Having a total knee replacement in three weeks

Having a total knee replacement in three weeks


Wacky Racer

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Sunday 5th May
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I've read the various threads on PH with interest over the years, so I think I know what to expect biggrin

I had a minor arthroscopy (Keyhole operation) sixteen years ago which helped, but it has got worse the last four years.

I'm 70, fit and active, but things have got that bad I can't put it off any longer, I used to think nothing of walking thirty miles, but now struggle to walk two without being in quite bad pain .

Actually looking forward to it funnily enough.

I'll let you know how I go on.

Wacky Racer

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Sunday 5th May
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My father in law had two new knees fifteen years ago, I've seen the scars (vertical just above the knee) so I know what to expect,.........joy, smile

Wacky Racer

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249 months

Monday 6th May
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dobly said:
My other half (under 60) had her left knee replaced back in August. She enjoyed the experience so much that she is getting the right one done this coming August!
She built up her strength and fitness in the 6 months before the first one was done - this really helped her have a speedy recovery. She was almost a religious fanatic about doing the physio - it really is essential. We borrowed an exercise bike from a friend that hadn’t used it for years - it’s in one of our spare rooms and got a lot of use, and still does get some.
As others have said, movement is the key - not a lot at first but some, building up gradually. She was on her feet the day after the op using a frame for a day, then 2 crutches, then one She loves swimming and swam as much as possible from about 6 weeks after the op.
The scar has faded to be just a faint red line, not bad when you see the size of the thing they shoved in there!
Best of luck with the surgery and recovery OP.
Cheers. Appreciated. thumbup

Wacky Racer

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249 months

Sunday 26th May
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Well I had the full right knee replacement yesterday at 1 pm, according to the consultant surgeon, everything went well with minimal blood loss.

I had an epidural and sedation to put me to sleep (Not a GA )after coming round, for the first hour was a weird sensation in my legs, there was absolutely no pain and i could not even feel my legs or waggle my toes.

In the hospital i did three sessions with their electronic compressing ice machine, (Apparently you can hire these at home for about £300 for four weeks, but I will see how I go on.)

I left the hospital at 9 pm armed with about five different types of tablets/blood thinners and a strap that you put in the freezer and apply for twenty minutes every four hours to reduce the swelling.

At home, I had a fairly poor nights sleep, and as I type am in a lot of pain, but this is to be expected for a week or so.

I'll be doing loads of physio as this is the key to getting back to normal apparently.

I'll update the thread a couple of times a week for those that are interested smile

Hopefully after six/eight weeks I should be driving again and it should all be a distant memory,

Wacky Racer

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249 months

Sunday 26th May
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sherman said:
Dont try to be a big man and skimp on the pain meds.
Take them as prescribed. It will aid recovery.
Get walking to even if that means a cane or walking poles for a few weeks.
I've been walking around the house a bit this morning with a Zimmer frame/crutches, very painful but I appreciate I have to push myself through the pain barrier.

I won't over do it though. Little and often.

Wacky Racer

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Sunday 26th May
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Geffg said:
My mrs had a partial replacement last year and is going for a full one on the other leg in July.
At first she said she regretted it because of the initial pain, but after a day or so said she was happy she’d had it done as the initial pain eased.
Good to know.

Hope she is OK in July.

50 years ago, you would just have to live with it.

Wacky Racer

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Sunday 26th May
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Op day plus two.

Note the support stockings and my swollen right knee,

Edited by Wacky Racer on Sunday 26th May 19:37

Wacky Racer

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249 months

Monday 27th May
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FBP1 said:
I had my left knee replaced with a full TKA in March 22. I’m 62 and had had 20 ops on that knee since I was 19 (wrecked it playing rugby). 2 reconstructions and lots of hoovering/ black and deckering via arthroscopies.
The day after the op I could feel the arthritic pain that I had for decades was instantly gone. The surgery pain was significant, obviously, but I could feel the difference.
I found a “Koolpack” that you fill with a mix of ice cubes and water very helpful as you can mould it around the knee post each physio/exercise. I kept it in an insulated box by the bed and it lasted a long time that way.
I’m now 2 years on and walk about 10-15k steps a day with no pain. Things like back pain also disappeared as I can now stand straight again. My leg was 22 degrees off straight (0 = straight) and 90degree max bend pre op. It’s now 0degree ie completely straight and 114 degree bend- you basically need at least 105 degrees to walk / do stairs normally.
Best thing I’ve done for years. The next few weeks will be tough for you, but it will be worth it. Good luck.

Here’s a couple of photos to show my progression - which isn’t unusual.

Morning after op.

Kool pack

1 month post op

Thanks for that, very encouraging, Day three now and the severe pain definitely seems to be receding.

Also, many thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread, sharing their experiences.

