Boxers Fracture - How Ironic.!!

Boxers Fracture - How Ironic.!!


Little Nicky

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526 posts

238 months

Monday 4th January 2010
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I've just got back from my local hospital and was told after an x-ray that I have a 'boxer's fracture' - broken 5th metacarpal.

Ironically, I haven't punched anything or anyone in my life (except when I was 6 and thought I was Bruce Lee)!!

They looked a bit cynical when I told them I fell on the ice outside my house whilst walking my 3 dogs (have they not seen the weather recently)??

Anyway, I have to go to see a specialist on Friday and the woman I saw today said they may need to operate.

Does anyone have any experience with this and would any such operation be done with local or general anaesthetic?

I've not had an operation before frown

Little Nicky

Original Poster:

526 posts

238 months

Monday 4th January 2010
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Thanks for the info guys - I'm really stting myself now smile

My little finger doesn't look twisted, but I can't lift it up to its usual position, so I'm assuming they will need to go in.

I guess I won't have surgery on Friday then as the trauma clinic haven't seen me yet - just my local community hospital for x-rays.

I presume they give you a bit of notice before you have to go in and what to expect?

Little Nicky

Original Poster:

526 posts

238 months

Monday 4th January 2010
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the_lone_wolf said:
Little Nicky said:
Thanks for the info guys - I'm really stting myself now smile

My little finger doesn't look twisted, but I can't lift it up to its usual position, so I'm assuming they will need to go in.

I guess I won't have surgery on Friday then as the trauma clinic haven't seen me yet - just my local community hospital for x-rays.

I presume they give you a bit of notice before you have to go in and what to expect?
Don't worry about it, surgery is nothing, seriously

If the finger isn't rotated you may not require surgery anyway, the consultant who first saw me ummed and ahhed over whether or not to operate and eventually said it was up to me, if I was happy with the slight bend he could leave it or if I wanted it fixed could have it done, I opted to get it fixed properly and I've no regrets with doing so

When you visit the fracture clinic the consultant will see you and discuss the options available, he can't force you to do anything but remember he's the expert and it's probably wise to listen carefully to what he's saying. I found taking a second person with you enables you to remember more about the talk than if you were on your own and a little overwhelmed (my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer the year before last and it was invaluable having a second set of ears when talking to the docs/surgeons)

If you decide to operate they'll want to get it done ASAP, the bone is healing right now and if it's twisted it's not healing correctly. I was told on the Monday morning I'd be called sometime that week. On the Tuesday I had a call at 09:15 asking me if I could be there by 10:00

Don't sweat the possibility of surgery dude, it really isn't a bad thing, just like going to sleep. The only bad bit is the first few hours after they wake you up as you feel like death and your hand will hurt like hell even though you're doped up to the nines on morphine and others, but compared to the benefits of getting your finger sorted properly it's insignificant.

Dover Nige said:
Sounds identical to my experience, I had the K wire in and the hand was bandaged with the little finger strapped to the next one. The following week I managed to fit a towbar to my Impreza with it still in. The only issues I had were that the end of the wire caught in the bandage every time I moved my wrist, which smarted a touch. I was amazed when the Doc removed it with pliers and no anaesthetic and saw the little hole that was left, but it didn't hurt. Now I just have a lump where the break was, my little finger is twisted somewhat and the cold makes it ache.
Yep, I experienced everything you mentioned there, although in my case it wasn't fitting a towbar but piloting a canal boat in the south of France!! even in my emergency plaster I got from A&E I removed the bike from the trailer once we got home and swapped the exhaust back to the stock one and removed the little accessories that the insurers wouldn't replacebiggrin The pliers were hilarious, I had a handful of appointments at the fracture clinic so got to know the nurses there quite well, we always had a laugh and a joke but the B&Q pliers were awesome, amazed how after the jip the wire gave me on the plaster how it didn't hurt when he just ripped five inches of tent peg out my hand!!!
That was really constructive - thanks mate.

I feel a bit better about things now.

Cheers all.


Little Nicky

Original Poster:

526 posts

238 months

Tuesday 5th January 2010
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the_lone_wolf said:
...let us know how it works out...
Will do mate.

PS. How did you get an electronic copy of your x-ray? It would be really cool if I could upload mine for a comparison...

Little Nicky

Original Poster:

526 posts

238 months

Thursday 14th January 2010
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Hi guys - sorry for the delay in my progress update...

Due to the weather, I was told that my appointment to decide whether I would need an operation was to be cancelled as they were only open to emergency cases.!!

I asked where that left me and my broken 5th M'carpal and they said to keep it strapped up for 6 weeks and if I have any problems then get back in touch with them.

I've done that and I'm not in any pain (unless I knock it or put any strain on my hand) but I wasn't massively impressed with the service I got.

They basically said if there was a problem after 6 weeks, I may need it re-broken and pinned - setting me back another 6 weeks I guess.

I'm hoping it's OK when It's done healing (crosses the fingers I can still cross).

I snuck a preview at the notes I got from the community hospital that did my x-ray and it says that I've fractured the neck of my m/c - not sure whether that's reletively good / bad?

The swelling has pretty much gone now and I can see a "manly" lump in the bone where the fracture is - here's hoping it sorts itself out, and I'm secretly happy that I've not had to go through the surgery - although I guess that's still not been ruled out for the future.