Labour dumbing down even now!!!!

Labour dumbing down even now!!!!



Original Poster:

8,741 posts

272 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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Just heard on BBC news, that the so-called national curicullum is being REDUCED to 3 subjects now! 3 subjects FFS, my daughter at 6 was able to cope with more, and now they want to teach them to be hairdressers!??? WTF???? It seems that labour are trying to dumb down Joe Public so far that they won't even be able to sign their names when (if they even do) come to vote! (Perhaps that's why theres a cross??? show your ID card and put a cross to sign in the latest bunch of labout scum????) Cynical me?????

What is wrong with this country??? EDUCATION is what labour SAID they stood for, or is that going down the tubes as well as crime, so that they can falsify those figures as well.

STAND UP AND BE COUNTED GUYS, it's the future of Britain thats at stake here; NO LESS!!!! If you've got kids you should be beating these damn politicians to death (verbally of course) by now. No foreign language, no history, no geography, no PE???? FFS we'll be WORSE than the average septic if we carry on this way!! REVOLUTION I SAY!!!!!


28,377 posts

286 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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I can tell you that Business in the country has little or no faith in what's left of our education system.

My sister - a teacher of English (core skill IMHO. One should be able to spell, write and speak one's own language fluently dammit) - confided in me that she felt that over the last ten years standards had slipped dramatically.

She'd never admit to such a thing in public for fear of damaging her career beyond repair. (I don't blame her.)

Luckily I have no such qualms.

What Labour are doing to our education system is beyond forgiveness.

Education should be FREE AT THE POINT OF USE and available to ALL - as far as they are able to benefit from it. Once you casn no longer prove the benefit i.e. pass an exam that genuinely discriminates between those with greater aptitude for the subject and those with less then its time to stop.

For this - I WANT to pay tax. Shame these evil idiots simply want to pander to the populist view that those smarter than they are should be made to pay for it.



46,630 posts

277 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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There was a girl on the news last night... "like well, you don't need German or nuffin' for a job, so coming out with an NVQ is hairdressin' means I can easily get a job in a salon"

er... maybe not eh? If everyone else has got an NVQ in "hairdressin'", what makes you think YOU will... hmm...

Whole thing is pretty shocking really...

Size Nine Elm

5,167 posts

286 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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This strikes me as yet another occasion where New Labour has set targets, and then, to meet, or exceed (ha ha ha) targets, the means of measure, or the standard to be measured, is changed, so that the results, on a completely different basis, can then be compared with 'old' results, and look, things have improved. I'm sure madcop can quote a few in his line of work - but education would appear to be the latest.

It has been claimed over the years that the standards of A-levels (and the rest) are lower and lower, so the apparent 'success' of higher percentages passing shows education is improving. Bollocks. Standards are slipping due to the terminal decline in discipline in education, so the exam standards have to slip to allow the same 'success' rate.

And to then do this to the core curriculum too... I'm just waiting for Tony to start lauding the merits of the two R's - Reading and Rs licking...

What's the phrase - 'if you can't measure what you can achieve, achieve what you can measure'.


Original Poster:

8,741 posts

272 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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Size Nine Elm said:
It has been claimed over the years that the standards of A-levels (and the rest) are lower and lower.

Certainly seems that way, comparing with when I was a kid (1960s) I was doing Calculus at 14, now its a university subject! FFS!!!
History wasn't only Nelson and Raleigh it was the Clearances and french/german hegemony, and the boxer revolution.... ask a kid nowadays what the boxer revolution was and they'll say "a video game"!!!
Foreign languages meant Latin and Greek then French, to give you a basis in world communication. and PE was ALL of Wednesday afternoon till 5pm and NO SKIVING. Got my shins (and other parts) kicked regularly on the rugby pitch, and even had to play that wimpy cricket!!
But the bottom line is that I can spell and (apart from computer numptyism and computer dyslexia) can even communicate my thoughts and ideas fairly well. The Noo Labia scheme will put all of Britains bright lights not only under a bushel but in the sewage!


67,280 posts

272 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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What a shocking state of affairs. I hadnt heard anything about this.

As Don says about this is a subject that everyone is agreed on, we want out taxes to provide education for everyone. Wasnt that a fundamental of the Empire or something?

During its heyday Britain produced the finest engineers on earth, we may not be able to manufacture or take a product to market but goddammit we came up with all the best ideas. Who is going to look back and say, 'Oh Britain, they do a mean short back and sides over there.'

We are being led down a path of deprication by this government, we are being sold up the river and not one single thought is being given to maintaining the exceptionally high standards being set by our ancestors. Its shocking, its wrong and it really really really must be stopped before we lose everything that has made this country great.



13,382 posts

269 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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plotloss said: We are being led down a path of deprication by this government, we are being sold up the river and not one single thought is being given to maintaining the exceptionally high standards being set by our ancestors. Its shocking, its wrong and it really really really must be stopped before we lose everything that has made this country great.
Pah too late.. it isn't solely the legacy of Billy L, but also his predecessors..

It's a legacy of the so-called educationalists who like many civil service types are self serving, un-yielding and broadly ignore the edicts and whims of whichever government is of the day.

Anyone who left school after A-Levels in around 90-92 will tell you they could see the tide of shite washing up behind them as they walked out of the door.. a group of my acquaintances agreed that we'd probably just got away by the skin of our teeth with the last 'decent' state education on offer.