Wacky Racer

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249 months

Tuesday 28th May
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FBP1 said:
No problem. You’ll get there and this will all be in the rear view mirror shortly.
As further encouragement- 2 months after the last photo above, I drove 200 miles to my nephew’s wedding in Wales and had a good time, including a 17k step (v slow) walk around some welsh hills. No dancing mind!
Oh, yeah- i took the family skiing this year. No pain & better than I’ve skied for years.
Very pleased for you. Sounds like you have been through the mill over many years.

One of my hobbies is fellwalking in The Lake District, so I'm hoping to get back into it, but if I can't it's not the end of the world.

Wacky Racer

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Wednesday 29th May
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FBP1 said:
Lovely photos.

Good to know.

Wacky Racer

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249 months

Saturday 1st June
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Update 8 days post op.

Well, it certainly hasn't been easy, been using a Zimmer frame and crutches to hobble around the house, even walking up a couple of steps was agony, so I have been sleeping downstairs,

Having plenty of pain relief, co codamol, Ibuprofen, Nefopam and Liquid morphine.

My leg has swollen up quite a lot, compared to the left one, with some bruising.

Been using ice compression pack four times a day and keeping it elevated.

However, after being quite depressed for a few days, I am now feeling more positive, I can walk SLOWLY around the house for a few minutes unaided which feels wonderful.

Back to the Hospital on Monday for some physio and again on Friday to have the clips/stitches out.

Onwards and upwards.

Edited by Wacky Racer on Saturday 1st June 10:23

Wacky Racer

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249 months

Friday 7th June
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Exactly two weeks post op now, having my clips out at 1pm, I'll post up a photograph later hopefully.

It's been very tough, but not as bad as I thought it was going to be, increased the ice regime to every 2/3 hours, been a massive help.

I am walking as much as possible, and have borrowed my father in law's small mobility scooter to go around local parks etc, just to get a bit of fresh air and get me out of the house a bit.

Annoyingly, I got rid of a really good exercise bike last year as it took up quite a bit of room, and wasn't being used much, but have an expensive Reebok treadmill, so I think I'll use that on a very low speed, depending on what they advise at physio.

Thanks again for the input to the thread,

Wacky Racer

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249 months

Friday 7th June
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Bruises on the back of my leg.

Just before the 34 "clips" were removed.

My leg feels less "tight"" now the clips have been removed, thankfully there was no pain at all during the process.

Hopefully four/six weeks before back to normal.

Wacky Racer

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Ok, Four days after the clips have been removed, (The patch is where the sticking plaster was)

Doing Physio every day still pretty stiff, but I can bend it back to 110 degrees.

Having to have painkillers about six times a day, but making progress every day.

Not in a rush, giving myself another four/six weeks to hopefully be back to normal.

Wacky Racer

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249 months

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The_Doc said:
Do you know what the lines are for?
The answer is equal parts fascinating and amusing in your case..
There is nothing wrong here.....
Go on Doc, I can do with a laugh biggrin

I would imagine they are to line the two halves of my skin up, prior to putting the clips in,

Wacky Racer

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249 months

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The_Doc said:

Which she/he then didn't. Even thought the lines are there. Amusingly mismatched.
It makes no difference, it's a very tidy job
A surgeon's advert hoarding is his suturing.
Thanks for that.

Overall, I'm very impressed,

I'm not going to quibble about a couple of mm.

He might say "I'll open you up and have another go" smile

Cheers, Doc.

Wacky Racer

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Just popped in quickly to say thank you to every one of you that have contributed in any way to this thread.

It means a lot, and has been a great help..

Wacky Racer

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249 months

Yesterday (14:20)
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So, today, I have spent half an hour on my treadmill at just under 2mph, and have ordered a nice exercise bike which should arrive in two days.

I can walk around (carefully) unaided and have just been outside to wash the car,

Had a group Physio session with about 6 others at the hospital a few days ago, and they were very pleased with my progress, although it has been very tough and painful, especially the first ten days.

Been waking up twice a night with pain around 2am and 5am, so had to get up for 20mins to apply the compression ice pack I was given at the hospital. Felt much better after that.

Been trawling through loads of You Tube videos which have been very helpful, the message seems to be don't sit around feeling sorry for yourself (Easy to say) but get up and move around, even if it's up and down a room.

Got to get myself sorted because we are taking my grand daughter to London early August to see the sights and Starlight Express biggrin

Wacky Racer

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249 months

Yesterday (14:21)
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dudleybloke said:
This is my scar from my radial volar wedge osteomy.

Barely noticeable unless the light is a certain direction.
That seems to have healed up nicely. Hope you are OK.

Wacky Racer

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249 months

Yesterday (22:12)
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Slow.Patrol said:
and not one has said the steroid injection helped for more than a couple of weeks. Complete waste of money, but the box needs to be ticked.
My Steroid injection was useless, it fact it made things worse for a few days afterwards.

To be fair, I thought best case scenario it would only last a month or so.

It did not cost me anything, so was worth a try.

Knee is throbbing a bit as I type, but I'm not bothered because it has only been three weeks and it is a traumatic operation.

Sincere thanks to The Doc for taking the trouble to enlighten us all about the finer detail.