Vegan/Plant-based Thread

Vegan/Plant-based Thread



Original Poster:

175 posts

130 months

Monday 22nd February 2016
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Not sure if this has been attempted before but I just wondered how many PHers follow a plant-based diet and whether we could get a thread going to share thoughts, recipes, ideas, tips etc..

Veganism is absolutely exploding at the moment (see google trends) so I'm thinking there might be a few of you out there.

I personally eat animal products at present but have been gradually working more and more plant-based meals into my diet with a view to cutting meat and dairy out completely over the next few years. If I was single and had no family meal times to think about I'd go Vegan tomorrow.

I'm not trying to ignite a debate here, just create a place for discussion, so if any negativity or comments about full amino acid profiles could be placed into another thread, that would be great smile

So, anyone out there? Or am I still on my own...?


Original Poster:

175 posts

130 months

Tuesday 23rd February 2016
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DuncanM said:

I went vegetarian last April, but my diet is mainly vegan.

I very occasionally eat cheese, never drink milk (never have really), and only an egg once in a blue moon.

Physically and mentally, I have never felt better in my life since moving to a HCLF diet.

It's been pretty eye opening, I genuinely don't miss eating meat at all, not even a bit. Eating out is simplified by the reduced offerings, I would find strict veganism difficult in some situations I think.

It's a very interesting and positive movement imo, however some of the Vegans really are too militant, and don't do the movement any favours.

My Mrs had been surprisingly supportive despite being upset at firt, and meals are easy enough to separate out (rest of house still eat meat).
High carb works really well for me too - I do a lot of running and cycling at high intensity so glycogen constantly needs to be replenished!

Eating out is definitely the part where I struggle though I think it depends where you are. Chinese/Thai/Indian always have plenty meat/dairy free choices but otherwise I tend to opt for seafood.

Yep, it's an unbelievably positive movement and feels great to be a part of it but yeah I totally agree that the overly militant nature of a select few tend to be what a lot of people focus on which is a shame.

I wouldn't say my Mrs is supportive, but she is accepting and is fairly open minded about trying plant-based dishes from time to time. I think if I turned around to her tomorrow and said I'm not eating meat again I'd have a problem, so the plan is phase it in gradually!


Original Poster:

175 posts

130 months

Wednesday 24th February 2016
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DuncanM said:
I love Durianrider, best of the lot despite his obnoxious Australian arrogance biggrin

Have to pick and choose though, his vids range from great, to average trolling.

Btw, I live with meat eaters and am very much not a preachy veg/vegan. Everyone has to find their own way, and make their own informed decisions smile
Yep I think he's great entertainment. He uploads some complete crap and there's a load of the same old stuff repeated but at the same time he also has some really good content. Being a fairly serious cyclist I can probably relate to his vids more than most.

Until you understand his sense of humor it's really difficult to tell when he's trolling and when he's being serious, hence why he gets such a reaction from people. I can see why he's as unpopular as he is popular, but if you see past his brash nature and unpopular opinions, his morals are in a better place than many of the other "fitness" channels.

I don't ever really talk about my diet, only bring it up if people ask. Until today, none of my colleagues had ever noticed I'd stopped eating meat in my lunch. Then this afternoon I had the following discussion:

Colleague: Something smells nice, what you got? (In my wrap)
Me: Humus
Colleague: What with?
Me: Spinach, Avocado, Sweetcorn
Colleague: And chicken?
Me: Nah
Colleague? No meat?
Me: Nope.

Then the conversation drifted, he didn't ask any more Q's thankfully as really couldn't be bothered to get into it! Eating the same thing every day for 6 months and that's the first time anyone's clocked