As a consequence, we're giving rise to a generation with an unprecedented proportion of feckless, sub-literate, anti-social, narrow minded cretins.

If nothing else it's likely I won't have the same trouble finding work when I'm 50 that people of that age do today, because unlike those who are 50 now, my age group won't be followed by a younger group with the benefit of greater educational opportunities, skills and knowledge.

>> Edited by CarZee (moderator) on Wednesday 22 January 10:59


67,280 posts

272 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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The really worrying thing is though that its going to be these little toerags looking after us when we are old and incapable.

Perhaps the dumbing down of state education is to force the upper earners kids into private school thus lessening the burden on the state system. Cant see there being a corresponding drop in tax for some reason though...



789 posts

286 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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It's an absolute nonsense. In order to be PC this government wants everyone to go to Uni regardless of their intelligence. Previously it may have been true that the more well off families could have afforded to send kids to Uni that may well have been not quite academically brilliant, but there was still a route for academically good students to go regardless of thier families financial position. Then when they got a degree it meant something.

If 75% of the population have a degree then what is the point of having one ?!

I think that soon this govenment will introduce automatic 1st class honours degrees for everyone on thier 21st birthday, so as they're not seen to be discriminating against stupid people ffs !!!!

I can see the time when it's illegal for an employer to ask for any information regarding the education of a potential employee in case they discriminate against them on the basis that they're stupid or lazy !


13,382 posts

269 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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sparkey said: I can see the time when it's illegal for an employer to ask for any information regarding the education of a potential employee in case they discriminate against them on the basis that they're stupid or lazy !
on the contrary - stupidity and laziness are fundamental requirements for a successful career in any large corporation.


789 posts

286 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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Good point


674 posts

269 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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JMGS4 said: Certainly seems that way, comparing with when I was a kid (1960s) I was doing Calculus at 14, now its a university subject! FFS!!!

Second year at uni and I am currently doing 'Partial derivatives of functions of two variables'.... but I did that in secondary school!

I feel that a lack of vocational skills is a problem. For instance I could tell you how a car engine works and all the theory behind it but don't expect me to be able to actually work on one....*yet*

I hope that since these new ideas are only for England, they will never be introduced into Scotland so we may yet produce the finest engineers and innovators around.


3,639 posts

271 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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JMGS4 said:
Certainly seems that way, comparing with when I was a kid (1960s) I was doing Calculus at 14, now its a university subject! FFS!!!

By my time (80s) it was part of maths at A level, but I did do all my O levels in two years - the last year to do so.

History wasn't only Nelson and Raleigh it was the Clearances and french/german hegemony, and the boxer revolution....

That would have been nice . . . for several years (age 9 - 13) all I seemed to do, every year, was 1066/Tudors/Industrial Revolution, and the only new area up to O level was the first world war. No wonder I hated history and dropped it as soon as I could. Now? British history is the second largest category of books I buy.

Foreign languages meant Latin and Greek then French, to give you a basis in world communication.
I was lucky enough to go to a prep school that did both Latin and one year of Greek. Now I can still puzzle out Latin, and combined with Spanish and French, understand and sort of speak Italian as well and understand a number of the weird French/Spanish/Italian dialects (Aranes, anyone?).

But the bottom line is that I can spell

Astonishingly, spelling and grammar are rare today. How many ads have you seen that confuse it's/its? FFS, advertising is meant to be a LITERATE profession!


323 posts

263 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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whoozit said:
Astonishingly, spelling and grammar are rare today. How many ads have you seen that confuse it's/its? FFS, advertising is meant to be a LITERATE profession!

Ohhh, that annoys the hell out of me! That and affect/effect (I saw a newspaper get that one wrong the other day), your/you're, their/there/they're, lose/loose, "definately", and the increasingly common misuse of apostrophes to form plurals or even third-person verbs. It really hack's me off when I see mistake's like those.


8,921 posts

277 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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I am SO glad I'm getting out of education when I am (6 months-ish)- I missed those stupid As-Level things (where everyone chooses 4 subjects and drops one or something similar), just missed out on this new £6,000 per year tuition fees thing that was announced today, and missed out on these vocational things by miles.
I'm just feeling sorry for my kids if I ever have any, maybe I'll move to Australia or Canada to give them a decent education.


565 posts

264 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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edukashun, educashion, edukation.

Yea right Tony,.. in the words of Frank Carson,

'Its the way you tell 'em!'


1,261 posts

265 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2003
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I blame the arrogance and patronising effect misaligned social engineers have had on the education system. The idea that all Polytechnics should be called Universities becuse Poly was somehow deemed insulting or lesser of the two was entirely a subjective appraisal. Polytechnic's taught you vocational skills, Universities taught you how to analyse and theorise. Both are equally useful and complement eachother in a functioning society.

Why was it suddenly decided that EVERYONE must have a degree, and that apprenticeships or other vocational alternatives were for people who had failed in someway. By undermining the value of these vocational courses but pumping up A-levels and degrees free for all, society at large has found itself underskilled and overqualified with bits of tokenistic paper.

Those failing to become fine examples of academic liberalist self-aggrandisement are made to feel worthless, rather than being encouraged to develop their non-academic abilities.


11,818 posts

286 months

Tuesday 15th May 2018
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steve226 said:
1st post to revive a thread that's 15 years old!

When done sir smile

Edited by odie.mod on Tuesday 15th May 15:27


24,498 posts

188 months

Tuesday 15th May 2018
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Spam, I think. hehe