Any dentists? Please help me!

Any dentists? Please help me!



Original Poster:

157 posts

117 months

Sunday 9th November 2014
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I'm hoping someone can help - I'm literally at my wits end with toothache of one kind or another.

Long story short, I have intermittent pain in multiple teeth, but mainly 1 bottom one (1 left of Middle) and 2 upper front teeth. I have seen 3 dentists (all private) and been referred to the hospital twice but they cannot find anything wrong.

I've had x-Rays, tried night guards, vitality tests - you name it is probably been done. The dentist has suggested pain management/psychology but I really can't see how that would help?

The pain isn't triggered by anything, and it's not sharp - more of a dull ache but it's highly irritating. This has been going on for 2 years at least.

I'm at the stage now where I'd consider having them all taken out as I don't feel like I can live like this for much longer. It's difficult to explain to others who have no tooth pain but there is literally not a day that passes where I'm not in pain. It affects all aspects of my life, has ruined holidays and other occasions and I'm really quite depressed over it all (sounds dramatic I know). I have 2 young children and I just want to get back to being my usual self.

If anyone reading this has even a slight suggestion or what might help or what might be the cause I'd really really appreciate it.


Original Poster:

157 posts

117 months

Sunday 9th November 2014
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I really appreciate your replies.

Having a filling, followed by root canal followed by extraction is exactly the route I've been down - only for the pain to move to the next tooth along. This has happened on both sides of my mouth.

I have been to my GP about it but he was of no use at all. I'm not sure if it's related but I have a B12 deficiency and very low folic acid - starting my next course of injections tomorrow.

It has cost me a fortune so far (upwards of £2.5k) and I'm no further forward.


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157 posts

117 months

Tuesday 11th November 2014
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cringle said:
I have had patients where the pain moved from tooth to tooth, various diagnoses made ranging from cracked teeth to dead nerves and everything in between. A few patients were prescribed amitryptiline and described the pain being put out "like a light". Don't get your hopes up, but it's certainly something to pursue.
I already take amitriptyline 20mg at night to help me sleep - without them I wake up every hour. Appreciate the response though.


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157 posts

117 months

Wednesday 19th August 2015
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Major bump - I'm still suffering quite badly with this.
I think if I didn't have children I'd probably do something quite drastic when its at its worst - I really cant bear it anymore.

I take a combination of amitriptyline, nortriptyline, gabapentin and the usual pain killers (mainly cocodamol). This cant be good for me - Ive been taking them like this for years.

I continue to try different dentists, some of the best in Glos & Chelt and they all say the same - everything looks ok.
I have been referred to the Bristol Dental Hospital who again said the same thing - they suggested a hard splint. After 4 visits with moulds/x rays etc I now have the splint and have been using it for several weeks - its made no difference.

I have been to see my doctor about it several times too - they have suggested experimenting with different tablets to hopefully find something that helps. They have suggested referring me to a pain clinic but this hasn't happened as yet.

The pain is unpredictable, and feels like a nerve pain in each tooth. The teeth themselves look fine, and dentists have said if the nerve was dying, they would expect to see and abscess/infection after this long a period (some of the teeth have been hurting for 3 years).

I know I'm clutching at straws but am posting out of desperation. If anyone has any ideas or know someone/somewhere that might help I'd be eternally grateful. I have to assume that this pain will go away at some point in my life - I cant imagine living with it forever. For my kids sake I just want to go back to normal life.

Thanks for reading.


Original Poster:

157 posts

117 months

Wednesday 4th May 2016
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Major bump - still suffering really badly with this.
The dentists are almost irritated with me - "why are you here" etc.

I'm considering implants to replace the ones that cause me the most pain. Might not work, but I'm at the stage where I'll try anything.

Last night was particularly bad, if I didn't have a wife and children I probably would've taken an overdose of painkillers or something.

Can anyone recommend someone in the Glos/Chelt/Bristol or surrounding areas that might be able to help?

If nothing else, I'll leave this here so that when I do commit suicide, friends/family will have concrete reasoning as to why (I don't think they appreciate the extent of the pain).


Original Poster:

157 posts

117 months

Wednesday 4th May 2016
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Driller said:
Matt as you're in the area have you tried Bristol Dental Hospital? They have a renowned oral medicine department.
I have, I was referred there by my original dentist and visited multiple times between April and Oct last year. I had splints made and other tests but they said they couldn't find anything. Doctors/hospitals/pain clinics are at a loss too :-(

I still believe it's a multiple tooth problem, maybe they are slowly dying or something I don't know. All I know is it's been going on for 4 years and I'm totally drained from it. I have 2 lovely boys but it affects me daily and I'm not myself - I feel like they deserve better and I don't want to be here anymore living like this.


Original Poster:

157 posts

117 months

Monday 9th May 2016
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rickh said:
Good morning Matt, I have just read your thread and would say as with a few of the others that you have trigeminal neuralgia, I know exactly how this must make you feel and how it can ruin your life because my mum has it.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch via DM as I have a suggestion and a treatment that mum has done and would love to help you get your life back. Finding this professor and his treatment has changed her life and now although she still takes some of the medicines you named they are tiny dosages but still daily, He is based in Reading and an absolute legend!!
Rickh, thanks very much for taking the time to reply. I'll try anything, thanks for your offer I'll DM you now.


Original Poster:

157 posts

117 months

Monday 9th May 2016
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cringle said:
Hi OP, sorry to hear you're still suffering with this issue. Out of interest, have you had any CT scans of the jaws/teeth at any stage?
Late last year I had a full head MRI scan, no CT though. Didn't show anything untoward.


Original Poster:

157 posts

117 months

Monday 26th September 2016
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MSBravo said:
Hi Matt.

I have read PH for many years, and remember reading this thread a few months ago.

I'm a 4th year medical student and was just doing some lectures on trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias (such as cluster headaches) and remember reading this thread, and the almost unebarable agony you mentioned.

Anyway, there was a line from my lecturer which struck a chord, and I feel duty bound to sign up and & paste it in here:

"People will scream in pain with TACs, bang their heads against walls, tear their hair out etc. The demonstrations of pain can be so melodramatic when they are there and can go away so quickly that nurses often think that the patient is putting it on. The pain is real so you need to treat it seriously. The pain can be in the cheek or jaw and patients are often treated for sinusitis, trigeminal neuralgia and toothache before coming to neurology."

I have no idea if you have been seen by a neurologist, but like I said, thought I would post this here in the hope that you can find some relief for what sounds like a truly horrific experience. (See a headache and facial pain specialist.)

All the best.
Peter, thanks so much for remembering my post - not only that but signing up just to comment on it. There are still nice people out there smile. Sounds mad, but I've had more help from people Ive never met than my own GP/multiple dentists and hospital referrals.

I am still suffering with this, although do appear to have periods of less pain occasionally. Still can't identify a trigger and this can make work etc difficult at times. I'm grateful to have a supportive wife and 2 young children, on days when I really struggle to cope I just think of them and the fact they need me around.

I will investigate a headache and facial pain specialist. Is there any reason why this wouldn't have been suggested by my GP? Aside from the scans, the only other hospital referral has been to a consultant specialising in pain and anaesthesia. These appointments have very much concentrated on living with the pain, attending pain management classes etc.

Thanks again, Matt.