy December morning isn't fun but once I was into it then it wasn't too bad. 3 miles in about 33 mins which I didn't think was too bad considering.

Amare, that diet plan is just what I am after and Ram if you have any input too it'd be great. I know it's kind of lazy to copy someone elses work but at least it's tried and tested and I can modify yours to suit then it saves a lot of initial experimenting, I really appreciate it, thank you.

Now, just to wait for the shops to open at 8:30, I'm starving! Coffee to the rescue, I need a drink.


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142 months

Sunday 30th December 2012
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Well that's the 2nd run done this morning. I didn't go yesterday as the weather was well and truly dreadful. I do have a few weights at home now so used them for about an hour last night doing chest and bicep. How I ache today though!

Following that diet plan pretty roughly too (No junk food and eating at the two hour intervals) just slightly less as I'm not that active (yet?) I also took some measurements yesterday and made a note of them so lets see how it improves. The main area I want to concentrate on is flab/love handles around the middle but I realise you can't target fat loss in a particular area.

I'm using to keep me interested too, I used it a few years ago and it has a phone app too which makes it pretty good.


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84 posts

142 months

Sunday 30th December 2012
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50 miles?! Buy a car! smile

Good on you though.


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84 posts

142 months

Thursday 10th January 2013
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Well, almost 2 weeks in now. I'm still eating healthy following the great suggestions here. In fact my average calorie count (MyFitnessPal) is about 1300 a day. Perhaps a bit low? But energywise I feel fine.

I'm still exactly the same weight though which is a little disappointing (71kg) and if anything my spare tyre is getting bigger, although that's probably (hopefully) a figment of my imagination.

Running on average twice a week for half an hour and an hour of cardio with some friends at the local sports centre.

Am I doing something wrong or is it just a case of waiting?

I have noticed I drink about 5-6 cups of tea or coffee a day (half teaspoon sugar per cup with skimmed milk) even though I still do my best to get 2L water, is this an issue?


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84 posts

142 months

Thursday 10th January 2013
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I've cut down to half a teaspoon of sugar, I'm sure I can get down to zero smile

Ok, today (and virtually every day)

Breakfast - 4 x eggs plain omlette. (400 calories?)
Snack - Apple (80 calories?)
Lunch - 1.5 chicken breasts grilled (Pack is 400grams/3 pieces and says about 120 calories per 100g) so 180 calories?
Lunch - Pack of microwave steamed veggies - Think it says about 80 calories
Snack - Banana (80ish?)
Dinner - Same as lunch or 300g of salmon, grilled + veggies.
Snack - Banana and a weightwatches (I like the taste) yogurt at 61 calories

Plus all the tea and coffee, oh and perhaps a small handful of almonds (20 actual nuts max)

400(breakfast)+ 80(Apple) + 180(Chicken) + 80(veggies) + 80(Banana) + 180(Chicken/salmon) + 80(Veggies) + 80(Banana) + 60(Yogurt) = 1220 Plus the handful of nuts + tea + coffee

Lets hope I'm just making a schoolboy error somewehere.


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84 posts

142 months

Thursday 10th January 2013
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Hoofy said:
The great thing about packets of junk food is that calories are all clearly marked. biggrin
I'll have you know the chicken is morrisons "posh" stuff you know smile and then I grill it with a dash of posh olive oil too smile Come on, that's not too junk foody. The veggies are easy and certainly not bad, but I agree they could be better.


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84 posts

142 months

Friday 11th January 2013
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Thanks for all the replies. I'll work on the calories a little more and see how I get on at the end of the month again.


Original Poster:

84 posts

142 months

Friday 11th January 2013
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Fair enough. Points and advice taken. So with the additional calories it sounds like I', up to around 1600 a day, is that too much then? (Given say 300/400 calories worth of exercise every other day)


Original Poster:

84 posts

142 months

Friday 11th January 2013
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Thanks for that. It's only been two weeks, so will give it another 3, till the end of Jan and lets see what happens. Need to cut down on tea/coffee anyhow so will work on that too.